General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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- 10 replies
I found this info about a year ago and I posted it on Next Gen Tactics zombie section on their forums. Tell me what you think. By the way this information was from an Austrailian gaming website that was shut down for releasing information about MW3. (post from a year ago) Manhattan-After our heroes leave Rictofen and his zombie army on the MOON they find themselves in a desolated and destroyed city. Only noticing one minor detail they realize that New York has fallen. Will it also resurrect? Radiation-The days of Nova 6 has passed and no one really knows the true origins of 115 and Nova 6s partnership. That is except for John F. Kennedy. After the Pentagon is the…
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
- 30 replies
[i'm not using the Poll feature because I'm doing it differently than it would allow.] So I am trying to find the funnies quotes in all of Call of Duty: Zombies. But I don't want it to be just what I think. I want it to be what the largest amount of people think. So I was hoping to take a poll. Here is how it works. There is a current list of the rankings below with the number of points each quote has. People post quotes they would like to be added to the list. There is no limit. People can post as many quotes as they like and can vote on as many as they like. Keep in mind, however, if you simply vote for every quote, you aren't really helping any be voted as mo…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 11 replies
I know that in order to do the moon easter egg (Big Bang Theory) you must have completed the "Time Travel Will Tell" achievement for the Shangri-La Easter Egg. My question is do you need the "Stand In" achievement or the "Ensemble Cast" achievement from the Call of the Dead Easter Egg? Thanks guys.
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 24 replies
Many of you know who he is well he recently posted a new tweet and updated a bio, I cannot figure out how they would have to do with zombies. Maybe he is just trolling us or maybe one of you can find the connection?
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 27 replies
UPDATE: NUKETOWN ZOMBIES WILL BE RELEASED AS DLC TO THE PUBLIC IN DECEMBER. CE & SEASON PASS GRANTS EARLY ACCESS. was just on facebook and noticed this. looks like anyone who missed out on the CE can now get NUKETOWN ZOMBIES (if you are willing to get the season pass - which judging by the fact that you are on CODZ, i'm betting you are). hooray! (not that it matters to me because I'm getting the care package - but i'm stoked I can play with all of you now!) "Nuketown Zombies is now part of the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Season Pass along with four epic DLC map packs:"
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 1 reply
Just like my Black Ops Zombies Tutorial thread, this shows the World at War Zombies tutorial. Basically Richtofen says the same things as Dempsey, but with a cool twist at the end. Read it in Richtofen's voice! Zombie Richtofen FTW! Obviously non-canon. Richtofen shouldn't even be at Nacht, but you could say the same thing about the Black Ops Nacht. I kinda felt sorry for him when he turned.
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 16 replies
WOW!! Treyarch has done it again with a new installment we never seen coming. (or at least I didn't) Nuketown was quite a small map, but outside the map was much more. Let's take a look: :geek: If you notice, the area we know as Nuketown is only a fourth of the actual map size. I have a few things to touch on before I leave it to you: the people. Vehicle Explosions: This was brought up by FPSrussia in his latest video about zombies and we can somewhat rely on that because of the Tacitus videos. Nuketown is full of cars and trucks and what-not. This would offer us a trap that costs nothing but still gives us points. Another thing to back this up is the …
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 14 replies
The most annoying thing in zombies, ever, is accidentally taking Nuke. Scenario #1 On MOTD on round 1, after you activate the laundromat lead the zombies upstairs to the double points. You intend on knife the remaining zombies for a whopping 4830 points to your total. Ka Boom, 800 points instead. Scenario #2 It's the beginning of round 8, and you just bought Bowie knife. If your mind you are already planning on spending points you are about to get from knifing. Perhaps jug, perhaps the box, or maybe Mule Kick. How about none of the above? Because you get nuke on the first kill. Scenario #3 Its mid way through round 7 on Origins. You are close to g…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Latin in zombies is one of the most interesting yet overlooked concepts in zombies. From uses of Latin in hidden notes in Kino to the names main crews of the storyline, the Latin language takes an undeniable part in zombies. Today I want to focus on Latin songs in zombies as well as the campaign, with a bigger focus on zombies of course. I will talk about 3 songs: Ego Vivo, Agnus Dei, and Dies Irae. Ego Vivo Ego Vivo plays during the Shadowman bossfight the SoE Easter Egg. It also plays during the BO3 campaign mission "Demon within" during the Tank sequence ("Demon within" is the only campaign mission with zombies, more o…
