Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Based on mockings post, i'm rolling with it. You get the jist of it, list new buildable ideas along with their functions in detail and their ingredients. Here are a few of mine Paint Turret Parts: -Easel -Pallet Board -Machine Gun -Wiring Its a large easel, with paint splotches on the paper, and the gun shoots essentially paint balls which damage and add a random color splat to the zombie. Must be powered, but to be powered you can either hook them up to a power outlet along the wall, or use a turbine. Sliqui-Geyser Parts: -Fire Extinguisher -Purple Goo in a package -Hose -Cinder block A large Fire Hydrant tied sideways to a cinder block. Bein…
Last reply by CRU_NINJA_575, -
- 0 replies
I talked about this with @Steelie in the comments of a post, but now I decided to make a topic about it. Is Origins + BO3 an endless loop/paradox? After the O4, the Primis left the Origins universe they try to save the multiverse, like they try in Black Ops 3. What if BO3 ends with Primis travel back in time to the Origins universe to warn the French Knights who almost found Agartha? They succeed to convince and stop the knights so they save the universe of the “Great Evil”, like Takeo once said. If this never happened, the Ancient Evil will never awaken and would never destroy all the universes, aka multiverse. Or well, the Primis thinks they saved the universe… As a mem…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 10 replies
(Please excuse any spelling errors and poor grammar) Hello, Codzies! Okay, how would all of you like it, if we were given an open world zombie map. This would probably be either like The Walking Dead, or Left for Dead. Instead of having to start a game, there would be servers that are always online. I would LOVE to see this. Also, this would take place before the moon Easter Egg. As much as the Easter Egg was fun for all of us, what we were left with sure does grind my gears. I absolutely hate this apocalyptic, devastated, hideous burnt wasteland we now have. I want to have it where it is like The Walking Dead. I want to see a world where a disease started, not…
Last reply by jopopo, -
First of all, if you have time, PLEASE watch this video. It takes only 11 minutes and that guy explains everything so good. You will notice that after watching that video you will look entirely different to the world around you. If you want a short summary, here it is. And watch out, it takes us beyond the physical and imaginable. Try to be sweet to your brain and stop reading if you cant handle it anymore: So let us start with the 0th dimension. This is really nothing else than a dot. Well, actually even less than that, since a dot has a width and a length, while the dot has not. It is really nothing more …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 2 replies
I was thinking and maybe the Death Machine will appear in the box. It may have like 200 in clip, 400 in reserve, and it takes 10 seconds to reload. The power would be dumbed down quite a bit, though. Would be Pack-A-Punched to The Holocaust (LOL JK just can't think of a name ATM)
Last reply by Phazer Effect, -
- 2 replies
who'd want to see one based onc the aircraft+army base in World War Z, not thought of perks or weapons though but you could contribute to it
Last reply by Kyle8957, -
aether Referenced Document
by Guest- 0 replies
After I recently scene that you had Tagged me @anonymous I wanted to make sure the proper document was available for others. This was all I had ever recieved from you and I didnt get the chance to really read through it till now. There is alot of things here that are either some what true. However there is quite a bit of revisions need to be done here. Below is a list of things being thrown around as ideas created 5/1/2017 by @anonymous Officially being modified by @RequixEclipse 1:03 Am 8/28/2019. *Unknown Document* Update V.1 Praxis (Ancient Greek: πρᾶξις, Romanized Praxis: is the process by which a theory, lesson, or sk…
- 17 replies
So Treyarch has now a whole year more time to develop their game and we have hope they will not ship with as half assed map as the Tranzit was. Here is what I think we need and deserve from the next installment of zombies. New engine. Honestly if they don't ditch that dusty idTech 3 egine by the year 2015 they shall be damned. And Treyach should develop the game ONLY to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. We do not want the experience to be hindered by 10 year old consoles. If Activision wants to still support them there would need to be another studio making the old console versions. Map design, Black Ops II showed us bigger is definetly not better. Zombies became…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
