General Zombies Discussion
Come here to talk about aspects of Zombies that just don't seem to fit into other sections.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
Please don't just read numbered points and say "I'd never advertise!" and skip over it, because there are things you may not realize are categorized as advertising, or anything else, that are and you might have already broken them. If you have any questions regarding this, please ask, and have a good time and be sure to follow the rules!
Rule: Advertising to other users inside the CoDz Forum, whether it be via a post, personal message, or profile/signature links, to buy or view any products, websites, or other service is strictly prohibited. Non-intrusive links in signatures to personal YouTube accounts may be allowed, but that is case-to-case and each will be reviewed individually.
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Example: If you are a spam bot, a hired advertiser, or a desperate website/business owner, this may apply to you. Signing up and making your only post a promotion for your zombie gameplay YouTube channel is breaking the rule. However simply sending links to a fellow forum goer who wants to know where to buy a capture card is not breaking this rule, PMing your buddy a link to a funny YouTube video isn't, etc.
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3. SPAMMING [SPAM]: Spamming is defined as many things, and all of them aren’t allowed. As a CoDz user, you should hold yourself to a high standard and use common sense when posting.
Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
Consequence: The infringing duplicate thread will be either merged (with the original thread), locked, or deleted, depending on the situation. When dealing with two duplicate threads, the staff will sometimes exercise their own personal judgement with regard to the thread’s posts, to avoid conversations being broken up and posts losing their cohesion, as all the comments in both threads are merged and arranged by the date they were posted.
Cross-posting violations will be dealt with by deleting all cross-posted threads. Users are responsible for figuring out the appropriate section in which to post their topic. If you have any trouble you may ask any staff member for advice!
We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
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Example: If a user makes a post saying “I agree,” or “We know,” or something similar and they do not further the conversation or productivity of the thread, that would be grounds for deletion of the post. The specific details of post pumping are left for staff to decide case-by-case, as there are a broad range of possibilities, which are quite dependent on the circumstances.
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Example: If a user says to another on the forum that they are stupid, dumb, illogical, incompetent, etc., that is an example of a user tearing another down, and is considered to be ‘flaming’. Even sarcastically saying “Wow, you’re a bright one, aren’t you..” or “Did you figure that out on your own?” would qualify as a form of harassment.
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Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
Examples of offensive links include Pornographic, Racial, Defamation, or any other derogatory content. If it does not pass our CoC do not link to it on our site.
Rule: A user’s signature may only be 5 lines high, 15 pixels high per line and 65 pixels wide per line. A signature must follow all of the above guidelines concerning offensive language and material, and also concerning advertising.
Consequence: If a user creates a signature that violates the above rules, they will first be contacted and asked to change their signature. If they do not comply, someone will change it for them. Particularly horrid offenses will be dealt with by staff in an appropriate manner.
Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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- 4 replies
Is this possible? I was kind of hoping that it was when I saw that you could link you're You Tube account to your COD Elite account but it looks highly unlikely and I can't even see any Zombie gameplay vids on the Elite website. Shame if not really as I edited up my EE vid from last night, with all the key steps, and would have been good to share.
Last reply by nockscitney, -
- 0 replies
In TranZit, our goal is to light the tower for either Maxis or Richtofen, with your choice ultimately determining who will gain power at the end of it all. This side quest is known as "Tower of Babble." An interesting name, mostly due to it's biblical origins. The Tower of Babel was an attempt for man to build a tower to the heavens. God disapproves of this and causes all of the peoples to speak different languages so that no one can understand each other and the tower construction ends. The ultimate issue here was not that man wanted to do a great building project, but that their pride wanted to show that they were better than God and that they could reach Him. The…
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 4 replies
Any tips on getting a two player public match started? This has to be one of the most annoying things to get started. Why'd they have to make this so hard to get started, it was frustrating. We just ended up doing custom games. I don't know why they didn't make an option for it.
Last reply by thedinobot, -
- 9 replies
With the the new Steam-Workshop feature added to steam, its a great possibility that we will see the return of custome zombies maps. Whats your Opinion?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
I'm trying to find a background for my phone but none of the good ones are the same size as my phone Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by theburningflames, -
- 5 replies
what if treyarch (do not no how to spell?) were to put together a zombies rpg. if they are making a campaign why not make a free for all do what you want campaign pick or create character. with different zones to explore like "borderlands". different kind of zombies in each? buy and keep or find a lot of different items : like guns, perks, easter egg items, notes and stuff. with leveling up systems like different gun or close combat skills, your self getting and picking a perk each time you level up. also containing many different side missions, or just run around and rape train gaining xp.
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 6 replies
Im going to start off by saying this isn't going to be a post about any deep thoughts or EE theories. I was just curious on what you all thought about Black Ops 2 Zombies as a whole. Do you like it? Do you hate it? If you could change something what would it be? I will be reading any and all replies. I personally love the new Zombies. TranZit is amazing I could play that all day and not get bored one bit. I do think Treyarc went a bit crazy with the amount of lava they put in though. Survival is alot of fun too, but I was a little upset with the size of the maps. Overall I have a lot of fun with Black Ops 2 Zombies and I will continue playing it daily. I do miss the …
Last reply by Murdah4Hire, -
- 2 replies
If you watch the latest behind the design episode on GTTV they say the zombies is next up at the end. They have released episodes every Sunday which leads me to believe the next episode will be on the 28th.