Last reply by RichKiller, -
- 25 replies
After I hit my first 50+ in Ascension this week, I thought I would try for my first 50+ on another map, one of my all time favorites Shangri La. At about round 20, I was having a lot of fun as I had taught myself the cutback route to run in the AK 74u room, and had my near ideal set-up (Jug, Revive, PhD, Stamin Up, M&S, Spikemore, Bowie, and un-pap'd baby gun). all was going well and I was ready to pack my shrink ray, so I run up to spawn. I noticed a little bit too late that there was a Napalm zombie I had passed, so I attempted to cross back over the spikes and blow him up. Unfortunately, I was caught inside of the spike trap when he blew and I insta-downed. While I…
Last reply by BrayJayTheZombSlaya, -
Ripped off?! 1 2
by Undead- 26 replies
Okay, I'm probably more upset with myself that the situation, but please, clarify anything here for me if it's wrong. Basically, I'm expecting my copy of Blops 2 Hardened Edition on Friday. Hardened edition = $80 plus shipping and tax for me comes to $90. Sure, whatever. Well, unless I missed it the first time, it was to my understanding if you pre-ordered you get Nuketown 2025. And, if you get the Hardened edition, you get the exclusive Nuketown Zombies map as well. Which, much like the original maps offered in the first Blops, I should get them when everyone else gets them last. Now, I'm seeing this offer that states "Get your season pass now to get Nuketown Z…
Last reply by sick_ckuf, -
- 15 replies
Well guys, you know the drill! What's your highest round on Town so far? Mine's 40! :D
Last reply by WirierD12Killer, -
- 23 replies
please take some time and watch these 2 videos, everyone is talking about this idea and 99% of people want to see this happen. 1. 2. the first video has a very annoying voice over but just bare with it and take the info from the video the second video will make you understand the gaming experience this would bring if we are successful as a community at bringing this map to life. lets push this idea so we can see this eventually enter the game for black ops 2. please feel free to contact treyarch and let me know of your interest, lets make this the first map…
Last reply by tatapink, -
- 2 replies
zombies has the potential to be bigger than call of duty itself. the amount of people that are so bored of multiplayer is amazing. when you speak to people of zombies they say "yes im bored of multiplayer". and then they turn to zombies. the thing is most people dont relise how addictive it is because they dont give it a chance, but once you get that zombie BUG there ain't no turning back. i used to hate it when i first played it, but now its a daily dosage. i can definitely see this zombies feature turning into a global addiction, call of duty multiplayer will die if not already dead, and zombies will rise above and become its own …
Last reply by QuickReviveGuy, -
- 14 replies
So before I begin, I just want to say that I wasn't sure how to name this topic so I will leave it as it is and that also everyone is entitled to their own opinion so please no arguing lmao. So the big question that seems to be going around everywhere just now is "Is Zombies Dying" I've seen it on Reddit, on YouTube and also on twitter. So let's discuss it. My opinion is NO Zombies is not dying in any way what so ever. Although I do see problems with it. As we know, Trearch are by far the real deal when it comes to zombies. They have the staff, they have the expericance and they have the talent. But this year we had Infinity Ward's atte…
Last reply by Inconcievable, -
- 2 replies
Established and designed for use by new fans of the Call of Duty Zombies storyline, seasoned Archivers and experts, or researching theorists, the following library contains some of the most useful, concentrated, and canon-intensive threads from across the years. But you'll be reading plenty once you start clicking links. So without further ado, educate yourself, support your theories, or refresh your memory and ENJOY! ********************************************************************************** More topics will be added when they are reviewed and meet canonical requirements. If any topics age and become inaccurate, update requests will be s…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 20 replies
So, I was just minding my own business, lurking Jimmy's Twitter, when I noticed THIS... From what I can gather, it's a gentleman named Toby, asking Jimmy which zombies entities would win in a fight. Then Toby asks if a Hellhound could best a SPACE Monkey (referring to Ascension) and Jimmy replies: "Ascension Monkey, or Shangri-La?" Hm... guess that means they're BOTH Space Monkeys. Thoughts? **EDIT** There's more to this.