When Richthofen entered the MPD, dr. Ludvig Maxis told the remaining crew, Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey and Samantha of his plan B: To sent three V115 rockets to Earth to minimalize the power of Richthofen and so decimate the damage he could bring. None of them could know the unforeseen consequences it would bring. “Goodbye, wife number nine! I do not think I will be able to top that one! She died when I blew up the Earth! Fun times… I will miss her.”-Nikolai’s first reaction of blowing up Earth. A V115 looks like the well-known Nazi rocket, the V2. The range this Group 935 wonderweapon has, however, is much larger. The range of a V2 rocket is 320 Km, the range of a V11…
Last reply by anonymous, -
by FatedTitan- 13 replies
I believe we're headed to Berlin next map and the O4 will be back in some form or fashion. Let me discuss my thought process. First off, let's go back to Moon and look at Coming Home. This is a song sung in Sam's perspective. Not many will disagree with this. And she says "All that I am will be coming home now..." She may be in Richtofen's body still (all that I am), but her and the others have to get back to Earth. They'll go to Berlin (will be coming home now...). Berlin is the heart of the zombie apocalypse. It's where it all started. So for Sam to go home, she'd have to go to Berlin. And my second piece of evidence is in Die Rise. The song All Fall …
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 7 replies
I've been thinking about the Final DLC. Treyarch keeps one-upping themselves when it comes to Zombies. In Black Ops 1, the final DLC was Moon, and included all of the WaW maps. So all that they really did was create 1 new map (albeit a very good map), and packaged a few old maps with it. I believe that the final DLC will be similar to that. I believe that the final DLC will contain 1 new Zombie map, maybe with a few extras like Turned and Grief, or maybe a few small Survival Maps, like Tranzit. But what about the Easter Eggs? They're so different, it would be difficult to have 1 map feature two radically different Easter Eggs. That's why I believe that the…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 11 replies
When I first saw the announcement for the Pack-a-Punch camo, I was ecstatic. It looked to be the camo from WaW, which is by far my favourite. However, when I bought the camo today and used it, I noticed something odd about it. For starters, it has gold highlights in it. WaW's camo did not have these. Also, the designs seem random, like the PaP camos for the maps in BOII, and not somewhat symmetrical like WaW's. So, while this camo bears a resemblance to World at War's PaP camo, it does not quite fit the bill. Thus, this got me thinking. Could this "camo" be DLC 4's possible Pack-a-Punch camo? As in, this was just a taste of things to come?
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
The Todorov Narrative Theory
by Guest- 0 replies
Hello again! Today I have a theory which as far as I know hasn't been done before, it links with something I learnt of today. First off some background information. As the title says this theory is about the Todorov Narrative, what this basically is, is a theory that was created by Tzvetan Todorov, a Russian man who thought that all narratives follow a cycle of events almost. The way this goes is in five steps. The first is Equilibrium. This is the part of the story where the main character(s)/ protagonist(s) are introduced and where the setting is introduced. The second is the Disruption of the Equilibrium. Something happens within the story that will have a…
- 5 replies
Cuba doesn't seem to be the centre of much attention, as there is obviously hardly any evidence for it. This is a tiny scrap of evidence for a map on cuba: ... fullsize=1 The book that the Cuban Revolutionary (and riend of Fidel Castro) Che Guevara is reading is by Goethe, the author of Faust, which is a poster you may remember from Kino. As i say, it is just a tiny little association in the game. As Che probably read hundreds of books. I just so happened to pick up on this particular photo. Probably just another huge coincidence like my 'MANHATTAN DOWN!' Spin off theory.
