Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Do your best in imagination of your dream zombies map!!!
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
Here's a little idea I came up with for what could make a pretty interesting map, this is just sorta a start of it though, feel free to add what you like. And realize that this is sorta multiplayer oriented, im not quite sure how this could work in solo. Okay so its nighttime, you start in Sam's neighborhood, sometime after Maxis calls her and Eddy down stairs. The playable characters(perhaps you can change characters later in the game once you meet someone) are Sam, Eddy, Maxis, and ...i have no idea, perhaps the "unknown Mexican" can make his first official appearance here. So you spawn in a different place in Sam's house, depending on who you are. If you are Sam or…
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
- 5 replies
Hello Despite this being my first post on the Call of Duty Zombies forums I am certainly not new to the zombie’s community, for one reason or another I decided to stay away from CoDz but now I fancied a post mainly due to boredom and nostalgic zombies feelings. Truth be told I really hate any other game in the Call of Duty series that isn’t made by Treyarch. Mainly because they are responsible for zombies but they also seem to be able to make more rounded enjoyable games. Therefore due to the addition of the Sledgehammer Games Call of Duty, creating a new 3 year cycle for COD games, I have been incredibly frustrated and bored having a summer where I don’t have new zom…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
The topic of Buildables is a very touchy subject. Many many people don't like them because of the fact that they can be too OP, worthless, or just too tedious to get. I will tell you how they can vastly improve if they return in the next zombie installment. Step 1:The Formula-Mob of the Dead and Origins did great with the formula but how would it work with maps like Buried you ask? I will tell you how. Each Buildable is in the select menu with the name but only one square below it. When you have no parts for the Buildables the square shows a dull picture of the Buildable. When you find a part for let's say the zombie shield, you pick it up and when picked up, you go t…
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
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I want to see what idea you guys have for zombies and mp maps.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
So, For BO3, I've decided to condense most of my ideas into one post I'll make weekly. I'll have a topic of the week, but it will always be about BO3 info. Week 1: June-5th : This week's topic: Movement A lot of speculation has come up about the movement system. Vonderharr has stated that every MP map will be designed to accommodate both the new movement system, and regular run-and-gun gameplay. No map can't be accessed completely by normal jumps. It's also HOPEFULLY a given that zombies will be given a movement system that DOESN'T have ANY type of boost. This leads me to believe that MOVEMENT WISE, we won't be seeing much of the thrust-jumps. Infact, I don't …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
We think we know everything that happened during Moon. Mad scientist launches the Rockets at earth in order to Break the Rift…. But what if we had it all wrong? What if the missiles were originally meant to stop the opening of the Rift? In the 1960’s WWII was over and the united states salvaged remnants of group 935. They discovered, research, The uses of Divinium, some Live specimens and even the advanced teleportartion systems from der riese. They reverse engineered much of this and even managed to perfect Teleportation so that it allowed undead matter to pass through it. They created the Winters Howl and even installed a pack a punch inside the con…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Found something interesting in Treyarch's "Nikolai_Memories" video I'd like to share. Around the 1:07 mark of the video you see something moving in the background that is not a Zombie. Just before we see this, quote Nikolai: I can no longer deny the possibility of an unseen power, a guiding hand helping us to fulfill our destiny. After he says this the background fades back to the forest and pans to the right, and as this happens to can hear faint screech from the distance. He concludes with: My path is chosen, our fate has sealed. Before the video cuts to the scene, a figure of an animal is moving beyond the tree [on the r…
Last reply by Abel!, -
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The dead of night map in Bo4 zombies is literally one big reference to the character known as "woods" in bo1 and bo2. The character has a tattoo of 115 (the number of the element that starts the zombie outbreak) and a tattoo of a werewolf. In the zombies map "dead of night" there are zombies (really? wow) and in the WOODS there is a WEREWOLF.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
