General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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- 9 replies
Ok... What I just thought has me excited at the moment so you will have to excuse me. So far we have confirmed that there will be 8 players, various game modes, as well as the original game modes. This leads me to believe there will be not only more maps for zombies upon release, but in each DLC. There are differences between each aspect we have confirmed, that will depend on different maps. I'll explain. As STRWRSBOB said on a previous topic, The original zombies mode could not be on the same map as any of the others, because it would be too easy. Also IMO it would be hard to incorporate eggs and other story effects into say, a multi-player type map. Now, on to …
Last reply by TexAvery08, -
- 9 replies
Everyone has been making topics on the things Treyarch should implement in the Black Ops 2 installment of Zombies. With all of those threads in place, I feel it necessary to examine the things that made Zombies so special, and to discuss the things Treyarch should NOT change to ensure that we are all playing the Zombies that we fell in love with. Give me some thoughts For instance, I believe they should keep solo leaderboards OUT of Black Ops 2. Personally, I don't normally keep track of co-op world records on Black Ops because of the amount of glitchers/hackers on the leaderboards. If they add were to add leaderboards to solo play in Black Ops 2, the same would sur…
Last reply by selectyeti89, -
- 9 replies
So lots of people have been discussing a "double PaP" and I came up with my own idea. Say you're playing and you've reached that point where your PaP'd weapon isn't cutting it, well here's what you can do, Return to PaP and for free you can sacrifice your PaP'd weapon to the machine by placing it back into PaP and the weapon will overcharge it and will transform into a level two PaP and you lose that gun. A level two weapon will have a different camo, more ammo, new/improved attachments, a new fire color and a new firing sound. The machine itself will change and take on a new look and in order to PaP for a level two weapon it will cost 10,000 points. Now even though the m…
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 9 replies
I was going though some Dempsey quotes and one of them was from Moon and it was "Why they call this place Paradise Ranch is beyond me. Desert sucks." — Start of a game and in COTD wasnt they sent too paradise. Just a theory...
Last reply by Moondance, -
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If you haven't notcied Zombies have been "getting smarter" all through out the zombie saga. Nacht Der Untoten WaW Zombies walked at a very slow pace and couldn't attack through the windows. Verruckt Zombies could reach through windows and walk a bit faster. Skip to Kino Der Toten or Der Riese and the Zombies began to sprint at surprising speeds. Then in Ascension they were able to dodge objects. Imagine what will happen in the new black ops to Zombie AI
Last reply by heillingalj, -
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CODblackopsblog wrote on twitter that on May 19'th a second trailer for BO2 will be aired in a break on the Champions league final on saturday May 19'th. The final starts at 7:30 BST and will be aired on ITV 1 and Sky sports 1. Despite my hate for football i will put myself through hell to watch the finals until this trailer is broadcasted For people not in the UK and people not in the time zone then the trailer will be uploaded after broadcast.
Last reply by crazy skillz, -
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The Only Thing Needed Hola, Codzers! Just here to share with you some of my musings that I have thought about for the last month or so, starting with vsualvenom’s insane round 62 run on Nacht, with nothing but a Thundergun and a perk that serves no tactical purpose in Mule Kick by his side. It struck me all at once when I saw him clear out round after round. I realized, when dealing with pros, that they do not require perks to survive. They do not require Juggernog, Flopper, Revive, anything. They do not need Pack a Punch, nor do they need traps or a easy, foolproof method to get Max Ammo’s. No, dear Codz, they only need a weapon. They do not need two weapo…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
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Dead Ops Arcade.A game which few have come to know and love. Dead Ops may not be as popular as zombies, but it is just as fun. At first I said ehh, I think I will play Ascension or Shangri-La instead. DoA was something different, so why should I try it? Eventually Ascension seemed boring so I decided to play a game of Dead Ops. Once I played it there was no going back. Dead Ops has many things that have a degree of appeal beyond that of normal zombies. Dead Ops has so many aspects to it that it is impossible to describe them all to a strictly "zombies" player. It is my personal belief that DoA is more in depth than any zombies map is. (we're talking gameplay here NOT stor…
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 9 replies
