General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Be Aware of The Gun In The Fridge
by Guest- 20 replies
Dear Fellow Survivors, When you put certain guns in the fridge you may not get what you expected in another map. Lets say you Pack-A-Punch a AN-94 in Die Rise and throw it in the fridge. In Buried you would get the same gun. In Tranzit you would end up with a Pack'd Galil. Not only did it change but from now on you are stuck with the Lamination due to the fact you will be putting that in the fridge rather than your previous. Examples AN-94= Galil Revolver= Python If any one knows any more please post what you have encounterd. It is very upsetting sometimes when you dont get what you expect. Thank you, RequixEclipse
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
The ultimate team: Chuck Norris The other ultimate team: Chuck Norris Sean Connery Jackie Chan Arnold Schwarzenegger User Created teams: BlackOpsPenguin- Chuck Norris Rambo Mr. Rogers Zach Galifinakis crmno8- Chuck Norris Sean Connery Neil Patrick Harris Arnold Schwarzenegger vikingmonkey280- Duke Nukem Chuck Norris Snake Plisken ( from Escape from NY) The guy from Walking Dead(the Sherif)
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 follower
- 39 replies
Sense the DICE conference it's been noted that there's a total possibility that trayarch will re-make maps according to an altered storyline, possibly where richtofen doesn't exist. If that is the case, then how OK are we with re-visiting maps? It was one thing to do it in moon and still give us a new map, but just re-hashing old maps with the same general make-up and new weapons? Sounds a bit cheep to me... One possibility is that there will be a separate game or group of micro-DLC so these richtofen-less versions of the map can manifest themselves into the next-gen console's graphics and such. Call it "classic zombies". Another question is HOW many of…
Last reply by qwest, -
- 22 replies
Before you say anything about TranZit, I know There is 4 more zombies on there then other maps! I have included the total number of points you can get on TRANZIT at the bottom of the post! How to achieve maximum amount of points! - Accuracy - Luck Why Luck? - On round 1 you need a certain total of drops; these include: ~ Max Ammo ~ Double Points ~ Carpenter ~ Nuke How do I do it? - Firstly, start off by letting all the zombies out of their windows. - Then, shoot 1 zombie in his legs a total of 8 times (the whole magazine. Do not miss a shot!) then knife it. - He will drop a Double points. - Now, rebuild 1 of the barriers unti…
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 8 replies
Hey all? I just have a question about the upgraded M1911 - Mustang and Sally: It is a very powerful weapon (one of my favorites), but obviously you can kill yourself with it quite easily, so how do you properly use it? Any tips on usage by not killing yourself? When do you use it? If people can answer these questions, it'll help alot. I play on the Wii, so the only map I have is Kino Der Toten, so any advice on that map or any advice from Wii players will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :D
Last reply by LoRd_AbOmInAtIoN, -
- 25 replies
Ok first thing is first, I am just brainstorming here so please give supportive criticism and have an open mind, thanks! Now, if you haven't noticed, almost all Zombie maps are models taken directly out of the singleplayer or multiplayer. Now if you didn't notice this either, they are usually incredibly close by, if not in the exact place. Key: Z = Zombies mode SP = Single Player MP = Multi-Player Examples: [Z] Verruckt (Berlin, Germany) = [sP] Ring of Steel (Berlin, Germany) = [MP] Asylum (Berlin, Germany) [Z] Der Riese (near Breslau, Germany) = [sP] Eviction (Berlin, Germany) = [MP] Nightfire (Berlin, Germany) [Z] Kino (Berlin Wall, Germany) =…
Last reply by NekroZombie, -
- 15 replies
Hello everyone,this should have probably gone in the classic map section but i wanted as many to see it as possible.I own a ps3 and have all bo1 and classic(not waw)maps as well as all bo2 maps with the exception of die rise and well i love all zombies i would have to say that the infamous Der Riese is STILL the best zombies map.Why do i think this?well here are my reasons. *It was The first map to have teleporters *First major easter egg *massive amounts of easter eggs *big but not to big and zombies dont respawn mid round if ur far from them *dog rounds *original 4 so no perk debate except possibly mule kick vs double tap *great wall weapons theres the stg…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 25 replies
I was listening to the Moon Radios and I noticed that Maxis did not teleport DIRECTLY to the moon as i once thought he did. Use this for reference: skip to 12:15 This radio file details the scientists at Griffin Station as they locate Maxis and bring him to Griffin Station via MPD. If you listen closely at 13:23 Maxis gives a hint at where he was pre-teleportation. He seems to say "tunnel"? My question is, does anyone have any theories as o where Maxis was teleported to from Der Riese? Evidence to back it up would be appreciated. Thanks :)
Last reply by Tac, -
- 34 replies
Hey guy's treyarch said in an article that the money the Rezurrection Map Pack Made covered enough to have the studio take zombies in a different direction apart from what happening in the story mode. This means zombies in black ops 2 could have the weapons from the first black ops and not have it in 2025. I think this is the direction they are going in. I doubt they would make zombies in 2025 I think its going to take place in its own maps, and have the guns from black ops 1.
