Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
What if for the easter egg were gonna go back to where it all started at der reise and we play as richtofen,maxis,samantha, and another character and we have a easter egg like motd where instead of locking samantha and maxis in a teleporter we ethier have to kill maxis and Samantha and the 3 rd character or kill richtofen to stop maxis from blowing up the earth or stop Richtofen from starting all his schemes
Last reply by PIGoPRIOR, -
- 9 replies
if you think this title is alil misleading and if theres already a thread somewhere like this with this information im sorry. but i was recently playin black ops 1 and at the same time watching videos of MoTD on youtube. as im playing im thinking about how Call of the Dead and Mob of the Dead titles are similar. im playing Ascension and an idea came in my head, wat if thats the same for Die Rise and Ascension, both kinda mean the same right? Ok i know your wondering where im goin with this so here, if they (Treyarch) are indeed goin by the same way in the next dlc we should expect a mythical place like Shangri-la. the FIRST place that comes to mind is Agartha…
Last reply by Infected115, -
- 8 replies
I hope the next 2 map packs are epic and I hope the last dlc is all zombies with 5 new maps and I also would love it if they drop single zombie maps like they did with the micro downloads for mp I wouldn't even mind buying every map from waw and Bo if they were micro dlc I want to see this wholemap filled up because we're goingtohaveto wait until November 2014 for black ops 3 that's a little over a year from Bo2 final mappack :-( that's going to be a long wait so I'mpraying they fill this whole globe with maps what do you guys think they are goingto do
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
I would not be surprised if half way between the third and fourth dlc 3Arc present us a pack with the best 4 zombie maps or WaW/BO1 for like 1200 points of the separate maps for 400 points each That would be the most logic course of action to give the ones who want the old maps back without stepping on the official Season pass dlc NEW maps
Last reply by bobane, -
- 0 replies
I came up with a new zombies game mode named Streak. It would be a mixture of MW3 survival mode, CoD multiplayer and zombies. You start off with M1911, every minute, one increasing wave will spawn every 45 seconds, your gun will get better (like gun game), you get kills and get killstreaks. Lightning Strikes, Stealth Choppers and Swarms (renamed to suit zombies!) Once you've gone through the weapon cycle, you go throough a similar cycle with the same guns but upgraded. Then you get a cycle of perks however once you've got them you don't lose them. Tranzit's cornfields would be an ideal map for this mode or the golden gate bridge from Mob of the Dead? WHAT DO YOU…
Last reply by zombiez_grinder101, -
- 5 replies
Moon was originally Paris as many know however I recently watched Playthegamecentral's A Drowning in Paris and I hope they bring back Moon in Black Ops 2 but retexture the map to recreate the original Paris idea. An example of reskinning a map would be studio, that is a reskinned version of Firing Range! A Drowning in Paris Like or Dislike? :D
Last reply by SacredRevenge, -
- 5 replies
Okay, I'm new here, and I didn't see any posts like this, so I apologize in advance if I'm flogging a dead horse. UNKOWN NAME: Similar to the pack-a-punch machine, you place your gun into it, and it randomly transforms your gun into a retro version of your gun, or a futuristic version. Then, you could pack-a-punch the new weapon. This would be cool on the final map, since it could span the entire zombie arsenal through the time period. (Could RANDOMLY change your current wonder weapon into ANY wonder weapon from any map excluding the ray gun, and the jet gun) Nailed Up Cocktail: A person that bought this perk could either repair a window and make it so no more z…
- 1 reply
8 Player map maximum Takes place on the moon and a new area. The new area starts in a place similar to Der Riese where there is a teleporter receiving pad. There are two doors each 750 leading down to hallways those hallways have small rooms where the box and perks can be found. The hallways connect to the main hub. The main hub has the main teleporter and the starting area for the Earth box. The teleporter will only work if all players are there and if the players on the moon are all on the teleporter there. On the moon the four people will be the four original characters. On Earth Misty, Marlton, Russman and Samuel. The original group will follow M…
Last reply by EvilHERONeos, -
- 1 reply
As seen in the last 2 zombie maps, there are towers that have something to do with the map's Easter Egg and The Zombies Story. I have an idea for a map, and how it would fit in to the "Tower" theme. Imagine a map where you are running through the streets of Modern-Day New England, and the main setting would be a facility similar to Der Rise, as stated back in WaW, Group 935 had other facilities other than Waffenfabrik Der Riese. This specific facility was made AFTER WW2, and has some technological improvements from the previous 935 Facilities. This facility is underground, hidden under the Big Ben tower, which is the new tower I was talking about. This tower, along with …
Last reply by TBGxRyan, -
- 7 replies
