General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
Please don't just read numbered points and say "I'd never advertise!" and skip over it, because there are things you may not realize are categorized as advertising, or anything else, that are and you might have already broken them. If you have any questions regarding this, please ask, and have a good time and be sure to follow the rules!
Rule: Advertising to other users inside the CoDz Forum, whether it be via a post, personal message, or profile/signature links, to buy or view any products, websites, or other service is strictly prohibited. Non-intrusive links in signatures to personal YouTube accounts may be allowed, but that is case-to-case and each will be reviewed individually.
Consequence: The infringing user’s account will be banned, as well as the IP address. Any post with the intentions of advertising will be immediately and permanently deleted.
Example: If you are a spam bot, a hired advertiser, or a desperate website/business owner, this may apply to you. Signing up and making your only post a promotion for your zombie gameplay YouTube channel is breaking the rule. However simply sending links to a fellow forum goer who wants to know where to buy a capture card is not breaking this rule, PMing your buddy a link to a funny YouTube video isn't, etc.
Rule: Creating another account when a a user already has one account on CoDz is not allowed. There is little to no need for a separate account. If you've forgotten your password and need access back to your main account, use the Forgot Password link. Should there be a logical reason outside of forgetting credentials for the double account, contact a staff member immediately with details of the situation..
Consequence: The secondary account created by the original user will be permanently banned given with evidence of double accounts. In addition, the original account held by the user will be temporarily banned as well. Using the secondary account to avoid a suspension/ban on the main account will result in both accounts being permanently banned.
Example: A user creates a double account because they've been banned. If that account matches up the original user and no case has been made to the staff about the reason for the double account, both accounts will be banned after contacting the user.
3. SPAMMING [SPAM]: Spamming is defined as many things, and all of them aren’t allowed. As a CoDz user, you should hold yourself to a high standard and use common sense when posting.
Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
Consequence: The infringing duplicate thread will be either merged (with the original thread), locked, or deleted, depending on the situation. When dealing with two duplicate threads, the staff will sometimes exercise their own personal judgement with regard to the thread’s posts, to avoid conversations being broken up and posts losing their cohesion, as all the comments in both threads are merged and arranged by the date they were posted.
Cross-posting violations will be dealt with by deleting all cross-posted threads. Users are responsible for figuring out the appropriate section in which to post their topic. If you have any trouble you may ask any staff member for advice!
We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
Rule: Any user that makes a post just to increase their own post count is considered disruptive to the community, and is interfering with the other members’ usage of the CoDz forum.
Consequence: Violations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis - some users will be warned verbally by PM, others may receive an official warning, and posts/threads may also be deleted (which will make your post count drop again!). Repeat offenders will suffer a Permanent Ban of their account on the forum.
Example: If a user makes a post saying “I agree,” or “We know,” or something similar and they do not further the conversation or productivity of the thread, that would be grounds for deletion of the post. The specific details of post pumping are left for staff to decide case-by-case, as there are a broad range of possibilities, which are quite dependent on the circumstances.
Rule: Posts, signatures, avatars, or PMs that are intended to harass, threaten, embarrass or cause the distress or discomfort to another member of the CoDz Forum Community or any other individual or entity is unacceptable. (For this reason, the emoticon known as “facepalm” has been removed from the forum.)
Consequence: In some cases, warnings may be issued, but flaming is likely to result in Permanent Banning. It is therefore advisable to always be respectful to your fellow members; this does not mean you cannot disagree with someone, but you do not need to tear a person down in order to prove your point, so be careful with sarcasm! The response “I was only joking” will not get you much sympathy.
Example: If a user says to another on the forum that they are stupid, dumb, illogical, incompetent, etc., that is an example of a user tearing another down, and is considered to be ‘flaming’. Even sarcastically saying “Wow, you’re a bright one, aren’t you..” or “Did you figure that out on your own?” would qualify as a form of harassment.
Rule: Using offensive language in any context is not allowed here at the CoDz Forum. We believe that our intelligent members can make their points and offer their contributions WITHOUT the necessity of vulgarities. Included in this would be racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination that may end up causing the distress or discomfort of a user or any group in general. Along with offensive language, displaying or linking to offensive content is not allowed at CoDz. Please be sensitive towards others and how they may react to sensitive material.
