Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Ok this is a really general idea, but an idea nonetheless that occurred to me as highly possible. Treyarch are definitely receiving a lot of pressure from fans to bring back the original four. Another thing that might be providing some kind of pressure from fans is the redundancy of the Easter eggs in black ops 2 so far. We can assume that there are 3 towers to power up. (trichotomous obtuse scalene anyone?) and so far Easter-egg-wise that is all we've been doing. Do we REALLY want to do the same old easter egg on the next map too? I sure don't. And here is my modest proposal. I say let's kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Firstly, this idea revolves around the id…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
So I got thinking after a couple rounds of zombies the other day and and thought of an idea. And as I'm typing this I realized it could either be a simple great idea, or I'll just sound completely retarded because it already exists and I'm out of the loop, OR someone beat me to it. But ya know what? Yolo. One of the things I still to this day don't know how some of you do it is reach these ridiculously high rounds. Not because I can't reach them myself, but because after mid-twenties or so, I've got just about everything you could need to survive and find myself dying of boredom. There's nothing else to do! Come next zombies season, I actually think there's a…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
What if the DLC is just a Navcard that you put in the navcard reader and it opens up a new part of the map. Just speculation. :roll:
Last reply by KilledByPixels, -
- 10 replies
I am hoping that Treyarch will give us the customization we thought we would be getting with post launch. I expected to see things such as, no rebuilding barriers, knife only, pistols only, box rolls certain guns or rolls grenades only (hehehe), things like that. I think the customization we have now is dull and stupid...Nothing really worth playing custom games unless you just want to screw around with your friends. And then I wish they would add private matches/games so that we can actually do high rounds with a set number of friends whether it be two, three, or four. I'm tired of trying to do a challenge with one other friend and begging randoms to leave. Tis is s…
Last reply by legacy, -
- 5 replies
So I have seen a lot of people who are suggesting that Atlantis will be the zombies map and some are saying it's been confirmed. I really hope that Atlantis will be the 3rd or final dlc for the game because imagine how badass that would be and it could have a boss like George Romero or something. I personally think that would be awesome.
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 9 replies
What?! Undead is posting an actual zombies related thread? I know... right? Hey CoDz, just thought it was about time we started up one of these threads again since we are now anticipating the first DLC release for Blops 2 and it's never too late to shed some light to those from Treyarch that are watching. That being said, I've gotta thing or two that I've posted before, and have held onto. 1. Character Selection - Normally I wouldn't be much for copying ideas, but I think Call of Duty could learn a thing or two from the set up of Left 4 Dead. That specifically being, if I set up an online match and have to wait for people, I'd at least want dibs on a char…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 5 replies
When are the guys at Treyarch going to come out with a Comic Book-Novel of WaW/BO1? Just a full story line of what we know with visuals. That would be a huge money maker idea with 100% chance of people preordering/lines.
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 5 replies
Ok I understand this is the 1393423843 thread about this topic but really. What are your thoughts, It cant hurt to wish or think that they will. Listen I think we all know the chances are BEYOND SLIM. What has me thinking is the fact that people are getting MAD. I am very dissipointed they didnt bring them back and some people dont understand that. I am not going to type up a million reasons why, becuase you can find that somwhere else. Due to all this hate I have to wonder if they are considering doing something about this. Wether giving the community a reason. What do you think they are going to do. 1 Give us the maps due to all the hate. (SLIM) 2 Respond to…
Last reply by blackfire561, -
- 6 replies
This is why we need a gun game in the next zombies game. It is very fast paced and a ton of fun to destroy and set new leaderboards. Those who never played it basically you need to earn certain amount of points to advance to a new gun. And you have several weapons before you beat the gun game mode. Different perks/boosts in this game mode is just an added bonus.
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
Treyarch recently posted the video on their vine. One of the frames looks like, to me, a syringe. Seeing as the time the next map is set in (1917) is before the perks were invented, people were talking about the perks being injections. Here is a photo of a syringe.