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 32 replies
Ok so we know theres going to be zombies in the next black ops two, but one little fact has been worrying me sense the end of moon.... No song... At the end of almost all the zombie maps, the hidden song of the next game plays....but on moon there is no song... At first I thought for a few horrifying months that this was the end of zombies... But then they announced zombies and my hope was mostly restored! This leaves me to think of three possibilitys...: 1: The music was omitted to add to the suspense of dying on moon, (I for one was scared stiff when I died there...) 2: The next song wasnt desided/ wasn't recorded yet for the next …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 47 replies
Sure, it looks like fun, but it looks like they went away from the core of what zombies is supposed to be. It looks like a mix of Dead Island and Left 4 Dead. We've got characters that no one knows who they are, and apparently we'll only get hints at what happens at Moon and to our heroes. Not all information is out yet, so I hold out hope, but right now I'm highly disappointed. Where are the O4? Who are these people? Why are we trying to cater to the mainstream crowd by basically giving away the storyline through a campaign? You used to have to work for it. Now it's just given to you it seems. As I stated, not all information has been released. But I'm …
Last reply by CajunBacon, -
- 2 replies
¿Does anybody have this image in better quality?
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 22 replies
Okay so I feel like i'm the only one who actually likes the new characters from Tranzit and die rise. I see all these people saying how much they hate them and I just don't get it. I mean I know they are a change from what people are probably used to but I don't think that's a reason to hate them.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 43 replies
Most people believe that the events occur during the 1960's (provided by Tac) Others believe it occurs in the future (provided by Stop mocking me0) I personally believe that it occurs during the 1960's Let me know when you think it happens.
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 5 replies
Drowned in drink, feared and forgotten... DISCLAIMER: What is written is based off of what we know, some is speculation, some VERY probable speculation. This is to help us connect a story to the man of a thousand drinks. Nikolai Belinski, a tale of sorrow and hatred. Born and raised on a pig farm in Poland, his father never really loved Nikolai. Nikolai’s sister was the one who was truly loved and favored over the 2 children. Over the years of his childhood, Nikolai grew a strong hatred for his loved sister. As a teenager, Nikolai became fascinated with political science and took interest in joining the ranks of the Communist Party. In the 1930s, Nikolai ran awa…
Last reply by PFCSNAFU, -
- 24 replies
What's up Zombie Slayers, this is DarkJolteon here coming out with a theory, and possible proof, of the date of the first Zombies map of Black Ops II. I have devised this theory using the teaser image released by Treyarch, and a little bit of own knowledge. So sit back, relax, and prepare for a thread of pure electricity 8-) (NOTE: If this thread sucks, forget I said that last part ) So here is the image in question: Now, the main thing I have seen everyone focusing on is the identity of the girl in the image. However, since this can only be speculation until we see a trailer or until the game is actually released, I decided to ignore her for the time b…
Last reply by killerussian, -
- 19 replies
Gosh I can't believe later this year in November Black Ops 2 will be four years old already! Does anybody miss it? I still play it occasionally, but the community is pretty small now. It's really when I got into zombies! I played the other COD's, but BO2 was really the first COD where I sunk my teeth into the zombies mode, and multiplayer as well. I also remember how blown away I was when Mob of the Dead came out! It's hard to believe MOTD has been out for over three years... I played that map like crazy! I don't think I've played a map as much as I played MOTD, or have become excited about a map as much as I was for MOTD. I think BO3 is pretty goo…
Last reply by Smok3y,
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