Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
i dont know if this has ever been brought up before but can they make a gobblegum that drops all weapons in a mystery box and then the box teleports to a different location pretty much just press square (ps4 user) on the weapon you want and then they spawn away
Last reply by jiipee95, -
Die Rise *Notes* Findings
by Guest- 6 replies
Die Rise *Notes* Findings This is a continuation on a post I started back in 2013 during the first few months of Die Rise. What started out as just an ordinary sign on the wall became an unnerving mystery that I couldn't let slip by. What Sign? The "No Smoking Sign" just as you drop down from the spawn area. Since this map released I've been looking high and low for something close to it but it wasn't until BO3 released and we seen the Apothicon symbols.. First I'll point out that the Chinese characters do not mean No Smoking however I have been able to translate to the following: …
The Forest Appears Again
by Guest- 10 replies
Comning Straight out of the Comic Books with "Victus" "Marlton guides the other three to his location, where he uses the Element 115 shard for a contraption requiring the activation of 4 individuals. The contraption extracts their blood, with Stuhlinger explaining Richtofen's words that it is supposed to help recognize them and differentiate them from zombies. A flash occurs, and the four find the view of the once barren forest before them now changes to a lush forest at nightime, leaving Misty wondering whethey they have "fixed the world"." "Stuhlinger ignores Richtofen's request and heads off to the room alone, where he finds the zombies making wa…
Last reply by Abel!, -
- 4 replies
So I just watched the music video or trailer for Zombie Chronicles. I noticed that there is a GobbleGum machine in it. Which leads me to believe that the did more than just remaster the maps. I do not know how I feel about this. It just wont have the same feeling of accomplishment getting to higher rounds using the GobbleGum machine. But it could also come in handy and be very useful on Origins, and Moon, which both take ages and ages to get set up on. But this also leads me to start believing some of the theories and speculations of new and different easter eggs in the maps. I mean I am sure that they will keep all of the main easter eggs, and most of the small ones, but…
- 3 replies
I have been thinking about something. There are many silhouettes without names, and faces without names. People have come up with many theories about these people, but there is one that I have not seen. What if they're all the same person. The silhouettes on the Nacht Der Untoten loading screen would be the first time that they showed up. This makes them the FIRST character introduced. Even before the Fab Four. A certain piece of evidence that they are the same person is the fact that they are connected with the Fab Four in Shi No Numa, and again with the portraits in Kino Der Toten. In fact, they're really all over the place. They'r…
- 0 replies
"Lullaby For A Dead Man" Green lyrics = Edward Richtofen Yellow lyrics = Takeo Masaki Blue Lyrics = Nikolai Belinski White Lyrics = Tank Dempsey Grey Lyrics = alltogether Red Lyrics = My assertions Life is still spinning Your end, my beginning The above lyrics are meant to say "In order to create, one must first destroy. I have destroyed you, and now, I can begin." At least in one sense, this may have to do with the 2.0 characters killing the 1.0 characters, then catching up in age, expecting to die... but not dying. The fact that this song is set in Verrukt is no accident, either. Dempsey was driven insane by the events of the As…
Last reply by Samantha's Teddy CXV, -
- 7 replies
So first off, I have to explain WHY the MDT is capable of time travel. Why it exceeded it's intended use, and why Edward 'didn't expect it'. Let's explain it this way. We all know the first three dimensions. Length, Height, and Depth. Those are spacial dimensions. Then we have time as the fourth dimension. They weave together and form Space-Time. The single WORST aspect of LITERALLY every time travel movie and book is such a glaring hole that it amazes me that no one has picked up on it, or at least explored it. Zombies is no exception. Time travel in media SOLELY focuses on travel through time. It ignores the spacial dimensions completely. It ignores the PRI…
Last reply by Samantha's Teddy CXV, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
The Call of Duty Zombies story in World at War and Black Ops 1 were mostly inspired by existing conspiracy theories. Lets call a few: The Illuminati, Moonnazi's, antigravity devices and Die Glocke, Agartha, Area 51, Nazi wonder weapons, Kennedy's assassination, the CIA and aliens. Another conspiracy theory you may know is that the Moon landing is fake. Does this have something to do with our story as well? Lets check it out. "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth. (JFK, 1961)" - Moon level description So, I believe that Bro…
Last reply by Dark Bruno, -
- 2 replies
I'm new to the site but my roommate and I have been all over the place looking into all the given information and watching alot of videos and now we've gone as far as the decoded cyphers in the comics. I have come to the conclusion that treyarch is preparing for a primus Game. I wanna hear your thoughts and I'd love to answer any questions I can or even get sum answers I have missed. Knowledge is power and power should be shared lol.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 0 replies
The story begins in the abandoned Wenceslaus mine near the big German City of Breslau. A facility called "Der Riese" was built here, named after the name of the project: Project Riese. It was here where German scientists (from Group 935) worked on a top-secret German wunderwaffe called "Die Glocke", German for "the Bell", but also called "the Flytrap". Because of lack of documentation, it is yet unknown what exact purpose the structure had, however we do know that it had to become some kind of weapon of mass destruction. Die Glocke is described as being a device "made out of a hard, heavy metal" approximately 2.7 metres wide and 3.7 to 4.6 metres high, …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 11 replies