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 1 reply
i think the map pack 2 zombie location will be in a snowy base just look at this youtube video. treyarch will not just randomly put a wierd looking building in a multiplayer and also remember some of the newer treyarch zombie maps were of multiplayer maps e.g ascension
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
- 3 replies
Okay I know everyone has mixed feelings about bringing the older maps back, some for their second time. But how about bringing them back with some notable additions, seen below. Using Der Riese as an example: Buildables (Turbine, Trample Steam, Zombie Shield) -Tables (starting room, STG room, Trench gun room) BO2 Mystery Box (includes Wunderwaffe) Same wall weapons as WaW. All guns use TranZit pap (or maybe MP) Perks (QR, Jugg, Speed, DT2, Mulekick, PhD, Stamin-up, Deadshot) BO2 Walker zombies Persistent Upgrades Bank Fridge EE which gives you all perks I don't know what you guys think (prob hate it ) but I would enjoy this map
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 2 replies
In my personal view I concluded that kowloon may be the next zombie map because in some places the are windows that are like where zombies will or can maybe come from. Post ur theories and what you think my theory and if you have seen these too.
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
- 3 replies
I hope you have seen my Wonderweapon Idea post (viewtopic.php?f=100&t=26820). I made a twitter for the ideas. I'm not good at drawing on the pc. In IRL i'm pretty good. But you are here for the Perk idea! The Perk is called: Lethal Whiskey It is a Orange/Brown Perk, because Whiskey is a bit Orange/Brown. When you go down you can choose if you want to blow up. You can choose it with the square/X button (Great if you have Tombstone!). This will kill the zombies around you. This perk will also give you more damage for explosions (grenade, RPG, Mustang & Sally. etc.) This perk will give you a extra slot for lethals. IMG:…
Last reply by ChrisMarshXD, -
- 2 replies
"Do you believe in the soul? Do you believe that your flesh and blood is a sum total of your existence?” - S.O.P.H.I.A. Realize this is a thread quickly created, not having alot of efford put into it and thus lacking quite some counter-arguments as well. So yeah, criticism as well as more arguments are appreciated. Reincarnation… I've had this idea in my head for a longer time, though it was not untill Alpha Omega when I believed it might be an actual answer to some of our questions. The story of Call of Duty Zombies is a story about souls. This means that in order to understand this, we have to observe beyond one's life. Death is not always the end. …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 0 replies
After moon we had are answers. Everything we wanted to know was answered (besides hidden things like the blank portraits on kino) and it was done in a beautiful climatic ending. We were all pretty much satisfied besides the cliff hanger. Black Ops 2 created way too much questions. Basically 3 more storylines were implemented and I'll tell you what we should already know by now Storyline 1: The New 4/ Richtofen and Maxis Fued- I'll start off by telling you the whole storyline from Green Run to Buried by the Easter Eggs. Green Run- The Earth is destroyed and we have four new characters we don't care about. They are asked to power a tower for two different people Maxis…
Last reply by CRU_NINJA_575, -
- 4 replies
Ok this has been a thought that has been floating in my mind and I wanted to write it down here. I was thinking about a time travel map. How it works is that you start out in Nacht Der Untoten and go through up until Origins. It has no impact on the storyline at all, it's just for fun. Lets say at round twenty your screen looks like something like the transporter form Der Reise and you spawn in Verruct and you play off from round twenty till round forty and you transport to the next map.
