General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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- 4 replies
I don't think I need to say there's at least some level of bias when it comes to Treyarch Zombies as well as the Aether story. I'd like to make an 'appreciation' post for the highlights of the non-Treyarch or non-Aether Zombies games/maps, in hopes that we avoid the biases and opinions of them not being Treyarch. I'll start: I loved the concept of Infection Rounds from Exo Zombies, and in addition how your body became a zombie if you died from infection. I also enjoyed how you could throw grenades while downed in Exo Zombies. And lastly, I enjoyed how Infinite Warfare Zombies handled Cameo Appearances, as well as making them playable …
Last reply by Rapt, -
- 6 replies
So i feel like everyone has forgot about the guy in the zombie labs. The on that shot the wave gun, remember? It would make a lot of sense if he was to replace Richthofen, i mean, he IS on the Ascension Poster. I dunno, just seems very likely
Last reply by Jmasta7, -
- 10 replies
Just had an idea after messing around on moon. What if the nuketown map is set up like no mans land at area 51? No real rounds, weapons all over the walls, maby a kino type area for pap and box. Would be a map for all the people who dont like the slow starts of conventional maps. Thoughts?
Last reply by AstabbingHobo, -
- 2 replies
For those interested in the music production of the easter egg songs, Corey Redgrift does the piano parts for Lullaby of a Deadman, Damned and Pareidolia. Damned piano piece KPCExnTVNF8 Pareidolia piano piece pyYlJglEZYQ Lullaby of a Deadman (with the piano. Official version doesn't have it) rDtDKuOGE40 He'll be posting the LoaD piano piece soon, tutorials I believe and more. I even asked him about why the piano wasn't in the official version of LoaD, and here is what he said. Also Kevin Sherwood had this to say about Corey in the Damned video. So if you wanted to learn the musical easter eggs on piano? Now's your chance…
Last reply by LMW-YBC, -
- 2 replies
its simple for me. rounds 1-4 stay in first room if ur bad with the sniper on the dogs but sometimes ill stay until 6-7. after that open the door upstairs and hold off against next wave or so, if u get backed up go through the next door to the room with speed cola (make sure u save at least 2500 points before leaving this room). hold off there for about 3/4 of the round with the mp40 and go through door at bottom and once again mow a few down and go through the door into the theater so here you could be at round 8-11 then (i hate this room, too many corners with the movie board) i usually hold off 1/3 of the round then flip the power on and MOST IMPORTAN…
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 6 replies
In the Zombies map Moon after complting the easter eggs and incernerating the Earth Dr. Maxis laughs evily, as well as in one of Dr. Richtofens comments on Maxis is that he wanted "His own zombie army" now granted while Richtofen is a bit crazy he still give us valid information from time to time. Please keep things as clean as posible and tell me what you think.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, Hope your all good, Just a quick one, Just a reminder that the cutscene for Origins is being released today We're pretty excited, Hopefully we can have a big discussion about it when we've all seen it Speak Soon, Peace! Ben & Joe CodeNamePizza
Last reply by TheRealMistyBriarton, -
- 6 replies
So appeariantly trayarch has established a tradition of using actors in the second dlc as a break from the normal characters... What I want to know is: Who do you want to see and why? My choices: Saul Rubinek for his amazing performance in Warehouse 13 and his FANTASTIC way of explaining history and artifacts! Christopher Eccleson: AKA the 9th doctor. Because who WOULDN't want to see this bad ass running around saying: Huh this box is bigger on the inside and disappears from one place to another... Jude Law: Elementary my dear Watson.... (More later) Let me know what you want to see!
Last reply by Hannibal, -
- 13 replies
Hey everybody! The purpose of this thread is to rank each of the maps and game modes playable in difficulty, its "fearsome" feel, innovative elements and even how rewarding the Easter Egg can be in a Reward:Effort ratio. This is my honest opinion and will most likely not reflect anyone else's personal take on any of these maps. Take Origins for example. You have to admit that the first time you played this map Solo, you broke out in goosebumps after activating your first generator or seeing the Panzer Soldat for the first time! =) Let us start off with the WAW Maps: Nacht Der Untoten: Difficulty - 6 / 10 "Fearsome" Feel - 5 / 10 Innov…
Last reply by Pizzaboy5799, -
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- 2 replies
Do you still play this? Are you still playing that shocking excuse for a "fun" "exciting" game mode which is Exo Zombies??!! If so then what do you see in it? Cause to me it was shocking in every way and did not have a good story line? Now i know it sounded like a good idea at the beginning but just all in one Advanced Warfare was terrible, and should be buried and scarped from the face of the earth? Whats your thoughts on this??
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 3 replies
Hi there! I love the game "Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies"! And I can't wait for the Ascension map! I have Black Ops on Wii, so it only has one map on it, and I kinda get bored of it... :| Does anyone know the rough time for the release of the map Ascension? It has been added to Game Center already: there is Ascension related achievements in Game Center also there is an Ascension ranking in Game Center. Thanks!
