General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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- 23 replies
There could be more to it but maybe its not as complex as its causing people to think of it as.. But could it be possible the reason for the rocks being blue is because Richthofen is in control? Think about it from the beginning of zombies until the end of BO all 115 rocks are a reddish orange color.. Just like the color of the zombies eyes when Sam is in control. So in BO2 Richthofen is in control of the zombies and the color of their eyes are blue as well as 115 rocks are now coincidentally blue as well.. I'm not a regular poster on here so if its been discussed or dissected already, I apologize for being late to the party.
Last reply by GkNova115, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
Instead of the O4 I think the second DLC pack is going to be the MOTD characters going after Nikolai's soul instead of the O4 going after Takeos soul because they usually use the celebrities in the 2nd map pack .
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
- 22 replies
Hello. I am just wondering if the Perk-A-Colas bottles models have been released by someone. I'm working on something, and the models would make my life 100x easier.
Last reply by TheNathanNS, -
- 22 replies
As another title reaches the end of its life cycle, we are faced with that ever-present question: what will we remember this game by? World at war was always famous for the Wunderwaffe DG-2 and it popularized the original four perks. It introduced hellhounds, pack-a-punch, teleporters, and most of zombies as we know it. Black Ops was often remembered for Mustang and Sally and the Thundergun. PhD Flopper was also a main focal point of BOI maps. This was the game where Easter Egg hunts became a big deal. So how will we remember Black Ops II? I think the Raygun Mark II was a particularly prevalent weapon. Buildables are a given. What do you think…
Last reply by JakeDuck, -
- 22 replies
In the past of call of duty we've stuck to gun nerffing and changes in the map to make the games balanced for any player... But why? Why are we making warfare "fair". In real life it isn't. You move onto german territory and they can produce more weaponry then you. You get stuck out there with 4 expert sharpshooters with snipers, that's just war. I'm not saying purposefully make the game uneven, but perhaps certain teams should get an advantage depending on the map. We put limits on things because if we bring it in we fear the players won't like it as it would be too OP. Well what I ask now is: Is OP bad? Should we be able to run a tank into…
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 22 replies
1- what if treyarch puts zombies behind a pay wall like exo zombies? meaning that zombies will not come free with the game but be a dlc. i personally believe there is a very small chance of this happening, but i wouldnt put it past activision. 2- what if there is a microtransaction system similar to the advanced supply drops from advanced warfare except instead of a gun or camo you get a raygun mk2 or perma-perk or somthing of the such? 3- is there a possibility that zombies could go "free to play" or the dreaded "pay to win"? (using real cash to purchase max ammos, extra lives etc) would you support any of this? 1- i would be very dissapointed, but yes. …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Ladies and Gentlemen, Keepers and Apothicons. You may remember my map bracket or my easter egg song bracket, and after some time, I've decided to begin a new bracket centered around characters of the Aether storyline. Which characters did I include, you ask? Well I began with 50 names with multiple speaking parts and a personality to talk about, and whittled that down to a more reasonable 28. So if there's a character not included that you wish was, I probably did too, but with too many characters to choose from in the first round things would get boring fast. Even still, round 1 must be split into two parts, with the first six matchups today, and then next si…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 22 replies
Well, the other day in history, after a ridiculously hard test, we started the Muslim World unit. And when we got to the story of Muhammad and Mecca and all, he said about the Kaaba, which was for worshipping hundreds of Gods. And he said that it had a Black Stone, which was a METEORITE from space which was to have been sent from the heaven by the Gods. I also heard about this from Ancient Aliens. And I just immediately thought of zombies. So it would seems that in zombies story terms that the Vril-ya visited these people long ago and they are the hundreds of gods and as a gift they gave them 115. Probably a more sig…
Last reply by Chopper, -
- 22 replies
