General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
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- 13 replies
So I simply wanted to ask what your FAVORITE zombies map(s) of all time is/are. -Nacht -Verruckt -Shi No Numa -Der Reise -Kino -Five -Ascension -Call of the Dead -Shangri-La -Moon -Tranzit -Die Rise -Nuketown -Mob of the Dead -Buried -Origins -Shadows of Evil -The Giant -Der Eisendrache -Zetsubou No Shima -Gorod Krovi -Revelations Keeping it strict to TreyArch since they are the originak creators. Also theirs is best anyways.
Last reply by ROFbaggingU, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Round 1 brought down the number of participants slightly, and unfortunately some heavy hitters were left in the dust. Round 2 is so large, with 16 matchups, that I'm going to split it into two parts: Round 2.0 and 2.5. Here's the current bracket: Here are our matchups this week: 1. Coming Home vs Alone 2. We All Fall Down vs Dead Flowers 3. I Am The Well vs Always Running 4. Carrion vs Shephard of Fire 5. The Gift vs Remember Forever 6. Drowning vs Dead Ended 7. Undone vs Abracadavre 8. A Light From The Shore (+Vanishing Shore) vs Mad Hatter The second half of round 2 will begi…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
This is it. The Endgame. Here is the final matchup: 1. I Am The Well vs Shockwave (BO4 Stays Winning) Also, for fun, vote for the runner up of the tournament: 2. Abracadavre vs 115 Send in your votes by next Friday (May 28st) at 8PM CST to see them counted!
Last reply by C L A S S I F I E D, -
- 13 replies
I brought this up a while ago in a topic about 'don't get excited dempsey' but no one really took interest. But I distinctly remember in W@W Verruckt, sometimes when I was down and being revived, the other character would say "GET UP, PETER!" or "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, PETER!" I'm not exactly sure which color character it was, maybe the blue or green on the bottom of the points counter. But it seems odd that everyone was fixated on the hanging man in snn but showed no interest in seeing how he looked ALIVE in Verruckt. But first off, would anyone be willing to check the W@W Verruckt Sound Files just to get some confirmation? Then we could actuall…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 13 replies
Shi no Numa delivered us with four all new badass characters to play as. Tank, the All-American war hero, Nikolai, the typical Russian badass, Takeo, the imperial army soldier and Richtofen, the brutal doctor. So who is the greatest?
Last reply by Mr.mashmello, -
- 13 replies
I've been thinking about this for a while now. Game length. Have 4 player zombie games become dragged out? I understand this is one of the base fundamental features of zombies, is that you go until you die, but should the game get harder earlier on? Let's look at all the things that have made zombies easier to play since Nacht: Perks Traps Pack A Punch Weapons with infinite damage Now, I absolutely love every one of these changes, but doesn't it seem like with all these changes, something could have been done to make the game harder as well? Zombies still (I believe) have the same base speed as they did in Nacht (except those ones on Verruckt, yet I myst…
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 13 replies
Hello zombie fans My younger brother(20) and myself(23) love playing this game from WaW on. We are Die hard gamers when it comes to zombies and talk a lot about it after we had a round of meat sack riping. we talk about various topics, how to improve the game, story line, history of the game and so on. following are some Ideas we'd like to Share with you. Additional Ideas #1. Item Drops Slow Motion - Upon pickup Zombies go in slow Motion, drop effect lasts for xx(30) seconds (gives time to buy something, revive, shoot, reload, combination with other Item drops etc) Turrets activation - Upon pickup all turrets activate (same time as norma…
Last reply by Tom852, -
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The video will explain all. Enjoy! MzKQS8_prb0 -Jolteon
Last reply by Jolteon, -
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As you all know, we left our characters on the Moon, with Richtofen's grand scheme complete, and Maxis extracting his revenge. The last sequences can be interpreted and theories can be developed, but for now, it is safe to say, that the zombies storyline has taken two possible villains that are better, more devious and hellbent, than anything we have ever seen in the story so far. What makes this good? Well, for starters, we have concrete antagonists, something the story was lacking earlier. Also, this creates a solid protagonist. Now we can have a look at why each of the antagonists and their motives, as well as the possibility that there is for each one to double as a p…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 13 replies
Im sure that every zombie player has had one or more games that ended early from lagging out. For all of us it has become part of the game. If u have a good story or if u want to blow off some steam then share it here. - My worst lag occurred on Shangri-la. Our group was just a few steps from completing the Easter egg. We were camping at the top of the slide. Everything was going fine until... LAG!! Before anyone could react the game was over in a span of 2 or 3 seconds we all died. :shock:
Last reply by kraigm345, -
- 13 replies
Hello hello everyone! It is BlindBusDrivr here with another super enormous thread concerning the storyline! Since we are all jumping up and down on the inside eagerly awaiting the next Treyarch game, I decided we should best to conclude, basically everything that we know. Edits will be made when it's fully up going over everything and getting pictures, as well as when wikipedia comes back online. This is mainly to test how well it will translate form MicrosoftWord to CoDz right now and some opinions on it right now and what I should add. So now with great pleasure, I present to you, the... THE EPIC FULL NAZI ZOMBIES STORYLINE The Be…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 13 replies
Hello MegaAfroMan here! Bringing you another contemplation on the game we all know and love as Zombies. Unfortunately I do not have any mind blowing theories, or life saving strategy guides, but instead would like to hear your input on what makes you rage in a game of zombies, be it solo or multiplayer, map related, AI related, or player related. I will go ahead and state my top ten reasons for raging. 10. Host migration. I hate it, everyone hates it. I have not found anyone who can say "I love host migration!" There is no real reason it has to be as bad as it is. And with the rarity of mics out there when you stumble into a lobby of 3 talkitive players with decent r…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
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Or whatever there called? I know at one point carbon was doing them, but he is gone to my knowledge. Is anyone other than him capable of making them?
