Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
After Great Leap Forward, I feel it's fairly evident that the last site will be a tower, like the pylon in Green Run and the radio tower in GLF. But what happens after this? I ask this because next DLC drop it's going to be likely we're activating a third tower, but then what? After the next DLC, we have two more left for Black Ops 2. Green Run -> GLF -> DLC 2 -> DLC 3 -> DLC 4 So what are your guys' thoughts? What will we be doing with DLC 3 and 4?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
A Tactical Insert. I hate having to have my whole team spawn me over to where I wanna spawn at. Half the time, either the zombie or crawler dies out and I spawn in the middle of nowhere. Buy it off the wall for 1000 and once it's used you can still get Monkey Bombs out of the box. I hope others agree with this minor change.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
It appears recently that trayarch has been giving us a new theme with each map, wither it be green run with its theme of being a huge map, or die rise's verticality theme... Actually to be honest I didn't see the whole vertical theme used as much as what I DID see: the theme of not being able to go back, once you crossed a certain boundary... Either way the next theme has to be something epic as well, ideas anyone? New elements added to the bunch? Temperature? Speed? Alternate realitys? Water? Space jumps? Rotation? How about a room swap map that constantly changes positions? Like say at one point you enter a room, then something happens, and you ca…
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
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I usually never speculate as to what could be coming next this early, is because, well its so unpredictable at times, but I've had this thought bouncing in my head for some time now and I figured I might as well mention it before it becomes A: irrelevant, or B: right? So I've read a few threads based on the idea of Atlantis and I thought it was a pretty neat story arc that would be interesting to discover. I thought how much harder would that be then die rise. And I have been thinking to myself how much Die Rise reminds me of Kowloon; the MP map from Map Pack 1. I tried to remember if there were any easter eggs or little shout outs to zombies in Kowloon. I…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
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These two scientist have been with us sense moon, and I beleive we should investigate them furthur... Groph: I beleive he has something to offer from his research with the mpd and vrill... That and richtofen's quote from moon: "I will never understand groph's obsession with American women... All they DO is play games! :evil: " Why do I think this is important? Because of misty, she is an american woman! (Murica!) If groph is anything close to richtofen, he may have run some test on subjects too... In the past of course, long before misty was born... But if one of his subjects were carrying some kind of lethal or empowering device or element or body fluid…
Last reply by bagel_, -
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Cheesy name i know but check out this map. Summary: The undead have risen again from the medivel graves near an abandonded castle. Watch your back as you travel through this vast castle with its winding staircases and secret passages. Dont stay anywhere too long or something might just come a thumpin'..... Atmosphere: It is dark outside and there is little light. There is a huge candelabra in the first room and is one of main sources of light. The darkest places are as dark as the Tranzit foggy areas and the brightest is like Kino. Gloomy atmosphere. Creepy like Verrukt. Suddenly on round 5, the candelabra crashes to the floor, revealing a secret passage. Howev…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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I have no idea if this has been posted before, if so, MODS you can delete it or whatever. Anyways, I predict the last DLC will not only come with another Zombies map with an EE, but I also think the other older maps will receive small survival/grief/turned maps too. Why, you ask? Well, I like to think of the different map selection things as "hubs". Such as, Green Run contains Bus Depot, Town, Farm, Diner, and the map as a whole. I'd like to think that "hub" is already finished. However, the Nevada "hub" looks as if it could use a few more small maps there. And I'm pretty sure Die Rise will either split into single maps, or have maybe like one skyscraper as a surviv…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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lately i had the idea from the die rise bottom right corner loading screen that we might get a volcanic - volcanic island map. The reason is is that the next page seems to be brown with dark colors, we might see the lava coming back from tranzit, probably a "paradise side of the map" where the volcanos eruption has not affected the island and a "erupted " side where theres lava and all that stuff. i think its probable. sldo almost everyone has always wanted a paris map so honestly paris seems like the best bet in a new map but hey one can dream of a volcanic island map