This thread will be where someone can post a topic one at a time and we can go through it and figure it out. For some of the older members, I apologize if this sounds at all similar to ARAS' "Ask me anything" threads because I promise you it is not, this for the difficult topics. We can discuss things like weapon creation, time periods, travelling from one map to another, etc., you get the idea. My first topic to open up is the creation of the Thundergun. We know that Dr. Maxis made/help make it. But on the left hand side, there is Russian writing. It reads: Остережение Now there is no such word in Russian, but we can assume that they meant ПРЕДострежение, which …
Last reply by dion1234, -
- 22 replies
Hey guys, so what with Treyarch now producing the next game and the zombies team openly admitting that they look at these forums for ideas and inspiration, I thought I'd try and get some opinions that could possibly do a little shaping on the maps that will come with the game. So the question: Do you prefer the bosses that come every 4-5 rounds (Hellhounds, Space Monkeys, Pentagon Thief), or mid-round bosses (George, Napalm zombie, Cosmonaut)? I personally prefer the boss rounds - to me, the mid-round bosses added nothing positive apart from being able to get stuff from George. With boss rounds, I felt that it broke up the gameplay a little so every round wasn't th…
Last reply by aegisknight, -
- 22 replies
Hello CoDz. Today I will start off with the fact that how the super soldiers (Takeo, Tank, and Nikolai) were captured is still a mystery to us all no? Alright then, here begins my theory. I will start with Nikolai because he seems to be the easiest of the bunch. Note that I will update the info everytime I find something else interesting. Nikolai Belinski So, we all know of Nikolai Belinski correct? I will start with his bio for info's sake. Stalin himself cannot stare Nikolai in the eye, no one can. There, in his eyes, you will see the soul of a man burning with the hatred of all things living. His closet is full of skeletons, many of them with the fl…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 22 replies
Tom and myself had a discussion about this on a game of COTD this week; it was actually Tom suggested it'd make a good discussion topic but I see it hasn't been created yet so I figured I'd make it to get some discussion going. When people get revived, often the first thing they do is rush for Juggernog. On the newer maps with PhD Flopper, on many occasions these people will have a Mustang & Sally in hand as a path clearer. But of course, if they've gone down they will no longer have PhD Flopper so they can't clear a path on the way to Juggs if need be. If they bought PhD first, it's not out of the question to run around without Juggernog until it's safe to go and…
Last reply by DaPikmin, -
- 22 replies
That's right. Richtofen is actually wearing his spacesuit thingy-mi-jig in iOS Kino. It could possibly be to save space so the developers don't have to add his normal attire, but this means he'll be wearing it when Shangri-La comes out. Tank, Nikolai and Takeo's outfit are the same, although they look more like how they do in Ascension, because of all the blood and stuff. What do you all think of this? Something that should be considered in relation to the story or not?
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 22 replies
I imagine this is really old news, but the Kino teleporter connects to Verruckt before the outbreak there. I believe it also connects to the Pentagon, but I don't know for certain the date, as well as Sam's bedroom in Kino at two different times. So there is something messy with this teleporter, its connecting to 5 places, but the time setting is glitched or something? What does this mean in terms of COTD and Moon? Could it be that Moon is a different time than No Man's Land?
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 22 replies
So I’ve had a few ideas for zombies lately, basically these are all the ideas I’ve come up with. Mechanics I think we all want dive to prone back, that’s a given Better zombie AI so that they’ll OCCASIONALLY go off path. I understand some people like kiting, so that’s why I say not always, but sometime so it’s not so easy. Maps Underwater base would be cool, if it can be implemented correctly Pyramids would be REALLY cool. Mummy zombies FTW. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve always wanted a zombie city street setting, kinda like Chicago, or New York, just a really big city area. Also, lets go back to a WWII setting, shall we?…
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 22 replies
Alright so tomorrow I'm either going to be in a DoA game to 120, or doing a solo to round 100. I will likely be doing solo though, so I want to know which map do you guys think I should do and why. Ascension isn't a choice it's too easy. Thanks :D
Last reply by Chopper, -
- 22 replies
I don't believe anyone would disagree with me saying that Shotguns and Zombies go well together. I do believe though that for CoD: Zombies, the scoring for shotguns is slightly biased. Shotguns are low ammunition weapons with high kill potential. The problem here is the point system. Shotguns just cannot compete with other weapons when it comes to scoring points. My proposal: Shotguns earn points per pellets hit, x2 points for a body kill, and x2 for a headshot kill. Numbers can obviously be tweaked Agree? Disagree?
