General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
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- 4 replies
I hear everyone saying that it's now easier to survive in zombies, and that the zombies die quicker. Didn't Double XP start yesterday or today? Perhaps, this is something they are doing for zombies.
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
Just an idea that has been around for awhile which it isn't my idea. I made a post as just a reminder for everyone. You know that Treyarch added peacekeeper submachine gun addition to your selection of guns for multiplayer from a map pack. I am saying that for zombies, there should be WW2 guns pack for zombies. This will possibly be a money maker for treyarch If they did this. When you buy the WW2 gun pack, it doesn't replace the guns that are available in the maps. It just adds more guns. If there is a small map that can't put all weapons at once. The map gives you a maximum number of how many weapons that you can have available at all once. Then you can choose…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, just wanted to bring up some ideas of past maps that maybe you would like to see in Black Ops 2? Honestly i loved the setup and design of Verrückt on World at War. I like how you need to work together and start out separated. It could also be an interesting idea for 4 vs 4 zombies where you start out away from each other trying to kill or get to each other to survive. What do you guys think about the maps and possibly a similar map to Verrückt?
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 2 replies
input feed back is awsome.. i would my self be able to find the above croud and who is better than a person in a hardcore lobby? gamertag Saulgoodman4U, always looking for above average players send me an invite 4 any black ops map
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 1 reply
So I was playing CotD last night and was on round 40. Everything was going pretty good. I had mustang and sally, savenger, ray gun, manishka dolls, claymores, semtex, and perks.......POWER OUTAGE :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Anyways I'm gone for the weekend for wrestling but when I come back imma give it another go. I know imma run the second floor of the lighthouse because it seems there's less little ledges on the wall to get stuck on. But I'm looking for any tips y'all have to offer. Thx
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 6 replies
hi guys new to the forum just wanted to drop some thoughts for zombies and the direction they are going with it. these are my idea's and predictions most of this is not confirmed For starters i reckon zombies will get its own disc with all the zombies modes, story, multiplayer on there Story mode i'm thinking this will involve all the previos maps from WAW and BO's obviosly having slight changes to accomidate a story you will start before any of the maps with a cut scene showing how the zombies were created and answering any unanswered qestions. You will work your way threw all the maps completing story based objectives (e.g. in call of …
Last reply by Poptart, -
- 1 reply
i think that the time bomb wil help you bring back takeo and dempnessy for the new DLC that has not been annoucned but it also said that the y are going to make 4 DLC for Bo2. So what are you think about the time bomb to bring back charakters but also possible have the current ones escape? :D
Last reply by Infected115, -
- 5 replies
Could someone please tell me what happened to these things? Mend the rift, what was up with that? Not sure if I missed a thread but what was that about? Stu's zombie noises and The Flesh. Is it just me, or are there no moans from him in Buried? Only in Die Rise? What is with Russman? Did they say he was an agent or something? What was his first name? What did he do and whatnot? Richtofen says something about breaking the cycle right? But the next map takes place a lot earlier than Buried... But then if you did his side he takes over Stu's body. What's next? Please tell me none of these are unanswered.
Last reply by Slade, -
- 4 replies
ok im workin on a new stats chart need help with maps tho, fink i got most of them down, just chekin i aint missed any? so any 1 with a gd knowledge of maps plz try help me out? lol list all the zombie maps to date... if u cud list them in order of realise starting earlist to newest that would be great xD thank u
Last reply by bad karma, -
- 2 replies
IDK exactly what to call this but anyways i was on die rise a couple months ago. I had 7000 for galvaknuckles so i went, bought em, and where it says what gun youre using it said either electric_tazer_knuckles or zombie_tazer_knuckles. Has this happened to anyone else? im guessing this is the file name for them?
Last reply by tinasrob, -
- 4 replies
If I start up a private match with 2 controllers and get a friend to join and leave so it's just local players left in the game will it count on the leaderboards? I want to play 'solo' using this method.
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 3 replies
so I know there are a lot of people who play PC mod zombies with custom maps, so here's my question: can you change the spawn limit? As in increase the cap to near infinite? This would bog down nearly any computer set up, of course, but I think it would be a really interesting way to play, the way it would "actually" work in a zombie breakout that we seem to all so enjoy. I think it would make a great stand-alone game mode, like speed zombies (since the rounds are both faster and you will not last very long anyway). Some things would have to change, of course; I think maybe combining nuke with fire sale, with having no spawn for 30 seconds after they all…
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 0 replies
HERE IT IS! ... plpp_video
Last reply by fruito, -
- 4 replies
I have played a bucketload of zombies today. I have played over 100 rounds today in separate games. Started out with a 38 solo motd game. jumped over to moon and got to 24 and quit out because I was getting bored with the moon. after that I got to round 28 with 4 people back on mob of the dead. then I was done, but my friend talked me into one more game just me and him. We got to 37 on mob of the dead 2 player. So thats 38+24+28+37=127 rounds. plus all the other minor games i had. I had a lot of zombie play time today. Whats the most you have played in one day?