Here's a mental idea. Hold me. What if Marlton, Misty, Stulinger and Russman, are [unknowingly] sleeper-agents? Their minds modified, such and such. Maybe this goes deeper. In the comic-book which was just released, it showed us a Zombie capable of controlling other zombies - at least that is what it looked like - and dodging Misty's bullet, which is a technique used in the past More on that below,] Maybe it's even capable of cognitive thought? There's evidence in Gorod Krovi that tells us that the Marlton and company were at some point 'property' of a specific group. May it be government, Broken Arrow, or whoever. This idea isn't new …
Last reply by Abel!, -
- 4 replies
The basis of most threads and theories are mostly made by 1 person, with sometimes the help of some others that will be given credit. In the comments there mostly exists a discussion with as result sometimes the change of that theory. The idea of this topic is to make a thread, with many members of this awesome site. We don't give anyone credit, but the idea behind it is that we made this together, with discussions in the thread itself. I chose as topic the in DLC 3 reappeared scientiest: Gersch. It is still a big mystery what exacly happened in Ascension and how he came in Stalingrad and what happened with him after SOPHIA captured him. So edit as much as you like. I alr…
Last reply by AetherialVoices, -
- 1 reply
When Richthofen entered the MPD, dr. Ludvig Maxis told the remaining crew, Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey and Samantha of his plan B: To sent three V115 rockets to Earth to minimalize the power of Richthofen and so decimate the damage he could bring. None of them could know the unforeseen consequences it would bring. “Goodbye, wife number nine! I do not think I will be able to top that one! She died when I blew up the Earth! Fun times… I will miss her.”-Nikolai’s first reaction of blowing up Earth. A V115 looks like the well-known Nazi rocket, the V2. The range this Group 935 wonderweapon has, however, is much larger. The range of a V2 rocket is 320 Km, the range of a V11…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 0 replies
When Richthofen entered the MPD, dr. Ludvig Maxis told the remaining crew, Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey and Samantha of his plan B: To sent three V115 rockets to Earth to minimalize the power of Richthofen and so decimate the damage he could bring. None of them could know the unforeseen consequences it would bring. “Goodbye, wife number nine! I do not think I will be able to top that one! She died when I blew up the Earth! Fun times… I will miss her.”-Nikolai’s first reaction of blowing up Earth. A V115 looks like the well-known Nazi rocket, the V2. The range this Group 935 wonderweapon has, however, is much larger. The range of a V2 rocket is 320 Km, the range of a V11…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 5 replies
Found something interesting in Treyarch's "Nikolai_Memories" video I'd like to share. Around the 1:07 mark of the video you see something moving in the background that is not a Zombie. Just before we see this, quote Nikolai: I can no longer deny the possibility of an unseen power, a guiding hand helping us to fulfill our destiny. After he says this the background fades back to the forest and pans to the right, and as this happens to can hear faint screech from the distance. He concludes with: My path is chosen, our fate has sealed. Before the video cuts to the scene, a figure of an animal is moving beyond the tree [on the r…
Last reply by Abel!, -
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Richtofen: "This one sure put a fight..... however our mission is almost at an end, All of them have been collected..... now we only need to put them in place..." Nikolai: What do you mean?? Richtofen " We must go back and ensure the events of the past come to pass...." Flash" Teleporting through rift ( Richtofen leaves the Summoning key in the Excavator Tunnels) Richtofen: Now, those chain of events must be set in motion Germany, Breslau 1945 and again....... AND AGAIN Richtofen journeys through Shi No Numa.....ascension, Shanri-la until he arrives on the Moon Tak…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone remember Faustus Schuster? He was spoken of on moon, and spoke the countdown for the teleporter connections in both Der Reise and the Giant. He was integral to the plot of moon, and was Edward Richtofen's best friend. He was in group-935, just like Richtofen, and I have the suspicion that he, too, was in the Illuminati. If you pay attention to the way that Richtofen speaks to Faustus, and the fact that Richtofen used himself as a test subject for the teleporter, rather than put Faustus though it. My theory is thus: Faustus Schuster was a higher ranking Illuminati member than Edward Richtofen. further than that, Faustus was the all seeing eye in the I…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 0 replies
I talked about this with @Steelie in the comments of a post, but now I decided to make a topic about it. Is Origins + BO3 an endless loop/paradox? After the O4, the Primis left the Origins universe they try to save the multiverse, like they try in Black Ops 3. What if BO3 ends with Primis travel back in time to the Origins universe to warn the French Knights who almost found Agartha? They succeed to convince and stop the knights so they save the universe of the “Great Evil”, like Takeo once said. If this never happened, the Ancient Evil will never awaken and would never destroy all the universes, aka multiverse. Or well, the Primis thinks they saved the universe… As a mem…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Just a picture of all map locations I made, hope you like it. Oh and somehow I cant put the picture in here, only the link, so if someone can do that in the comments, that would be great.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Are the Gatekeepers Nova Crawlers?
