Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I have a few ideas I'd like to see in future zombies: Hardline soda: When bought, you can see the box outline anywhere on the map and the gives the player the option when a weapon is rolled to tap X and reroll for 450. Costs 3000 Spy eye wine: Get a minimap in the top right of screen. This allows you to see the Zombies locations, zombie counter, and players locations. Costs: 4000 Hercules Cola: When bought, player makes a punching animation. This upgraded the knife to a punch, similar to that if Origins. This punch will summon lightning through zombies. One hit until round 20. Costs 9000 Burly Brew: This perk will allow the player to pick up crawlers…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
I'm new to the site but my roommate and I have been all over the place looking into all the given information and watching alot of videos and now we've gone as far as the decoded cyphers in the comics. I have come to the conclusion that treyarch is preparing for a primus Game. I wanna hear your thoughts and I'd love to answer any questions I can or even get sum answers I have missed. Knowledge is power and power should be shared lol.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 0 replies
So I'm sure you're all aware of the 3rd painting in the wolf bow upgrade. It portrays a mountain and the giant squid-like creature from SoE. Each character has a quote when selecting this portrait. Richtofen's quote is: "last time I saw this is when I picked up the key". Richtofen is referring to when he picked up the summoning key in SoE, of which happened in a 2 year time frame before The Giant. However, the fact that he said the last time suggests he's seen them before. And at the end of all the paintings, he basically says that battling the apothicans only really ends in death. Now I'm just going to make a huge jump here but what if that letter saying that Primis will…
Last reply by SirPlasticDucky, -
- 18 replies
One thing that bothers me in zombies is that there are some weapons that are more or less useless. If you get a war machine you throw it back immediately. I don't like how some guns have next to no redeeming qualities. There should be at least one good reason why you should keep every gun. Now some weapon categories are thoroughly under represented because of this. Although they have some specific uses, nobody is ever begging for a launcher, shotgun, sniper, or pistol. How can we fix this? My idea on how to make these more desireable is to give them stopping power. I don't mean the perk, I mean literally the ability to slow down / stop a zombie in its tracks. Rea…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 3 replies
so basically i feel that the next map will not take place on the moon, had to point that out first, but will instead either be somewhat of a prequel-ish map to ascension, or a map that will answer the ascension questions but will generate more questions on the way much like how the show lost progressed
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 15 replies
So as we know the current engine Call of Duty franchise has been hauling is based on idTech 3 game engine that first saw action in 1999 (14 years ago) on Quake 3. We are now entering a new generation of console hardware and PC hardware is even a lot more powerful than the consoles. The engine is limited and is a bottleneck to what can be done graphically and physically within the engine on the future Call of Duty games. Now Call of Duty has also entered a three year development cycle from the hectic two year cycle it was before. Giving the developers more time to make their games. Treyarch is by far the largest studio out of the Call of Duty developers and it would on…
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 18 replies
If multiplier can have a weekend when leveling up and rising through ranks is half as hard, why not zombies? Your thoughts….
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 9 replies
Men, In this topic I will be discussing my idea of different levels of hordes in the next map pack. More specifically, Hell. Now, we've all seen Alcatraz, and how that map looks absolutely horrific. I thought of this idea when I was playing in The Pentagon this morning. In The Pentagon, we go through different floors of Chaos.- The first floor; It's clean. Everything is clean. The Second Floor; it's mildly chaotic. As much gore as in Russia(Ascension), meaning not a lot. The third and bottom floor; horrific. Guts everywhere, Goats & gore. Now that you get my idea, I want to talk to you guys about 'different level's of Sheol'. As I was playing i…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 12 replies
Okay, so we all know in the first Black Ops, when you take the first letter out of each map pack name you get FEAR. So now we get Revolution. FEAR R___ What do you all think it could spell out?
Last reply by Caddyman, -
- 10 replies
With the MANY topic discussing the final map, I believed we've reached the conclusion this will be a prequel map.... But what does that mean for the rest of the storyline? If this is a prequel map, chances are it will have 0% to do with the button... Meaning maxis will have taken over the aether for nothing and same for richtofen because you can't continue on that storyline... IF there is no closure now.... Black ops 3 will have a mess on it's hands... If one sided with maxis, how will it know? There's no achievement for completing either side, and there's no other way to games could read that info... The only solution would be for trayarch to waist time and mon…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
So there's this guy on twitter that claims to have worked on cod but quit and also claims to know about bo3 and how zombies is going to have TDM and ffa wat yall think?
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 5 replies
Okay, Treyarch put new images up on their FaceBook. They were notes that seemed to have been writen by someone of Japanese decent. He also mentions a Doctor in one of his notes. To me, this seems to much like Takeo and Richtofen. Now, there have been a ton of posts about how the O4 are alive and the next map is after Moon, etc....but what if it isn't? These notes are dated before any of the other events (as far as I know) could the map be what happened before they all lost their minds due to Richtofen? Or possibly after he worked on them but before Shi No Numa? A sort of prologue, if you will? Just my take on it.
