Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 24 replies
As we see in most loading screens to zombies, we see a lot of easter eggs which hint to the next zombie map. On the Die Rise, there are a couple we can see. Let's take a look at it, shall we? So first off, if you're wondering what's at the top left of the loading screen, it's just the loading screen to Nuketown Zombies. Although to the left there is the postcard from the intro to Tranzit or Bus Depot. Now to the bottom right, there is what is either a theater reel or a wheel to a wagon? I dunno, but we'll be sure to find out more a little later, possibly April or May. If you want to add anything to the post, feel free to do so. Regards -ERich935
Last reply by Rickety Cricket, -
- 12 replies
Okay, so we all know in the first Black Ops, when you take the first letter out of each map pack name you get FEAR. So now we get Revolution. FEAR R___ What do you all think it could spell out?
Last reply by Caddyman, -
- 1 reply
It appears recently that trayarch has been giving us a new theme with each map, wither it be green run with its theme of being a huge map, or die rise's verticality theme... Actually to be honest I didn't see the whole vertical theme used as much as what I DID see: the theme of not being able to go back, once you crossed a certain boundary... Either way the next theme has to be something epic as well, ideas anyone? New elements added to the bunch? Temperature? Speed? Alternate realitys? Water? Space jumps? Rotation? How about a room swap map that constantly changes positions? Like say at one point you enter a room, then something happens, and you ca…
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 1 reply
A Tactical Insert. I hate having to have my whole team spawn me over to where I wanna spawn at. Half the time, either the zombie or crawler dies out and I spawn in the middle of nowhere. Buy it off the wall for 1000 and once it's used you can still get Monkey Bombs out of the box. I hope others agree with this minor change.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
If you're anything like me, you love achievements. No matter how big or how small, you love the little ping that pops up when you've done something neat. In fact, I love them so much to the point where I have maxed out every CoD game since Call of Duty 4. Now, I ask you all, do you think Black Ops II will have 2000G? The first game to hit that milestone was Gears of War 3, with each of its four DLC packs adding 250G. WaW only got to 1500G with the last two map packs, Black Ops went to 1700G with all four of its, and MW3 went to the oddly numbered 1610G. I believe BOII will hit 2000G simply because each of its DLC packs will (or should) contain 250G a pop, if …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
After Great Leap Forward, I feel it's fairly evident that the last site will be a tower, like the pylon in Green Run and the radio tower in GLF. But what happens after this? I ask this because next DLC drop it's going to be likely we're activating a third tower, but then what? After the next DLC, we have two more left for Black Ops 2. Green Run -> GLF -> DLC 2 -> DLC 3 -> DLC 4 So what are your guys' thoughts? What will we be doing with DLC 3 and 4?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone,today i wanna talk about the future dlcs and the loading screen of die rise.So as every zombies map since ascension i think,there was a bit of page ripped off on the left and on the right.The left is the map before and the right is the map after.So on the die rise loading screen you can see on the left the loading screen the tree from tranzit and a bit of the nuketown loading screen.Then on the right,i'm not sure,i wanna hear your thoughts.I think it might be either a film reel like kino or a valve and some pipes,which could mean that the map is underground.I also wanna talk about a Paris map in zombies.So when i say this,you might not believe me but i'm fren…
Last reply by Schrödinger, -
- 3 replies
Ok I think for the final easter egg in the last map is going to be a 8 player map with the new team working for Richtofen and the old characters working with maxis and you get thrown on a side depending what EE you did and what ever team finishes their EE first wins the game
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Shotgun Wunder-Weapon: Thundergun 2.0. KSG WHAT THE ****?? THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! It’s not like the thundergun where everything in front of you “disappears” but it does have an similar effect. It’s a Pump action slug air shot with a devastating aftermath. Chunks of flesh, arms, legs and heads will be taken off in mere seconds in a ripping motion caused by a vicious, pin point, wind tunnel, slug, shot from high speeds. Ammo: 3/12 single slug reload speed. P-A-P: 5/20 reloads all 5 at once. One shot per 1.2 seconds. (Try jumping off high grounds and shooting at the ground.. No fall damage!! Haha)
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
What happens if you do post something that is so amazing that it's put in the game? And what if you have 1,000s of those ideas?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 14 replies
Lots of shocking new details with buildable perk machines/equipment, limited power and a new wunder weapon with "unlimited ammo?" Sounds Interesting :D
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 4 replies
We'll need to find a new way to obtain such a thing.. Introducing, my little friend. The Dreader15 works similar to the Thundergun. But not As effective. ..This Blender like gun Shreds zombies into mush to create power on a level of "pure evil" using element 115 at its core to build something of great intelligence; or perhaps, Mass Producing?.. You only get one shot with this gun and there's no chance at pack-a-punching this 'Knock-Out Gun." Your One-shot of your ammo is retrievable. This Wunder Weapon has moderate recoil and shoots a cone effect of grinding saw blades that spew out and shreds those in your line of sight, (Not Peripheral Vision) creating a…
Last reply by Tasty Applesauce, -
- 3 replies
*This is not a section for you to post random maps that there are no clues for. These are potential maps that we have data, proving that this is a potential zombies map. I think after Die Rise, Atlantis may take place. Data: We know that the Sea Gem happened around the time Die Rise takes place. And I believe Russman makes a comment about Atlantis.(Not positive) After Sea Gem, I believe the Paris Map will take place. Data: There is a 935 base located near the Eiffel tower. After Paris, I believe we will be back in Space, for the 4th and final zombies map. This will be where it all ends. Also, around the same time Die Rise takes place, that year…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
First off, I am a complete noob here, so don't judge me too harshly for this post. Now, to business. My theory with the Nav Cards also goes hand in hand with what we know from the tranZit game mode on Green Run. In particlar, the ability for the game to save certain data. This is shown by the ability to save money in the bank, store weapon in the fridge, table stays built in the corn maze, etc. If you look into this theory a little deeper, the game manages to keep track of multiple transactions at the bank (taking money out and putting in multiple times each game) as well as remembering exactly the gun you placed in the fridge (upgraded or not, ammo count, …
Last reply by upintheaire, -
- 5 replies
Ok, so, basically my idea is that treyarch come up with a complete set of alternate textures for a map, and give us an option on the menu to switch between the traditional textures and a new one. For example, the old texture or traditional one could be of a destroyed area, while the alternate one presents the same map but pristine and undamaged. It's a pretty simple idea, though I don't know how easy it would be to carry out. I personally would love playing on some old maps, fully repaired. Thoughts? Edit: and the textures would in no way alter the layout of the map. It would be like nuketown / nuketown 2025. Exact same layout, just looks different.
