General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
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Anyone found a video of the demo shown last night yet?
Last reply by jc18378, -
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what if treyarch (do not no how to spell?) were to put together a zombies rpg. if they are making a campaign why not make a free for all do what you want campaign pick or create character. with different zones to explore like "borderlands". different kind of zombies in each? buy and keep or find a lot of different items : like guns, perks, easter egg items, notes and stuff. with leveling up systems like different gun or close combat skills, your self getting and picking a perk each time you level up. also containing many different side missions, or just run around and rape train gaining xp.
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
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Do you think they would implement challenges in zombies, similar to those in multiplayer? But rather then gaining XP, you would earn points, sounds cheesy but its just a thought, knowing that zombies will be on the mulitplayer engine, it just seems possible. bleeeeeeeeeeh.
Last reply by Reylink, -
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So........ Let's analyze! :D
Last reply by LiamFTWinter, -
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Does anyone else think the blank picture in kino der toten is the mexican that rictophen killed in his expirements? I mean they were set to do a show on the teleporters and their super sodiers.......and wonder did they just cut out his picture because he died and no longer part of the group? :?: What do you guys think? Im so pumped for bo2 zombies but all this suspense is kinda turning me off alittle with no trailer or gameplay footage anyone else feel that way? :facepalm:
Last reply by Valor1204, -
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What is up CoDzers, this is Dark Jolteon with a new theory, that hopefully will rival some of my older, better theories The theory I bring you today is based around the fact that we have seen images of the new Zombie map (albeit very early development)and it looks like at least one of the maps we will se on BOII will be set in some sort of town, in what looks to be a very open map where exploring the town seems to be a valid option. I am going to discuss why I think this town is a good place for a Zombie map, how it could link to Zombies, and what being there will entail. As you have probably guessed, my theory suggests that this town is Athens, Ohio. HIST…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
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Ever needed to give someone some points on Kino? Ever wish you could swap weapons with a less experienced friend? These are the things I aim to discuss in this thread. I have scoured the forum and can't seem to find links to where it was first discussed, so all points that may have been brought up before should be linked in a post and I will add it to this post. Credit should go to those people too. Currency Exchange: I would like to see a feature implemented, (without hacker) that would allow players to exchange their points with one another. We have all met the challenge of trying to save a match on your own, with everyone dying repeatedly and unable to get points to …
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
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Last reply by Humble Soldier, -
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Niik (strwrsbob) said that tryarch confirmed this as a mistake. But how can you make a mistake this big? If you do make this mistake why was it never removed? Also here is another picture that looks as if you are looking at another galaxy. Real galaxy picture. None of these things were here before we blew up "earth" was area 51 moved? Was it ever on earth in the first place? It must of have been moved because you cannot see these things before the rockets hit. But how would this large area be untouched? How can everything stay in exact same place and be breathable if it was in fact moved? If the earth view from area 51 was a mistake the…
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
You'd think they'd make a zombies trailer when there's 115 days 'till the game comes out.
Last reply by ConvictedZombie, -
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In Order these are in ( my opinion ) 5 things zombies should have, Video coming soon! 1: Mic only option 2: Local only option for psn and xbl 3: Theatre Mode, Split into rounds 1-10 11-20 etc. 4: Differnt difficulties, So noobies can learn and hardcore zombies guys can have a challenge from level 1! (Not for xbl or psn) 5: Private match, Like in multiplayer. Where you can choose only guns from the wall, or only shotguns or no perks, etc. Also change zombies difficulty and even play gamemode like OITC or Infected! ( Really make playing more desirable when your bored of just regular zombies)
Last reply by andykod77, -
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Instinct vs. Conditioning Ha! You thought I'd get into it with letting you know that my name is Ehjookayted AKA EyeCntSpel, and that today, I've been thinking about a couple things. I understand a lot of the game comes from strategy as well as just survival tactics, but there's a point where we all must think about how we have gotten so good at zombies. What is instinct and what is conditioning? Are you a natural or are you trained to slay zombies? There has long been the idea that athletes are not born, they're made. And I must concede this, there is a point where your raw instincts become conditioned, and where your conditioning becomes your insti…
Last reply by Te55eract23, -
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Accessory: Goggles_1200 makes your character not get blinded by screamers Accessory: Juggernaut_Xsuit_5000_ Juggernaut armor that survives 100 hits from zombies Accessory: Da_vinci_Smart_3200 Escape situations, shoot a grappling hook from your wrist(only to specific locations) recharge rate: 2 minutes Perk: The_Boulder_2450 3 time use buy-able 1 time boost through a crowd of zombies without getting damaged. Perk: Full_Cup_Static_1000 allows you to dropkick energy bar slow regeneration
Last reply by ZombiesQUANTUM, -
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Alright, as far as I am aware, there is currently no thread on this topic, so I took it upon myself to present this discussion page to the community. Post all your ideas for power up drops for zombies! The ones we know already are: Carpenter Nuke Insta-kill Max-ammo Firesale Bonfire sale Double points Death machine Perk bottle Lightning bolt And the strange QED power ups which include red or negative versions of all of these and bonus points power-ups. The idea that seems most prevalent is triple points... Or something along the lines of a bonfire sale where it lowers all prices by half except for pack a punch, which is still 1000 points. …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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Hello my fellow zombie slayers! I come before you today to present my idea for a 4z4 zombie mode! From what I understand it will be more along the lines if competing for kills and points, etc. I do not believe this will ever be implemented into black ops 2 or any sequel, but I still want feedback on the idea. I call it WAFFLE SHOWDOWN! This takes place on zombie maps and multiplayer maps. It will be a mosh pit type game mode where any game mode From multiplayer can be played, and they are chosen randomly. However, there is a catch! At the start of each game, as soon as the countdown reaches zero, the mystery box jingle will play. The weapons in everyones' hands will …
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
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- 732 views "It’s cool that it’s in 2025 and how its, she got older now." Could they refer to samantha?