Consequence: Posts, signatures, or profiles containing offensive language, content, or links will be edited and/or deleted by the Forum Moderators and Warnings will be issued as appropriate. Repeat violations of this policy may result in more severe actions, up to and including Permanent Banning.
Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
Examples of offensive links include Pornographic, Racial, Defamation, or any other derogatory content. If it does not pass our CoC do not link to it on our site.
Rule: A user’s signature may only be 5 lines high, 15 pixels high per line and 65 pixels wide per line. A signature must follow all of the above guidelines concerning offensive language and material, and also concerning advertising.
Consequence: If a user creates a signature that violates the above rules, they will first be contacted and asked to change their signature. If they do not comply, someone will change it for them. Particularly horrid offenses will be dealt with by staff in an appropriate manner.
Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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So black ops 2 gave us some pretty cool and some useless buildables. But even though some of them stunk, I would love for them to bring them back to the next game. So lets put our heads together and make some ideas for some new buildables for the next game. I will go ahead and put my first idea out there. The three pats will be a conveyor belt, a meat grinder, and a tool that puffs out smoke (dont know the actual name, sue me ) When put all together it will give you a machine that once you kill zombies around the area of it, they will be put on the conveyor belt and fed to the meat grinder. Once its grinded up the smoke puffer thing-a-ma-jig will shoot out some of t…
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 10 replies
Simplicity or Complexity? There are two types of maps on BO2, and they differ in how you approach the map. Maps like Town, Farm, Die Rise, Buried, and Nuketown stress simplicity. With or without the bank, not much strategies are involved for setting up. Most of these maps take the first few rounds to complete your long run set up. Maps like Tranzit, MOTD, and Origins are more complex. For the first 10-15 rounds you are trying to maximize points and get to your errands. Easily into the twenties there are many things to do and much running around. The latter maps are more fun for me initially, but I shy away from those once I reach my goals. The constan…
Last reply by Chopper, -
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I prefer the python because it has more in a clip and it is more accurate.
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
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Pick a song for each map that you would use to replace the existing easter egg songs. I don't mean "what songs do you listen to while playing zombies." The song has to actually fit the map's theme / concept, or be comparable in some way to the map's actual song. Maybe post links if enough people care. You don't have to do every map; Just one is fine if that's all you can think of. Verruckt - Crawling by Linkin Park Shi No Numa - Soldier Side by System of a down Der Riese - Toxicity by System of a Down Kino - Not Gonna Die by Skillet Five - Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz Ascension - Aerials by System of a Down CotD - Soldiers of the Wasteland by Dr…
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
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Hello Codz. We all love the mystery Box don't we? The chance of getting something really amazing like the Monkeys, The Wunderwaffe, Or perhaps the sad chance of getting an SMR or a Spectre. Yet with all of the times we have Played Zombies Whats the weapon that you roll the Most when you buy the Box? Not the weapon you Like but the one that always seems to come out. Also Whats the weapon you have gotten the least amount of time during your zombie killing Career? I can tell you right now that the gun I have gotten the most out of the Box is the Predator, and the weapon I have gotten the least is the Zap Guns /Wave gun from Moon. I've only ever rolled those guns 3 times.
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
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So I've just been discussing this with @anonymous in another thread - the way Treyarch in W@W and in earlier Black Ops maps used to just take multiplayer or campaign maps and rehash them into a zombies map - in W@W Nacht was a bunker from Airfield, Verruckt was Asylum, Shi No Numa was Semper Fi, Der Riese was Nightfire, and the trend for rehashing continued in Black Ops. I proposed an idea in the thread that since zombies has become so popular, that more zombies maps should be released per DLC, and what with the fact that a lot of people still prefer the old style maps without all the quests, building, zombie bosses and other stuff (hence why The Giant proved pop…
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À la: So the idea is to copy and paste the following questions, and answer them in your comment. Take a look at the prior linked post for examples. Who is the Witch/Mistress/Woman in Buried? Why are there so many of her? What is the purple steam/light coming from her? Why does she try to sever (rob and kill) the player? Why is she playing piano when doing a small easter easter egg? Has she any connection with the Magic Well, the Wisp and the Maze? @PINNAZ @GRILL @Boom115 @Shooter @MysteryMachineX lets see if I can reach some old fella's.
