Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Grief/Story mode map anyone? Imagine the O4 facing off against the N4, one siding with Maxis or Rictofen. The last battle for the Aether commences, in Paris. The catalystic collision of three different entities, Samantha, Maxis and Rictofen, slowly breaks the map apart and rips chunks of the Earth off into the space in front of our eyes. Both teams have to do their respective EE's first before the other, and the ending depends on who finished before the other. O4 wins, Rictofen ending? N4 wins, Maxis ending. Both work together and destroy both Maxis and Rictofen, Samantha ending? Just speculation and ideas. Also, we all know JFK was buried in Paris. How about ha…
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 1 reply
Hey in this topic we test perma-perks to see what perma-perks are real how to get them and how to lose them. Perma-perk testing area(real or not real): Cause Area: Double Power-Ups The player can earn an upgrade that makes it when a Power-Up is picked up the player is also granted another power-Up, such as double points or insta-kill (this upgrade does not affect nukes or carpenter power ups) Though there is no knowledge how to attain this upgrade, it is possible that this upgrade is given when the player picks up numerous Power-Ups in one game. It is unkown how this perk is gained or lost. Lost Area: Extra Pistol Points The player can earn an upgrade…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
In my mind we all know how the undead came to be, Which is Der Riese or The Giant Facility. Dr Ludvig Maxis was working on super soldier and teleportation experiments with a once sane man by the name of Dr. Edward Richtofen. Anyways, on to my theory. I will even include the awesome theory I heard about a cross dimensional rift that was happening after the teleporter's overload with the WonderWaffle Die Glocke (The Bell) 2, and whoever posted why guns are important to the story, I support it. Anyways, my theory supporting this is after so much time travel a hole was ripped in the space time continuum and all years (except 1932-1934 due to this happening before the telepor…
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 4 replies
In my idea there would be 4 zombies map returning: Kino Der Toten, Call of the Dead, Shangri-la, and Moon. There would be two other maps one would be after the maxis path and the Green Run Group and Original Crew would work together to save the world with Richtofen in a zombie body instead of Samantha. The other map would be after the richtofen path would be the Green Run Group versus the Original Crew with Samuel having blue eyes. In the second one thered be a boss thatg richtofen would leave Samuels body and go in a powerfull zombie or something and attack the OC. The other boss would be fluffy and would attack the GRG. The person controlling samuel could control the bo…
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 2 replies
Hey I have perk ideas everyone has perk ideas but not on one page just say your idea ill add it with credits to you. Please put it in this format. Dr. Doom. (Dr. Peppper) 2000 Kills all zombies in the area when the player is downed. Co-op only. A stick person laying on the ground with a nuclear explosin going off is the emblem the colors of the machine are red and blue with the drink being red with streaks of blue Diet Double (Diet Pepsi) 4500 All weapons are duel weilded. 2 ray guns crossed is the emblem the colors of the machine are orange the drink is ditto
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 4 replies
perk 1:NUKEOZADE Cost: 2500 Drink Colour: glowing pink Symbol: A man standing with a nuke going off behind him Icon colour: dark blue Ability 1: when a player is one hit away from dying they will let off a mini explosion similar to a phd flopper explosion.(but no way near as powerful) Ability 2:It gives the player one extra slot for lethal and special grenades and gives the player an extra claymore slot. It also gives all explosive equipment the player has extra damage. Ability 3: It makes the player more immune to environmental effects such as lava,fall damage etc. Ability 4:They player can see zombies through thin walls similar to turned. …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
in my idea you would play as Brock and Gary plus a being of light and a being of dark in locations halfway to the aether and earth. The maps would be Shrangri-la: no explanation Shamba-la: a golden building of advanced sciences Agartha: still thinking ???? ???? if u know anyother places please post
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 11 replies
Hi y'all! I was playing Der Riese and remembered how fun it was to not know there was a full easter egg and think the discovering never ends. That's what I want to see in the next DLC. Ditch the full easter egg thing for one map pack and give us something like Der Riese. Update more easter eggs and hide them in places where we will never find them for years. That would be a dream map. Anyone else agree?