So, we know about the file in the game called "zombie_cairo" since there were one called "zombie_cosmodrome" and Ascension came out the way it is we cannot forget about that. It actually makes sense since Richtofen for an example is connected with the Illuminati and their symbol may have something to do with Egypt. Let's pretend there was an Illuminati base in there, what if it got destroyed or abandoned during the +20 years they time traveled. So, Richtofen could be going to the base's ruins to look for something. The other theory is Area 51. Since the coordinates in SNN pointed it. It was also pointed that the "americans had more 115 on nevada base." Wel…
Last reply by HalfSwiss, -
- 4 replies
(I´m spanish so sorry I made mistakes, I don´t know writing English very well ^^U) > (Click on the image for full screen) The firstBlack Ops II DLC has just leaked: REVOLUTION 4 Multiplayer Maps, 1 Zombie Map and a new Weapon The new Zombie map is DIE RISE, "The rise" in German As you can see in the image, there are a lot of destroyed buildings, so we could think that the story takes places in a town after the Moon rockets. Well, I think this town isLos Angeles [*] The Bus goes from North to South, and Los Angeles is at the south of Hanford. [*] And now I will say a thing that I found yesterday: We all know tha…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
A lot of people have been speculating over what and where the new zombie map will be only by judging a few screenshots and a picture.. What I found interesting was the actual meaning of revolution, this is the meaning I found for it; "A forcible overthrow of a government or social order for a new system." This leads me to believe that there will be a big change that occurs in this dlc either by one of the charectors dying or that someone else will get in control of the zombies and there will be a "new system" Thanks for reading, I'd like to hear what you guys think on my theories or what you think a revolution in zombies will mean. :)
Last reply by tom_green_day, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys Its Dylan Or Mr.Cr33p3rKill3r Here Today And I Decided To Make A New Little Fun Thread For The CoDz Forums To Enjoy As You Can See Its Titled "If You Could Make A Zombie Map For Future DLC" And That Is The Question If You Could Make Future Zombie DLC Maps What Would It Be Like? From Location,Storyline,Bosses,Maybe Time Frame,Ect Feel Free To Comment Down Below. Now My Idea For A Zombie Map I Would Make If I Had The Ability To,It Would Be Called "Aether" And As You Could Tell It Would Take Place IN THE AETHER! And It Would Of course Be For TranZit.And I Can't Really Describe What It Would Look Like I Would Think Of Clouds And Such But Would That Work? Would T…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
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I think it would be nice to see the Pack-A-Punch themed weapon skins as a weapon skin you can unlock in multiplayer :)
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
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We'll need to find a new way to obtain such a thing.. Introducing, my little friend. The Dreader15 works similar to the Thundergun. But not As effective. ..This Blender like gun Shreds zombies into mush to create power on a level of "pure evil" using element 115 at its core to build something of great intelligence; or perhaps, Mass Producing?.. You only get one shot with this gun and there's no chance at pack-a-punching this 'Knock-Out Gun." Your One-shot of your ammo is retrievable. This Wunder Weapon has moderate recoil and shoots a cone effect of grinding saw blades that spew out and shreds those in your line of sight, (Not Peripheral Vision) creating a…
Last reply by Tasty Applesauce, -
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What happens if you do post something that is so amazing that it's put in the game? And what if you have 1,000s of those ideas?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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Shotgun Wunder-Weapon: Thundergun 2.0. KSG WHAT THE ****?? THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! It’s not like the thundergun where everything in front of you “disappears” but it does have an similar effect. It’s a Pump action slug air shot with a devastating aftermath. Chunks of flesh, arms, legs and heads will be taken off in mere seconds in a ripping motion caused by a vicious, pin point, wind tunnel, slug, shot from high speeds. Ammo: 3/12 single slug reload speed. P-A-P: 5/20 reloads all 5 at once. One shot per 1.2 seconds. (Try jumping off high grounds and shooting at the ground.. No fall damage!! Haha)