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 1 follower
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Not sure where to post this but hope it is alright here So I must convince that I have a weakness for maps. I can have fun browsing through an Atlas for hours. I remember I made two maps on this site prior: One "Where are the CoDZ members from" map and one ma with pictures of zombie mas. The following is something I always wanted to create one day: An interactive map including all zombie story related things. It is fast from done yet and I need the help of the community. First of all, here's the link: Light blue dots means exact map location, darker blue dots mean that the map mu…
Last reply by Schrödinger, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hey all! Recently, in a wack drunk moment, I told someone I was going to practise playing guitar, something that randomly popped up in my head and I actually felt like doing. Next day, I took my sisters akoustic guitar and started practising...and I gotta say, its so much fun. Really different than piano (what I used to play) in any way. So uhh, thing I wanted to say is that I found these: The Black Ops Perk-a-Cola's Jingle chords! To play on guitar! They're still to hard for me, but if there is anyone there playing guitar and lovin…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 10 replies
Unfortunately the bracket site is not saving scores right now so I don't have the current bracket to visualize, but we can still continue with the rounds. Here are our matchups this week: 1. Alone vs Dead Flowers 2. I Am The Well vs Carrion 3. The Gift vs Dead Ended 4. Abracadavre vs A Light From The Shore (+Vanishing Shore) 5. 115 vs Ace of Spades 6. Archangel vs The One 7. Mystery vs Dead Again 8. Shockwave vs Stormbound Round 4 will begin next week! To vote, simply use the number of the matchup, and say what song you think is best for any reason that you like. Also feel free to explain w…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 10 replies
I was just bored looking through any information or clues about the next game. But until saw this... I get little skeptic and almost having organsm on this. Here is the link. ... ruits.html enjoy looking the site. ;)
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
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So, after playing many, many games with randoms, I have come to question whether or not there even is a proper way to play fairly in zombies. I like running. However, is this fair to everyone else? In a map such as Kino there are not that many commonly known easy places to run. So if you are running in the lobby and getting half the zombies every round and point spamming them with an SMG is that really fair to the other three players trying to survive in the stage? Zombies is a team game is it not? I know I found myself getting frustrated that this one player had nearly 60,000 points by round 20 or something similar when I had only near 20,000 becau…
Last reply by iB Proto, -
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Nazi Zombies Story Naucht Der Untoten- Moon The Story This is my theory. Richtofen was Dr. Maxis’ assistant. Dr. Maxis is head of the research party, known of group 935, for Germany. This was a top secret group during WWII that was assigned to research thing that seemed impossible at the time to help win the war. One of which is teleportation. They were trying to perfect teleporting with P.O.W. who were pronounced dead because they weren’t ever found after battles. This is why none of the countries searched for these men. So when they are testing these new things in Germany’s occupation something strange happened in a number of areas. 5 meteors landed in 5 differe…
Last reply by killallzombies, -
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Hey Guys, This is one of my first theories ever, and it came to me in the shower. I'm going to assume that already people will start to dislike this theory partly becuase we already know how the zombies work and partly because it is based ON A MOVIE, but this may be a gateway to more thinking about that. So I was on the plane back to Toronto yesterday, and I was watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes (the monkey one). In this movie, there was a drug called ALZ 112 that regenerated and improved brain cells and function. This was only used on apes. It gave them green eyes with gold flecks. I made the connection between the zombie eyes and these gold flecks associate…
Last reply by Shooter, -
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So I've been thinking about doing a solo run lately, on any map (Preferrably not kino, ascension, or moon) So I decided to check the plausibility of doing it on CotD, and I wanted to figure out how long round 100 alone would take. After doing some research I determined that using the AK74fu2, which is really the only plausible choice, it would take approximately 40 minutes to kill 1 zombie. Once you add in the the factor of bullet penetration, it would take around an hour and 15 minutes to kill an entire horde. This means that to kill all 880 some zombies you would need around 45 hours to complete round 100 alone! :!: So in conclusion round 100 on solo CotD is not plausi…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 10 replies