Last reply by WrathoftheLamb, -
- 22 replies
Obviously, Mark Lamia from treyarch announced that zombies was being moved to the multiplayer engine which would allow double the zombies and double the players. So yes, there will be an eight player capability, but i want you trolls to read this and read it clear: STOP SAYING HAVING EIGHT PLAYERS WILL MAKE ZOMBIES GAY. YOU WILL HAVE THE OPTION TO HAVE ANYWHERE FROM 2-8 PLAYERS WHICH MEANS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY WITH EIGHT PEOPLE. YOU SIMPLY SELECT PRIVATE MATCH, INVITE AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU WANT, AND START THE DAMN GAME. TREYARCH IS NOT FORCING EIGHT PLAYERS ON ANYONE SO STOP COMPLAINING OR DONT PLAY. I have made my point here so this is left open for discussi…
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 22 replies
I believe the woman we see on the BO2 poster is.... SOPHIA, MAXIS' ASSISTANT AT DER RIESE! It makes sense, that she knows how to survive, considering she helped with the research involved in the zombies. Just a thought. Does anyone else think this may be her?
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 22 replies
Alright Jim, I am bit late to post this. I would like to make few suggestion. Round caps on leaderboards: Could you please lower the co-op high rounds cap to 50 in BO2 or add a pause function. Majority of us likes high rounds but a normal person in his real ***** mind would never want to to get to 99 with no breaks. Solo Leaderboards: We need solo leaderboards. Add theater mode to both solo and co-op with a switch to turn on and off the recording for every game played. Bonus points* : You get bonus points for doing things like double or triple revive, clutching the round. These will automatically give you things like extra perk, extra ammo or a random dro…
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 22 replies
I was just thinking, a few days ago i got to play Der Riese Black Ops on my Xbox. I haven't played in a long time, i got to level 3. Normally its at least 20, lol. HORRIBLE. I played again and got to level 6. I was so frustrated that i quit and went to Multi-player, because i didn't want to go back and do levels without adrenaline. The BORING first 4 levels. So i had an idea for Zombies, this would be a Private Match setting. After reaching a super high ranking in Zombies you would unlock this, maybe. But it is Private Match :/. You can choose your map (of course:)- You choose which weapons you spawn with. you choose which level you spawn on. For INSTANT cha…
Last reply by Death_Angel, -
- 22 replies
I have been thinking about the layout for story in Black Ops and i personally think the entry level is too high, i mean i have never managed to complete an EE and this is because.. 1. I'm not an amazing zombie player my highest round on Kino is 35. 2. my friends don't play zombies so i have to play with randoms 3. when i tried the Call of the dead Easter egg on solo i just couldn't get the weapons i needed from the box, i tried for ages but no luck i then died and couldn't be bothered to do it all again. 4. The fact you sometimes have to start over several times, i just gave up in the end. 5. when i have gone to do the moon Easter egg and realized that i can…
Last reply by DukeOfLuke, -
- 22 replies
Ok, so in case you don't know already, It's been confirmed in many interviews and videos such as this one ... e=g-user-u That Zombies will feature a Tranzit mode, where you taken from one survival map to next in an open world scenario. A while back i made a slightly wild guess that black ops 2 zombies would be open world and a lot of people said I was looking into it too much which i thought myself, still I pretty much right ;D viewtopic.php?t=23596
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 22 replies
Hi everyone. Havent posted in a while a but noticed that this may be something noteworthy as it comes from Treyarch themselves. 'Tonight, BlackOps2 will paint the future black on GTTV' This comes with a link to the GT.TV site: It's zombie week on GTTV so most likely we will be getting information on this. but i thought the 'catching the bus' thing was going to give another piece of gameplay on Friday, so this may be this interview with jimmy I have heard about. But I don't know. Originally this all comes from Treyarch's Twitter here: Complete with a pi…
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 22 replies
I'm putting this thread here for the sole purpose of most of the whining and disappointment here. I've witnessed a hell of a lot of whining and ungrateful comments about the info we are receiving regarding black ops 2 zombies. I for one am really excited just for the little glimpses we have been given and I think you all should be too, have any of you ever thought about Treyarch not wanting to ruin this for us? Drip feeding us tiny bits of information so that we can figure it all out for ourselves, which by the way is something we have all been doing to piece together the zombies storyline for quite some time. Now, feel free to put opinions below or whatever. I'm just sic…
Last reply by Chloey,
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