Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
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What if Treyarch is pointing us in the wrong direction with all the references to the Moon, what if there are smaller details that we may have dismissed that could point us in the right direction. Just a thought :D
Last reply by The Red Russian, -
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I hope you have seen my Wonderweapon Idea post (viewtopic.php?f=100&t=26820). I made a twitter for the ideas. I'm not good at drawing on the pc. In IRL i'm pretty good. But you are here for the Perk idea! The Perk is called: Lethal Whiskey It is a Orange/Brown Perk, because Whiskey is a bit Orange/Brown. When you go down you can choose if you want to blow up. You can choose it with the square/X button (Great if you have Tombstone!). This will kill the zombies around you. This perk will also give you more damage for explosions (grenade, RPG, Mustang & Sally. etc.) This perk will give you a extra slot for lethals. IMG:…
Last reply by ChrisMarshXD, -
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Hi My name is Mark and I've been following the posts on here for a couple of months and with the following news of the DLC i have a theory If "Die Rise" is set in China/Japan i was thinking a relative of Takeo would appear and that would feature the second relative of the original 4 with the assumption that Misty is Dempsey daughter or granddaughter So each DLC pack would feature a new set of characters that is a relative of the original 4 and the final Easter egg would have the relatives and the originals coming together to stop the antogonist which I think we have yet to see yet
Last reply by Tait97, -
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Hello everybody, This is my second post about this new wonderweapon idea. This time I improved the Gersch BHW Prototype. I made a new picture this time much better. What do you think? Do the poll and write down in the comment section why you chose that poll option. Link: ... typeV2.png P.S: Sorry for my bad English. I'm Dutch -Pinjiro
Last reply by RenamedProfile, -
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We've had Hell Hounds, Pentagon Theif, Silverback GorilLa, Space Monkeys, George A. Romero, a Space Dude (Neil Armstrong?) and a lightning dude I don't know the name of. lol What would you like to see as the boss?
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
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i saw a post by a guy who mentioned getting pack-a-punched weapons out of the box with an insanely rare chance of it happening.. it got me thinking, would random perk drops be a good idea? like ridiculously rare.. but still available? i think so
Last reply by L0LitsRobsoj, -
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I've been looking into more things that have been occuring at the same time as The Great Leap Forward and Green Run. I cam across Sea Gem. We've all been wanting a water map and I think this is right up that alley. The Sea Gem was the first British offshore oil rig, and the first British offshore rig disaster when in 1965, the rig's legs collapsed, killing 13 of the crew. Currently, the only problem with this is the very low death toll. I may continue to update this thread with more shotgunning theories because if you make a million guesses you increase your chances of being right xD Adiition: The North Atlantic Ocean …
Last reply by Hannibal, -
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*This is not a section for you to post random maps that there are no clues for. These are potential maps that we have data, proving that this is a potential zombies map. I think after Die Rise, Atlantis may take place. Data: We know that the Sea Gem happened around the time Die Rise takes place. And I believe Russman makes a comment about Atlantis.(Not positive) After Sea Gem, I believe the Paris Map will take place. Data: There is a 935 base located near the Eiffel tower. After Paris, I believe we will be back in Space, for the 4th and final zombies map. This will be where it all ends. Also, around the same time Die Rise takes place, that year…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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Ok I think for the final easter egg in the last map is going to be a 8 player map with the new team working for Richtofen and the old characters working with maxis and you get thrown on a side depending what EE you did and what ever team finishes their EE first wins the game
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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Ok, if we can't get it as a power up/pick up, can we get it out of the box in Black Ops 3?
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
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I was playing Die Rise with the voice volume down and the SFX volume down because the song just started when I noticed one line "In vitro planet earth" it made me think, is something living in the earth that we don't know about? Think about Agharta, basically it has to do with a advanced race of beings living in the earth. Maybe the next map will lead us to one of the entrances to Agharta. Or maybe to the hollow earth itself. 8-)
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
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I, for one, want a shifting map. And for those who don't know what I mean... I want a map that is constantly changing. This would be very difficult to pull off, but I could definitely see it happening in the future. For instance, It would be very interesting to have an undamaged part of the world, and the new crew would be sent there. So when you start off, the area would be undamaged, and the longer you survive, the more damage is caused to the area, and so: The map would only stay the same for 4-5 rounds at a time. I can see how people would immediately say this would be impossible due to the fact of perks, weapons, and buildables being placed in …
Last reply by undeadarcademachine, -
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Okay so I know the about everything in the story but the one thing I wanted to know more is the vril-ya I found out some info if people all ready know thus then I'll delete it but people had theory's that the Nazis came in tact with the vril-ya people and used the equipment to go to moon and build a saucer to go to Antarctica. could that mean that we might go to Antarctica and go to the vril-ya home. I think that those foot steps in die rise at the game over screen might be a vril-ya women cause in the book which was written about them the describe the women to be huge and tall I also saw a post about the nest map and people change the intro comic up and saw that their wa…
Last reply by SlinkerCoder8, -
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Didn't put too much thought into it, but at the end of Ascension Richtofen says something along the lines of " fascinating, a dimensional rift!" and in the cutscene for Die Rise when Samuel is talking to Richtofen he says "What? What do you mean mend the rift?" Nothing too serious but just a quick thought, could it be a possibility?
