General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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Hey Guys, I have a question regarding the points and drops theory. Do the points definitely stack throughout rounds, or does the round you are on have some bearing in how many points you need to get a drop. Let's say I have earnt 20,000 points on Kino and it's now round 12. I use the Thundergun exclusively from round 13 to round 26. If I then use my M&S to kill some zombies I definitely get drops. If I then go back to my Thunder exclusively for another 8 rounds or so should I be getting drops based on the lack of points I have earnt, therefore guaranteeing me drops based on the formula or do I need a bare minimum at any particular round?
Last reply by Chopper, -
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Hi posted a youtube video zombies vs survival comment if you think zombies is better. 9pKD6MAJK3M
Last reply by martybling, -
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It seems that only thing Sam, Takeo, Nikolai and Dempsey can do is go back in time to stop Group 935 back in its tracks. We don't know much about the Group 601 but I believe it might be predecessor of 935. Maybe when they gang go back in time they could get contacted to Group 601. Though there is some problems: *There is no teleporters in 601 period expect possibility of Vril Ya-race teleporters. *There was no zombies before Group 935... or was there?
Last reply by Matuzz, -
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What is the best zombie map. I think Der Reise.
Last reply by Undead Killer, -
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Here is the link:
Last reply by thewolman, -
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Ah randoms. Don't you just love em'? Everyone's been in a game with some truly awful players, so tell some stories of games you've played and post some scoreboards! Sorry for the massive images by the way. I'll start with these two: Probably the least competent zombie killers I've come across. The revives may not be that high but look at their kills! Literally just played this game five minutes ago. Their kills were bad but look at their downs and my revives! 50 downs? I mean really?
Last reply by Silentcrisis, -
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Ok, I'm going to issue a challenge, as stated earlier.... Goal: Activate all the radios in all maps! Rules: 1 must get to round 15 in all the maps, 2 must acquire all the radios: including the songs! In one go! So just a run down: Nact der untoten: radio in help room(only have to use it once) Verrućt: the toilet (WTF???...) Shi no Numa: the three in spawn and the many scattered about the map....need to have blops version!... Der reise: all radios and beauty of anialation.... Kino der toten: the radio on the far away building and the one in the chandelier, along with115 and the reel tapes.... Five: 3 phones Doa: just get to round 15 Accessio…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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So I just got done playing on moon, and I noticed something: on round one there are usually 6 zombies, (or 4 on the original versions of the w@w maps) And on moon, I noticed tht there are 8 zombies on round 1. Any explanation?
Last reply by Eddiethehead, -
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Hello Codz, we all know of the shriveled zombies in Shangri-La, the ones with the thin, spindly arms and oddly shaped heads and faces? I have a thought. Allow me to explain. I was on the wierd side of Youtube and found this video. She has progeria. An extremelly rare genetic condition that causes people to look extremely old from a young age, and strangely familiar. However, this disease is extremelly rare, and hardly any sufferers live to be 20. Before I learned the above 2 facts, I thought that these zombies may have progeria, but now, it may have simply been inspiration for Treyarch's design. Do you guys think there could be a connec…
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
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Okay, this may seem like a bit of a stretch, but what if this women: is actually Samantha? I mean really, is she going to stay looking as Richtofen forever? Maybe she'll get a new body... A more grown up one EDIT: And fail. Apparently Telixion mentioned this in another thread. But hey, at least someone else was on this.
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
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Hello gentlemen, I've been thinking about Lamias words in the article by OfficialPlaystationmagazine..I believe its quite important to note that he says "Adding eight players into zombies changes the whole way it's played" First of all, I would like to talk about that line of dialogue, here we can see that Treyarch are being BOLD this time with zombies, they are looking to change the way zombies are played in a good way, and don't worry, classic mode with 4 people will still be available, but they are looking to innovate upon zombies and make it better, I know change can be's hoping to Treyarch that they can pull it off, anyways...the effects of having e…
Last reply by thetheorist, -
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Best LIst 1. Chuck Norris (haha texas ranger whoopin zombie ass) 2. Jackie Chan (enough said) 3. Shaq (Shaq vs. zombies) 4. Samuel L Jackson (hes had enough of these MoFo*n Zombies on his MoFo*n map) 2ND Best -an all girl level with Carmen Electra Pam Anderson Angelina Jolie and Scarlet johanson surviving in the playboy mansion other ideas..... - Rob Zombie with devils rejects for other players .. i mean he has zombie in his name...... -kyle kenny stan an cartman? - super hero level spidey wolverine batman and captain america? lets throw around ideas waiting for this Zombie Trailer ... im going crazy waiting!