okay guys, im going to be making a video series on youtube, based off zombies, the episodes will vary, like some wall guns onlly, others will be challenges requested by you people, but i will start posting that in the next few days, so im hoping for everyone to get behind it, because it will be great fun to make, and hopefully and entertaining to watch!, im hoping you guys can head over to my channel and check out some of my cod videos already made, and subscribe to me, so that you dont miss any!, of the content that will be being posted, because it will be simply, pretty f%$^ing cool to make! channel; ... ature=mhee …
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Yellow-card here Now as a few of you know, we had a 115 day where we all played Zombies A few of us weren't able to make it because of internet problem or bad timing, Like me which had to leave half way through the game and few other people If you guys enjoyed the whole 115 day thing than we should do more of these, maybe ever 15th of a month, if it's a weekday then we will work things out But none the less, hope you had a amazing 115 day :twisted: Regards Yellow-card8
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 10 replies
Hi, this is my first post so it may have a crap load of flaws with it. I have been lurking here for about 3 months, but have finally decided to join. So, my theory is about how the crew gets to the maps, considering there is not a teleporter in every one of them ( like ascension). Ok, my theory is that Richtofen has a pocket teleporter that expands when put on the ground so everyone could fit on it. The reason that they have to stop at a map is because the teleporter needs 115 to operate. Since there is a wonder weapon in every level, I believe that each one has some 115 in it, so they have to shoot in into the teleporter, kinda like how the wonderwaffe overrides t…
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
- 10 replies
Greetings Fellow Zombie Slayers. Hope you enjoy my latest video: Wccln8WYlFI Alternative link: This was obviously done on World at War, the game took about five hours, I think the editing actually took longer than the game hahaha!
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 10 replies
I sen my thanks to perfectlemonade for help proofreading of chapter 1! Chapter One: Know Your Maps! Map 1- The original three-room map - Nacht der Untoten - (comes with WaW and with the Rezzurection map pack on Blops.) Map 2- The birth of Perk-a-Colas and the power switch - Verruckt - (comes with waw and with the Rezzurection map pack on Blops.) Map 3- Introducing our famous Z-Crew and the Wunderwaffe as well as the hell hounds and the first radios - Shi No Numa - (comes with waw and with the Rezzerection map pack on Blops.) Map 4- Bowie knife, Monkey bombs, teleporters and Pack A Punch, as well as the famous Flytrap all included in - Der Reise - (c…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 10 replies
do you prefer monkeys,dogs or cosmic silverback? i prefer monkeys there funner and they dont pop out in front of u well most of the time anyways all updated so here you go
Last reply by complexinvalid, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, saw a topic recently and someone said about Nacht and point whoring something like good luck. I realised that the way I tend to start is pretty good at it Y7bZhLaoQoY
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 10 replies
What is your favorite glitch in zombie history... I know your going to grill me and say I dont use glitches i hate them all... But some are fun when your playing with your friends just fucking around, it introduces a new way to play after you overplayed running around surviving 100 times... My favorite glitch in zombie history had to be on ascension lunar lander glitch also if you know the lunar lander glitch they patched it and sam laughs at you when you attempt it and then she downs you..weird. What Yours?
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 10 replies
I finally got to 99 on ascension and timed our death to be at 2hrs 59mins 58secs and it showed up as 46secs. YxdLh752wdE
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 10 replies
I am amazed by the effort of certain gamers. They are dedicated and hard working in achieving their goals. I see a bit of those qualities in myself as a person, but not as a gamer. At work I fit the typical hard nosed no non-sense white collar. I constantly hand out pink slips due to lack of effort. As a gamer I am not motivated, disorganized, and sloppy. The only thing I try to do in a game is present myself in a positive manner. Does your game reflect you as a person? Does how you play the game mirror the type of person you are?
Last reply by Superhands,
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