Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
What?! Undead is posting an actual zombies related thread? I know... right? Hey CoDz, just thought it was about time we started up one of these threads again since we are now anticipating the first DLC release for Blops 2 and it's never too late to shed some light to those from Treyarch that are watching. That being said, I've gotta thing or two that I've posted before, and have held onto. 1. Character Selection - Normally I wouldn't be much for copying ideas, but I think Call of Duty could learn a thing or two from the set up of Left 4 Dead. That specifically being, if I set up an online match and have to wait for people, I'd at least want dibs on a char…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 1 reply
There have been some cool Wonder Weapons over the years. And whynot have the public choose the Weapon we use? There should be a voting system through all social apps.. (Forums, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Youtube, etc.) Here's just a few ideas: -A time machine gun....... Let me fill you in... Whatever you shoot at, increases in age until it flat out turns into dust, or will revert back into a baby. Since zombies game bounces back and forth through time, this could help indead. esp. for the easter egg. -A Gun used to turn on the Main Power. (Perks will be on a "flickering" Back-Up Generator until then. And then the fun can begin) -Gersh Device Componen…
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 0 replies
Every map has had its own unique wonder weapon. From thunder gun to the jet gun.. But what would you like to see as a new wonder weapon? I personally would want to see a fire gun similar to the winters howl from black ops 1 map five, but shoots fire instead of ice?
Last reply by L0LitsRobsoj, -
- 11 replies
I received the following image in an anonymous email: Could this be what Treyarch was hinting towards in the new MP Message of the Day? Looks like we've got some exciting times ahead of us...
Last reply by Kane Marston, -
- 4 replies
A lot of people have been speculating over what and where the new zombie map will be only by judging a few screenshots and a picture.. What I found interesting was the actual meaning of revolution, this is the meaning I found for it; "A forcible overthrow of a government or social order for a new system." This leads me to believe that there will be a big change that occurs in this dlc either by one of the charectors dying or that someone else will get in control of the zombies and there will be a "new system" Thanks for reading, I'd like to hear what you guys think on my theories or what you think a revolution in zombies will mean. :)
Last reply by tom_green_day, -
- 10 replies
it would make a lot more sense if the charectors that we are playing with now stayed around for at least 2 more dlc's, only for story purposes, but i would like to have the original 4 involved in the next dlc and the next EE.. possibly in the same style as call of the dead where we help them complete tasks to get them out of an awkward situation. but then again the ending to the EE on moon leaves questions to be asked such as what next for the original 4? stranded on the moon with earth blown up in front of their eyes. where do they go next? Has anybody got anything on the whereabouts of the original 4 or what they are doing at the time in green run?
Last reply by Taklok, -
- 1 reply
- 1k views ... vA&index=3 what do you guys think? end game in TranZit? or just misinterpreted information?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
I don't know about anyone else, but when I first saw the leak, I thought Die Rise sounded more like Der Riese than High Rise. This is probably me thinking in context with Zombies, but did anyone else see this relation too?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
Hello everybody, This is my second post about this new wonderweapon idea. This time I improved the Gersch BHW Prototype. I made a new picture this time much better. What do you think? Do the poll and write down in the comment section why you chose that poll option. Link: ... typeV2.png P.S: Sorry for my bad English. I'm Dutch -Pinjiro
Last reply by RenamedProfile, -
- 12 replies
i personally think that there will be a new changing group of survivors for the next dlc's because if you have been following the story behind the black ops 2 zombies it seems there is a lot of groups of people surviving and activating power all over the world.. so playing as new people for 3 dlc's and then in the final dlc playing as the original 4? sounds good to me? what do you guys think?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
What if the DLC is just a Navcard that you put in the navcard reader and it opens up a new part of the map. Just speculation. :roll:
Last reply by KilledByPixels, -
- 3 replies
Hi My name is Mark and I've been following the posts on here for a couple of months and with the following news of the DLC i have a theory If "Die Rise" is set in China/Japan i was thinking a relative of Takeo would appear and that would feature the second relative of the original 4 with the assumption that Misty is Dempsey daughter or granddaughter So each DLC pack would feature a new set of characters that is a relative of the original 4 and the final Easter egg would have the relatives and the originals coming together to stop the antogonist which I think we have yet to see yet
Last reply by Tait97, -
- 13 replies
Anyone else think 'Die Rise' doesen't sound like a zombie map name? I don't think it sounds 'professional(?)' enough to be a name for a zombie map. So i was wondering, prior to the release of Black ops 2, gamestop and other gaming retailers across the world had a poster for call of duty black ops 2, however it was called eclipse. Obviously we know eclipse isn't the name for this years call of duty, and (too my knowledge) there has been no findings as to why it was labelled eclipse. I'm just saying, treyarch have done it before and can do it again. Maybe Die Rise isn't the name for our map. Likewise with Eclipse, I think it doesen't sound right? Please comment on …
Last reply by Niho, -
- 11 replies