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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To start off I'd like to say this post has been deleated twice now due to my iPad's safari crashing, so boo hoo to anyone that has any beef to my grammar... Just deal with it... It's plenty readable... ______________________ I've been meaning to ask this sense tranzit, but why is it when maxis communicates there's always that fading beeping noise? Sure it could be the fact he's using an intercom... But that doesn't make much sense at the pylon when he speaks to you, as there are no speakers.... That lead me to think "What kind of technology would be needed to send messages from the moon to earth?" This lead me to research group 601, And other radio wave related re…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
This is from my recent post on Hope you guys like it! Okay, guys. I know some of you will recognize a previous thread I made entitled "New Map Theory: Terminus". Well first off, no this is not the same thing. In fact, is is merely an imagining of what I think it will be like if it is indeed made. Second off, I'm not doing this for views. I'm mainly doing it to get the ideas out in a relevant way. I'm posting it in a seperate thread because I feel that the original one was mainly for speculation, and this is an imagining. Here's the link to the original: Well, let's go. *Beginning Cinema…
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 4 replies
I've got ideas for new zombie maps:D Idea #1 So imagine this, a prison, in which all the zombies are prisoners and every 6 rounds, instead of normal dogs, you get guard dogs? And they attack you, you can sometimes get a power-up that makes them fight the zombies instead, but once the power-up runs out they go back after you. You'd have a courtroom at one end of the prison, and you must pass judgement to get pack-a-punch. You pay to enter the courtroom and if you have something significant or significantly good stats, then you get back your 5000 points and you get to Pack-A-Punch for free, if you aren't doing so well, then your perks and weapons are taken from you, …
Last reply by TheGamersImagine, -
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look at 5:00 Seems like Green Run but with more lights and there's a human throwing meat to zombies
Last reply by bobane, -
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I don't know about anyone else back in BO playing solo I would always restart games until I was playing as Nikolai. His comments always helped keep things interesting. For example in Kino you kill a Nova crawler " Smelly just like 4th wife. She pretty though, pretty and smelly. Weird combo." Or Moon getting a 2x points, " Great now I can go home and tell 7th wife I make twice as much...and about new girlfriend." I'm sorry but the N4 just don't have the dialogue and quotes like the O4. The M4 are pretty decent. I almost gave up on BO2 zombies. TranZit was not so great, Die Rise was decent but didn't have that "zombies" feel, but MotD has brought me back. They need …
Last reply by NikolaisVodka, -
- 4 replies
perk 1:NUKEOZADE Cost: 2500 Drink Colour: glowing pink Symbol: A man standing with a nuke going off behind him Icon colour: dark blue Ability 1: when a player is one hit away from dying they will let off a mini explosion similar to a phd flopper explosion.(but no way near as powerful) Ability 2:It gives the player one extra slot for lethal and special grenades and gives the player an extra claymore slot. It also gives all explosive equipment the player has extra damage. Ability 3: It makes the player more immune to environmental effects such as lava,fall damage etc. Ability 4:They player can see zombies through thin walls similar to turned. …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Grief/Story mode map anyone? Imagine the O4 facing off against the N4, one siding with Maxis or Rictofen. The last battle for the Aether commences, in Paris. The catalystic collision of three different entities, Samantha, Maxis and Rictofen, slowly breaks the map apart and rips chunks of the Earth off into the space in front of our eyes. Both teams have to do their respective EE's first before the other, and the ending depends on who finished before the other. O4 wins, Rictofen ending? N4 wins, Maxis ending. Both work together and destroy both Maxis and Rictofen, Samantha ending? Just speculation and ideas. Also, we all know JFK was buried in Paris. How about ha…
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 4 replies
In my idea there would be 4 zombies map returning: Kino Der Toten, Call of the Dead, Shangri-la, and Moon. There would be two other maps one would be after the maxis path and the Green Run Group and Original Crew would work together to save the world with Richtofen in a zombie body instead of Samantha. The other map would be after the richtofen path would be the Green Run Group versus the Original Crew with Samuel having blue eyes. In the second one thered be a boss thatg richtofen would leave Samuels body and go in a powerfull zombie or something and attack the OC. The other boss would be fluffy and would attack the GRG. The person controlling samuel could control the bo…
Last reply by Shock3600,
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