Last reply by moshnjuggalo13, -
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I recently saw a statement by Mark Lamia where he was commenting about zombies, and during it, he kind of joked around asking what types of team game modes we would like to see. I think that he was honestly asking us what kind of game modes we would like to see for zombies. We've already seen something like this from IW, with the community playlist. The fans asked for specific gamemodes and IW made it available for online play, they even created new ones, such as Drop Zone and All or Nothing. I don't think it would be too farfetched for Treyarch to do the same thing. Here's the link to the interview: http://www.officialplaystationmagazine. ... er-worlds/ …
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
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But I'll let y'all decide that. Saw this tweeted by Josh Torres, aka Foxhound. Like I said, could be nothing, but that guy definitely looks like a zombie.
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
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Ok, ive seen around the forums, that some people are saying thats zombies will be in the past or the future etc. But all i have to say is that it could be anyway. We have seen it before, that we can time travel and i reckon zombies wont be set in a single time. This gives Treyarch, loads of things to play on, because one map we could be in the past using old Waw or Black Ops guns, then next we could be in the future, doing some mad skills will future plasma rifles or sumin like that. But i 100% think they wont stay in one time period.
Last reply by PuR3x Bladez, -
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Maybe in DLC or the retail release, it would be cool to play as four different Treyarch team members. For example, Kevin Sherwood, Elena Seigman, D. Vonderhaar, and JD_2020. I think it would make a interesting and fun twist to the normal zombies and add some humor to it. Thank you for reading!
Last reply by SEAtacticsFTW, -
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- 653 views Just a short video showing part of the trailer and telling people about this forum. You can watch it if you like.
Last reply by Jbird, -
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Heys Retro here and I was wondering what game modes you think will be in the new zombies mode
Last reply by RetroZombies115, -
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Look guys, If you like zombies then u will love that zombie style of game: Look that and tell me if you like! And what you think about that into black ops2 ! I wish they make something like that in Black Ops 2, I would be happy to buy it wathever the price would be hehe.
Last reply by Teco, -
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Tell me if I'm understanding this correctly. We start off with Rictofen working on a MDT (Multi-Dimension Transporter). He and Doctor Schuster have perfected teleportation. Rictofen shares his discovery with Maxis, who shoots it down claiming it won't help them perfect the human race. Rictofen then decides to work behind Maxis' back with the other 935 scientist and continues perfecting the MDT. Finally he and Schuster decides to test the MDT with humans. He, himself volunteers to test it. Schuster starts the machine and Rictofen is hurled through time. First he lands at Griffin Station and is staring face to face with the Pyramid of Redemption. He then spends a day…
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
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Zombies is going to be big. Mark Lamia didn’t want to beat around the undead bush: “I’m not going to hide it from you – it’s a Treyarch game, we’re making Zombies. It’s a huge world, running inside the multiplayer mode. There are new game modes; it’s bigger and better” Any details to go with that tease? Nope — Mark is saving some of his secrets until later. “Zombies is its own game and it deserves its own time.” Source : Oneofswords. Read more: ... z1vSz1SaB5
Last reply by demesphor, -
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This is a guide to everything you will need in your survival kit.
Last reply by ZombiesQUANTUM, -
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- 526 views 11:35 The devs are going to keep the core gameplay. They won't cut that. Keep that in mind when realizing where they'll be going.
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
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yTf3RhzHnXw He provides some evidence of why Vortuka and Cuba might be the next map...some pretty solid evidence. But does Cuba OR Vortuka have diners? I never been there lol
Last reply by jimirmixes, -
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rwehmd4jtCk Just giving some ideas on what the pictures could mean, as well as some things said in the interview with the zombie people. Enjoy!
Last reply by AciDicBliTzz,
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