General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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- 7 replies
hey i hope im wrong but i just gathered from a few tweets that in blops 2 survival mode there is no perks or pap now surely this cant be the case or can it? If anyone knows out id appreciate a reply thanks
Last reply by Tom852, -
- 7 replies
So I've just gotten into computer programming and decided that it might be fun to write a program that figures out stuff related to zombies. If you guys could check this tool out and give me some feedback, that would be awesome Furthermore, if you really like the tool and can see yourself referring to it for actual situations, tell me, and I'll work on making one for BOII when its out. NOTE: The program does all math correctly, HOWEVER, it does not take in to account splash damage, nor does it consider bullet penetration, so when the program says that the Ray Gun will only kill 80 zombies on an early round, ITS BECAUSE THE RAY GUN WILL ONLY KILL 80 ZOMBIES ON AN …
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys launch night for Black Ops II and I already have a solo strategy ready for you all! bg8_Scqfhlo
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
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I know this is like the millionth post you've seen about this game but I plan on defending it. Ive seen way to many people complaining about some of the DETAILS of the game. I want to point out some things: -Treyarch is doing the best they can. We wanted bigger maps, more challenging, we got it. -Treyarh listened to our ideas. We move on a bus like some people wanted, we have stronger weapons, less snipers, more RAYGUN (ive gotten it a ton of times and ive only played a few times), and melee items (not what we may have specifically wanted but they did give us the riot shield and Galvaknuckles) -We now have 2 difficulties for playing, Easy and Normal. -We can get p…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 7 replies
There are already multiple threads regarding how the game has failed to live up to everybody's expectations, how it's a failure, how all of the maps stink except for maybe Tranzit and possible town. About 70-80% of the community seems unanimously united behind the idea that the entirty of zombies is a dissapointment, or does not match the old maps for playability or 'success' It has also been mentioned how trearch has failed to include several key components to the game, such as a private match that records your record, or a connection that will stay live for a prolonged period of time. But everyone seems to be forgetting the fact the the game came out LITE…
Last reply by Vril Killer, -
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the vrill is an aincent energy from and one of the theories is the vrill are the control ing the zombies through samantha/richtoffen. anyone have any ideas? :idea:
Last reply by WirierD12Killer, -
- 7 replies
I was looking at one of my games in Theater Mode when I saw the tombstone I dropped when I went down. I have not seen anyone post about this yet, so please post a link if there is already a thread like this. On the tombstone, the following is written: IN MEMORY OF SEROHZ SARKISYAN BORN JULY 2 1888 DIED JUNE 5 1909 AGED 20 YRS 11 MO I really want to know what this is about. I was playing as Misty when I got this tombstone, so maybe the different characters have different tombstones?
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
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So, I usually play solo or 2 man, so I will pass this on for someone else to try or comment on its effectiveness... Start tranzit, build turbine, leave via free door. After built up/perked up, come back to depot, use free door. Each player only needs to watch one window. I'm guessing it is hard to hold a window at higher levels given the guns in this, but it seems like it could work with 4 skilled people with good guns, for a while. In waw der riese, holding 1 window until 30 wasn't very hard if you were in the flytrap hallway (aisle 6 we called it, after the Tank expression).
Last reply by 83457, -
- 7 replies
Has anyone bought the SP? Its £41 on the PSN store and no way im paying that when cod elite was £35, the GAME website has it for £32 but its a download and i haven't been in a GAME or HMV store recently. Does anyone know if you can buy it from the shop like Microsoft points/PSN Credit? Thanks :)
Last reply by -Armageddon-, -
- 7 replies
After playing some board games at a gaming store last weekend, it occurred to me that there should be an official Call of Duty: Zombies table-top board/card game. It would be 2-4+ player co-op, with waves of zombies, likely dice for kills, point accumulation, perk and weapon buying, downs and revives, and pack a punching. The goal would be just to simply see how many waves you could get through together. I looked to see if there were similar games to this idea (co-op survival though waves with upgrades), and there are. The best example might be Ghost Stories: And there have been other popular video ga…
Last reply by KeredNomrah69, -
- 7 replies
I was playing tranzit last night with a few randoms , and we were going setting up the packa punch so I went back to the depot to get a fresh turbine . I placed the one I had on the top of the bus to waste, I Waited and waited and it just seemed to be taken a long time to waste so I jumped back on the bus frustrated . By the time I got to the diner the turbine had stopped but within 10 seconds it was working again .( FYI the bus was moving when it turn on , so I was thinking that the wind moving through the propellers recharged it ?) the turbine did this the whole game and I used this same turbine to open packa punch ?? Has this happened to anyone before ?i
Last reply by adam120694, -
- 7 replies
Insert lame 'it makes it easier, herp derp' response... All seriousness aside, does anyone know exactly what is different in easy mode? I tried it once or twice when the game was new and I was in fail mode, but at that time I never did more than round 10, I am sure, so any information on details? Thanks.