by Guest- 6 replies
I made that other post a while ago and forgot to post it, but this one I have made today. Too many people have been claiming that Gatekeepers and Nova Crawlers are the same thing. I don't even think they share enough features to have a connection. Let's use some comparison images of all the eyeless monsters we have seen in Zombies: Nova Crawler Head: Pale skin, veined, jagged teeth, ears, no eyes or nose, face mouth, regular tongue, human physiology. Nova Crawler Body: Hunched, crawling, long claws. Gatekeeper Head: Grey skin, marked with Keeper language tattoos, no ears, nose, space for eyes but not presen…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Are the Gatekeepers Vril-Ya?
by Guest- 1 reply
I believe there is a lot of confusion as to just who and what the Ancient Order of the Keepers are. Especially the Gatekeepers, these guys: I have often referred to these beings be called the Vril-Ya. Now, that is fine and dandy but I can tell you for a fact that it is not as simple as that. There are many different interpretations of the Vril-Ya and I believe that for all intents and purposes, they technically are them. Notice I said "technically", because we have no confirmation of that and because it isn't that clear cut. We know from Shadows of Evil that we have had a lot of new beings introduced to us that are Treyarch's interpretations of monsters fro…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
In the Cell Below The Waves Is Where Honor Suffers Chemical Element Atomic Number Cipher - "The Giant" With the new movement mechanics in Black Ops 3 such as Wall Running in Shadows of Evil & the Low Gravity effect in Der Eisendrache, I'm sure we will see 1 other movement system implemented that has never been seen in a Treyarch Zombies Map = Swimming Throughout the Campaign & Multiplayer modes, there are sections that incorporate swimming, but also during the first Nightmares mission - "Hypocenter" , you fight Zombies underwater. Nightmares Mission - "Hypocenter" Multiplayer …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 0 replies
So I'm sure you're all aware of the 3rd painting in the wolf bow upgrade. It portrays a mountain and the giant squid-like creature from SoE. Each character has a quote when selecting this portrait. Richtofen's quote is: "last time I saw this is when I picked up the key". Richtofen is referring to when he picked up the summoning key in SoE, of which happened in a 2 year time frame before The Giant. However, the fact that he said the last time suggests he's seen them before. And at the end of all the paintings, he basically says that battling the apothicans only really ends in death. Now I'm just going to make a huge jump here but what if that letter saying that Primis will…
Last reply by SirPlasticDucky, -
- 2 replies
So I've been thinking about future locations for DLC, now I know that we have Richtofens note with coordinates and ciphers are coming in thick and fast regarding the island research centre and stuff about Stalingrad but Treyarch love to play mind games with us, which is brilliant, but I wonder if it's all a game. They are giving us way too many clues regarding future DLC if you ask me. In the build up to the game release and while playing the giant we were tricked into believing that we would be revisiting the moon, which of course we didn't nor will we now it's been exploded into piece. Maybe we're being led down the same path again, maybe I'm being stupid, I'm intereste…
Last reply by Spider, -
- 3 replies
Everybody knows about the coordinates on the note in Shadows of Evil. Here are some views from it that I believe easily solve where we are going this DLC season. Note DLC 2 and DLC 3 are interchangeable at this point. DLC 0: The Giant: Coordinates were near the location of the Der Riese facility. Centralized Character: Edward Richtofen (Origins Group) Mission Aim: Kill Edward Richtofen (The Giant) DLC 1: Der Eisendrache: Coordinates were near the location of Hohenwerfen Castle. Centralized Character: Tank Dempsey (Origins Group) Mission Aim: Kill Tank Dempsey (Test Subject) Evid…
Last reply by JJMFP,
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