Last reply by Taklok, -
- 3 replies
I've been looking into more things that have been occuring at the same time as The Great Leap Forward and Green Run. I cam across Sea Gem. We've all been wanting a water map and I think this is right up that alley. The Sea Gem was the first British offshore oil rig, and the first British offshore rig disaster when in 1965, the rig's legs collapsed, killing 13 of the crew. Currently, the only problem with this is the very low death toll. I may continue to update this thread with more shotgunning theories because if you make a million guesses you increase your chances of being right xD Adiition: The North Atlantic Ocean …
Last reply by Hannibal, -
- 10 replies
Im just gonna make this short. In Green Run's easter egg you power up a spire either for A.Richthofen OR B.Maxis. The topic of this thread is what leis ahead.What are these spires for,and what do we do once we 'charge' all of them?Are we going to replenish the earth or make it worse?Are we gonna run around while these two bark orders at us or are we just gonna go and kill them both?What will the final map be?Paris,Hell,Atlantis,the Aether,Agartha,Kino der Toten 2025?Will Russman betray us?Will Takeo destroy all remnants of Group 935?Will Marlton actually trade that S12 for all the tea in China? Discuss all those questions and more here.
Last reply by king of cold, -
- 1 reply
Here at CoDz, building an army is nothing new. We often get together and have even created a few clans. We team up to defeat the undead in tactically swift maneuvers, and have have quite a few soldiers holding world records...but this is not about that. In Green Run, we built some decent weapons but the lack of Turbine power caused them to be hardly used. I myself would always use the traps on top of the bus, and pick up the turbine when there was something that could damage it.(i.e. the bridge) The traps still lacked what we needed from a "buildable". They were more of a "eehh, why not." I would like to see things like the killstreaks from multiplayer. I'm not …
Last reply by bbobs2, -
- 13 replies
I'm sure we've all found ourselves listening to the ingame quotes on Wiki or YouTube at at least one in point in time. If not, here's a YouTube link (this is not my YouTube) to all Richtofen quotes found in the ingame files: If you listen, there're TONS of quotes that haven't even been heard before, so what does this mean? Further advancing the Easter Egg? If you pay attention, all ingame quotes are slightly muffled and less echoed, so I'm pretty sure we can cross off the unheard quotes for Easter Egg purposes. If not an Easter Egg then, what can these quotes be used for? I have a theory on a future game mode that can involve …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
What are your guys ideas on Blops2 DLC 2, and Also as a side note The season pass is their gonna be bonuses or extras to people who have it?
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 2 replies
they should really put in an option to make clans in zombies cuz im tired of getting put in games with random newbs without mic you should be able to add people who you know are good players to your clan, so whenever i start up bo2 i get to inmediatley see wich clanmembers are online and up for a good game of zombieslaying. maybe even allowing a short description of your function in the team: -players like me who get a thrill out of reviving often and in order to do so will get all equipment to do it more easily like krauss -players who get thrill from highest kills/headshot wich is also necessary if you want to go through rounds first -explosive experts w…
Last reply by Doc Holiday 4A, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys, I have been thinking more and more what they will do with zombies after this or the next game. Either a)they will continue their way of having Zombies in the game b)they will create a standalone zombie game that exists outside the standard 3arc/IW cycle or they will have a completely new way of giving us our zombies. I personally would like b and I have thought out some ideas. Xbox Live / PlayStation Network / Steam Public Match Solo Custom Games Custom Maps Dead Ops Arcade Options System Link Local Options Store (Xbox) The maps are as follows (thanks goes to MMX for making this list): Berlin Germany Nacht der Untoten Surv…
Last reply by CovetousShark6, -
- 1 reply
I'm making this thread to get everyone's ideas together about new zombies game modes that will be introduced in the future. Personally, I'm not a HUGE fan of the new game modes, as I like the original core zombies, but every now and then a change of pace can be refreshing. I've only had one idea good idea for a game mode that I think would be fun: Game Mode Name: Territory Description: Played in full TranZit maps, however, no transportation is available. Players are divided into 2 teams. Start on opposite sides of the map, and must compete for areas of the map as well as reasources(pack a punch, perks, and the box). Enemy players can shoot each other, …
Last reply by CovetousShark6, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone this is my first post I have been reading a lot but I don't think anyone has mentioned this. In the trailer for revolution there is not one single time that they show Marlton. there is a zombie that looks very similar to Marlton but what could this mean. I will post a picture if I can find one.
Last reply by ozCHRISoz, -
- 15 replies
I was wondering what ideas that people have, if you could add a new perk machine to the game what would it be called, what would it do and how much would it cost ? :D
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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