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 11 replies
i know there's another topic on perk ideas, but i wanted to give it a try. what perks do people have in mind for the next CODZ game?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
To start off I'd like to say this post has been deleated twice now due to my iPad's safari crashing, so boo hoo to anyone that has any beef to my grammar... Just deal with it... It's plenty readable... ______________________ I've been meaning to ask this sense tranzit, but why is it when maxis communicates there's always that fading beeping noise? Sure it could be the fact he's using an intercom... But that doesn't make much sense at the pylon when he speaks to you, as there are no speakers.... That lead me to think "What kind of technology would be needed to send messages from the moon to earth?" This lead me to research group 601, And other radio wave related re…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
its pretty certain that the next iteration of zombies will have a ranking system of some kind, but shouldnt our ranks reflect what type of player we are? maybe through emblems? heres my general idea. - a medic emblem for players that revive often or even buy quick revive in mp consistently. syringe maybe? - a general team player emblem, this would be for players who buy tons of doors, build things or complete EEs. -high rounder emblems 40+=shotguns, 50+= dual rayguns, 60+=theb wonder weapon from that specific map. -emblems for headshots/accuracy. crosshairs or what not. -strategist embems, there would be 2 types, camper or runner - emblem for players that stay in…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
Thanks to Strwrsbob aka NIIK, he reminded us today was the day two years ago. Lets hope history repeats itself.
Last reply by Sp33dy89, -
- 7 replies
welcome friends to my first thread! i was inspired by mocking to post all of my ideas for zombies on the site! now if origins was truly the end,then please disregard this. however from people's reactions i assume there may be a chance of new zombies. i shall begin letting my ideas flow now! map ideas: Death Park(zombies+amusement park=epic) Forgotten(strait of gibitar with constant movement all around the map) Dotd(dance of the dead,based on mocking's school idea with a twist. it is on the day of homecoming with a more depressing feel,no worries mocking it will be of my own design) Cold Wind(the mountain range where everest is. not for vertical shy people. …
Last reply by sh3baproject, -
- 8 replies
Make your imaginations grow wild with something new that hasn't been done yet. Put your creations in the box and think outside of it. We've had swamps, indoors, outdoors, snow, jungle, space and lava. We've had small, medium, large and tall. We've had a wide range of boss waves. And crazy-intricate Easter Eggs with clues of a story that we as a community have found through the passing years. Rules and Guidelines: No criticisms! It's a huge brain storming process to create the perfect map. Let's keep it clean. No need for trash talk. So, Name of Map: Its back story: Indoors/Outdoors/Both environment: (Rain, Sleet, Snow, Lava) Perks plus 1 new: New …
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 7 replies
A machine called perk-a-punch, simply would have the same use as the pack-a-punch, but with your perks(you don't say)....the juggernog for exemple....would let you take more hits...some perks would be very overpowered, but anyways....what do you guys think?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
I know people want old maps back but still you can just put in a disc and play them all (black ops) wink wink but still ill rather have one great map and no old maps but instead a map creator and down loader think about people can recreate maps make maps use the o4 or n4 build weapons make machinery. Wouldn't that be awesome it would be like a infinite maps all in one. Don't know about you but I would love that and I know that the pc version of was you can make maps but what about making them on a console like the far cry 3 map editor then you can also make multiplayer maps too maybe.
Last reply by SlinkerCoder8, -
- 6 replies
While playing Buried as Marolton and having the scavenger perk when you pick up a coin pouch he says something along the lines of that was a micro transaction do you think that's treyarch hinting at possiable micro dlc for zombies ?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 10 replies
it would make a lot more sense if the charectors that we are playing with now stayed around for at least 2 more dlc's, only for story purposes, but i would like to have the original 4 involved in the next dlc and the next EE.. possibly in the same style as call of the dead where we help them complete tasks to get them out of an awkward situation. but then again the ending to the EE on moon leaves questions to be asked such as what next for the original 4? stranded on the moon with earth blown up in front of their eyes. where do they go next? Has anybody got anything on the whereabouts of the original 4 or what they are doing at the time in green run?
Last reply by Taklok, -
- 4 replies
Perks, they affect our gameplay, skill, weapons, and overall limit to survive. Each map usually brings in a new perk, some good, some bad (I'm looking at you, Whos-Who) I think us, the community can think of some good ideas. Post your ideas below! Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
Last reply by Slade,
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