General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
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- 4 replies
So far I've gotten round 6 with all three songs, but was able to get the mannequin song and the 115 to play at the same time, going to try to start ll three at the exact same time and see what happens. Also someone else said to try it before the bus, but it happened to go off round 4. If anyone wants to post anything for me to try go ahead and I will try it. And if you want to test out theories with me add my GT, and send a message.
Last reply by iplay2slay, -
- 4 replies
Is it possible in a four player game to play all 3 songs at once? I know in solo it is impossible but imagine one player who makes sure that all the test dummy heads are removed except one ( save the one behind the bunk bed ) while the 2nd player waits near the bunk bed to trigger off the teddy bear song ( After that player initiates the other two teddy bears. ) . While players 3 & 4 wait for the sync with the population sign & the power drop ( 115 ). If all 3 or 4 players did this at once could this trigger something else off? Let me know if someone has tried this?
Last reply by shoeschoices, -
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As many of you know, there are multiple theories on a much larger Easter Egg then just songs and a few Richtofen quotes on the Nuketown zombies map. I agree with those people and compiled a few stark facts hinting at a much larger Easter Egg, I personally haven't discovered it, but with these discoveries and the help of the community we could possibly find something huge! Please leave any thoughts/discussion below that can help us discover this Easter Egg! iVWeYkddFB4
Last reply by HotZin, -
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Revolution comes out Tuesday as I'm sure all of you know. Black Ops 1 had a very clear map pack pattern, whereas MW3's dlc was very unorganized. So knowing the contents of Revolution, I believe this pattern will be repated for the next 2 (yes two, bear with me). We have 4 MP maps, a new Tranzit mode map, a new MP gun and a zombies gamemode. I believe this pattern will hold true for map packs 2 and 3. Blops1 had 12 dlc MP maps. MW3 had 12 dlc MP maps. It seems this is the new standard for dlc. So with 4 MP maps a pack, it'll only take 3 packs to get to 12. So what will map pack 4 contain? The zombies fan in me wants to believe an all-zombies pack like Rezurrection, but in …
Last reply by Megaton A, -
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I hear everyone saying that it's now easier to survive in zombies, and that the zombies die quicker. Didn't Double XP start yesterday or today? Perhaps, this is something they are doing for zombies.
Last reply by 83457, -
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Things have definitely changed. The zombies are moving much faster and move a little differently. Me and my buddies have been going down alot more now and haven't made it past rd 10 in nuketown on the past 4 matches. Has anyone else noticed any differences?
Last reply by jokrAzrael, -
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So I'm a PS3 player, and I want to purchase Nuketown Zombies my friend told me I had to buy the season pass is that true? My other friend told me I can purchase nuketown zombies for 3 bucks alone. So I'm really confused. Off topic: but where can I purchase nuketown 2025 Edit: I've been looking through the store.. Can't find much. Or I'm just really dumb and I can't find it lol.
Last reply by SuPeRmAn8860, -
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I am changing this post to be more concise and organized. The final question, question #3, I have decided to move into its own thread. Anyway, my point of this thread is to see if I can get any answers on these unanswered questions. Essentially way back in June, there were references made to Oliver North and Danny Trejo being connected to Zombies. It was mentioned in TheSyndicateProject's videos. (Here it is) I haven’t heard anything about this recently. Can anyone shed some light on these questions? PLEASE READ the last question it is the most important one of all(Moved to its own thread) 1. …
Last reply by Mattzs, -
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Ok, so the other day, I completed the sequence for a perma perk. I was all excisted and what not, I came back a few days later to find it was gone? It was almost there but not active, when I got 2 hits, it looked normal like I could take more. The whole screen didn't go red like normal, but no, these 2 hits caused me to down. Anyone know why? Or is it there for a purpose?? -ItzaZombie
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
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Is this possible? I was kind of hoping that it was when I saw that you could link you're You Tube account to your COD Elite account but it looks highly unlikely and I can't even see any Zombie gameplay vids on the Elite website. Shame if not really as I edited up my EE vid from last night, with all the key steps, and would have been good to share.
Last reply by nockscitney, -
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Hi My name is Egg, male 34 from Manchester england. On most evenings after 9 and I'm also off work tuesdays and wednesdays. Guys I need some help with several different easter egg acheivment from black ops 1 and 2. Is it just me or are the easter eggs getting harder and much more ridiculous? I tend to do a lot of them on my own as most of the people I meet online tend to be either kids, shockingly bad players or really selfish players. So just for ease and so I'm not wasting my time I do them on my own. If you check my achievements you will see I am very competent. Here's a list of the achievements I'm trying to do. It's a case of if you help me, in retu…
Last reply by Egg2TheRabbit, -
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After Edd touched the MPD, it changed him. And not for the good side. He went mad, and started designing some wack stuff, like the Monkey bombs. After he discovered the MPD and touched it, his plan was to control the zombies. With the help of Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo he did that. He somehow changed souls with Samantha and got the power of the zombies. After that Maxis blew up the Earth to limit the damage that Edd could cause. Now he wants to heal the earth and he will make the new four "heroes". Knowing Edd, I am thinking that Edd is seriously sick as f*ck! He wants to heal the earth, returning the humans and torment them! Richtofen is really messed up! He took control…
Last reply by Scoldon, -
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ok im workin on a new stats chart need help with maps tho, fink i got most of them down, just chekin i aint missed any? so any 1 with a gd knowledge of maps plz try help me out? lol list all the zombie maps to date... if u cud list them in order of realise starting earlist to newest that would be great xD thank u
Last reply by bad karma, -
- 4 replies
I researched the DEFCON numbers and found something wierd. DEFCON 1 means basically Nuclear war. In Five we have to lower the DEFCON security level to DEFCON 5. And how do we do that? By activating four levers. So if I do my math right:5-4=1. So Five occurs at DEFCON 1 wich again, is Nuclear war. This also takes place after The Cuban Missile Crisis as one of the characters comments about it (don't remember who ). So a nuclear war was treated the same as the zombie breakout? Or did they plan blowing up the zombies? I'm just interested if anyone has the answer.