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 1 reply
Hey everybody, as always sorry if this reasoning and theory has come up before. So, many people have thrown up Agartha as the next map and I say this is true. I think this because of one thing, Samantha. No matter what side of the Easter egg you do, the fact remains that maxis truly believes that Sam is in Agartha waiting to be freed. Now if this is true then what's to say the O4 ( or O3) are not also alive and well, with Sam, in Agartha. This would make it entirely plausible for us as the player, to be the O3 + Sam, fighting to get out of Agartha. Then, depending on the Easter eggs that have been done, we could have either Maxis trying to help them o…
Last reply by ZombieMad, -
- 6 replies
Okay so as we've heard recently, and whether some want to accept it or not, we will be having a campaign mode for zombies in BO2. Personally I look forward to adventuring through it as I've never been much of a theorist when it comes to zombies, and anticipate learning much about the story. However, the thought has just occurred to me that zombies has put much influence on teamwork throughout the past 2 games, and with the next installment even having its own versus multiplayer mode (Yes it has been confirmed, this isn't a thread to argue these details). So with this knowledge I wonder if we can expect to see some sort of Co-op campaign, where you can take on the adven…
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 1 reply
Is anyone else getting it shipped from gamestop, I am and I payed for one day shipping I'm just wondering if anyone knows when it will come or if anyone has done the same thing and is wondering as well. It hasn't yet been shipped.
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 2 replies
I've been playing some NK Zombies today & got to round 23 Through the game a song started playing, this was a while after I hit the three teddies and played the lovely lullaby but it sounded a lot like a EP version of paradolia, it sounded great I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard it. It seemed un-provoked unless a random knew something I didn't. Perhaps there are more EEs in NK Zombies than we thought. (PS a nice little one I found earlier is when you PaP the HAMR twice & get the red-dot sight (out of all the sights & attachments you can get) you could get two Es, one facing one way and another facing another. I just sat there thinking i…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I made a "We All Fall Down" analysis on my YT channel... assyriannuni6... ... ture=watch The video is below... There is a lot of great info there! Check out the video! I am analyzing every Zombies EE Song! You will NOT want to miss these videos! Stay subscribed for more info. BELOW IS THE DESCRIPTION... Welcome to my Call of Duty Zombies EE Song Analysis Series Season 1! I hope you enjoyed this video! I have all of the other videos in the works! (Check the dates below) Please watch them all because there is a LOT of information that need…
Last reply by nuni, -
- 0 replies
Look guys, If you like zombies then u will love that zombie style of game: Look that and tell me if you like! And what you think about that into black ops2 ! I wish they make something like that in Black Ops 2, I would be happy to buy it wathever the price would be hehe.
Last reply by Teco, -
- 3 replies
Boredom has taught me something, I say boredom because your going to ask yourself "why the f is he even doing that?" and the very first word to this post is your answer. Solo - If you spawn every single zombie on buried, wrap em all up, jump into the witches house, take every single one of those skallywags anywhere on the map PRIOR to round 25, your fine. But I've done it now at least 20+ times rounds 26 an up and at some point when they are re-spawning to a new spot on the map to follow me -xbox freeze-. It's happened inside the house, maze, around the well, PAP, navi card area, jug area, saloon, tunnels... My belief is that those witches cause the 360 a problem. Not…
Last reply by mralways1, -
- 1 reply
Okay, these are some Strategies high and low round youtube zombie players used. Use these's for the different maps you may play. For multiplayer (solo kinda) Kino Der Toten yAOoVvGMzHk My opinion In kino use the stage,stairs,teleporter and traps to your avenge. Don't be stupid thinking you can survive without using traps in high rounds. Five iVTdAGSsYHg HnicylY1IRg My opinion Five is very tight space map, so stay close to team mates. Also buy quick revive because you need your team mates in order to get to higher round in this map. Also try to avoid the lab unless your good at dodging. A lot of zombies spawn quick here. Ascension MR8XP…
Last reply by CrimsonZombie, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, I'm looking to make a competitive 4z4 zombie team is anyone interested. I've explained it in this video. - Reply if you would like to join, I'm looking for 3 others players and using call of duty elite will play other teams. To prove you're a good player if you have any videos of you playing to prove your good let me know if not lets get a game going.
Last reply by feillins, -
- 4 replies
Hello Many of us have played the Black Ops 1 map Moon. We know about several glitches in there, that never got fixed. Let's have a look at a short selection: [*:bo40hk98]Round-Skipping glitch by teleporting to earth shortly before a round starts. [*:bo40hk98]Invisible excavator [*:bo40hk98]Getting 4 hackers for your team [*:bo40hk98]Moonwalking astro (I SAY THIS IS A GLITCH! ) [*:bo40hk98]"Not moving at all" - Astro [*:bo40hk98]Zombies not pathing to you or attacking you when standing next to the rock at PHD Although these bugs and glitches are present, I'm still having a ton of fun playing Moon. In Green Run we experienced several glitches, too. Th…
Last reply by Tom852, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, first thread here and I thought I'd start with something I found interesting. Now keep in mind I'm pretty new around these parts so if this has been brought up previously please forgive. So I was sitting around with a fellow member of the forum and getting frustrated err I mean playing die rise when a thought passed through. The first DLC was Ascension, followed by Call of the Dead, Shangri, and Moon. Well in Die Rise we ascend to a rooftop battle w zombies, and next was another installment of the "of the Dead" series. Maybe next up is the mythical land series of Shangri La to possibly Atlantis, and as for Moon, perhaps the center of the earth, or Mars. …
Last reply by Jolteon,
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