General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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- 18 replies
my favorite "tatic" on nazi zombies is too buy and use weapons off the wall till about round twenty than hammer the box till i get the weapons i want mine is the mpl so with regard to that i ask u all whats ur favoite weapon off the wall?..........go!!!
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 18 replies
Okay so i'll just start of by saying im totally new to this and while i've a few threads i havnt seen any that say this, if there is one im totally sorry if you feel like ive stole that idea (but i didnt). Okay so we all LOVE zombies. I mean come on its totally the best thing about Call of Duty right now. But we also all know there is so much stuff that could be done to improve it. My idea is that there should be ranks in zombies. But theese ranks dont just level you and you get a nice feeling. They are there for unlocks. Just like multiplayer. Obviously it goes without saying that this would have to be very carefully done as to not upset the balance between players, but …
Last reply by bunnyzombie, -
- 18 replies
Welcome! So after seeing Jay's thread about reinvigorating challenges, I thought I'd make a thread for it. Below is a list of challenges. And there's a leaderboard for the highest Rounds (or points or kills maybe sometime in the future). Further down is a list of players who have signed up with their available times to play. If this gets well done and becomes more fleshed out, I'll probably make more in-depth leaderboard graphics. Until then, this will do. Reasons for posting include: •Nominating a challenge to be added to the list. •Posting a score from a challenge you've done. •Ask for your name and available playing times to be added to the list. •Making a…
Last reply by Ehjookayted, -
- 18 replies
Greetings folks! Today I decided to play a game of Zombies on Moon, and of course ended up getting caught up thinking about the story. That Moon loading screen draws me in every time! Anywho, I got about 30 seconds into my game before spotting this all too familiar image. I don't believe this has been discussed before, as the time of No Man's Land has remained a mystery. Until now. Sorry for the crappy pics guys, brains for anyone with some better ones!: "Greetings From Groom Lake Nevada Detachment 1, 1129th Division Special Activities Squadron" Detachment 1, 1129th Divison SAS was a group of Air Force pilots chosen to be the test pil…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 18 replies
I know this topic had been visited and revisited by just about everybody on this site but I thought I would just see how many people actually believe that there will be a trailer. From what I have read, apparently there was not a trailer for zombies when Black Ops came out. The only reason I personally believe there will be one this time around is because of the massive increase in popularity of zombies from World at War to Black Ops. In order to fulfill the zombie hunger people like you and me have, it only makes sense that Treyarch would release something for the zombie community to go gaga over for the next 3 months. Thank you for reading my post and any and all feed …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 18 replies
I was recently looking through some interview about Black Ops II Zombies when i noticed Mark Lamia say "The Zombies team have been working really hard on creating a new world" Now this on It's own might not be enough evidence to put together a thoery, however judging by the size of the new map (screen shots) along with people saying it looks maybe a bit to big for just one map, It's possible we could be playing in an open world type place with objective ect... Still just a theory though. -IIvAnIMaL P.S here's one of the MANY interviews a Zombies world is mentioned, skip to 3:10
Last reply by Rickety Cricket, -
- 18 replies
Could be a picture of a zombie loading screen so dont look if you dont want to see it. Fake
Last reply by LiamFTWinter, -
- 18 replies
Just curious. I did because the Quadcopter looks awesome and I thought, "Why not? I'll pay the extra hundred dollars for it." It looks pretty sick and I'm sure will be fun to drive. I only play zombies, rarely multiplayer, so the nuketown zombie map should be awesome and I'm pretty pumped. How many of you forked over the $179.99 for the care package; even if you just play zombies?
Last reply by kingsly zzissou, -
- 18 replies
I just thought it would be fun to start a thread where we can post and compare and contrast the control style (i.e. button layout, stick layout, inverted y-axis, etc.) we all use for Call of Duty here's mine: Inverted Y-Axis Stick layout: Legacy Button layout: Tactical what is yours?
Last reply by mralways1, -
- 17 replies
Go to 11:32 to see the quote. cNcCedQNaFE "THE BLACKNESS, WILL SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE, SOMETHING FAR MORE TERRIBLE THAN YOU LIES HERE!" It's said in a demonic voice while filling up the 4 tubes around the M.P.D.. If you notice, it's the Demonic Announcer. Now she could just be talking about herself in a figurative, metaphoric way, trying to scare Edward. But I don't think she is. The only time she sounds like the Demonic Announcer (apart from power-ups, Mystery Box laugh and Hellhound rounds) is when you're filling these tubes up. Now it's been mentioned several times in a couple of threads the Devil/Lucifer is/may be involved. Is it possible she may…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 17 replies
Guys, thanks for reading as always. I thought it was a great time to release this, since all the maps now have more perk variety with the addition of Mule Kick across the board. I'm going to post this to the Moon thread as well, including various set-up strategies. Extended Perk Analysis *Juggernog* (2500 points) This perks doubles the hits it takes a normal Zombie and Ascension Monkeys to kill, from 2 to 4. It increases the hits it takes from a special zombie (Nova6 Crawlers, Hellhounds). Note: If you are directly adjacent to the Napalm Zombie on Shangri-La when he implodes, you will down, even with Juggernog. -Usefulness 6/5- What e…
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 17 replies
I know that in the past there has been some failed playdates but what if we could do one. Just the community, no need for Official stuff just we get alot of people together and play zombies? PS3 Ambassadors can do PS3. XBOX Ambassadors can do XBOX We could all put our Clan Tags as CoDz. How does this sound? Anyone up for it?