Last reply by Eddiethehead, -
- 13 replies
I always cracking up on blowing up zombies with M1 Garand w/ Grenade launcher on W@W zombies. Even on BO zombies, blowing up zombies with claymores or boucing betties. China Lake also makes me laugh too. I was wondering if did anyone think its funny to blow up zombies. :lol:
Last reply by CoDzOmBIeZ, -
- 13 replies
So we all got into this game somehow. Maybe you were introduced to it by a friend, thought CoD looked awesome from TV ads and found zombies through generally playing CoD, or you read good reviews or stumbled upon videos of zombies on the internet. Mine is pretty standard, introduced to it by a friend. We played a little Call of Duty, I wasn't really into it. Then on the main menu on W@W, I noticed there was a zombies mode. I quizzed my friend about it and he said he was gonna show me it at some point, but let's play it now. At the time he had NDU and Der Riese, we only played Der Riese at first. First few attempts, I thought it was alright, nothing amazing. But t…
Last reply by Slow Death, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys. Today I experienced (again) one of those one hit downs. I swore, that this must be a fault in the game. But now after watching the video, I indeed got 3 hits, after a little delay another 4th hit. But there was no red screen. So all hit indicators vanished, and then finally the 5th hit downed me. It seems like the little break between the first 3 hits and the 4th hit enabled the lower health regeneration rate, like you have it with a redscreen. However, the redscreen was not displayed. So I felt save, although I wasn't. I don't know, but I could imagine all or most mysterious non-sense one hit downs might be based on this bug, that doesn't display…
Last reply by Tom852, -
- 13 replies
If you are wondering what the map names mean for the zombie maps, click HERE. 8-)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys, so during my stay here at CoDZ, as many of you will know I've released several guides in written and video format. This is a thread that I'll be putting into my signature that will link to guides and general gameplay videos for the easy future reference of my fellow CoDZers STRATEGY TUTORIAL/DEMO/GAMEPLAY VIDEOS Superhands' 100s Cancelling new-area respawning on COTD, Shang & Moon (and BO2 maps) Nacht Der Untoten: Round 80 Solo *Black Ops World Record* Nacht: Super's Fast 30+ Strategy Verruckt: Round 120 solo *New World Record* Shi No Numa, Round 115 Solo World Record Der Riese, Round 100 Solo Kino FAST 40+ MP40 room strategy Kino …
Last reply by Oldmate, -
Zombies could be or not be over. Nobody knows for sure. But if it isn't, and there was an ending, how do you think it would end? I have different ideas. 1. This is all in someone's head. Like maybe Richtofen, Samantha, or Maxis just imagined a zombies infestation. But that seems to extreme. 2. What if Hitler was behind everything? What if after he was killed by the Russians during World War 2, he came back as a zombie and it turns out the real reason he researched the undead, was for him. 3. Maybe the gang go back in time and stop Ricthofen and Maxis from conducting the experiments, kinda like a campaign. These are just some ideas. Please share some o…
Last reply by ARAS, -
- 13 replies
Without Zombies, I wont be purchasing this, and I think many people like myself purchase map packs for zombies. This is all about things I would like to see in the maps in the next game. I hear a trailer is being released this month. I hope to god we see even a slight teaser of zombies so, I can get even more excited like a kid on Xmas. I am going to post what I like to see in the next game or maps for zombies. Guys, share your thoughts or ideas too. - new perks * PACK A PUNCH TWICE? Hold more then 4 perks? - pack a punch twice * 40s + weapons are practically useless without t - new traps * Laser? - I love Call of the Dead, arguably my favorite map due to …
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 13 replies
It seems many people are trying to figure out what exact kind of shotgun the woman (samantha) is holding in the poster. Why people want to know the exact shotgun, I don't know but here it is. It is a Remington. The stock in the picture is closest to a remington.
Last reply by Aussienitro, -
- 13 replies
I see flaming zombies and zombies on fire...and the zombies look more realistic, has this been here before?
Last reply by TehGKBrief, -
- 13 replies
my parents just got me a preorder of BlOps 2 for my birthday (my dad blatently wanted an excuse to buy it ;P) and i was just wandering, who else has preordered already?
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 13 replies
Basically explains it's self. Keep your eyes peeled for any sort of zombie teaser.
Last reply by ZombiesQUANTUM, -
- 13 replies
Our original crew consisted of 4 un-named soldiers from the WW2 era. They were used in Nacht Der Untoten and Verruckt. They don't really count though since they were replaced by Tank, Takeo, Richtofen, and Nikoli (our base crew.) Then we had Nixon, JFK, McNamarra and Castro in Five. Black Ops also introduced us to yet ANOTHER group of zombie slayers in Call of the Dead with Danny Trejo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert England and Michael Rooker. We still don't know about the characters used in Dead Ops Arcade, but that probably remains irrelevant. Since it's looking like we'll be in Cuba for our newest zombie map, could we be seeing more of the "Five" crew? Also, will we …
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys,
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