I was talking to a few of my friends over Skype and we all remembered the theory that if you found TranZit on a globe and drilled a hole through the Earth,you would end up in Die Rise.Well,we got our globes and Google Earth to see what was opposite of Alcatraz. We found that about 4 out of the 5 of us ended up in North Korea/South Korea and somebody ended up in Japan.We were thinking that,even though the story-line is FAR in the past-1960's-2000's,maybe the next zombies map could have something to do with Nuclear Warfare. We thought maybe the Nukes North Korea is going to test or has tested in the past,was made with element 115,to kill off everybody who was in the blast…
Last reply by Edward Richtofen, -
- 5 replies
Am I the only one hoping the name of the next Z map is going to be more original? Die Rise:Der riese Call of the dead:Mob of the dead
Last reply by bobane, -
- 2 replies
Not much really to say or speculate about guys , but for once Mr. JimmyZ has changed his cryptic twitter description and is pointing us in the direction of earths core . it takes us here - it goes into little detail about the geology term Slab -In geology, a slab is the portion of a tectonic plate that is being subducted.[1] Slabs constitute an important part of the global plate tectonic system. They drive plate tectonics both by pulling along the lithosphere to which they are attached in a processes known as slab pull and by inciting currents in the mantle (slab suction).[2] They cause volcanism …
- 6 replies
So basically this perk is called nukeozade and it gives you many abilities but first of all lets get a description: Cost: 2500 Drink Colour: dark orange Symbol: A man standing with a nuke going off behind him Icon colour: dark blue Ability 1: when a player is one hit away from dying they will let off a mini explosion similar to a phd flopper explosion. Ability 2:It gives the player one extra slot for lethal and special grenades and gives the player an extra claymore slot. It also gives all explosive equipment the player has extra damage. Ability 3: It makes the player more immune to environmental effects such as lava. Ability 4:They player …
Last reply by Z0M3IE_SLAYA_115, -
- 2 replies
It would be EPIC! if all the maps from Black Ops returned in the last DLC plus a new map. Imagine those 10 maps coming back along with the maps we'll have on Black Ops II. That would be completely insane! Even better is what if they brought the old weapons from World at War and Black Ops back? Can you imagine having the MG42, RPK and LSAT. How about multiple Wonder Weapons like the Sliquifier, Wunderwaffe and Baby Gun (not the technical name, I know)? How about having Monkey Bombs and the Gersch Device on the same map? You have to admit, a customizable box with these features would be sweet on EVERY SINGLE MAP would be "sweet dude". To further the dreams, how about we cho…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 19 replies
As we all know, the BO1 DLC spells out FEAR. With BO2, we now have Revolution and the new Uprising maps. Together this makes FEAR RU--. I thought about what it could spell, but the only thing I could really come up with that made sense was RUSS. FEAR RUSS. This would add up with the Bus Depot saying STOP RUSS. My only thought is it may be odd for them to create two DLCs in a row, both starting with an S. But who knows, if you guys have any ideas go ahead and say them. I'm thinking Russman's background might be hiding something huge though. I understand the actual names of the DLC may have absolutely NO impact on the storyline or gameplay, but clues like this c…
Last reply by SirPlasticDucky, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, Im new to the COD forums so if this is in the wrong place or something is wrong I'm sorry or this has already been said. I wanted to see what everyone's opinion on Alcatraz is. What the new Celebrity Mobsters you think will be in Alcatraz. Looking at Mobsters Im sure it is safe to say that Al Capone will be one of them. He was one of the main criminals at Alcatraz during the Prohibition. Also the Lighthouse, if the same story goes this will end up being the next Easter egg. Also if the case is that Zombies has gone back to 1930-1940s doesn't that mean time travel has been fully confirmed? Then at the end of Die Rise there was the Door slamming shut, obvis…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
P85e2pb4W-4 Alright, so that was good ol, spider's take of the numbers, but here's what I think we've been given this info for... :geek: (Sherlock Holmes voice) Let's review our clues: We have a possible game dlc called "MOB of the dead" that was leaked, and I'm not going to consider this a "LEAK" because: A: That gives us VERY minimal information, we still wouldnt know the Characters in the map, the weapons, new features, or even where the map would be... And B: Its likely going to be announced (OR something else will be announced) soon enough... Back on subject, we have MOB of the dead, as well as tweets of numbers in the Fibonachi …
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 7 replies
I'm sick of people thinking theyre good because they can run around in a circle for 10 mins and use any pap heavy machine gun and take out 500 zombies. Make them come at you from different angles, not in damn single file line. The zombies be able to strategize atleast somewhat. Also drop tombstone, seriously, I just don't get the point of being rewarded with your shit back AFTER you die. This is supposed to be a survival game, not a slasher!