Last reply by IPunch_Infants, -
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David Vonderhaar@DavidVonderhaar "You want to compete. League Play. You want to be eaten by Zombies. Done. And this is just the multiplayer modes. The future is black." This is taken from David Vonderhaar's twitter. For the small amount of you who might not know this, David is the guy in charge of multiplayer for Treyarch. By him mentioning zombies, do you guys think that this has any signifigance? Is he just stating that Treyarch is giving us (the community) what we want? I'd like to hear anything about this.
Last reply by xFierce_Fighterx, -
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Hey guys, I have been browsing these forums since they pretty much started, but haven't really posted anything until now, and I know everyone is so hyped about Nuketown Zombies, but what if your all too hyped that you start to miss stuff? A lot of stuff has been happening recently that isn't a coincidence. The tweet from jimmy Zielinski, The bloody hand print picture released on Saturday, now the Nuketown zombies map. It all ties together. However one of the main things I wanna discuss is, how does the story tie in to Nuketown? Well, quite simply, it doesn't. The only thing that COULD fit would be the whole story around the 'Manhattan project' but I can't see Nuketo…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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I know this is a long shot but bare with me. Would crouching to heal delve to deep into the unknown and lead us astray from the core aspect of zombies as we know it? We shall see.... We have all seen this photo before and took it for a grain of salt, or a Teebo reference. What if this simple photo,(which is highly unlikely), was actually a hint toward gameplay changes? What if once you turn red (near death) you could heal a little quicker? You already walk slower while crouching, why not heal quicker? Crouching serves no other purpose in zombies. What do you think?
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
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Everyone knows the powerups max ammo, insta kill but i was thinking in the 4v4 zombies you can power down the other team... Insta kill - rubber bullets - enemins weapons will be at half damage for 45 seconds max ammo - ammo slash - takes half of the other teams ammo nuke - zombie glue - zombies will only attack enemy team for 45 seconds firesale - no sale - enemy team can't buy anything for 45 seconds double points - half points - points halfed for enemy team for 45 seconds random perk bottle - perk stealer - steals 1 perk from each enemy player and give them too your team all i can think of so far ...
Last reply by punkrockzombie, -
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I had a dream last night, seriously i have started dreaming about this game that's how excited i am for it Basically i was using a gun i had bought off the black market. The gun looked liked a pistol but larger large enough to put a grenade in the back, basically this ... The guns grenade would be a black steel ball, when fired the detonation process wouldn't begin till it hit or bounced off the floor, when it hit the floor the grenade would start to turn orange and after roughly 5 seconds when the grenade is red explode. The explosion has 2 phases the first is the explosion killing zombies within 5 foot distance, the grenade would also spew out a larg…
Last reply by punkrockzombie, -
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So as you all know, there have been new pictures that everyone has been saying are either levels for zombie rank, perk cola emblems, etc... But, what I was thinking was that what if the 4z4 mode is like regular multiplayer but with zombies thrown in (I don't like the idea of this but I had to share it). Then all of the new pictures could be perks specifically for 4z4. They do look somewhat similar to the perks you would see in Black Ops 1. I think it could be something like what MrDalekJD experienced in his latest video about what Nuketown 2025 could be like. Sorry that I don't have a link, i'm pressed for time.
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
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Simple zombie game mode. Here it is: you ALWAYS start on level 1. No matter what. BUT every other round is randomized. You finish round 1 and it turns to round 30. only 1 random weapon spawns and you get more than 500 points to spawn with.
Last reply by SirPlasticDucky, -
- 5 replies
Imagine a 4z4 game for Bus. A group of players randomly spawned in either side the map like verrukt. Any group that gets to the Bus first gets the safety of the it avoiding other group/groups to get in the bus therefore leaving them more vulnerable to zombies and losing the game. Player have the ability to control the bus to go forward or backward. Players have the ability to find items from the box which can do different things like increase the speed of the bus.. add camera's, night vision, more protection from zombies and humans.. . Just a thought. What do you guys think? Don't bash me for this.
Last reply by Shooter, -
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- 1.2k views "Ready your Ray Gun and aim for their heads... For tonight, we dine in hell!!" P.S: We have seen this partial image during the launch of Moon. But this one is full. (cant display in full, just click this link) ... l_1280.jpg Also did any one know what this means?
Last reply by xFierce_Fighterx,
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