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
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- 3.5k views The video explains it all. If you enjoy this new information, please give me a like and subscribe! The code:
Last reply by 83457, -
- 7 replies
hello this is my dream zombie map. i have been wanting this map since W@W. by undeadarcademachine 8-) (treyarch hire me so we can make this hapen) map name: doll house playable characters: richtofen,tank,nikolai,takeo originally supost to take place before moon so samantha is in control but we can all so pretend it after the defeat richtofen and samantha regains control. i have multiple ideas on how this might work so let me give you an idea of the maps are in a giant mansions but this is no mansion its a beautiful doll house, and if you look out the window you can see you are on a table with a bed in the distance, you feel lik…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
In the Nuketown Zombies trailer ( ), Treyarch have continued with the nursery rhymes theme by having "She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes" (in the TranZit trailer, they used "Wheels on the Bus"). Like most things related to zombies, this could be nothing or it could be something... I'm treating it as something... First off, "She'll be coming 'round the mountain" is believed to be based off an older song from the 1800's titled "When the Chariot comes" - which basically refers to the Second Coming of Christ / Rapture. I'm just going to go ahead and re-type that last line for those who don't click the spoiler, "She will take us to th…
Last reply by Ourobos, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, We all love CoD.... But where my zombie lovers at??? Pittsburgh born & rasied Zombie Lover here. A lot of zombie history was started around my city/state, including the film locations and home to George Romero and his original "Living Dead" series. It's really sweet This may seem random I know, but there's a rap artist from my area in Pittsburgh that recently did a zombie apocalypse music video, and I was actually in it as one of the zombies!... I think it was EXTREMELY well done; they really hit the nail on the head with both the zombie make-up and the oh-so-basic-horror story line. I just want more people to see it who are in the zomb…
Last reply by dontjoice, -
- 7 replies
- 946 views Ok so either you can skip what im about to say or you can click the link (its all the same info)Either way is fine with me! In the video Bellow I tested two theories and debunked one of them..Well sort of! In my previous episode of tranzit theories I stated a clip from the user Cheesegrater28 showing the bus moving faster when being being jet gunned as opposed to moving without the To be fake! However after further inspection (well me just not being a derp) I relized that he had a turbine in his inventory when the bus was moving at normal speed...And the jetgun in his inventory when the bus was moving faster! as well, When…
Last reply by CrazyTrain0917, -
- 7 replies
The B23R. I love this thing. My first thought was 'a pistol? (Sigh)', but it works quite well and gives a good movement rate and, in Tranzit, it comes to you every now and then so you can buy ammo if needed. Granted, on round 100, it won't help, but not much does at that point. From online games: 4 man: each player mentions what pap'd guns they have and I'm like b23r and m1911 nonpap'd which is usually followed by chuckles (and i'll have first/second most kills)... 2 man with a friend spectating on round 16: 'what gun is that?' 'B23R'. 'Damn, that's taking them out in one shot (headhot)'! 'Yup'...'I'm gonna start using that' (and he is pretty good, nevermin…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 7 replies
Anyone know if when you pap a weapon multipule times does the weapons power increase or is just the addition of attachments?
Last reply by jinro, -
- 7 replies
The one question that plagues me is whether or not the Vril People are "Alien-aliens" or aliens in the sense of something being foreign. Now, I know that The Coming Race says the Vril-Ya are humans who, escaped Noah's flood. But, I have heard people refer to them as extraterrestrial beings. Which one is true? Here is my theory. Personally, I think it is the Biblical People because it would connect to the Demonic Presence within zombies. If Noah's Flood was meant to wipe out the evils of this world and the Vril People managed to escape it without being on Noah's guest list I presume they are not in favour with God. Their power has to come from a…
Last reply by Mattzs, -
- 7 replies
its obvious the phase crawlers (moon) are a mutation of the nova crawlers (kinder der toten) both where on groop 935 testing sites. but the new one's on die rise dont know what to call them? (freaky flipers?) are in china & dont have gass? do you think the chines did different exsperements on them (humans? or a creature found by them?) making them so different? What do you guys & gals think? eny therys?
Last reply by undeadarcademachine, -
- 7 replies
Well the wii version of black ops had pictures of the DLC maps on the mistery box and some other stuff right? So do you think the black ops 2 Wii U version hides some secrets abut new maps or other stuff too? :?:
Last reply by undeadarcademachine, -
- 7 replies
I'm sure many have noticed, but if not maybe this will blow your mind. There is a "snake game" that's very simple. I believe it was introduced back in the 8-bit days (possibly before that) where you are a snake in a box and you must go left/right/up/down munching powerups that make your snake longer/faster. The object of such game is to avoid running into your own tail and continue to grab the powerups. If you take into consideration the "rape train" concept in BO:Z, it's quite easy to see that these games are just immensely glorified versions of the snake game. Anyone else ever seen the snake game I'm mentioning and also see the similarity? Or am I just cuckoo?
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 7 replies
This was apart of a previous post I made, but I felt it was necessary to make it another thread. WHAT if the easter eggs in TranZit and Die Rise are to get the original four back? What if they key to the zombie saga lie within our heroes from WAW and BO? Are Maxis and Richtofen are trying to get Tank and Co. for their own advantage to thwart the each other? Not necessarily that Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai are willing to help Richtofen or Maxis, but almost as if they are fated to do it. The O4 have no say in whether or not they will help either one, but Maxis or Richtofen need them for some unforeseen purpose.
Last reply by Mattzs, -
- 7 replies
About two days ago, I started thinking of new gamemode possibilities. I had an idea that I think would be a very good gamemode that would require teamwork and would be difficult. First off: Picture a long straight map. A long street where you cannot go left or right, only forward. A canyon-like crevasse. You would start at one side of this long strip of land and your objective is to reach the other end alive. At the beginning of each match, you would begin with 5000-7500 points to spend. The area where you begin would have the four original perks, weapons on the wall, and the Pack-A-Punch Machine. You would have to make a decision on what you would b…
Last reply by CrazyTrain0917,
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