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 2 replies
who feels a little surprised with the easter egg "mined games" in Buried? Completing either richrofen or maxis' side, both reveal shockers! and more suspense for the final DLC! On maxis' side, he says "regretfully, i must inform you that the earth, nor its people will survive" and "FINALLY, I CAN BE REUINITED WITH MY DAUGHTER SAMANTHA THEN I WILL OPEN THE GATES OF ARGARTHA" after this, the zombies eyes turn orange as maxis is in control and after all the help we gave him, he turned out to be evil and manages to put richotfens soul into a zombie! Richtofens side however, Maxis gets overpowered by richtofen and manages to go into samuels body leaving his eyes blue and …
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 7 replies
I've been thinking about the Final DLC. Treyarch keeps one-upping themselves when it comes to Zombies. In Black Ops 1, the final DLC was Moon, and included all of the WaW maps. So all that they really did was create 1 new map (albeit a very good map), and packaged a few old maps with it. I believe that the final DLC will be similar to that. I believe that the final DLC will contain 1 new Zombie map, maybe with a few extras like Turned and Grief, or maybe a few small Survival Maps, like Tranzit. But what about the Easter Eggs? They're so different, it would be difficult to have 1 map feature two radically different Easter Eggs. That's why I believe that the…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
Pack-a-Punch I think in the future, they should take the tweak the PaP's mechanics a bit. Taking a cue from Nuketown Zombies, I think they should be allowed to PaP more than once. I wouldn't want the weapons to get any stronger the second time though. This is how I would like it: When you first get any gun (from box, wall or to start with) it has no attachments. In previous maps if you PaP'd it, it would get an attachment depending on your weapon. In this map, every gun has the ability to get certain attachments. So when you PaP a MP5, it has a reflex sight; next time it may have a grenade launcher, Fore grip or a plethora of other attachments (which is randomly chosen …
Last reply by RiftRunner001, -
- 35 replies
*Perk-A-Punch Machine. Option 2 buy perk separately 2 hold on/drop off in P-A-P. Gives you "Pro Perk." I've got a whole list of what perks would give you once received from Perk-A-Punch. Juggernog: Either Tactical mask or PHD Flopper (Additional health for Explosive damage) Speed Cola: Quicker weapon swapping/ use equipment faster. Double Tap RootBeer: Deeper Bullet Penetration/Stopping Power Quick Revive: More time while you're down/Quicker recovery from Zombie attacks. Stamin-Up: Extra Mobility for slipping through zombie packs.(Open for ideas ) Mule Kick: Hold 2 seperate grenades/Tactical Grenades/(If C4 is added, then you can hold onto both Claymores a…
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 7 replies
In every World at War, Black Ops 1, and Black Ops 2 Map what was "the first priority"? POWER....Electricity to power the perk machines, pack a punch, the map. The towers have been present since World at War. Go Play Natch go to the very far window in the box room....what do you see a tower. Shi No Numa there is a tower outside....TranZit there is a tower.....Die Rise a tower....GG Bridge I consider a tower. All of Black Ops 2 the new perks have been related to resurrection. Who's Who, Tombstone. Then afterlife in MoTD. But I have a theory to what the outcomes of both Richtofen and Maxis's final EE in Map Pack 4 will be. Maxis: You indeed resurrect Dr. Maxis! That he is no…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 0 replies
First strike Escalation Annihilation Resurrection tranziT die RisE motD burieD ????Y Think people, my friend and I found this out!
Last reply by ZombieGuyCXV, -
- 2 replies
With the latest news about the so-called-official dlc "Vengeance" there we a few things I would like to point out: A: It's supper likely we will have this, but it has NOT yet been confirmed it could be a super successfull troll, it wouldn't be hard to print out one's own fake dlc poster and put it in a display case and send the pic to many people, as there is only one picture I can find of this dlc poster.... Until I see more or until trayarch announces it (which will be likely today or thursday) I'm not buying this... Moving on, if this dlc poster turns out to be correct here are some thoughts: A: Why on gods earth has no one talked about the zombie in t…
- 31 replies
Here it is: The next main gaming console for Call of Duty, and likely the next zombies game consol: The Xbox One: Dear god that name's going to be mocked "Ok so this is NOT a huge improvement to gaming, infact it's almost (is) a scandal to swindle our money for the enjoyment of games..." Sigh... Lady's and gentlemen, the world today... But none the less, we should discuss the possibilitys of what the next consol can do for our beloved freak-sacks... :twisted: I want to hear how YOU think the Xbox One can introduce new ways to play, and new features, to zombies! Some things to consider: Voice recongnition, Built-in…
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 12 replies
Whaddup guys, So a few days before CoDz went down, there were quite a few interesting (and pretty revealing) tweets from David Vonderhaar, the lead game designer for BO2, and Jimmy Zielinski, a lead designer for Zombies, about upcoming DLC. (Ermahgerd those last names.) They weren't those typical cryptic ones they usually give out, either. They were straight up giving out info about it. Here's the main ones that should be looked at: 1. Jimmy and his Brother (maybe.) First off, I really don't know if this guy is really Jimmy's brother or if it's just a joke or something, but that's unimportant. Jimmy's reply made me do a double take. Austin asked if we…
Last reply by jerry533482, -
- 7 replies
For the next two dlcs, we have very little idea about whats to come.... I just want to hear everyone's ideas... Example: Map pack 3: Four Multiplayer maps (of course), one reskinned from a previous game... No new weapon (that was a 1 time only thng) Zombie maps: Takes place with the N4 in Paris, the Eiffle tower ends up being the final spire... Then depending on who you fallowed, maxis or richtofen, unlocks a new map... (Maybe the same WAW map, but doing one unlocks greif and the other unlocks turned modes...) Other: New camos after Pc and Ps3 release... Map pack four: No new multiplayer maps No new weapon Zombies maps…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 9 replies
Does anyone have any idea when Treyarch will release any information at all regarding the next DLC? I can't find anything about the release dates of the posters for Die Rise or MotD, so I was hoping someone knows around when they came out. A month? A week? Are we going to get another replacers commercial? Any ideas or thoughts?
