General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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- 16 replies
hey guys... i did a search on this topic, and couldn't find any answers. any thoughts as to what his background is? i believe for the past few weeks it was just a still from the codzl series - but this looks new. personally, to me, it looks like a frame from a live action trailer. whatever is in the bottom right looks like a head with hair - only the skin color looks green, the hair looks pretty gross and there looks to be a bullet wound or some kind of gaping wound. the picture I have got cut off a little bit, but check it out below - and check the link to his twitter for a much larger view.
Last reply by RedDeadRiot, -
- 4 replies
Okay so I am thinking about getting one of the dlc packs for black ops 2 but I don't know which map is better Die rise or MOTD?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Hi, the boring guy here. Play this game long enough, and you will understand why downs are the most important stat in zombies. Sure points and kills are fancy, but the best players are mostly likely to have the least amount of downs and keeping the game going. I present you, the safest locations on all maps. With some preexisting conditions of course. Let someone else round up the zombies for you and blast away. Kino- The back window by the power switch. If someone is running the stage, you will only need to watch one window. The back door closed. Five- The window near the phone in the PAP. If someone is shooting from the long hallway inside the PAP,…
Last reply by TEX, -
- 19 replies
The past 6 (not Nuketown) zombie maps have been of the large scale. This is beginning to annoy the Hell out of me when playing solo it takes forever to set up because everything is so far away. Maps like Kino, Ascension and Der Riese are what I want to see next they are medium sized maps. Not to big and not to small. They could also easily fit a story line in this sized map for solo mode to.
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 9 replies
Events That Happen During Real Time TiZ_zBeUHno I know the Egg is on MW3, and the game is made by two different companies. It IS a Call of Duty game, so anything is possible. Treyarch has implemented IW's additions before, so why not now? I present something that COULD end up getting a lot of people excited! I believe this could have already been implemented, and we missed it due to not thinking about this form of Egg. We have scoured maps in search of things that may be there. We have held "X" or "[]" (square) in every corner hoping for anything. What if the item wasn't there YET. What if it something that you will only find if you are looking at t…
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 14 replies
I think this map will start out with us in Paris, kinda like in Black Ops where Kino was suppose to be in World At War but they put it in Black Ops and I know Paris was just a file name and they changed it to moon but maybe they still wanna go ahead with it. P.S. Did you guys hear about the confirmed info that the maps have Theater Mode? Not only can we record highlights from the game but we can also scan the map for Easter Eggs and such!
Last reply by Reylink, -
- 8 replies
So last night I played a 4 player game of public Die Rise. We made it to round 30 before two of the guys left and then the last guy eventually left since we figured the rounds wouldn't count anyways and it was getting late. I was the last left in the game, finished round 30 and then ended the game via select screen and quitting at the beginning of 31. I checked the leader boards to see if I had beaten my previous 4 player Die Rise record to come and find out that even though people left the game, the score and rounds counted, but only up to right before people started leaving. The leader board said round 30 (my previous 4 player Die Rise high was 29). Forgive me if t…
Last reply by jokrAzrael, -
- 11 replies
Does anyone else think when you go down there should be a button you can press to shout and give the player reviving you a warning when there are zombies behind you, kinda like the way you can call for your team mate in modern warfare? The amount of times i've gone down reviving someone because they wasted all their bullets is just silly.
Last reply by PFCSNAFU, -
- 11 replies
I just had a random thought, Dempsey quotes having a 5 year old child and sticking with the theme of decendants of the main characters; what if the girl in the poster was Dempsey's kid?
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 9 replies
Instead of having to try again and again and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN to get the weapon that you want out of the Mysetery BOx, perhaps we could earn weapons MW3 Survival Mode style? Here's an example using Black Ops guns.... Pistols M1911 [Lv. 1] Python [Lv. 8] ASP [Lv. 13] Makarov [Lv. 29] CZ75 [Lv. 40] Machine Pistols MAC11 [Lv. 3] Skorpion [Lv. 9] Kiparis [Lv. 21] MPL [Lv. 28] MP5K [Lv. 43] SMG's, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, LMG's, blah blah blah, you get the idea. Give me your feedback n this idea. Oh, I guess I'd better make one for the Wonder Weapon Class... Wonder Weapons Doll Bomb [Lv 23] Scavenger [Lv 32] Ray Gun [Lv 5…
Last reply by Jbird, -
- 8 replies
I was browsing youtube, and found this masterpiece. Now whenever I play as Nikolia I listen to Vodka by KORPIKLAANI the entire game! Does anyone have any suggestions for a song for Tank, Takeo, and Richtofen?
Last reply by Faust, -
- 9 replies
- 1.5k views ... B002800C3/ What it says?