Hi, I'm Jay and I am implementing a thread on member profiles. This is to help better understand where everyone stand in their gaming. Anyone looking for partners can post and view profile here. Hopefully this will help in the teammate finding section. The more people post their profiles the easier to find teammates. This is profile only, any other contact please utilize PM to help this nice and organized. Thanks. PSN - Jay-F2008 Playing Time 11:30 PM -1:30 AM EST (GMT -5) Mike -yes Nacht 18 SNN N/A Verruckt 25 Der Riese 29 Kino 22 Five 37 Ascension 27 Shang N/A COTD N/A Moon 25 NML 103 Something about yourself- Its comic…
Last reply by Rule Britannia, -
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Back story: Located in New Orleans, the grave yard is an above ground cemetery. It is a real place and is actually called "city of the dead" by many locals. In the 60's, the people had a hard time burying their deceased, because of Louisianna being nearly below sea level. Dig a few feet down and it becomes soggy. The graves would literally float out of the ground during heavy rains. "Enter the cemetery gates, and you will be greeted by rusty decorative ironwork and blinded by sun-bleached tombs. Crosses and statues jutting from tomb surfaces cast contrasting shadows, adding to the sense of mystery." -clipping from a site dedicated to it. Buried here are politicians, pir…
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 9 replies
HK21 STATS: MAG SIZE-125 SPARE ROUNDS-500 LOADED MAG RELOAD TIME-3.75sec EMPTY RELOAD TIME-4.75sec DAMAGE-150-110 RPM-535 IRON SIGHTS-Express Sights PACKAPUNCH STATS: MAG SIZE-150 SPARE ROUNDS-750 SAME RELOAD TIMES DAMAGE-210-150 RPM-538 RPK STATS: MAG-100 SPARE ROUNDS-400 LOADED MAG RELOAD-4sec EMPTY RELOAD-5.5sec DAMAGE-130-90 RPM-750 IRON SIGHTS-Ghost Ring sights PACKAPUNCH STATS: MAG-125 SPARE ROUNDS-500 SAME RELOAD TIMES DAMAGE-180-130 RPM-750 DIFFERENCES: HK21-Higher damage, faster reload RPK-Higher RPM, lighter MY OPINION: I like the RPK better because it's lighter, looks…
Last reply by PFCSNAFU, -
- 9 replies
just i know im going to get punished for the title just change it cuz i didnt know what to write but in this (machinima partner ) channel that i watch all the time they put up a zombies trailer the channels arabic (machinima arabia as they call them selfs ) but i dont know it looks real to me and if u focus u can see a hazmat suit at the very end... i dont know but i trust these guys for everything so u judge by urselfs :| ... ture=g-u-u
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
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http://www.officialplaystationmagazine. ... s-we-want/ Hi all! Take a look at this page that I found yesterday, tell me what you think.
Last reply by NZheadshot1, -
- 9 replies
Well zombies is becoming something that treyarch never thought possible, but they did and they're here. Step 1 make something awesome W.A.W. zombies "check" Step 2 don't let the sequel suck "check" Step 3 make the trequel blow our freaking minds......... no footage yet, but their already bloow so.. "check" and Step 4 Don't let it get stale or cheap. This has been a problem in my eyes.......lack of gun variation. Quick ways of fixing this Box 2.0 P.A.P 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOX 2.0 They need to put in every single gun from a treyarch game from story to online, don't give us awesome …
Last reply by Humble Soldier, -
- 9 replies
You have no idea how much I was hoping to title this "Unlimited Quick Revives in Solo". I always wondered this, but no one had ever given me any answer. So I set out to find it myself. In Solo, when you use three Quick Revives, you cannot buy a fourth. Not only can you not buy a fourth, but if you have used all three, you can't even get a fourth Quick Revive from a Perk Reward Power-Up. But I wondered... what if you got Quick Revives from Perk Rewards before you bought the third from the machine? Could you get around the limit that way? If this turned out to be true, then the question of buying Quick Revive at all became a strategy. Do you risk it? Can you make …
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 9 replies
Hey all, it's been a while. I've been too distracted by real-world things to get on the forum in a while. But, it's good to be back, I'm psyched for Black Ops 2 zombies, and here are some of my thoughts for these new 8-player modes they've announced! 4-Player Classic: The same zombies experience we've come to know in World at War and Black Ops. Treyarch has confirmed that this mode will be returning. 8-Player Survival: Much like the classic mode, but with an eight-player team rather than four. I'm not entirely sure if this will be supported, or if all 8-player modes will be 4v4. Team Survival: Treyarch has confirmed the existence of this mode, but not al…
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 9 replies
Hi Guys and Girls, Something that's really been bugging me is customization in nazi zombies. Now first of all... I 100% disagree with the whole create a class sorta thing in zombies, but there have been strong rumors saying that CoD points will be implemented in zombies. If this is true, what could we possibly purchase with them? Here is Something I have been thinking about. I think that in campaign and regular private match players will choose which traditional character(Dempsey,Richtofen,Etc.) they would like to play as. However in 4v4 Zombies and the supposed Wager match you should be able to play as a character that you get to fully customize yourself, with the C…