Last reply by ShakableSwine, -
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So today I was just replaying the campaign mission Odysseus when I came across a few things that may be hints that it could become a future zombie map. I know from the Black Ops campaign that they do drop the smallest hints in the campaign about zombies DLC, like the mission Ascension resembles. You could look off in the distance and see a Cosmodrome launching a rocket and had the Mystery Box light shooting into the sky towards the beginning of the mission. Later in it, some scientists are burned by the gasoline of the rocket you destroy, and get burnt. They end up very closely resembling the zombies we saw at Ascension. Everything I'm about to put up is found in two cons…
Last reply by bagel_, -
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So I had a dream, sort of jumbled, but at least I got an idea of a map. It was like a mix of a Hospital, Factory, and Science Lab. I just loved the dream, and it was really cool. I remember the Easter Egg achievement description, it was something like,"Advance to choose one of the three leaders" or something like that. Strangely enough, the vril weren't in my dream too much. However, Samantha was. I remember there being a rusty bridge in the factory, with chasms/abysses on either side. I remember you had to actually pick up a navcard and insert it into a thing that looked like the machine in the campaign mission "Celerium", except the machine was rusty too except for the …
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
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I had an basic idea for a new zombie game mode that could be added to the next DLC map pack. Here it is. The game mode would be called Horde. A new map could be made just for this game mode would be relatively open. There would be only a select few perks near where you spawn including Mule Kick, Double Tap and Speed Cola, the mystery box and PaP will also be there and a few wall weapons. Hundreds of level 1 zombies but most of them run come from all directions. The goal of the game is to last as long as you can and not let a certain amount of zombies in a certain area that your in. You could play it against other teams similar to grief, co-op or solo. All stats would…
Last reply by Delta, -
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Hello, survivors. My name is Ludvig Maxis. You might know me, I have contacted you for a while. You have now activated 2 towers. Now you must activate another one. But to do this you must do a quite challenging mission. To activate this tower you must go back in time. Yes, it is possible. The Voice in Samuel's head wants to destroy the world. But if you help me, the world will heal. To do this you will need to convince Edward to move you to Hangar 18. Then you will need to obtain 4 Wunderwaffe's. You can obtain them from parts scattered around the hangar. Then you will need to power the teleporter, but do not, DO NOT step on it! You will go to the Moon and that is no…
Last reply by Scoldon, -
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each of the maps last letter spells tedd Tranzit Die Rise mob of the dead Buried ^ the last map will end in a y... Possible map names? post below what you think! i think its gonna end with the word "toy" as toy ends with a y... im thinking "Dead Toys" or something, a bombed toy store!
Last reply by ozmatz_buckshank, -
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hey guys, so ive got another theory that might tease towards the next map and is related to der riese. If u check the description for der riese it says this :"The giant is rising.Face the might of the zombies in their heartland.This is where it all began.Is this where it all ends?" the last sentence got my attention RECENTLY. so now if u go back to the letter treyarch posted on their facebook nikolai says something about giant metal men.Possibly a new boss,BUT maybe der riese was a facility to CREATE those giant metal men by maxis to destroy richtofen?? commemt below what u thing (MrDalekJD did a video about this)…
Last reply by potato, -
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Okay I know everyone has mixed feelings about bringing the older maps back, some for their second time. But how about bringing them back with some notable additions, seen below. Using Der Riese as an example: Buildables (Turbine, Trample Steam, Zombie Shield) -Tables (starting room, STG room, Trench gun room) BO2 Mystery Box (includes Wunderwaffe) Same wall weapons as WaW. All guns use TranZit pap (or maybe MP) Perks (QR, Jugg, Speed, DT2, Mulekick, PhD, Stamin-up, Deadshot) BO2 Walker zombies Persistent Upgrades Bank Fridge EE which gives you all perks I don't know what you guys think (prob hate it ) but I would enjoy this map
Last reply by Matuzz, -
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I know I'm not the only one who is pumped to see some new info, and wow. A giant mech warrior? I don't think any of us expected that. But maybe we should have. Firstly there is the obvious connection between this machine and Der Riese, which is that Der Riese is German for "the giant". The sign on the facility's wall reads "waffenfabrik Der Riese" which means weapon factory: the giant. Maybe this name doesn't refer to the facility itself, but whatever they manufactured there. As MrRoflWaffles has pointed out, there are several frames flashed during the trailer, which form an image when photoshopped together. The 935 logo is visible in the image, so we can assu…
Last reply by Simply Epic, -
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I'd like to see Treyarch surprise us with a secret map pack with only zombies. But, alas, it's not very likely. What do you think is the next step for Treyarch? Another CoD game with zombies? Or the stand alone we've been hoping for?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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***I started this thread a long time ago when Buried first came out, and I even had this theory in mind longer. Since MOTD was release to be exact. But with CODZ going down, my summer job, and the fact that my laptop has been away for repair, I haven’t been able to finish it. I don’t want to leave this thread unfinished, but I really want to get my thoughts out there before Origins releases. The culmination of all my ideas/theories over this past COD Zombie year has led me to this opinion as to where we are heading next. MY theory is finished, but I need to continue working on the evidence. The release of Origins could potentially nullify many of the things …
Last reply by Chopperface, -
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I've been gone from the forums lately, sadly enough. But i've been actively playing some Black Ops maps and some BOII maps and I was talking with my friends about what they think should happen with zombies within BOIII. And I brought up the idea of something along the lines of Mass Effects progress carry overs. Even though if anyone form 3arch reads this, it'd probably be too much trouble for what i'm proposing. But what I am proposing is this: In Black Ops II, we had rank and statistics to keep track of our zombie killing journey. And if you go to CoD Elite, you're able to see your rounds and your most used weapon and stuff like that per game. What I want 3arch to d…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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