Last reply by bagel_, -
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I've recently started listening to music while playing zombies seeing as how I enjoyed when the hidden songs came on. I found that my play was significantly better or at least the very least quicker while listening to said music. So I decided to start throwing together a playlist and I was curious to know what some of the songs on the communities Slaylist were. A few examples of mine (I have over 3 hours worth of music seeing as how a good match lasts at least that long) 115, Beauty of Annihilation, etc. (Can't go wrong with the songs made for zombies) When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000. If you don't understand why this song belings then you've never…
Last reply by KeredNomrah69, -
- 4 replies
Hello Many of us have played the Black Ops 1 map Moon. We know about several glitches in there, that never got fixed. Let's have a look at a short selection: [*:bo40hk98]Round-Skipping glitch by teleporting to earth shortly before a round starts. [*:bo40hk98]Invisible excavator [*:bo40hk98]Getting 4 hackers for your team [*:bo40hk98]Moonwalking astro (I SAY THIS IS A GLITCH! ) [*:bo40hk98]"Not moving at all" - Astro [*:bo40hk98]Zombies not pathing to you or attacking you when standing next to the rock at PHD Although these bugs and glitches are present, I'm still having a ton of fun playing Moon. In Green Run we experienced several glitches, too. Th…
Last reply by Tom852, -
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Okay, so this isn't really related to any theories or anything I just lsaw this video on one of my subscribed channels on Youtube and thought it was very funny and wanted to show a community that would appreciate it. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! It's quite catchy too.
Last reply by MNM1995, -
- 4 replies
First thing is first: I GOTZZ MIEZ SPARKZ BACKZ!!! Anywho, I was thinking about te map Green Run and trying to visualise it, and randomly this thought poped in my head: Russians had complete replicas of NY in the Cold War. Tht was it! Green Run is a test site! It wasn't built in the 1950's! It was made to look like the 1950's but it had modern tehnology: T.E.D.D, power plant etc... And a different idea came in my thinking bucket: What if Green run and our new 4 located in it isn't a coinsidence! Maybe Green Run was indeed made to see how humans could survive an zombie breakout in an open area! Could this be true? That the goverment created special training sites for survi…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
I had like 50 friend requests when I logged on this morning. I also had a lot of hateful messages, a couple mentioned hacking Turned. So I checked out my leaderboard and I am currently #1 in the world. I have only played one game of Turned and half way through I was getting dominated so I raged out. Now I'm ranked #1 and everyone on PSN thinks I'm a hacker. I'm afraid my account is gonna get banned. Thanks Treyarch My leaderboard on Turned is 0 Wins, 1 Loss, 0 Kills, 0 Returns PSN ID OBAMA_ASSASSIN2
Last reply by Kwasa, -
- 4 replies
So we've all heard the radio transmissions on the latest maps, you know, from the TVs. And I just watched this strange video of the transmissions. I don't know what to make of it really, it's kind of weird :? But it was also quite interesting, clever combination of footage and the "damned" theme. So yeah, I don't really know, I just thought I should share it with you guys...
Last reply by Altitude, -
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Herro, New to the forum, had a quick q: Richthofen controls the zombies. He needs the new crew to do stuff for him. Why are zombies still after them? Is maxis in the aether as well? And they fight for control o zombies? Oh and I don't know if his has been mentioned or is plausible but I think that the new crew is the "failed" teleporter experiments from maxis's new diary. They could have all been teleported to different time periods, and had thier memory like the old crew did. I know people seem to think that it's jut filler for newbs but I feel like there's more to it. Thanks Nick
Last reply by Norlo1229, -
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I am thinking of starting a section on my channel for guids , stratagies , And streaks and think it would be much better to have videos of the above provided by the gaming community. Do you think people would send in videos and guids and even video showing them on a mege streak in multiplayer 30-0 as an example ? Or would i be wasting my time? we would name the person who provided any video and link to there channel if they have one ? Who wants to send in some video clips ? email to [email protected]
Last reply by MrCaffiene82, -
- 4 replies
the coding files found titled "buried" are supposedly the coding for the next map. With die rise the coding was "high rise" kinda like a map description what do you think?
Last reply by OMGItsPatricio, -
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Last reply by bobane, -
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Played a game of tranzit on my PS3 today. After round 30 (1200 kills, 0 downs) the host left. It said migrating hosts but after a while it said lost connection to host. My name showed up again with all the points next to it. My question is, did my kills/stats got saved? Cause I couldn't remember what my kills was before the game. Thanks!
Last reply by way2g00d,
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