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 56 replies
I miss the Thunder Gun so badly. Like that thing was my child. I would hold it, I would savoir it, I would kiss it, I would do everything to it. Because that thing was my child. And the Zeus Cannon was my grown up child. TL;DR I miss Thunder Gun. What about you guys?
Last reply by godofwarNG, -
- 28 replies
Why all the hate for Mule Kick I see around here?
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 7 replies
So I'm new to this forum and I decided to make a fun little project that consists of ranking the Wonder Weapons in all of Treyarch Zombies on Round 60 atleast. Here we go. (Remember that this is my opinion.) Top Tier: Apothicon Servant, Ice Staff, Storm Bow, Sliquifer, 31-79 JGb215. High Tier: Thundergun, Zap/Wave Gun, Acid Gat, Wind Staff, Wolf Bow, Paralyzer. Mid Tier: Wunderwaffe DG-2, Void Bow, Fire Bow, M2 Flamethrower, KT-4. Low Tier: GKZ-45 Mk3, Ray Gun Mark II, Lightning Staff, Fire Staff, Blundergatt, VR-11 (Co-Op). Trash Tier: Ray Gun, Winter's Howl, V-R11 (Solo), Scavenger, Jet Gun, Wrath of The Ancients. What do you th…
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 30 replies
Arighty lads, I know people are talking about this, but wouldn't it be nice if we could have the old maps, ( Verruckt, Ascension, Call of the Dead, ect...) in black ops 2? A wile back Treyarch made downloadable cameos for the multilayer, right? Now with just a bit of tweaking why couldn't they do the same thing with the old maps, it wouldn't be a waist of time either. There are 14 different maps and if they were all on sale for like 3 U.S dollars, (240 Microsoft points) each that's 42 bucks for all of them or because they are are sold separate you can just buy the ones you want. I think that it would be a brilliant plan, let me know what you all think about it.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 16 replies
Discovery So currently I'm playing a game of solo zombies on Five and the following has occurred: On the floor there is a reflection of the presidential room (can really be seen in Olympia/MPL hallways). Quick Revive's Symbol on the perk machine is a black circle. Chalk outlines can't be seen. The zombies are entirely black except for their eyes. I'm thinking that this is a glitch and it won't happen again (unfortunately I can't record) BUT this makes the map 1000X scarier. I'm actually liking it a lot! Has this happened to anyone before?? IT'S UNIVERSAL. I ended my game on Five and no joke Shangri-La looks like Area 51! As Delta said it appears that t…
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 57 replies
We're all big fans of the music from WAW and Blops 1, eligna was the BEST! But... We need her back.. FAST! However this isn't a likely possibility, as the only way to have an eligna Sigman song is to have SAMANTHIA's thoughts present, meaning we would need to see the return of Sam! But this isn't likely due to the fact she, Nikolai, Tank, and Takeo haven't been heard of sense moon... For those who don't know all eligna's Songs reflect samanthia's feelings to some extent.. Now that samanthia is missing, so is Sigman! The only other character to have a musical group counterpart is Richtofen! His thoughts and feelings are reflected by avenged sevenfold's music...…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 36 replies
Ok guys we have all heard the many myths about the game. Lets discuss the many we have heard over the years. Mine has to be in the WAW days people use to say in der reise the wall in the alley opened up after round 60 and the game ended. Not the best one Ive heard but to be honest drew a blank mid way thur this and was the only one I could remember. Any other good ones
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 26 replies
This might seem like an obvious direction to go in but I thought I'd share my thoughts on the new poster that was released. The first observation I made was the red/orange background colour which is similar to area 51 after completing The Big Bang Theory. Therefore leading me to assume that this follows soon after the incidents on Moon and that we are back on Earth. Next, on the right hand side there is a water pump, because of this I assume we are in the US as they are not very prominent in European countries. (Well they aren't in the UK anyway.) Then there are the fissures in the ground, typical of a massive earthquake (or nuke strike?). There seems to be…
Last reply by bbobs2, -
- 36 replies
