General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
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- 9 replies
Hey, so in the limited editions it contains exclusive backgrounds for multiplayer and ZOMBIES player cards... so that kinda tells us there is some sort of user changeable feature, could just be background or the whole player could be customizeqble... But this also could mean there is XP. Why else would we need player cards Speed out
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 9 replies
I heard a lot of buzz about a timed game mode for zombies. It ends after a certain amount of time and you basically race to get points and what not. I thought to myself "if any map would be timed, it would definitely be nuketown." you can see where I'm going, right? KABOOM! Anyway, that made me think of a new possible 4z4 mode! Maybe there will be a Mode where two teams compete for points for a set amount of time, and when it ends the nuke goes off! This would be awesome! There could be seperate lobbies fur how long you want the limit to be. These could range anywhere from twenty minutes to two hours. I originally thought that it should be exclusive to nuketown, you know,…
Last reply by AstabbingHobo, -
- 9 replies
Confirmed my Mr. Burns Himself! ... 1347235961 pQqQRi2Xgmg If I can get a photo up I will!
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 9 replies
Hello there CoDz and Zombies faithfuls. I come to you today to pose a question. Have any of you considered that we may not get a Zombies trailer for Black Ops Two? We didn't get one for Black Ops (albeit it cam very late, but we still never got it before game release), and to be honest apart from the odd very minor hint at Zombies news (not once a trailer though) I have yet to see any 'confirmation' that we will see a trailer whatsoever. I do not believe we will see a trailer for Black Ops Two Zombies. So now, what next? Well, now I invite you all to post as much as you can trying to prove me wrong and change my pessimistic views. Seriously, go nuts, give me reason t…
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 9 replies
According to the Black ops 2 description there will be two modes. I'm guessing campaign will lean towards our traditional zombies mode and multiplayer will be the all new 4v4 that we will experience. I would love an actual campaign such as single player but i doubt it. What's your take? Source:
Last reply by bbobs2, -
- 9 replies
Ok so here's how it goes: There are no points in this mode. No juggernog (or any other perks) here! It is a free-for-all style game, as everyone stands alone. Everyone exists in their own "world", as they are on the same map but can't see or interact with any other players. The rounds don't get any more difficult or longer. The main point is that every round, the mystery box jingle plays at the beginning and the weapon in your hand cycles through. Then it lands on a weapon, which all players must use in order to last the longest. The weapon changes every round. The zombies have the health of about level 15-20 zombies. Rounds have a time limit. If Tou cant …
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 9 replies
Hello, its been a very very long time since I ever posted. Well anyways getting to the point,in my opinion zombies really needs more melee weapons. Now the style I play in Zombies is going straight for the bowie knife or spamming my money for a balistic knife. I do this because one: you don't lose any ammo, two: fastest way of racking points, and three: has huge damage on zombies. But theres only 3 melee weapons in the whole game, bowie/sickle knife, balisitic knife, and reg knife. SO please treyarch could you put at least one more melee weapon? Ideas A longe range melee weapon like a sword or shovel? A wonder melee weapon? Pack-a-punchable melee weapons?
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 9 replies
as fast as i saw that picture i got this theory and i have checked and the truck is identical as the one in nuketown!
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 8 replies
Saw the JD tag in the wall of Der Riese again. Wonder if they will put it anymore in the maps when JD left 3arc :?
Last reply by Matuzz, -
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I was browsing youtube, and found this masterpiece. Now whenever I play as Nikolia I listen to Vodka by KORPIKLAANI the entire game! Does anyone have any suggestions for a song for Tank, Takeo, and Richtofen?
Last reply by Faust, -
- 8 replies
Zombies doesn't have cutscenes. It doesn't trap you where you have to press "X" fast to open a door. It does have a story, the gameplay is exciting and strategy can be really developed, but everyone finds their own way of playing. We even have a zombies community. I know zombies is probably changing up in the next incarnation, but the way it is, they made a really excellent game. Possibly the ultimate. Fun mechanics, smart style and clear, clean level design and layout, yet each map has it's own style, it's own feeling. Spec-ops costs 7K to get an LMG, 7K. Meanwhile no story, no real character, Zombies shows us what a great experience gaming is supposed to …
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 8 replies
hi guys havent posted in a while and here is a theory i was thinking about. The crawlers are proposedly the vril, so what if there was a zombie outbreak in 'agartha'. The vril had created the pyramid and used it for whatever they used it for i.e healing etc. If an outbreak had occured then the only way to control the affected was through the pyramid. I don't know what but something happened to the pyramid which moved it from where it was previously to where it is now, the moon. we can assume that then there was no more 'control' over the affected and they ran rampage through agartha. The germans found the crawlers and starting doing testing on them and so they now h…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 8 replies
I read about a real-life counterpart to Die Glocke a long time ago on the forums (I just registered, but I've visited this forum in the past.). And it interested me, but I wasn't really interested in it until now. Well, I started looking around the internet for information about it. But there is just one small thing I was hoping you all could help me with. I've found only one decent website on the subject. Link I was wondering if anyone had any more information about it, the Flytrap, or the Black Sun they could share.