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 2 replies
who feels a little surprised with the easter egg "mined games" in Buried? Completing either richrofen or maxis' side, both reveal shockers! and more suspense for the final DLC! On maxis' side, he says "regretfully, i must inform you that the earth, nor its people will survive" and "FINALLY, I CAN BE REUINITED WITH MY DAUGHTER SAMANTHA THEN I WILL OPEN THE GATES OF ARGARTHA" after this, the zombies eyes turn orange as maxis is in control and after all the help we gave him, he turned out to be evil and manages to put richotfens soul into a zombie! Richtofens side however, Maxis gets overpowered by richtofen and manages to go into samuels body leaving his eyes blue and …
- 7 replies
So I would like to see ending for BO2 / Zombies all together being something along the line with these. There would be 3 endings. Richtofen, Maxis and Richtofen's sanity ending. Regardless what the next map brings if you complete Richtofen ending you get cutscene where group of 3 survivors are running away from zombies and eventually get killed. You hear Richtofen laughing and you see the survivors being brought back to life and they start their run from the zombies again. You hear Samuel begging Richtofen to stop in which he says: "You better start liking this" and laughs. With Maxis ending you see cutscene where he opens the Agartha and Aether to the Earth. He…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 6 replies
Let's say I start a new account and attempt to go go from just a bone to the skull with the shotguns. Will playing just solo help me achieve this? I might try it out, on average I get 50+ on all maps except bus depot but in my opinion bus depot rounds should be weighed more than others.
Last reply by CBR_600_RR, -
- 8 replies
Instantly Exploding Claymores Treyarch did something a little different this time around with claymores. Typically, one would be able to save what seems like endless amounts of claymores for the later rounds. On Black Ops 2, you can only save up to twelve. Once you saved twelve every claymore you set down after that will automatically explode. This really has come in handy for me, as typiically I miss one or two because the claymores would take a second to detonate. Just thought I would let everyone know.
Last reply by Nighthawk30, -
- 10 replies
Two years. Two years. Two years, millions of zombies slain, nearly a dozen maps conquered, secrets unlocked, insane moments of greatness etched into Zombies lore forever. Undead gibed, electrocuted, blasted, frozen, fried, sucked into a black hole, exploded, shrunken, cooked. Dogs, monkeys, a director, astronauts, zombies on fire, zombies screaming. An overrun theater; a paradise fallen unto darkness; an abandoned cosmodrome; the moon; the Pentagon; a shipwreck. And now, it's time to put the game we have all come to know and love to rest. Frank Woods is a wheezing old man, and now it's 2025. Now, the earth is a spinning ball of death, fire, destruction, c…
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 5 replies
I have searched topics but I can't find any like this? There is no reason for her Nationality change at all! Is it because Treyarch are an American company? I really hope not and I doubt deeper meaning.
Last reply by ChocolateKaiser, -
- 11 replies
Only four songs left... who will eek ahead as #1? Here are our matchups this week: 1. I Am The Well vs Abracadavre 2. 115 vs Shockwave To vote, simply use the number of the matchup, and say what song you think is best for any reason that you like. Also feel free to explain why! Send in your votes by next Friday (May 21st) at 8PM CST to see them counted!
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 14 replies
What would you prefer to see Treyarch do in their next installment of zombies: Do you think zombies needs to start becoming more dependant on the SURVIVAL aspect, taking in many other accounts like luck and higher costing weapons & ammo making it a very hard game to master. Or would you prefer more on the side of the story, more EE possibly a few cutscenes (not to take away from the hunting) giving a lot more on the story in every map really giving you a good idea of what this is about. Or would you rather the game to be more fun, this'll take into account the ways you can play with others along with more unrealistic weaponary like that baby maker thing f…
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 6 replies
Anything new?
Last reply by OblivionsCurse, -
- 1 reply
What Perks Would You Make and And To Zombies???
Last reply by MinimanC1234, -
- 4 replies
Where do you think zombies are heading since tag der toten has ended aether does that mean the end of zombies as all universes where destroyed as well as crews so I just want opinions I know we have the chaos storyline still but isn’t that almost over. I just want any opinions on what might happen from here on out we might even get a different crew at the same time as 935 but somewhere else during this time.
Last reply by Inconcievable, -
- 20 replies
Dear Community, Tis that time of month where this forum has its chance to shine. Be ready my friends.. Be Ready. For today we may not reach all but we still reach out. Tomorrow.. Tomorrow is where we could claim the masses, but be stead fast in research and productivity. For tomorrow may never be what it could of been. This is where we seperate the boys from the men. This is our time and our hard work that is countlessly over looked by those who stand a bit taller. Will my fellow survivors, my Call of Duty Zombies Family reign supreme!?! Who wants to put up and shut up the competion!? I am RequixEclipse and am proud to win the day along side this very…
Last reply by AlphaOmega, -
- 0 replies
I need some people to help me complete the easter egg on BO3 Shadows Of Evil. i play after 3 p.m. Eastern Time every day. PS4 Gamer Tag - HaLo_sOuL_ReApEr
Last reply by HaLo_sOuL_ReApEr, -
- 9 replies
Ok first I have to say I haven't been on the forums for a while so I don't know if this is proven. Anyways, so I have been thinking a lot recently and since Green Run is in 1900's (1980-1990 ), and Moon is in 2012 I believe does that mean the original four are.. well dead. I know that they wouldn't just kill off the Four just for lolz. But if I have my time travel right that means they ceased to exist after they launched the bombs. Another interesting thing is that how does the bombs effect the past. If there is a thread discusing this please link it. P.S. if I'm wrong then this is embarasing.
Last reply by FatedTitan,
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