Last reply by potato, -
- 9 replies
This thread is here to discuss the perks that can, should, and may not return for BO3. Now, in black ops 2 we've had just about every perk return from black ops one and WAW. So it's safe to say they'll all return at one point. In black ops 2 however, 5 new perk machines were introduced, here's the general reception of these perks: Tombstone- Was a nice idea for a perk, especially on a map the size of tranzit, however, only being a Co-op perk and how it could be exploited to get all perks is an issue. I don't think this perk will be returning, however, it is more likely then Who's Who. Who's Who- Commonly referred to as the worst perk ever. 2000 is way over-priced …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
hey guys, so ive got another theory that might tease towards the next map and is related to der riese. If u check the description for der riese it says this :"The giant is rising.Face the might of the zombies in their heartland.This is where it all began.Is this where it all ends?" the last sentence got my attention RECENTLY. so now if u go back to the letter treyarch posted on their facebook nikolai says something about giant metal men.Possibly a new boss,BUT maybe der riese was a facility to CREATE those giant metal men by maxis to destroy richtofen?? commemt below what u thing (MrDalekJD did a video about this)…
Last reply by potato, -
- 4 replies
The basis of most threads and theories are mostly made by 1 person, with sometimes the help of some others that will be given credit. In the comments there mostly exists a discussion with as result sometimes the change of that theory. The idea of this topic is to make a thread, with many members of this awesome site. We don't give anyone credit, but the idea behind it is that we made this together, with discussions in the thread itself. I chose as topic the in DLC 3 reappeared scientiest: Gersch. It is still a big mystery what exacly happened in Ascension and how he came in Stalingrad and what happened with him after SOPHIA captured him. So edit as much as you like. I alr…
Last reply by AetherialVoices, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Alright so in our story we have encountered many popular conspiracy theories such as Moon Nazi’s, Hollow Earth, H.A.A.R.P., John F. Kennedy’s assasination, and the Illuminati. It seems, however, that we have always ignored the existence of another well-known one: the conspiracy in which some Nazi fanatics fled to South America from where they planned to re-establish their Third Reich. The conspiracy that told us Hitler’s death was faked, as he was actually among those fled Nazi’s. Now I believe we’ve found proof for this theory in the Aether’s very last map, Tag der Toten. First let’s get into some history. Operation ODESSA was the codename that was given to t…
Last reply by Mattzs, -
- 0 replies
SPOILERS! I was playing Kino Der Toten on Black Ops yesterday and when I went through the teleporter and a couple of the rooms are Samantha's room. One of them has a big teddy bear, blood on the walls and floors, and some other stuff. The window is smashed, possibly meaning that there has been something that has smashed it whether it be someone jumping out, zombies breaking in, or gunfire.
Last reply by JoshMck574, -
- 10 replies
So in another topic it was mentioned that when the Earth shakes on the loading screen, it only shakes when this asteroid passes over. So I imagine that this asteroid has a big significance in the map selection (it passes over when selecting a map). So I have two different theories that involve the asteroid. Theory 1 I believe that we may be given a chance to actually select a map from the asteroid. We will be able to move from GLF to MOTD to Nuktetown to GR to dlc3 and finally to this asteroid to pick a final map. The only problem with this is what would be on this stranded asteroid that appeared after we blew up the earth in moon. I guess the perks cou…
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 2 replies
This is a page dedicated to finding the rest of the easter eggs that we have missed. Please leave a comment and or a video link to your research. I'm super curious and I hope some of you out there are also as well. I am currently re-looking over COD: Black Ops* to see if there is anything at all that we could have possibly missed. Please help me out! * Games will change as I progress through all of the maps until I feel satisfied with my research.
Last reply by JustSavage05, -
- 10 replies
Im just gonna make this short. In Green Run's easter egg you power up a spire either for A.Richthofen OR B.Maxis. The topic of this thread is what leis ahead.What are these spires for,and what do we do once we 'charge' all of them?Are we going to replenish the earth or make it worse?Are we gonna run around while these two bark orders at us or are we just gonna go and kill them both?What will the final map be?Paris,Hell,Atlantis,the Aether,Agartha,Kino der Toten 2025?Will Russman betray us?Will Takeo destroy all remnants of Group 935?Will Marlton actually trade that S12 for all the tea in China? Discuss all those questions and more here.
Last reply by king of cold, -
- 1 reply
When Richthofen entered the MPD, dr. Ludvig Maxis told the remaining crew, Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey and Samantha of his plan B: To sent three V115 rockets to Earth to minimalize the power of Richthofen and so decimate the damage he could bring. None of them could know the unforeseen consequences it would bring. “Goodbye, wife number nine! I do not think I will be able to top that one! She died when I blew up the Earth! Fun times… I will miss her.”-Nikolai’s first reaction of blowing up Earth. A V115 looks like the well-known Nazi rocket, the V2. The range this Group 935 wonderweapon has, however, is much larger. The range of a V2 rocket is 320 Km, the range of a V11…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 9 replies
What do you guys think the finale to Black Ops II Zombies, and possibly even Zombies as a whole, will be? Personally, I'd like to see the finale be at Der Riese (again) but in its entirety. I just like the idea of going back to where it all started. Plus, Der Riese is my hands down favorite map, and I'd love to see it get more attention in a bigger, better way. :)
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 12 replies
For map pack 3 I think were gonna go back to The Moon/Area 51 but I think they are going to expand both areas make griffen station bigger and maybe a tunnel to another station or maybe you can actually travel across the moon to the dark side of the moon which was a big conspricy when we the U.S first landed in the moon and also expand area 51 more and I believe for a fact the O4 and Phd will be back for the last 2 mappacks I think they keep the N4 in tranzit and DieRise then they did the actors for mp2 as suspected so the only way they top mp2 is by bringing our O4 back to do thier sides of the easter egg
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
- 14 replies
Lots of shocking new details with buildable perk machines/equipment, limited power and a new wunder weapon with "unlimited ammo?" Sounds Interesting :D
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 9 replies
Does anyone have any idea when Treyarch will release any information at all regarding the next DLC? I can't find anything about the release dates of the posters for Die Rise or MotD, so I was hoping someone knows around when they came out. A month? A week? Are we going to get another replacers commercial? Any ideas or thoughts?
Last reply by perfectlemonade,
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