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 8 replies
So I originally intended this to be 20 rounds and just a cool idea as a reply to the Mid-round vs. Between round Bosses thread. I ended up going farther than I originally intended and came up with an entire game mode, which is awesom IMHO. The details for the game mode are below Name: Boss Battle Insanity (round-description) 1- 10 zombies with low health and walk slowly 2- 10 Nova crawlers, low health and walk slowly 3- 10 dogs, spawning 3 at a time 4- 10 monkeys, coming 3 at a time. 5- 10 shriekers, coming 3 at a time medium health and speed 6- 30 zombies, low health and medium speed 7- 3 astronaut zombies, move slowly, high health 8- 3 Nap…
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE, -
- 8 replies
Just the tutorial from the Black Ops Zombie app. Just thought I'd show all parts when Dempsey speaks, with a funny surprise at the end. Read it in Dempsey's voice! Some funny things to note: [*:1s7pxb9n]You play as Nikolai, but since Dempsey is calling you rook and all that, you aren't really playing as Nikolai, but an American soldier just using Nikolai's model. Dempsey obviously knows Nikolai can fight (being to Shi No Numa and Der Riese already), and it would be un-canon and contradicting if Nikolai turned into a zombie and Dempsey killed him. [*:1s7pxb9n]Elvis was born in 1935. He would've been 10 and not famous when they left Der Riese…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 8 replies
So I'm planning a run to 100 on the Black Ops version of Shi No Numa at some point soon. If I reach 100 then I may feel inclined to carry on and try to break the current world record, but I have no idea what it is. Anyone know? Again, Black Ops version, I know the W@W version's record is over 2000 due to the 24-zombies-per-round thing, but the Black Ops version is of course a completely different story. I'm guessing it's somewhere between 100-150. If I feel like I could break a WR because the run is going well, which I'm sure it will as I have a solid strategy, I'll try and set up a livestream so people can vouch for me - in the past (round 161 on Ascension) I've b…
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 8 replies
Ok, so here's my second post on this we go.... This is barely my opinion and thought on the future of zombie storyline, judging from my feeble knowledge and understanding of the zombie lore, and most of the idea presented here is mere assumptions composed by me, so if you wish to obtain cold, hard facts then you should probably just leave now. Also, for Admins: if you decide to move this somewhere else just do it. I am a net noob and can't found a forum or post where I can post my theories. 1. This one is my favorite. "We Must Go Deeper". Brrrrooooooooonnnnnn Brrrrrrroooooonnnn (singing Inception theme) Ok I should stop now. So most of us thin…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 8 replies
Mine had its ups and downs. Went to 49 on moon and my power went out, and afterwards played some good games on MW3 and an open lobby with Way2g00. Now how about you guys?
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
- 8 replies
While I was playing Der Riese coop, something really strange happened. It was round 30, and I had just thrown a monkey so I could revive a teammate. I had jugg, and when I went to revive him...he slashed/knifed me and I went down (GAME OVER). What's strange is that I didn't show any indication that I was being hit. I don't know if this has happened to anyone else?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 8 replies
So at the beginning there were the original 4 perks. As we progressed through the story more were added along the way. But after moon, mule kick was put into every map. Does this mean that someone went back in time to help our heroes, or is it solely for gameplay purposes? Discuss.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys so i'm just here sharing a new map idea so as we can all guess the first map of Treyarch's next cod zombies is probably ganna be in paris, and I'm sure everyone is extremely excited about it well my idea for the map after that would be in the Vatican/cathedral in Rome, now this could tie in the illuminati's involvement with the story and Richtofen, theres so much we could learn from it. Now I chose the Vatican/cathedral because it is where the illuminati started (supposably) and I'm sure they are still operating there , also there could be under ground illuminati labs in the map, you never know it could make it more interesting so wouldn't it…
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 8 replies
So I was in a game with Tom on Shangri La the other day, first time playing it in quite some time, and I mentioned that this map taught me that walking round and just sprinting when dodging zombies is much better than what I used to do beforehand - too much sprinting Got me thinking of an idea for this topic, so tell us what you've learned from playing each individual map: Kino Der Toten My first round 100 game, taught me how to handle really long games that stretch out for more than a day, as well as the importance of gathering in full trains before killing them in solo play. FIVE This map taught me a LOT. I played this map over and over when I firs…
Last reply by TroubledTurkey, -
- 8 replies
So if I play too much zombies during the day, and right before bed, I will occasionally dream about it as well. But not our current zombie maps, new, interest, and really sweet ones. So it isn't like the other "new map" thread ideas I've seen where people are suggesting settings, more like functional features that would be a cool addition. Last night I had several, but the main one was a map like Moon, but instead of No Man's Land being a tiny, secluded hell, it was roughly half the level, with zombies acting basically normal and the characters traveling between the two points. Starting almost like Verruckt, but taking more effort to re-unite, and a much…
Last reply by thewunder, -
- 8 replies
Hi I just thought about how friendly fire would affect the game(play). What do you think about it? As we know, you hurt yourself with explosives, traps and by falling. It works quite well. I think friendly fire would work well too in the game. It is not really hard to avoid shooting others. But you will no longer be able to shoot with your M&S without care at a foreign train spot, cause you might kill that player. Making everything bit harder and more interesting. It would also be more realistic. I guess it would be a very small change in the gameplay, cause you normally anyway don't shoot other players. Overall, I would like it. Now you gonna s…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 8 replies
How to Properly Slay the Undead With Your Friends: A Beginner’s Guide to Being a Good Teammate Hello all! Perfectlemonade here to bring you a guide on the simple act of surviving the zombie apocalypse with your friends. Yes, the killing of zombies is a social activity! And a fun one at that! Looking for an excellent, creative vacation that will surely lead to a lifetime of unforgettable memories? Well… look no further than visiting Call of the Dead, Siberia. Here you can slay as many zombies as your heart desires. An activity both bonding and physically enhancing, killing zombies at Call of the Dead will bring your family closer than they have ever been before! Just …
Last reply by anguscr,
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