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 9 replies
Released by Vahn. ... t-strategy Nothing interesting. Probably a good chance Nolan North did this for Vahn to upload as a joke, or it could be a an EE line in DLC 3/4. Possibly one for Stu to hear? ;)
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 12 replies
For map pack 3 I think were gonna go back to The Moon/Area 51 but I think they are going to expand both areas make griffen station bigger and maybe a tunnel to another station or maybe you can actually travel across the moon to the dark side of the moon which was a big conspricy when we the U.S first landed in the moon and also expand area 51 more and I believe for a fact the O4 and Phd will be back for the last 2 mappacks I think they keep the N4 in tranzit and DieRise then they did the actors for mp2 as suspected so the only way they top mp2 is by bringing our O4 back to do thier sides of the easter egg
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
- 11 replies
ZOMBIE FEILD is like Green Run (or something close), there's a bus that takes you to different places in Tranzit mode. There are five small maps that the bus can take you to, also separate maps for other modes: -Forest -White House -Mall -Volcano -Tunguska These small maps are connected by the Tranzit road. So that means Zombie Feild would have to be somewhere in North East of America. The Easter egg would be complicated because I haven't thought of the other maps in terms of traps or designs. But all this is Tranzit. Survival again has separate maps to play. Every map has a box, a perk, and a Pack-a-Punch. However, you can only find this perk on Forest, …
Last reply by Illuminatti115, -
- 15 replies
For the last few hours I've been scouring the forums here looking for what I want to talk about, I've had no luck finding anything about this. In Tranzit Green Run, playing as Stuhlinger (everyone knows Richtofen only speaks to Stu) but it seems to me that no one is actually listening to Edward. Once the power is turned on, Richtofen goes into his speech about helping him to stop Maxis from completing his plan to destroy us all, and in this speech Richtofen says that Maxis has built a "Dam" that he's trying to power in a certain manner to execute his plan, out of all the stuff I found on these forums no one seems to have noticed this, and if you take this idea and ap…
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 5 replies
Okay, I'm new here, and I didn't see any posts like this, so I apologize in advance if I'm flogging a dead horse. UNKOWN NAME: Similar to the pack-a-punch machine, you place your gun into it, and it randomly transforms your gun into a retro version of your gun, or a futuristic version. Then, you could pack-a-punch the new weapon. This would be cool on the final map, since it could span the entire zombie arsenal through the time period. (Could RANDOMLY change your current wonder weapon into ANY wonder weapon from any map excluding the ray gun, and the jet gun) Nailed Up Cocktail: A person that bought this perk could either repair a window and make it so no more z…
- 19 replies
As we all know, the BO1 DLC spells out FEAR. With BO2, we now have Revolution and the new Uprising maps. Together this makes FEAR RU--. I thought about what it could spell, but the only thing I could really come up with that made sense was RUSS. FEAR RUSS. This would add up with the Bus Depot saying STOP RUSS. My only thought is it may be odd for them to create two DLCs in a row, both starting with an S. But who knows, if you guys have any ideas go ahead and say them. I'm thinking Russman's background might be hiding something huge though. I understand the actual names of the DLC may have absolutely NO impact on the storyline or gameplay, but clues like this c…
Last reply by SirPlasticDucky,
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