What's up guys. Right now I'm currently playing TranZit and using the Jet Gun. Something came to mind which I want to discuss on this forum, so here we go: what is the definition of a "wonder weapon"? The Jet Gun is a great example of a weapon that has been called a Wonder Weapon by some people, but others say it is not. I personally do not consider it a Wonder Weapon. Most people seem to agree that the Ray Gun is a wonder weapon. And the Wunderwaffe, and the Scavenger, and the Shrink Ray are also Wonder Weapons. But there are those weapons like the Jet Gun that people disagree about. Why? The main thing that Wonder Weapons seem to share in common is the use …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
What I'm about to theoize may just give us a new lead in "Mending the Rift". *Thanks to Afrochubman for getting the MotD textures. Here is the texture for the MotD Pack-a-Punch camo. Here is the Pack-a-Punched Ray Gun side-by-side for comparison. Now, there are 2 things important things I have found/theorized. 1. The characters with in the circles. I was able to find this: They seem very similar. That is from the Japanese alphabet. However, I couldn't find any other characters that seem similar. For any multilingual readers, see if you can compare some of these characters. For everyone else, I suggest we search for other languages to…
Last reply by Xperiment 117, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone know where I can find high resolution images of the perk machines, more in particular Double Tap, I tried searching myself but its always a sideways view or gun in the way. If it was the extracted image from the game, that would be nice too. Thanks in advance, and ... The Zombies are coming! 11/13/12 :mrgreen:
Last reply by NZheadshot1, -
- 20 replies
- 4.1k views ... ature=plcp At 4:04 you see a bar with pictures of Castro, like on the MP map Havanna. This appears when he mentions Zombies. What could this mean? Is Castro taking Kennedy, MacNamara, and Nixon to his grounds? What do you think? EDIT- ALso, look at 3:56, to the left you see a tower, does anything think that looks familiar to them? we can use it as a landmark to figure out where the map is. At 3:58 we see an American Diner, so we can assure a map set in America. Manhattan perhaps? New York? DC? Time will tell
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 8 replies
Does anyone believe that this silhouette may resemble Richtofen? Judging by what looks like to be his hat and the stance his character is taking, I wouldn't exclude the possibility just yet. There can be up to 8 players, so I doubt that there will be just 2 copies of the 4 new characters shown in the Trailer running around. What do you guys think?
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 46 replies
I usually get the Limited or prestige editions of the games for the cool collectibles. Do you think Treyarch would do a Limited Edition box set zombie themed. What would you want from it? Little action Figures of the 4. Or maybe wonder weapons. Thoughts and hopes
Last reply by LJx19, -
- 20 replies
Hey everyone, FatedTitan here! With the new Call of Duty being teased and it being a Treyarch title, zombies is just around the corner. While we are all very excited, I think it would also be wise to post some advice for Treyarch and the Zombies team on mistakes they've made in the past, hoping that they do not repeat those mistakes. So if you have anything, throw it up here and hopefully they'll see it. For me, I really hope that they make it where custom zombies can be counted on global leaderboards if you are using normal settings. I'd really like to go for high rounds with my friends, but it's impossible to do a legitimate high round run with a duo…
Last reply by Spider3000, -
- 23 replies
So lately there has been a lot of speculation with the "hidden word" that the first letter of each downloadable content pack that comes out for Black Ops 2. As we all know there were four Black Ops 1 downloadable content packs. With each pack that came out we were brought a new letter. Each first letter spelt out the word "FEAR" First Strike Escalation Annihilation Rezurrection Now with the Black Ops 2 downloadable content packs coming at us we have been brought three new letters. "RUV" however these letters don't spell out a word that makes sense. However my theory is the new "code word" will not be spelt out with the first letter of each of the downloada…
Last reply by feedthemachine94,
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