General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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- 4 replies
First let me say if something like this was mentioned in the leaks I apologize in advance but I've never seen them. Until I came to this forum I didn't even know there were leaks so yeah. Also if this is the wrong section I apologize again. Lets say hypothetically the old characters got new bodies or "possessed" these new characters. Based on what we have seen who do you think would fit each character if the new body or possession thing is true. Now besides Sam being Bimbo chick, the others I really can't put into the bodies except Dempsey being mustache. So thoughts?
Last reply by Paterandreas, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys! I've noticed 5 locations in "Tranzit" Mode when players can travel (except for Nuketown 2025 of course). So it means in Survival mode be 5 maps i think. This screen from user Paterandreas. We can see 4 points cause in trailer not marked first location. Bus Station Diner Farm Looks like some Plant or Factory Downtown area (or streets)
Last reply by Feanaro, -
- 4 replies
I personally think that they may be hiding something for us at the end of the campaign like they did with nacht der untoten in waw and five in blops. I could be wrong but I don't think we found out about five (other than a even being a blurry image at the end of the trailer)in blops till someone got their hands on the game early and leaked it. It was never officially announced that five was even in the game so from that I say there is hope we may still have our original four hiding away at the end of the campaign where zombies all started, or even at the end of the tranzit campaign if there is one. What do you guys think ?
Last reply by Living Dead, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone! I'm a little new here but i decided for my first ever post i would make it good! So by now a lot of you may know about the song that was sung in the trailer: avenged sevenfold "Carry On". Well i think this song has some hints towards what to expect from an easter egg! We all know Treyarch loves easter eggs and if they listen to the fans, like everyone says, then they would know we dissect EVERYTHING; videos, songs, easter eggs, dialogue. And what better way to have an easter egg by combining our love for looking for connections and SONGS. Without further ado, i give you my theory on the song and Easter eggs Some people live that se…
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 4 replies
Well this probably might sound really stupid or crazy but lets say that after moon our heros tried to teleport back to the destroyed world. Then some crazy error happened making them switch bodies with the chaaracters we saw in the reveal. It seems crazy I know but it is the future after all...... Regards JJrocks :mrgreen:
Last reply by ccm404e, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys! I'ts me again. I've noticed one interesting moment in "Carry On" song from Avenged Sevenfold. Its solo part: ... be&t=2m29s And now solo from "The Final Countdown" by Europe: ... be&t=3m15s And it noticed not only me, look: ... f-5-stars/
Last reply by Feanaro, -
- 4 replies
I realy would like play a map where u starting up from Earth Orbital Space Station,kind of Area 51 but with the different that you can come back any time useing teleporters or Space escaping capsules and play there for long as you wish.From there we could get to the Mining Pyramide on Mars kind of Total Recal movie -The Schwarzzenegger movie not the remake blueeaaa,have to clean my mounth and if Treyarch can put it together with the Mars face google it if you dont know about that,whitch was goodly done in movie Mission to Mars it would be one Epic map one of the best ever made.I hoply will get some attention on this thread at least think about it or watch both movies and …
Last reply by die Doktor, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys codz4891 here, So in the reveal trailer of cod bo2 zombies at the mere end of the trailer you will see wat what looks like a new Wunder weapon the girl is holding in 2 hands. So onto the point. I think this wunder weapon is a future THUNDER GUN. Yes thats right, it might sound stupid but this is my thoughts. Why do I think this you may ask? Well if you recall the radio that treyarch showed us with the news reporter she said the "TG" Thunder gun.. was being mass produced and spread across the country. and from what i can see from the trailer it the weapon looks like a future thunder gn and sounds like one. And maybe now that it is being massed produ…
Last reply by codz4891, -
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Can anyone get any info from this? I see DLC and a giant plant.
Last reply by CrimsonZombie, -
- 4 replies
These zombies are wearing a collar of some sort...... Maybe this is how we "pacify zombies w/ EMP" But y is it there, what is it for, who and why again?? The one in yellow look around neck What the heff if going on?!?!
