General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
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Duplicate Posts -
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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After playing tranzit after the recent patch... i noticed a new light of the front of the driver? I have never seen it before nor had my friends... so thought id post on here to see what you guys know/think?
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
i just played probaly the most annoying game of zombies ive ever played since the release of black ops 2, so fort id post a list of annoying stuff that happens when playing in public lobbys, usualy only a few of these happen in each game, but in this particular game every single fing im about to list happend! & not just once, was that annoying i left the game, and i never leave games but it was getin me mad lol - 1. BOX HOGGERS - these people just hog up the box,& uno there just trying to get a ray gun, even when they barley have 950 points & uno there gonna go down, they still hog up the box when reali they shud save der points to get jug, i rarley us…
Last reply by NikolaisVodka, -
- 3 replies
To put it simple: I don't have Gold membership for my Xbox Live account. What I wanted to know was that if I put my 1400 MS points to my current account, will I be able to buy Die Rise map pack and other maps regardless of whether or not I have Gold membership ?? Thanks in advance ! I just dont feel like spending 60$ + 20$ just to get one map if I can get it for only 20$..
Last reply by CovetousShark6, -
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I was messing around getting the perma jug perk and i believe i accidentally discovered a new persistent perk. i received the green firework deal in the game before this in a similar fashion that you see here. this is the effect of the perk seen while i am getting the perma jug perk. The next game after this i was playing die rise, and had the effect happen again; only this time it was after knifing a zombie. this game isnt showing up on my recent games in theater mode, but i am sending a support request now to see if it can be recovered in order to legitimize my info. here is the video that someone recorded of it for me.
Last reply by A Drunk Soviet, -
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Just posting to see if enyone else noticed this in all BO2 zombie maps (& maybe BO1 & WaW) i have notice that when you get down & revived as soon as you get revived you can hear voices! but i cant make out what they're saying? this happens every time!
Last reply by undeadarcademachine, -
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Fastest way to build Trample Steam on Solo. u have to grab one part, go to another, move slowly to elevator and keep changing parts, put all parts to elevator,and if u r quick enought u can do this with one elevator. Here is a video
Last reply by 83457, -
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...we imagine it balanced. Balance is important in game design. While I love zombies, there are some balance fails (bowie knife in bo1, for example), in this thread, we fix Mule Kick. I see the camping aspect of Die Rise as being the closest to a reason for mk to exist as any. Camp high rounds, need more guns, theoretically. Okay, but usually you can just run away and get ammo or another gun and there are simply better perks to buy (we will get it for free often, but it still fails at free-it really is that unbalanced). So, my thought-out fixes: the price is way too high for a losable gunslot, obviously. So, how to price it right as is and how to balan…
Last reply by 83457, -
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Remember the good ol' VR-11? Well it plays a large role in BOII zombies. Don't believe me? Keep reading. Altough it is not directly shown with enough logic you can figure that out. Basicly the towers are powering two things:First one-A device that works alot like the VR-11. The second one, I'm not sure of. We will figure that out in later maps. Let's talk about the VR-11 like madoo-hickey! Edd talks about "recreating the mankind" or something in the lines of it. Of course if we will take his course he will use it for evil. The idea is that Maxis knew that if a zombie breakout happens he needs to have a backup plan. Now we don't know about this but Edd does. He says that …
Last reply by bagel_, -
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Ok first off i'm not a view whore. Not at all. I like sharing my ideas. But the problem is that sometimes your ideas are awesome but they get blackened out by other stuff. So what I do, is I save drafts and post it when there are like 10-12 people online so I get feedback.I'M NOT A VIEW WHORE! I just love reading what you think about my ideas and/or your ideas. I JUST LOVE FEEDBACK OK? So stay cool bros!
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
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Every level so far has involved armageddon, destructive enviornment due to the missles from the moon or the nuke in nuke town... So thats three destroyed levels we've had all similar to each other... Are we getting three more in the same nature?!?!? If you look back at black ops or WaW you got 6 zombie levels all unlike each other... But so far in black ops 2 we've had 3 zombie levels that are all similar to the environment... I think it would be a little ridiculous if thats all we have to look forward to in the dlc's ...3 more of the same... Destroyed Environment from the moon missles.... Just a thought :/
Last reply by zombieman9, -
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What are Gibs? are these the wooden Planks u repair on Windows? because i can't find any translation for that word. Thanks for the reply ;)
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
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Before, with the Nove-Phasers, I made a prediction of a watery area in future zombies maps; based on their webbed hands and feet. After I got a good look at the tear for this next map, and It's scary to say that we'll be playing in A Cave-Like, Mining environment. A place where you would use a Mine Cart instesd of a bus and That's the wheel to the cart. It'll be big enough for all 4 of us to fit in. I wont get into any more details.
Last reply by bagel_, -
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Ok here is my test, given to you, to see what type of player you subcontiously play as! First select a test: Solo or Multiplayer (4players), then fallow your choises and see who you are! Solo! : Start off in Tranzit, after round one you have 750 points and quick revive! What do you do? STAGE 1 1: Build the turbine and leave: See stage 2 One mark BLUE 2: Buy the door and leave: See stage 2 One mark GREEN 3: Buy a wall weapon (m14) and stay put: See stage 3 One mark Red Stage 2! You've taken the bus to the diner alive, you have access to the mystery box, the diner, and the bus depot had the hatch, but this area has no peices, what do yo…
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
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Reza Elghazi, the Producer of Zombies at Treyarch (Call of Duty: BlackOps & BlackOps2) posted this on Twitter on February 4th. What do you guys think it means?