Last reply by NeenjaRaptor, -
- 9 replies
Hello there CoDz and Zombies faithfuls. I come to you today to pose a question. Have any of you considered that we may not get a Zombies trailer for Black Ops Two? We didn't get one for Black Ops (albeit it cam very late, but we still never got it before game release), and to be honest apart from the odd very minor hint at Zombies news (not once a trailer though) I have yet to see any 'confirmation' that we will see a trailer whatsoever. I do not believe we will see a trailer for Black Ops Two Zombies. So now, what next? Well, now I invite you all to post as much as you can trying to prove me wrong and change my pessimistic views. Seriously, go nuts, give me reason t…
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 3 replies
This started as a response on another thread, but eventually got a bit long, so I decided to post it real quick. This is just a quick little sum up of the ultimate goals of Richtofen and Maxis. There still seems to be a lot of questions about, so I thought I mind as well make a thread. Plus, it helps when I put things on paper sometimes. Nothing special with this thread, just a short little discussion. Enjoy. Richtofen's goal was to gain the full power he needs to reenter a physical body while still maintaining control of the Aether, allowing him to live in the world he rules over. He gained control of the undead when taking place with Samantha, but he did…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 6 replies
k i know people are gonna say that every map that we have been playing is part of the forever moving campaign, but what i would really like to see is a possible campaign for nazi zombies. You can start out with a video showing dr maxis and richtofen researching for nazi technology and then show the meteor crash and then how they used it to make 115 to power the dg-2. See, nobody ever thought that richtofen could have been normal until drugged or drove crazy with power. It could start in a german base such as verruct and show everything stable then move onto how the break out happened and ur trying to escape and get to the power and escape the facility. Then, move on …
Last reply by weston_19, -
- 17 replies
So after playing buried all day I realized something, PHD is now in die rise. I was soooo excited when I put this together and now I can't wait to go play tranzit, only till im done with buried though so yes persitent perks carry over so im definetly using my phd in tranzit and die rise How To get: Take fall damage multiple times. I counted 5 last time, but sometimes its more How to lose: take fall damage (this can be avoided by dolphin diving) Benefits: -Dolphin dives now are explosive -avoid splash damage including nades/mustang and sally/ray gun/ other explosive weapons
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 8 replies
I read about a real-life counterpart to Die Glocke a long time ago on the forums (I just registered, but I've visited this forum in the past.). And it interested me, but I wasn't really interested in it until now. Well, I started looking around the internet for information about it. But there is just one small thing I was hoping you all could help me with. I've found only one decent website on the subject. Link I was wondering if anyone had any more information about it, the Flytrap, or the Black Sun they could share.
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 15 replies
I was just watching ngtzombies videos for about an hour. Everything looked better and sounded better. The reload sounds, the voices, even other sound effects. People weren't glitching out of the map dead while playing. There were turret guns you could purchase, there was teamwork, and even things to do in the map besides a simple EE. Even some of the graphics looked better. I just don't know what happened. What specifically are the xbox titles I can buy to play some of these old Zombie titles. I haven't played anything pre black ops 1. I have xbox.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
I don't know about any other MP3 Players, but I have a Zune(Microsoft)which can be connected to the 360 w/o Installation. Now you can listen to music on the 360 while playing a game, but what's cool is that It disables the Games Music- Even if there isn't an Option for it in the Game Options- But still plays the Sound Effects. I usually listen to music when playing certain games types like Racing but I have my own playlist for Zombies- The ones I like I mean. There is of course songs from Zombies but I have other Songs that aren't heard in Zombies but Fit. So I'm adding "Shepard of Fire" to the list and was wondering if there are songs you think woul…
Last reply by ShadowLlnk, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
That was an exciting first half of round 1 with 9 votes! Lets keep those numbers high and the competition fierce. Here is the bracket currently: But what are the rules? I will provide a list of matchups, for example: 1. Juggernog vs Speed Cola You would make your choice by replying with your pick and a reason why, something like: 1. Speed Cola, I gotta go fast! Your reasoning can be anything from personality, development, comedy, voice performance, or just how they look! At the end of the week I will tally votes and advance winners to the next round. Here are today's contestants…
Last reply by Inconcievable, -
- 12 replies
Starts around 6:33:00. A little bit of new info and confirmation. rkPgOI_kYpk
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 8 replies
I think the tombstone that a lot of people are talking about isn't a perk machine. but i think its something you buy o you know where you re-spawn. Like, if you buy one at the bus stop, when you go down and no one revives you, you'll spawn where ever the tombstone you purchased is, so in this case, you would re-spawn at the bus stop. Make sense? Tell m what ya think
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 14 replies
Let's begin with the Bus Driver. Is he undead? A robot? I believe he IS being controlled by Richtofen, and he IS a zombie. If you look at patterns throughout the zombies storyline, Richtofen constantly relays the message of this being a "game". This is JUST a thought, but maybe he is making his own little world? Toying with the characters, and having his fun with them. This is based off the fact that on Moon, after he is given control of the zombies he says this "I WIN! ... The power! THE POWER! I WILL CONTROL THEM ALL! I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL! But not before we continue the game." Also, with Richtofen being mentally insane, maybe the power is getting to his head? He can't…
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 6 replies
I haven't been able to find any great CoD Zombies cosplay. Or rather, some multiple-person cosplay. Does anyone have any good links or images to share? I was thinking of dressing up as Richtofen this halloween with the other 3 people I usually play with locally who all happen to share the characteristics of the O4.
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, so as many of you will have experienced with the last 3 maps, and most likely future zombie maps, Treyarch implemented a system to accomodate their large-scale maps in which, if you get too far ahead of your hoard, they will instantly respawn in the area you're currently in. Here is something that I've found and tested recently that cancels this effect... It stemmed from my strategy for reaching round 115 on FIVE, in which I'd damage all of my zombies before using the elevator so they'd come through the teleporter rather than respawning through the windows. I found this out by accident - I thought they were coming from the teleporter on the top floor a…
Last reply by Tom852,
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