General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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Today I was playing a solo game on Die Rise (PS3), and early on I got all six perks. Even when I have all six perks, out of habit I kill the Jacks with 100% accuracy. Because of this, I still get a perk bottle, even if it is useless. However, every time I pick it up, I hear Richtofen's laugh. Anyone else getting this? Maybe it is just a way of confirming there are no more perks to be gained?
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
- 12 replies
So the box in the back of the courthouse is the one I'm talking about. Is there any other chance that there is a box located in a different map (Tranzit/die Rise) that we haven't located because no one has looked? I know that this may be crazy, but I think this might be the continuation everyone has been looking for.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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(I'm a bit new here, so I apologize if I make any mistakes. I'm crossposting this from, so there's most likely gonna be mistake in the formatting) Original post here, thanks /u/AnusHole for cracking this egg wide open Picture of said book, courtesy of /u/SaggyBuries In case you didn't know, Samuel has a book in his vest in Buried and possibly other maps. I know the Zombies community has been involved in numerous tinfoil theories, but this one may have some merit. What if it is Maxis' diary? Stu doesn't seem like the type read books or to write down his thoughts and feelings, and even if he did, we would've at least had a loading screen entry of h…
Last reply by Boom115, -
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Treyarch, you've done it again. From day 1, you have worked hard to get to this point. It wasn't easy and on more than one occasion, yet you continued to work for a better map each time. And now we may be at the end...whether for a while or forever. (in case you didn't know, this is about zombies ) From the small confined spaces of Nacht der Untoten to the nightmare of Der Reise. From Russia to even outer space. And coming back to a destroyed earth and the hell of Alcatraz, you have truly come far and gained many fans. But now the end is near. In a few days, your final master piece, Origins, will arrive and we will finish what was started so many …
Last reply by EvilHERONeos, -
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really I know its been said before and am sorry for goin over old stuff but thought this would be the fastest way I would get an accurate. answer
Last reply by R102609, -
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Anyone else think they may or is secretly hoping they release another map? Maybe something they scrapped for a map pack release or never finished and decided to finish? Hey, ya never know :/ lol. I really hope a micro transaction hits before ghosts comes out. I'm thinking no though. there's always hope....right? I hope maybe they will add a few perk machines to a map or something. I've always wanted mule kick on town
Last reply by Boom115, -
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Foreword Hello CoDz, Nai here with the first of a few theories I'll be going into over the first few weeks of Off-Time. I'll be titling these similar to the title of this one, so be on the look-out! These theories will be about how the mechanics of the games work. This theory will be on the inner workings of the Pack-a-Punch, a machine we all think we know so well, but do not at all! The Pack-a-Punch Machine The Pack-a-Punch machine. A machine of different designs, which somehow infuses our weapons with Element 115 to give them that extra punch we need to mow down a horde of the undead. We are all familiar with it, but do we know how it really works? In…
Last reply by Shooter, -
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Recently, sense Origins, or possibly MOTD was released, Ive noticed a SERIOUS decline in members using the "future zombies" section of CODzF, which Is a great shame, I love to read map ideas and predictions... What happened to those? It appears only myself and She3aproject are the only ones making any idea maps right now.... So my question is: When should I start seeing the return of new map ideas? It's only the second week into ghosts and I don't see what should be a large board of potential Ideas and routes for trayarch to take.... From what I saw after the moon release last era everyone and their brother had ideas about vrill, doomsday, teleportation, rifts, ene…
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
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So we all have a favorite map, and when we think about our favorite map many things factor into what makes that map your favorite. Rather it be the memories of the coop games you had with your friends, the boss, the perks, or other things, all of these come to play when figuring out what map is your favorite. Now lets set all those aside and focus on one thing. What is your favorite map to just continuously slay zombies till they take over you and you have no more quick revives left? That is, what is your favorite map to go for a high round on. To keep this simple we will only talk about black ops 2 maps.
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
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As the developers are working now to make sure we're all happy with the next round of zombies, what would you like to see from it? For me, I really want private matches to record rounds on the leaderboards if there is nothing changed from a normal game of zombies. That would make me much more happy to play zombies with friends to go high rounds.
Last reply by Rory 1201, -
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Trayarch lean in close. The so called easter eggs in BO2 were not easter eggs, they were objectives. Black ops one? Oh yeah total EEs. The difference? Black ops two: -Everyone shouting at you to accomplish the task. Black ops one: -One little thing in an area gave you a single clue. You had to work it out from there. Trayarch, It's pretty well known that easter eggs DO EXIST, you don't need to scream it at us every time we start up a game! Go back to what it was, one tiny little hint or two. A mysterious voice in one area, a flashing light, buttons that have a mysterious "push X" symbol on it… Just little stuff. I NEVER want to hear a…
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
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I'll start, as I'm pissed off with them now. Xbox 360: irishnutjob89, glitching into the wall by using the trampol steam.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
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*We're coming up on the four year anniversary of this thread (had to repost on new forum) so I've revamped it with new Der Eisendrache information, please read until end as much of the beginning is slightly incorrect now* Shi No Numa and Takeo: The Entwined History In World War II, there was a biological weapons research and human experimentation team known as Unit 731, and they had many compounds. One of the compounds was in the very southern parts of Pingfang, Manchuria, where their excuse for the facility's existence was that it was a lumber mill, so they had logs and wood everywhere. Rumor from around the compound is that they referred to their human…
Last reply by Tac, -
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Honestly I find playing random lobbies the funniest challenges. One thing I always do every game with randoms is try to have more headshot than others have kills. Anyone else have any self challenges they have when playing?