Last reply by JackalBoy88, -
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I would like to ask what are all the perma perks I know there's juganaut and quick revive also there's dead shot something but can you get stamina up perma and mule kick as I have seen some videos on YouTube with people saying they got it or are investigating but do you know how to go it?
Last reply by Caddyman, -
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Reply with what your final/dream setup is for Die Rise. It can be on 1-4 player. I usually play with 2-4 because I hate playing alone. This is my favorite setup: All Perks HAMR PaP'd (SLDG HAMR) / grip attachment (I love the grip attachment because it makes the gun way more accurate while firing.) AN-94 PaP'd (Acuted Neutralizer 94000) / grip attachment PDW-57 PaP'd (Predictive Death Wish 57000)/ millimeter scanner Galvaknuckles Claymores Monkeys Semtexs This may not be the best setup to get to far rounds but I have fun with it. This is what I try to get when I play a game of Die Rise with friends.
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
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Hello codz,ThrowAmonkeyBomb here figured it was finally time to post his (my) opinions on bo2 and the state of zombies.Frankly,bo2 zombies is a dissapointment,and not as good so far as i had hoped it would be.First off,the survival maps.Sure,bus depot is very difficult,town is decent and farm is my personal favorite BUT,are they really zombies?no,they are small sections of the zombie map green run.They are all pretty bland and strategy is greatly lacking.Now,tranzit.This mode is pretty cool,with a massive map,the bank fridge etc,and hidden easter eggs.But,i simply find it too tedious and slow to enjoy it.And the lava.Honestly,lava is simply everywhere important on green r…
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
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Ever since the beginning, the instrumentals that play on the game over screen on each map is a clip from the Easter egg song on the next map. For example when you die on Kino, a piece of instrumental plays from "Abracadavre", the ascension Easter egg song. When you die on Nacht der Untoten the intro to "Lullaby of a Deadman", the Verrückt Easter egg song plays. Oh yeah, there is one exception. Moon has no music on the death screen, but that is likely because they simply hadn't written the song for green run yet because it was in the transition to BOII. But that's not what I'm concerned about here. Well the instrumentals that play when you die on green run aren…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
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It might not be soon, or even this game, but I am willing to put money on it that there will be a new wonder weapon that changes the zombies to gas zombies. Richtofen once said in black ops 1 when getting the thunder gun that if he would have made it it would have sucked and not blown. First game of black ops 2 we get a gun that sucks instead of blowing which is known as the jet gun. So now that Marelton(i think its him)now says that with a few changes he can make a new type of zombies, gas zombies. So I'm not sure how he would have time to make a new wonder weapon. Richtofen has plenty of time up in moon to make some new guns but I don't see how Marelton wo…
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I let my sister use my Xbox Live account and she pretty much destroys my stats. I'm getting sick of this (and the fact that we can't both use a microphone at the same time) that leads me to the following questions... 1. Is their any way to create a new zombies account on an existing Xbox Live account? Unfortunately, I'd assume that the only way is to spend $50 to buy a new Xbox Live account? 2. If I'm playing Xbox Live on my account and someone else is using the guest account - can the guest account affect the "main" accounts stats? can they lose/use the main accounts persistent upgrades? 3. I downloaded the Die Rise DLC on my Xbox Live ac…
Last reply by Dahniska, -
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Ahhh,der riese.The Giant.If youve seen me around the forum,you may know that der riese is my favorite map.Last week i got it for world at war,im loving it,but i have concluded that the black ops version is the better one.Why?well,lets compare and contrast them,like a did with waw,black ops,and black ops 2 zombies lastnight. Well,here we go. World at war der riese Pros: -The best waw map -only map where you can upgrade waw box weapons -introduced black ops spawn system -achievements -easier to camp Cons: -wunderwaffe is worse,what i mean is though upgraded it kills 24 it is almost useless for emergencies due to taking jug.anyway,you'll be using traps as y…
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 3 replies
I was thinking, since we have persistent carpenter and persistent insta kill, otherwise known as red insta kill, we could have a persitent max ammo. When getting this persitent max ammo, all of are ammo would be full including whats in the clip. lets say im using mustang and sally and have 2 shots in one clip and 4 shots in the other and 30 left over. normally when i get max ammo I would get 50 shots left over but still have 2 in the mustang and 4 left in the sally. but with persistent max ammo we would have 50 shots left over plus 6 shots in both mustang and sally. this could save time and you would never have to reload when getting a max ammo. how would you go…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 3 replies
- 766 views So all of these nazi zombie storyline videos are mostly made for people new to the whole zombies story and easter eggs. But they are also for people who just need a refresher! So you can either watch the video up there, Or read whats down bellow. Its easier to just watch the video! So in the video I discussed all of the known members of 935, Maxis,Richtofen,Samantha,Peter,Sophia,Dr.k.blondie and m.porter. I talked about richtofens betrayl and how he locked samantha fluffy (Samantha's dog)and maxis into a teleporter and betrayed him. I also talked about what weapons group 935 was responsible for, What devices…
Last reply by TBGxRyan, -
- 3 replies
For a long time I've seen this picture that physically shows Maxis, but I don't know if it's real. There is not a bigger image size and that makes me believe that this is fake, but if not, where did this picture come from? Help?
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
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Sorry if my title is misleading. I was wondering if anyone has a link to a thread or a video that goes in to extreme detail on the entire zombie storyline, from the start of the zombies to the current map Die Rise.
Last reply by Shooter,
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