Last reply by Raygunhopeful, -
- 7 replies
I don't know if it has been brought up before, but once you take the elevator to the labs on "Five", if you look into the window on the right, you will see the Nuketown 2025 symbol. Yes, it is missing the atom symbol, but below it it says "Fallout Shelter". This hints even more toward nuclear incidents, which could point fingers toward zombies. If Nuketown 2025 has anything to do with zombies, I think the rockets, (that were never confirmed to be 115 rockets), could have in fact been the crisis the "Five" crew was talking about. It IS a long shot, and I know this. Simply thought you should know the connections that I made. If anyone can get a picture of this, I would be v…
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 15 replies
This has been interesting to me for quite awhile. Since zombies is based upon tactics and team work, will elite be moving into zombies? Cause everything elite sort of fits into zombies.
Last reply by crazy skillz, -
- 3 replies
So i tried to find a match of origins on black ops 2 i get a full game of little kids (why me) then one asks do you want to do the easter egg i say no then he just leaves why do people do this is no one wants to do the easter egg don't leave just play
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
- 1 reply
Hey Guys Im Organizing a Zombies Tournament, but it will be like a World Zombies Championship, I will Join Spain community and american Community to have a good Tournament, There will be PRIZES FOR THE 3 WINNERS. This tournament would be for Xbox 360 How can i join to the tournament? Well leave me this things: -Team Name -Team Members (Gamertags) and message to the twitter @Torneos_Zombies Im not the organizer but you can ask if you have a question i will try to answer it. So well the plan is that: It would be like a World Cup like in football soccer, there would be 32 teams and well you need to classify to the tournament (like in a real world cup) this tournament…
Last reply by YoPlixBoy25, -
- 4 replies
I'm not sure if this just changed or i missed the change when it happened, but you can now grab the red record, without moving the tank, when it spawns behind the tank. This was not possible originally. You could get in that space, get close to it, but could not pick it up. Now you can. That is all.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 2 replies
So, basically this is a very short theory on why I thin group 935 is Illuminati. 1. There are various Illuminati quotes by Richtofen if I remember correctly not sure about this. 2. Illuminati symbol on side of an-94 in die rise and buried 3. FIVE and Ascension there is a chance for the box TVs to show the Illuminati symbol 4. illuminati is "New World Order" right and zombies is definatly a new world So what do you guys think?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
I have a YouTube channel that isn't doing so well, so I asked why, and the number 1 reason why I wasn't doing well was because I am unoriginal with the content I upload. I cannot seem to come up with any ideas as all of them have been taken up. I came here because I was wondering if you, the community, can help me out. Channel:
Last reply by QuaK Rage, -
- 1 reply
I knew if I posted this in WaW zombies, nobody would look at it, so I decided to post it here; sorry. I was playing with one of my friends and two randoms on SNN on WaW. We were on Round 20 on dog rounds, and I died when I tried to revive my teammate. I bled out and then we got to the knew round, but I respawned and it looked as if I had died in campaign mode. All the sudden the game restarts, and everyone except for the host could only see random, changing colors. Has this ever happened to anybody?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
i was just thinking i believe that nuketown is based in the same time zone as moon so why has nuketown got futuristic weapons and obviously moon ha 60s weapons this is very perculiar to me :!: :?:
Last reply by ZOMBIE BAIT 368, -
- 10 replies
I haven't bought the game yet and I'm still hesitating on buying it by christmas or before. Is the game (Zombies & Campaign) very good, as in I should buy it as soon as I can ? or is it waste of money for the time being cause of minor problems (Leaderboards for example, Lag on multiplayer and so on..)??
Last reply by Saleenseven, -
- 6 replies
And I mean on Black Ops 2. Now I used to go on the Activision zombies forums, and whenever I would post a topic such as this, no one would answer. They're too busy making threads about glitches, or wanting a new player for their clan. And I found out about this forum, and it's amazing so far. Love reading the Asylum section especially. But I digress, people have been saying that the with all the easter eggs done, and Nav Cards in their place, we will travel map to map. But I don't think that can be done, especially with the technical issues it'd have. I think it's going to create a huge teleporter, and we will able to at least travel to the Moon again, and see our O…
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 1 reply
Similar to my thread on the "old" Juggernog jingle, has anyone else noticed that there are two versions of the Quick Revive jingle? Here's an example of the first: Here's an example of the second: They're the same lyrics, sung by the same guy, but the second one sounds... rougher.
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 5 replies
So we all know that zombies is on the multiplayer engine, we're going to get the capability to support double the character models, and all that. I've been reading a lot of what you guys have been saying and think that if they do implement a stat tracking system or a way to gain experience/level ups from zombies they could have a way to make it carry over into multiplayer. For instance, one way this could work is if you have 1xp awarded for every zombie you kill multiplied by the current round number and you get awarded 5xp for every round you complete (revives don't give xp because of the potential for milking via suicide/revive). There could also be various amounts…
Last reply by zombiedude6776, -
- 0 replies
im doing history live with my brother take a look and support with subscribe [emoji3] thank you
Last reply by oniredjon, -
- 5 replies
I know this is a long shot but bare with me. Would crouching to heal delve to deep into the unknown and lead us astray from the core aspect of zombies as we know it? We shall see.... We have all seen this photo before and took it for a grain of salt, or a Teebo reference. What if this simple photo,(which is highly unlikely), was actually a hint toward gameplay changes? What if once you turn red (near death) you could heal a little quicker? You already walk slower while crouching, why not heal quicker? Crouching serves no other purpose in zombies. What do you think?
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 4 replies
i dont normally complain, but psn y today to do network upgrades, y not yesterday or friday...clowns i want my nuketown. Got up early did what i had to do for work just to come back to psn down :/ y u do this to me?!?! :(
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 1 reply
OK So you would never belive me on this glitch...on Tranzit (Yes Transhit) i was goung to get Olimpia ammo, When out of the blue, I Get a RAYGUN?!?!?! I tested this again and again and it also happened in Die Rise with misty as well! Can someone explain?
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