Last reply by K3ys3r S0z3, -
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Okay, that title could be taken a few different ways... Basically, I'd like to know if you guys all remember where every part is on each map. I do, and I'd like to be tested on this. Name a part and a map, and I can give the possible spawn location/s. (Only counts for BO2 maps, all of you who instantly thought the Wire from Moon...) I feel strange for this, as I seem to be the only one who can actually remember this. I've seen multiple people ask where a part is, when they've picked it up from it's current location in a previous match. Is there something different about me? I wrote this thread as a huge, long post originally, but then my laptop froze so I los…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 12 replies
I was playing zombies last night and got to thinking about when I was younger and used to have toys that had draw strings on them. You could pull the string on their back and they would say a series of quotes randomly, which I think would be perfect for a zombies fan. A 40s-50s style doll series (sort of like the way Woodie is made from Toy story) of our heroes, and side characters that would have multiple quotes for your pleasure. I personally would buy the heck out of this, much more than a silly Lego zombie. It fits the style of zombies perfectly, at least from W@W and BO1, would have new lovable quotes (maybe even some Ascension matrayoska doll quotes) for …
Last reply by Blunderwaffe, -
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Hi, it's the boring guy. My skills are nowhere near elite, but I consider myself fairly adequate. My road from a newbie to where I am currently is as rough as it gets. I have learned from many of my mistakes, and I have learned from some of the very best, including people on this site. I play with randoms a lot, and often with bad randoms to patch my revives. Along the way, I have picked up a few eager, humble, and teachable lads that look up to me. With only the Mustang and Sally plus a wall weapon, the 12 year old mighty virgin started a coalition. After many random games, the boring guy tree is branching off. Here are a few feel good stories that I'm…
Last reply by visualkeirockstar, -
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Although Call of Duty has one of the largest gaming players known to console (and the world), Zombies has garnered the opportunity to give such an expansive audience the gift of slaying zombies. It started from a fun, innocent game mode and quickly turned into a saga filled with a luscious storyline while entailing very interest map concepts and arsenal to kill zombies. In fact, this is where a particular invisible line is drawn. Some would say that the context behind the mode is what gives Zombies its vigor. There's something about scavenging the map for hidden radios, looking at the entire scenery to inspect the environment, analyzing every quote that is offered. Ea…
Last reply by Matuzz, -
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Following Activision's 4th quarter review, it was 100% confirmed that we will expect the next Treyarch title to drop this fall. I'm sure none of us had any doubt, but we can sit a little closer to the edge of our seats. Image by Charlieintel
Last reply by Lenne, -
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Hi Ladies and Gentleman, I've been a very big fan of Call of Duty and the Zombies mode that comes with some of them for years, As I have played the Zombies mode through the years from World at War all the way to Black Ops 3 and hopefully it will go on and on with new ideas and new ways to make it amazing as it already is. But some where along the way of what we are at today I think personally that they have kinda lost their touch and are getting a little out of hand, now no I'm not talking about Advanced Warfare cause that, well that was just a silly mistake ( argue if you must ) I'm talking about how…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
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Hello lads, you may remember a little while back I did a tournament bracket for zombies maps that turned some rather interesting results, found here: But I have been wanting to do another one of these for a while, and I thought a good topic of debate would be Easter Egg songs! They are something we can all listen to, even if we've never played the maps they came from. Everyone has many different musical tastes, and there are many unique songs in Zombies' history. For this list, I stuck to songs that appear in-game through an Easter Egg process meant specifically for finding said song, so excluding trailer music or background music. I also excluded Aether from Origi…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
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Welcome back, lovely people of the world, to the Easter Egg Song Bracket. Here is the first half of the round's results: Here is the current bracket: Voting is simple: Below I will list the competitors in this round using numbers. You will make your own list of numbers, with your choice next to the corresponding number and optionally an explanation why. So for example if the match-up is: 1. Takeo vs Nikolai You would reply: 1. Takeo - Takeo is a very funny comedian. After 1 week I will tally up the votes and write up a post for the next round. Let's get into round 2.5 with our 8 ma…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 1 follower
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That was an exciting first half of round 1 with 9 votes! Lets keep those numbers high and the competition fierce. Here is the bracket currently: But what are the rules? I will provide a list of matchups, for example: 1. Juggernog vs Speed Cola You would make your choice by replying with your pick and a reason why, something like: 1. Speed Cola, I gotta go fast! Your reasoning can be anything from personality, development, comedy, voice performance, or just how they look! At the end of the week I will tally votes and advance winners to the next round. Here are today's contestants…
Last reply by Inconcievable, -
- 12 replies
So this seems to be a very common and VERY annoying thing that happens to me when I play zombies. I don't know if it's some sort or glitch or why it happens, but I hate it. For example, I'll have an HK and a Ray Gun and I'll buy Mule Kick and get a commando. So I end up getting downed and instead of losing my Commando like I should, I lose my Ray Gun! And when I get revived I end up having an HK and a Commando. This happens ALL the time! At first I thought maybe it was because when I Pack-a-punched my guns and switched through my guns it somehow replaced the gun on mule kick with the gun I just Pack-a-Punched, but even if I have no Pack-a-Punched guns it still happens! I'…
Last reply by YourDragon son, -
- 12 replies
I'm bored have nothing to do so I'm just going to ask a random question, ''Who do you have the most respect for on the CoDz forum?
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr,
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