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 17 replies
In shangri-la a lot of strange patterns and symbols can be seen, on weapons, doors, walls, dials, gongs, tiles, but what do they all mean All illuminate was translated using this code 1. Illuminate code on the gong and doors it says "beware the wrath of the dragons fire". Now to me this makes no sense and apparently the "dragon like" figures in shangri-la are actually serpents so I can't quite make sense of them you can see some illuminate lettering around the edge of the door but i cant get a decent pic of the gong 2. The tiles on the wall and ground during the EE a seemingly random selection of illuminate letters, this has been disc…
Last reply by aegisknight, -
- 17 replies
[tab][/tab]So after reading the various guides on here about the maps, and about solo play (and Superhands recently released guide) I have decided I want to set a goal to reach 50+ on a map solo, just to do it. I am having trouble trying to figure out the better of the two maps for solo play though. Here is what I have come up with as pro's and con's for both maps. Ascension! Pro's Traps Possibility of more than 4 perks Thunder Gun Super easy running locations Max Ammo Rounds Con's Possibility of losing perks. Normal start. Moon Pro's Possibility of MS, Jug, and Tons of points at round 1. Many easy running spots Max…
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 17 replies
In the world of Nazi Zombies and our fantastic storyline, we've been met with laughs, pain, and even joy, yes, joy. But in the darkness, the truth awaits those who seek it. Every story needs its true hero, it's only the normal feature of the literary structure. It's me everyone, Ehjookayted AKA EyeCntSpel ready to bring you into the exciting world of literary analysis. Bear with me as we embark on a journey to find the location of our one, true, hero, a man among the chaos, who can rise up and take the lead next storyline. Protagonist vs. Antagonist In every story, there is a protagonist and antagonist. However, protagonist does not necessarily mean hero and ant…
Last reply by Hgoat, -
- 17 replies
I know this has probly been done before but I havn't seen any post like this so. My fav perks in ordder: 1) Juggernog 2)Speed Cola / PhD Flopper - If I have Ray Gun or Upgraded Colt. 3)Stamin-Up 4)Quick Revive - If i'm playing with people who go down alot. 5)PhD Flopper - If playing with out Ray gun or Upgraded Colt. 6)Mule Kick 7)Double Tap Root Beer 8)Deadshot Daiquiri Tell me yours down below.
Last reply by Bone_Cold_Westy, -
- 17 replies
8 Players is only a good thing, here is why, if zombies can handle 8 players.. then that means that 4 players will run way more smoothly. 8 players comes with new modes, I doubt you have to have a full 8 to play these modes, what about 6 or 5. 5 would be ideal, there is always that one guy left out of zombies. There will clearly be the classic 4 player zombies mode, anyone who thinks there wont be is mistaken. You can continue to play with 3 other randoms if you are not interested in the 8 player aspect. And most importantly, you don't have to play with 7 other people, they are not forcing you to have 8 player zombie games. You can go classic with 4 or do the new modes wi…
Last reply by STOTTINMAD, -
- 17 replies
Im sure someone from treyarch said that all multiplayer maps would also be ported into zombie maps, kinda like survival, is this true or was i just imagining?
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 17 replies
In Kino loading screen Richtofen is thinking by himself where that little girl went. Why? When he knows exactly where Samantha is and how to get her out of there. So: A: Treyarch messed up with the time lines. B: That recording is from past and Richtofen went to Kino right after he "killed" Sam and before he heard that she was teleported in Moon.
Last reply by Tac, -
- 17 replies
I believe in Black Ops II a map will be made where the location is the outside city area by the Theater know as Kino Der Toten. Why I think this: In the quick sneak peak/trailer we saw for zombie there was a torn up building similar to that of Kino, same texture on walls and similar flooring. Also, we were shown the one picture of this: The tip of the gun that solider is holding looks similar to the tip of the Black Ops style M16. This got me think the M16 is a weapon on the wall on almost every zombie map, if not all of them. But I thought I was missing something. Something obvious. Then I remembered a huge thing. The supposed Secret Ladder on the Stage …
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 17 replies
St. Peter's Church Somerset Street, New Brunswick NJ From New Jersey like the dinners. Not my find but xolwox's. Anyway I leave this here. Discuss.
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 17 replies
Why are Treyarch so cryptic with their Zombies storyline? They make us think and look for thing that are not there. They require these online communities, to delve into their hidden, meaningless clues - that never really answer the question, only provoke more questions and delving. But then, there is a storyline. Primarily just references made- or stories/characters revolving around -various popular conspiracy theories. They have caused an entire community to research these theories. Enlightenment. That's why, I believe, the Zombies storyline is not clear. Because, there is no storyline. Only a method of inspiring englightenment and personal-research into the hi…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 17 replies
Hi guys Every time i come on to the forum i see posts about who the new characters are and i just wanted to say i don't think they will have personalities or names.I think they will be random survivors, kinda like the random soldiers in multiplayer... Treyarch has said and correct me if i'm wrong that there will only be 8 players in the verses mode, so i personally think the 8 characters will be generic survivors and i think you will set up a class like multiplayer. I'm shaw we will see the characters we know in classic mode but i don't think we will see them in the 8 player online. oh and one last thing would love to see some kind of customization f…
Last reply by punkrockzombie, -
- 17 replies
This is a FFA (Free For All for those living under a rock) in a zombie setting. Objective: I haven't EXACTLY figured one out. Simple Objective: There are 4 people playing, after a certain number of rounds, or time, or when everybody acquires enough points; three Monkeys (if there are 4 players, 2 for three, 1 for two, not a single played game mode) spawn randomly, they drop from the sky, whatever. 3\4 people can acquire a monkey. It might be better if there is just one Monkey no matter how many players. If you acquire a or the monkey, you throw it at another player, which in turn, sticks to them causing all the zombies to go for that or those player(s.) The zombies w…
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 17 replies
New tweet from call of dutys twitter link to tweet - link to video - Now what could this mean ;)
Last reply by sick_ckuf,
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