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 4 replies
Thier some things on my mind after I seen it 1st is those super zombies that r like on steroids jumping like 40 feet and attacking the crap out of that moving bus makes me think what did they do to them to make them so crazy.. 2nd the zombies in stray jackets they all had the same blood stains on thier lower backs the subtitles told us to notice it and it was bugging me 3rd Wat does h mean that guy on a horse. Y Would thier be a horse wouldn't the explosion from the moon or zthe zombies of killed it 4th the professor mysterious guy right? and that watch he has it might be a timer to something that's gonna happen like when the bus is leaving, or th…
Last reply by Mr. Touchstuff, -
- 4 replies
Comment on quotes and prices for these perks! After you watch this video, which has detailed info and emblems.Let 3arc know what we want by taking the poll! Yes I know the 1st map is complete. But there are 5 DLC's to come so relax. Video for Perks: ... ata_player
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 4 replies
Cant wait for the 4v4 Zombie mode "Grief". I am a huge fan of Zombies and I have been a competitive gamer since 2005. So to combine the two I am very excited! Since I found out about the competitive aspect I was searching for a competitive site that was going to implement this to keep track of records, create teams, ect. I found Fragged Nation who is currently taking opinions, suggestions, and seeing how much interest there would be in a Competitive Zombie Ladder! If you think the competitive side will be awesome I encourage you to visit here I am glad a site has taken in the Zombie aspect of th…
Last reply by ItsBarc, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone! This is the Treyarch office makeover! Part 2, here they focus on the entrance hallway: Here they create each COD game, but on the walls, key moment are there to behold! If you like it then you may also like this: From Treyarchs twitter. Pretty cool!
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 4 replies
EDIT This is an Australian website that has heaps of live stream cameras if you’re interested. --------------------- Hey CoDz, Well I'm sure most of you are aware that Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 is the release date of Call of Duty - Black Ops II. You may also be aware that Treyarch has somehow managed to weave their magic of this release date to co-inside with a Zombie Freak-Bag! 'Solar Eclipse' (which will actually happen on Wednesday, November 14th in Australia) I live in the state of Queensland. Which pretty much takes up the North-Eastern side …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 4 replies
Right, I'm mega busy at work but I'll get this short. I'm not offering tips as I don't have any. But I would like some of our more experienced members to post tips, ideas, clues, historic stories, in order to help out the community in order to find the Easter Eggs. What sort of things should we be looking for? Are we listening to quotes? Are we to be pushing every button on every object within the map?? Anything that could help us begin the search when it comes to release.
Last reply by MixMasterNut, -
- 4 replies
First let me say that I'm a diehard zombies fan and have been playing zombies ever since the first maps in world at war. Up until this point I've loved every single map that has been released, some maps more than others, but I've still played each map more times than I can count over these last few years. So it goes without saying that ive been looking forward to this game ever since it was announced that moon would be the final map fit blops 1. Since this time last year I've been lurking this forum and other places on the Internet for zombies news, because I've been anxious to see what treyarch comes up with next. I preordered this game months and finally got it at…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 4 replies
I believe that it is in relation to the experiment. These took place at the that is located in Washington, on the Columbia Gorge River. The experiment dealt with plutonium and uranium, and also Iodine-131 and Xenon-133. I don't think that the map itself correlates to this, or even any form of radioactive materials. I believe that it is saying that the map or the events of the Easter Egg are considered to be similar to the Green Run, but with the things used substituted for zombies-related things. Don't know how, as I cannot think very well right now, but I am sure some of you can figure it ou…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 4 replies
What happened? I thought there was supposed to be a zombies campaign??
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 4 replies
So I was wondering, where exactly are the original 3. (I do know the fourth has become the new Sam.) I'm just curious as to why we are playing as new people. thanks!
Last reply by Tac, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, Only just started playing Zombies. Is it just me or are the playable character voices way lower in terms of volume? I was playing solo today and I could barley make out what my character was saying. Thanks.
Last reply by BEYOND, -
- 4 replies
As insane as it sounds Samantha after completing Richtofens Grand Scheme says when another player gets alot of kills she will say the following line "Don't kill thm it just makes him stronger." Now we can (Kind of) trust Samantha as she was once the controller of all the zombies and knows how they work and this also explains why after each round the zombies become more powerful and the same goes with each map. So if you think about it killing the zombies is both a good thing and a bad thing in the sense that if kill a zombie it is a good thing becuse there is one less zombie to deal with and also a bad thing becuse it gives Richtofen more power. You should also not turn o…
Last reply by TopHatsAreCool, -
- 4 replies
Do you know if there is still this retarded, gamebreaking and utterly pointless feature of not counting your score to the leaderboards after someone has left the game?
Last reply by Verrückt, -
- 4 replies
Has anyone noticed that there is a definite way to avoid a lunge by starting at a distance and backing up as you knife? (most seen with galvaknuckles. Mostly because I use it more than the regular knife) It's almost like you can knife without even touching them. Also has anyone noticed how on pc it is possible to knife without picking up the power-up drop but on console it seems impossible. Is that a game mechanic for the pc or is it a technique that's easier on pc?
Last reply by KillinSWAT, -
- 4 replies
I love zombies, a lot, but there is one thing I have to complain about. I don't like the campaign, OR the multiplayer. Is anyone else with me on this? I was thinking they could sell zombies separate for 30 dollars or so, and the DLC would be half off for just the zombies map. I know a handful of people that would agree with me on this as well. I know they would probably never do this, but it would be completely amazing. Just wanted to see your opinions on this.
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys,
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