Last reply by ZombieKnight115, -
- 5 replies
I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet. A few weeks ago our cryptic friend Jimmy tweeted this: This is pretty obvious what he is saying here; in the next map pack, and old perk (such as PHD flopper) will be replacing a perk that we have right now (such as mule kick). What perk would you want to revive, and what perk do you want to save? We obviously need the four base perks: Jug, Speed, Quick revive, and Double tap (which wasn't in Ascension). I think that mule kick will go, and we get deadshot or flopper back. What do you think? Alternate theory: this one is a little less obvious. We all know that the zombies team has been experimenting with dow…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
I'm wondering what everybody favourite style of gameplay is in the zombies series? There are a lot of different styled maps throughout zombies. Starting with Naacht-right through to Outbreak. I myself do prefer the run and gun style proposed in Mob of the Dead, but I don't believe it would be the same without cherry, acid gat, shield, etc. But I also liked the open feel that maps like shi no numa brought. The swamp was a direct influence on why I enjoyed origins so much. Origins by design was nostalgic. The mud reminded me of the swamp from Shi No Numa, and the laboratory/industrial 20th century feel gave me an atmospheric vibe reminiscent of Ascension. They added new f…
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
- 2 replies
Where haven't we been? We've been from a frozen outpost, to a chinease high rise, to the flipping moon... Each place just as impressive as the last... But where do we go now? We never seem to visit the same type of area twice, meaning we've only been to one swamp, one factory, one theater, ect.. So where else do we have to go? So I made this list of possible areas to travel! 1: Paris- ive seen how much you guys want Paris to happen, and it very well may be in the next map! Whose stopping it? 2:Desert: We've never had a sand area, I REALLY want to see some mummy zombies and pyramid Easter eggs! 3:Above the ocean: On say a cruise ship, a REALLY…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
Hi CoDz! I was just wondering what weapons from CoD Ghosts you would like to see implemented into the next zombies installment? I ask because of the few that were brought back in BO2, namely the Barrett, RPD and MP5 (I know it was in BO1 zombies, but it was the MW3 model). A few of the weapons I would like to see in zombies from Ghosts: Chainsaw: This hip-fire only weapon is super fun to use in Extinction, and I feel it would be twice as fun in zombies (since, you know, its zombies). Pack-a-Punched, I could see this gun have a clip size of 100, with a reserve of 200, along with rapid fire and the retaining of its assault rifle mobility. Could be called the Shackleslicer…
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 1 reply
We're almost certain that our characters are travelling back to 1917 during World War 1. A lot of people are thinking this map will simply be a prelude to Nazi Zombies and not an actual story continuation that'll raise more questions than answers, but from what LiamFTWinter had found from the video, his "spliced" image of the test being conducted on what is potentially the first zombie could indicate THIS is where it all began (metaphorically). What if this is where the characters are travelling to in order to PREVENT from the Zombie events from ever happening, thereby "saving" the world and ending the story? (judging by Treyarchs posts that every story has a …
Last reply by Ourobos, -
- 4 replies
Map Name: Collapse Desc: Fight the undead in the city of the world's desire, where dark truths and forgetten are hidden deep within the city. Location: Istanbul/Constantinople Time: Sometime after buried/1453,Fall of Constantinople Characters: Misty Marlton Samuel and Russman Collapse is basically a map that is split into 2 different versions: one in the future, one in the past. yet due to 115 they have become interconnected, with orbs serving as a 2 way time door. With the ever growing undead lurking at every corner, and with maxis attempting to reach agratha, its on you to make amends for the mistakes you have made. Weapons: m1911 (starting) …
Last reply by sh3baproject, -
- 12 replies
Having a Create a class for zombies. Maybe bring back the old multi player system from Black Ops 1 where you would use your unused points at the end of the game to buy perma perks, a pick of certain starting weapons (Weapons off the walls), attachments for your starting guns (quick draw, stock, grip, long barrel, fmj, tac-knife, dual weild, fast mag and different scopes with our pick of reticles) and Equipment. (Frag and Semtex grenades, claymores, C4, emp, bouncing bettys and shock charges. Also, this game type should have a mini map. Not so you see the zombies on the map, but your team mates and nearby buildings and/or structures. If you want this game type, …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
each of the maps last letter spells tedd Tranzit Die Rise mob of the dead Buried ^ the last map will end in a y... Possible map names? post below what you think! i think its gonna end with the word "toy" as toy ends with a y... im thinking "Dead Toys" or something, a bombed toy store!
Last reply by ozmatz_buckshank,
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