Last reply by xiRoNiCzZ, -
- 12 replies
Ah, Tunguska. Just saying that brings back the nostalgia. Finding those boxes in Shi No Numa labelled "Tunguska" was a good kind of way. For those of you who don't know, the Tunguska event "was an enormously powerful explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, at about 07:14 KRAT (00:14 UT) on June 30 [O.S. June 17], 1908." according to Wikipedia. It is largely believed to have been caused by a meteorite impact of some sort (an air burst). A meteorite, huh? What sort of special element can we obtain from meteorites in the CoD Zombies universe? The Tunguska Event has been speculated and theori…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 0 replies
- 484 views Here is a video that I made recently about a possible future Black Ops 2 zombie map! I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to share it around and subscribe for more! :D
Last reply by HolyFlow10, -
- 3 replies
I had an basic idea for a new zombie game mode that could be added to the next DLC map pack. Here it is. The game mode would be called Horde. A new map could be made just for this game mode would be relatively open. There would be only a select few perks near where you spawn including Mule Kick, Double Tap and Speed Cola, the mystery box and PaP will also be there and a few wall weapons. Hundreds of level 1 zombies but most of them run come from all directions. The goal of the game is to last as long as you can and not let a certain amount of zombies in a certain area that your in. You could play it against other teams similar to grief, co-op or solo. All stats would…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 5 replies
I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet. A few weeks ago our cryptic friend Jimmy tweeted this: This is pretty obvious what he is saying here; in the next map pack, and old perk (such as PHD flopper) will be replacing a perk that we have right now (such as mule kick). What perk would you want to revive, and what perk do you want to save? We obviously need the four base perks: Jug, Speed, Quick revive, and Double tap (which wasn't in Ascension). I think that mule kick will go, and we get deadshot or flopper back. What do you think? Alternate theory: this one is a little less obvious. We all know that the zombies team has been experimenting with dow…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
Ok this is a really general idea, but an idea nonetheless that occurred to me as highly possible. Treyarch are definitely receiving a lot of pressure from fans to bring back the original four. Another thing that might be providing some kind of pressure from fans is the redundancy of the Easter eggs in black ops 2 so far. We can assume that there are 3 towers to power up. (trichotomous obtuse scalene anyone?) and so far Easter-egg-wise that is all we've been doing. Do we REALLY want to do the same old easter egg on the next map too? I sure don't. And here is my modest proposal. I say let's kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Firstly, this idea revolves around the id…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 16 replies
So I was thinking the other day as cool as it would be to have ALL available maps into one central game, I certainly do not feel like purchasing the same old maps for like the 5th time now.... So, what if instead, they introduced the classic maps (WaW to Blops), Blops 2 style? Obviously it would mainly be just for fun, but I think it would be pretty cool if they did a Tranzit style mash up for a WaW and Blops "map pack". Have the "Main" mode where you can relive all of the zombies maps in one go by having the ability to teleport between sections of each of the maps, or, play it the way you remember it and play each map individually on Survival. Hell, spice things up and s…
Last reply by ArronMalins, -
- 7 replies
Right I was thinking on this subject for quite some time now and it has ocered to me that this has to be fake we have already had an American map not including nuketown we have had an Asian map we haven't though had a south amercia Europe Africa map yet :idea: so if trey arc zombie guys are doing this via contents it would make scence now why would they send the new fab zombie guys to Atlantas it just would not seem right but f this was were the tectonic plates were located in order to fix the times in tranzit this would make perfect scence for the second bus route all I can tell u is that it is fake we are though in a time loop that might explain why die rises cut sc…
Last reply by HypeRedemption,
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