Last reply by Poptart, -
- 9 replies
WELCOME TO ZOMBIE ISLAND 1. This post is for flamming(about bad breaks in zombie games) example, "through the monkey bomb but the zombies didn't chase it" 2. If you just want to talk about zombies 3. Help find a solutions for map problems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES 1. NO swearing 2. NO flaming other patients 3. Have FUN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things you can post on this topic Videos images jokes prolems solutions and zombie stories ---------------------------------…
Last reply by Humble Soldier, -
- 9 replies
- 1.1k views If you dont feel like reading he says this. Just noticed this in my Pre-Order. ---(Maybe he ordered on Amazon?) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Platform: PLAYSTATION 3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Pushing the boundaries of what fans have come to expect from the record-setting entertainment franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops II propels players into a near future, 21st Century Cold War, where technology and weapons have converged to create a new generation of warfare. Combining incredible high-dynamic range graphics and sensational new gameplay, Black Ops II sets you off on secret operations as Frank Woods – the …
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 9 replies
I was sitting around thinking about what would it be like if we had a LEGO: Black Ops game or a LEGO: Modern Warfare game. The outcome came out to be a open-viewed camera shooter with destructible and buildable objects. Then I thought about this concept being integrated into the actual first-person COD game. I realized Gears of War 3 already took this idea somewhat, but not to the extent I'm about to take it. Imagine with the maps never before seen size that we would be able to construct various objects to help fend off the undead horde and/or work or defeat our friends in the 4z4 mode. I'm talking about constructing fully-automated turrets (or man-operated as well),…
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 9 replies
Okay, everyone knows that the zombies came from 115 harnessing experiments, and that 115 got here by meteorites. Well, element 115, or Uup, is created by combining Calcium and Americium (and some others). What I want to know is HOW Element 115 got into (or became) the meteors that we have come to love/hate. I haven't seen any posts about this, so I decided to make one. Please leave reply's with plausible theories please. Thanks, The Doctor.
Last reply by BenHR, -
- 9 replies
First and foremost, I would like to thank julpr, for allowing me to create a theory thread based on his findings. If it weren't for his findings, I would have never completed this theory. Original thread where julpr mentions the resemblance of Hans Kammler; viewtopic.php?f=53&t=22995 General Doctor of Engineering Hans Kammler General Back-story: General Hans Kammler would seem to be nothing more than a part of the SS, with the title of Doctor of Engineering. Now, along with his somewhat mediocre backstory, there has been much controversy as towards conspiracies, and his involvement in creating Nazi Superweapons (Wunder Waffen). Now as…
Last reply by seanpuallynch, -
- 9 replies
Instead of having to try again and again and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN to get the weapon that you want out of the Mysetery BOx, perhaps we could earn weapons MW3 Survival Mode style? Here's an example using Black Ops guns.... Pistols M1911 [Lv. 1] Python [Lv. 8] ASP [Lv. 13] Makarov [Lv. 29] CZ75 [Lv. 40] Machine Pistols MAC11 [Lv. 3] Skorpion [Lv. 9] Kiparis [Lv. 21] MPL [Lv. 28] MP5K [Lv. 43] SMG's, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, LMG's, blah blah blah, you get the idea. Give me your feedback n this idea. Oh, I guess I'd better make one for the Wonder Weapon Class... Wonder Weapons Doll Bomb [Lv 23] Scavenger [Lv 32] Ray Gun [Lv 5…
Last reply by Jbird, -
- 9 replies
Events That Happen During Real Time TiZ_zBeUHno I know the Egg is on MW3, and the game is made by two different companies. It IS a Call of Duty game, so anything is possible. Treyarch has implemented IW's additions before, so why not now? I present something that COULD end up getting a lot of people excited! I believe this could have already been implemented, and we missed it due to not thinking about this form of Egg. We have scoured maps in search of things that may be there. We have held "X" or "[]" (square) in every corner hoping for anything. What if the item wasn't there YET. What if it something that you will only find if you are looking at t…
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 9 replies
I was doing a bit of searching in preparation for Black Ops 2, and began looking up all the voice actors for our characters. I noticed that only some of them are scheduled to return in Black Ops 2. Here's the info I found... Tank Dempsey, voiced by Steven Blum: Confirmed for BO2. Source: Nikolai Belinski, Dr. Maxis, voiced by Fred Tatasciore: Confirmed for BO2 Though Dr. Maxis isn't mentioned. Source: Takeo Masaki, voiced by Tom Kane: Not confirmed for return. Source: Dr. Edward Richtofen, voiced by Nolan North: Not confirmed …
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys,
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