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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Hey guys, Im new to the COD forums so if this is in the wrong place or something is wrong I'm sorry or this has already been said. I wanted to see what everyone's opinion on Alcatraz is. What the new Celebrity Mobsters you think will be in Alcatraz. Looking at Mobsters Im sure it is safe to say that Al Capone will be one of them. He was one of the main criminals at Alcatraz during the Prohibition. Also the Lighthouse, if the same story goes this will end up being the next Easter egg. Also if the case is that Zombies has gone back to 1930-1940s doesn't that mean time travel has been fully confirmed? Then at the end of Die Rise there was the Door slamming shut, obvis…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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As seen in the last 2 zombie maps, there are towers that have something to do with the map's Easter Egg and The Zombies Story. I have an idea for a map, and how it would fit in to the "Tower" theme. Imagine a map where you are running through the streets of Modern-Day New England, and the main setting would be a facility similar to Der Rise, as stated back in WaW, Group 935 had other facilities other than Waffenfabrik Der Riese. This specific facility was made AFTER WW2, and has some technological improvements from the previous 935 Facilities. This facility is underground, hidden under the Big Ben tower, which is the new tower I was talking about. This tower, along with …
Last reply by TBGxRyan, -
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8 Player map maximum Takes place on the moon and a new area. The new area starts in a place similar to Der Riese where there is a teleporter receiving pad. There are two doors each 750 leading down to hallways those hallways have small rooms where the box and perks can be found. The hallways connect to the main hub. The main hub has the main teleporter and the starting area for the Earth box. The teleporter will only work if all players are there and if the players on the moon are all on the teleporter there. On the moon the four people will be the four original characters. On Earth Misty, Marlton, Russman and Samuel. The original group will follow M…
Last reply by EvilHERONeos, -
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Hey guys this might be nothing but I have a school project to do and found sonething very interesting maybe a clue to the next map? I found a picture of a guardian lion (seen in Die Rise) under water and the description said cleopatras underwater temple??? Might be our next adventure is under water
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
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In my mind we all know how the undead came to be, Which is Der Riese or The Giant Facility. Dr Ludvig Maxis was working on super soldier and teleportation experiments with a once sane man by the name of Dr. Edward Richtofen. Anyways, on to my theory. I will even include the awesome theory I heard about a cross dimensional rift that was happening after the teleporter's overload with the WonderWaffle Die Glocke (The Bell) 2, and whoever posted why guns are important to the story, I support it. Anyways, my theory supporting this is after so much time travel a hole was ripped in the space time continuum and all years (except 1932-1934 due to this happening before the telepor…
Last reply by Shock3600, -
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Hey in this topic we test perma-perks to see what perma-perks are real how to get them and how to lose them. Perma-perk testing area(real or not real): Cause Area: Double Power-Ups The player can earn an upgrade that makes it when a Power-Up is picked up the player is also granted another power-Up, such as double points or insta-kill (this upgrade does not affect nukes or carpenter power ups) Though there is no knowledge how to attain this upgrade, it is possible that this upgrade is given when the player picks up numerous Power-Ups in one game. It is unkown how this perk is gained or lost. Lost Area: Extra Pistol Points The player can earn an upgrade…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
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Hey PIGoPRIOR here with some ideas for the leaderboards and other stat tracking utilities (Elite, career stats, etc.). Add your K/D Add average round Still have the amount of downs and deaths shown, but take away your position in the world, as that is impossible to climb up. Useless. Add all guns with the amount of kills gotten (kills and revives for Ballistic Knife) along with accuracy. For maps, show many times you have played it, how many hours you've payed it, and your highest round on it. Add windows boarded Drops gotten (also how many youve gotten of each one) Perks gotten (also how many youve gotten of each one) Shows W/L for Grief and Turned …
Last reply by Beat, -
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Treyarch just posted this to their Facebook. Discovery of 115 I'm assuming? .ipsType_richText img.emoji {width: 36px !important; height: 36px;} 3ca16265372a87682c173ba7f94eb472
Last reply by GRILL, -
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I've seen the leak dlc card, don't know if it's real or not, but itlooks good in my opinion. moon, shangrila, kino, acension, red october. I was thinking instead of them bringing the o4 back in the old maps, they put the n4 in them with all new easter eggs that coincide with the o4's eggs on those maps minus kino, and you would hear all of the o4 and maxis/samantha talking like in cotd and for red october you play as the O4. I haven't done any reserch on red october beside asking my marine freind what it was and he said some lost german submarine. could we be going under water? maybe.they were walking threw water in the cut scene in buried they could make it like moon, Gr…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 1 reply
Treyarch recently posted the video on their vine. One of the frames looks like, to me, a syringe. Seeing as the time the next map is set in (1917) is before the perks were invented, people were talking about the perks being injections. Here is a photo of a syringe.