So there's been hints of a "Paris" map all the way back since "Der Riese" and the notice board pics cuz there's pictures of Ascension and i think "Five" But don't quote me. I've heard from MrDalekJD that they scheduled "Paris" for BO1 but in the last three weeks before Rezurrection's release they changed it to Moon, giving the fact there was a month gap between Annihilation and Rezurrection that would make sense. Also, the Map selection on Zombies is a FULL globe, so there's definitely gonna be maos in other countries, and giving all the previous things i've mentioned, there's an ample opportunity that Paris will be one. Also, what other connections to other wo…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 5 replies
Remember 2 or 3 weeks ago there was the "leaks" of the zombies DLC? Well i know that Bermuda was definitely a fan made idea, but was Facility 41? It would seem to make sense if it wasn't and honestly when i seen the Die Rise poster i immediately thought it looked like a warehouse or some abandoned industrial estate. Now i've heard people say it#s gonna be like Highrise from MW2, But unlikely cuz the building looks half collapsed like that building in MP, Aftermath. Maybe we'll can go ontop of it. A remake of Der Riese is unlikely. If they did it would be the last DLC pack and it would just be reskinned, no added parts Also i haven't seen any discussion about whe…
Last reply by Saleenseven, -
- 0 replies
I started typing this with a kernel of an idea and the ideas kept coming so ignore the sense of rambling and try to read through it xD My theory is that this new map will take place in none other than Peshawar, Pakistan. The location of the Multiplayer Map Overflow, and the Campaign mission "Fallen Angel". This location will become a "triple crown" location in the same way as Ascension (USSR) and Verrückt (Berlin) were with being both Campaign and Multiplayer maps. Originally, overflow was supposed to have flooded streets, but the idea was scrapped. My theory is that they will implement the flooded streets back into the map as well as have it be a dynamic …
Last reply by TheKingOfToast, -
- 21 replies
[brains] I got a great Wonderweapon idea. Do you like it or do you want some changes just write a comment! Sorry for the bad drawing! If you like the idea follow me on Twitter and retweet this to Rez!!/ZombieIdeasBO2 ... 2Fy6WGKMjd
Last reply by RenamedProfile, -
- 4 replies
(I´m spanish so sorry I made mistakes, I don´t know writing English very well ^^U) > (Click on the image for full screen) The firstBlack Ops II DLC has just leaked: REVOLUTION 4 Multiplayer Maps, 1 Zombie Map and a new Weapon The new Zombie map is DIE RISE, "The rise" in German As you can see in the image, there are a lot of destroyed buildings, so we could think that the story takes places in a town after the Moon rockets. Well, I think this town isLos Angeles [*] The Bus goes from North to South, and Los Angeles is at the south of Hanford. [*] And now I will say a thing that I found yesterday: We all know tha…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
Looks pretty legit jan 29th new map pack REVOLUTION Do you guys think it will be a tranzit style map or just a big style map? Im just excited for new maps and new content I know this is in the other forums just wanted to put it on here. And get your guys thoughts on if it will be tranzit style or not
Last reply by game78, -
- 6 replies
Go to charlie I would post the pics but I'm on my phone and its not a pornogrophy website throw ack to Der rise?
Last reply by Megaton A, -
- 0 replies
I'd love to hear you're totally epic theories :3 so post the craziest on here I myself like to think that the zombies look quite mechanical, so what if it's the RISE of maxis' electrical army ? Prob wrong but hey xd also, doesn't it look like the leaked image with the large floating thingy above the broken buildings? (the red one)? Does anyone have a pic of that supposed old leak? (with the girl and the ufo and the broken buildings, you know xd)? Cause the floating thingy looks like the one on NTZ loading screen :3, so it might be real! Anyways, tell meh your epic thingys xd
Last reply by KilledByPixels, -
- 3 replies
I hope you have seen my Wonderweapon Idea post (viewtopic.php?f=100&t=26820). I made a twitter for the ideas. I'm not good at drawing on the pc. In IRL i'm pretty good. But you are here for the Perk idea! The Perk is called: Lethal Whiskey It is a Orange/Brown Perk, because Whiskey is a bit Orange/Brown. When you go down you can choose if you want to blow up. You can choose it with the square/X button (Great if you have Tombstone!). This will kill the zombies around you. This perk will also give you more damage for explosions (grenade, RPG, Mustang & Sally. etc.) This perk will give you a extra slot for lethals. IMG:…
Last reply by ChrisMarshXD, -
- 23 replies
Lately some DLC "Leaks" have been going around. Someone apparently posted this on the Wiki and now everyone thinks it's true. It has been proven that it's fake. But it is a good concept
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 12 replies
So I keep wondering will they add to green run or will we go to a new location. I've been going over a lot of prior EE and info. But two locations that come up often are Area 51. Their other is Paris(their is even a photo of a zombie in front of the Eiffle Tower on Der Riese) To me we have to go too those two locations sooner rather than later. Maybe Area 51 is the grand finale. People's thoughts on the Eiffle tower being one of the next spire I think may be right. Too many things have pointed to these locations to be just talk. I'm still interested as ever to see where they take the story. As long as it never ends ill be happy :)
Last reply by Johnny Reklaw, -
In a game of search today, i was looking around the map Cargo and i found a white board with post it notes on it, just like the one in express, it said the same stuff like the one in express, "Zombies Are Coming" "Fix Turbines"... Could these maps be future DLC? Idk but i think people should be searching around all the maps in multiplayer for White Boards and notes as they might show clues to future DLC or even to the mode itself. The board is in the place next to the spawn with the soda machines in them.
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor,
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