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
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Hmm. Edited this. Still new to the formatting here. Made the images too large, so I'll just post the links: Another edit: Looks like user MrRoflWaffles stitched them together:
Last reply by TheNathanNS, -
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Here we can see men impaled above the trenches during the teaser trailer. It makes me think that it is not a usual war scene. As in the battle that there "Giant Metal Men" are in aren't really in a normal event... Basically, what I'm trying to say is that this scene is not taken from an ordinary battle, and I'd like to hear your thoughts. Please discuss. -Fu
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 1 reply
We're almost certain that our characters are travelling back to 1917 during World War 1. A lot of people are thinking this map will simply be a prelude to Nazi Zombies and not an actual story continuation that'll raise more questions than answers, but from what LiamFTWinter had found from the video, his "spliced" image of the test being conducted on what is potentially the first zombie could indicate THIS is where it all began (metaphorically). What if this is where the characters are travelling to in order to PREVENT from the Zombie events from ever happening, thereby "saving" the world and ending the story? (judging by Treyarchs posts that every story has a …
Last reply by Ourobos, -
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After going through the Verruckt, the video shows the younger Richtofen with his body. He is bringing 2 Blood Samples that can be seen. On the test tubes containing blood samples read: "481B" and "386A" Which, in Mob of the Dead, is the serial number for Sal and Finn respectively. Check it out if you haven't discovered it!
Last reply by Vyhl, -
- 1 reply
NOT SAYING THERE WILL BE A NEXT DLC] But if there would be, I have a theory: I do not know whether or not the easter egg has been completed. But, if the zombies are stopped in the easter egg, what happens to the future? I think there will be a map far in the future, to contradict the past. Maybe a world beyond BO2, where someone has found 115 again, and the cycle repeats. The quote from the trailer could be "Those who forget the past... Are condemned to repeat it" and you have more mechanized weapons, WW, perks, etc. I think it'd be a different change. Side note: Didn't Treyarch say that we were supposed to get era-based weapons for Origins? So far I've see…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Now that origins is over and everything has been revealed it is time to think about the next game's zombies. To start thing off ill just say that in future zombies there will be two different stories going on at the same time one will be the continuation of buried and the other will be about the real zombies world, the one we saw at the end of origins. I believe that the Z plot of the next game will depend on the percentage of people who got the Maxis or Richtofen ending in Buried. I believe that if more than 50% of people got the Maxis ending the plot for the next Game will be about teaming up with Richtofen and useing his zombie to complete the quest EEs. But …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
For the final map you should make it a Time Travel map. You go to all the different maps from WaW to all the new maps in Bo3. All the Guns are on that map and all the Wonder Weapons and all the perks. You can also merge all the Wonder weapons together to make the Ultimate Wonder weapon(everybody can have it). Zombie Challenges! - Complete a certain Challenge and call in a Panzer Soldat or something. The Soldat helps you for 5 rounds. - Other things that you can do for Challenges is you can call in maybe an Alien from Extinction to Help you. And if you are unable to complete the challenge Some(NOT ALOT) Aliens attack you and your team. - Some easy challenges are …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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