Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
I noticed today that Jimmy's Twitter account has a bejeweled skeleton on it, and that his profile links to Voodoo on Wikipedia. Interesting.
- 18 replies
Drop this crap about moon zombies. because, no. its not happening. zombies on the moon would SUCK. Ok? Now. My theory. "what goes up must never come back down" its coming down.(the rocket) and its gonna land somewhere else in europe(possibly france), and the map will be there. Its coming down with lots of 115.
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 18 replies
Big issue of the next game: What kind of weapons do we want? Do we want a plethora of new weapons like in BO2 like the Mtar, the LSAT, the HAMMER and ect. OR do we want to see more of the older weapons like the Hk21, the Thompson, the Double barrel shotgun, ect. OR: Do we want to see re-imagined weapons of the old? Such as an auto-matic Double barrel shotgun, a Multi-drum thompson, and a pressurized PtRs? I like this idea, because now trayarch can host the game in an alternate 1980s style gameplay where weapons were developed differently and different wars had different outcomes.. Like wolfenstein but nazis don't rule the world. Maybe communist? Tell me what …
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
- 18 replies
One thing that bothers me in zombies is that there are some weapons that are more or less useless. If you get a war machine you throw it back immediately. I don't like how some guns have next to no redeeming qualities. There should be at least one good reason why you should keep every gun. Now some weapon categories are thoroughly under represented because of this. Although they have some specific uses, nobody is ever begging for a launcher, shotgun, sniper, or pistol. How can we fix this? My idea on how to make these more desireable is to give them stopping power. I don't mean the perk, I mean literally the ability to slow down / stop a zombie in its tracks. Rea…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 18 replies
If multiplier can have a weekend when leveling up and rising through ranks is half as hard, why not zombies? Your thoughts….
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 18 replies
@Naitrax brought this to my attention, where before I didn't even know it existed. Pre-downloading DLC. This would mean downloading DLC 2-3 days in advance to drop time, but still not being able to play it until launch. This method is mainly in place for those whom HATE downloading things for their slow internet, this way they would be given plenty of time (2-3 days is plenty of time for even the slowest internet) to download, so when it launched we can all quickly stick it in and play immediately.
Last reply by lead_psychopath, -
- 18 replies
So, with all the building and theorizing, ripping, tearing and critiquing (respectfully, of course) that we do out here, I would like to hear y'all's input on what some of the worst, most far fetched theories y'all have ever heard proposed, for this thread, specifically in regards to the World at War/BO re-release maps, whether on here, YouTube, or elsewhere. Under Supported/Under Researched/Unfounded/Far Fetched: a.) Based on, or related to events in another game, narrative, or other media or literature that is not directly referred to, clearly implied (by virtue of relationship), or was not confirmed in a later map. b.) Directly, though not deliberately, contradicti…
Last reply by DrVonstool, -
- 17 replies
chance to get a pack-a-punched weapon out of box
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 17 replies
There's been a video going around of what could possibly be the next black ops 2 zombie map loading screen. You can youtube it if you want to see but I know that there are no leaks allowed here so I won't give anything away. It looks legitimate, but if any of you see a dead giveaway that it's fake, let me know.
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 17 replies
So Treyarch has now a whole year more time to develop their game and we have hope they will not ship with as half assed map as the Tranzit was. Here is what I think we need and deserve from the next installment of zombies. New engine. Honestly if they don't ditch that dusty idTech 3 egine by the year 2015 they shall be damned. And Treyach should develop the game ONLY to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. We do not want the experience to be hindered by 10 year old consoles. If Activision wants to still support them there would need to be another studio making the old console versions. Map design, Black Ops II showed us bigger is definetly not better. Zombies became…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 17 replies
This seems to be a big thing now appearing in Ghost's and AW's multiplayer, and what I want to know is, does everyone want it to continue over into zombies? Rules: -The appearance of the player does not actually effect the player's gameplay (Other then rumors) -The custom character is only available in non-story modes. For example: We would still see russman, stu, marelton and misty in buried, but borough would consist of our own creations. -Some customs are earn-able others are purchasable. Because as far as I see it, no one has yet to oppose to this idea, and with the way IFW and SH have gone about doing things, I don't see why zombies would be differe…
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 17 replies
Guys… We'll be hyped up for zobmie DLC come january… But… Then directly after we'll be looking for the reveal trailer for BO3 or WAW2 or whatever… Then we'll be looking for more zombie DLC… Then we'll get the zombies reveal teaser in july…. Then more zobmies… Then finally we'll be all ready for the real zombies…. Presumably… I really hope trayarch doesn't cop out and say: "We will be doing no more zombies" or "we're going to wait an extra year"… Because that'd be bullshiz…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
If you didn't know, in Shi No Numa their is a radio that can be activated. It has a small segment of audio from Call of the Dead, when the O4 are trapped and you can hear Takeo being sick. I never see anyone question it though. So why is it in Shi No Numa? It completely confuses me every time I think of it because I cannot see any links between the maps besides this radio. It has to mean something too, like the audio should be from say 2010 yet its in the 40s. So how is it possible?
- 16 replies
If you do see any of the leaked information about Die Rise, remember the rules and keep it to yourself. There are numerous videos on YouTube and there are a few things popping up on forums. Unfortunately I happen to know something I shouldn't (a few of my friends showed me) but I'll not be spilling the beans until the 29th.
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 16 replies
So I was thinking the other day as cool as it would be to have ALL available maps into one central game, I certainly do not feel like purchasing the same old maps for like the 5th time now.... So, what if instead, they introduced the classic maps (WaW to Blops), Blops 2 style? Obviously it would mainly be just for fun, but I think it would be pretty cool if they did a Tranzit style mash up for a WaW and Blops "map pack". Have the "Main" mode where you can relive all of the zombies maps in one go by having the ability to teleport between sections of each of the maps, or, play it the way you remember it and play each map individually on Survival. Hell, spice things up and s…
Last reply by ArronMalins, -
- 16 replies
I KNOW this image is going to be too big so here's a link to the image... Alright, we still have a problem... We still don't know what this next page is... In mob of the dead there was a newspaper article insert: So, yeah... We still have that circular Handel to talk about.... Any new ideas?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 16 replies
Will there be one? Or will origins be the end? I do not believe so, mainly because the way that a twitter post was worded "This is the most intricate zombies map to date" The part where it says to date is what leaves me to believe this is not the end. Besides, we do not know what happens to N4. But with the way the LFTF were worded, this could be the end. Changing the course of history will alter the zombies in the present. Or maybe eradicate the whole story all together. What are your thoughts? what do you think or want to happen? RR Out
Last reply by RiftRunner001, -
- 16 replies
For me, I don't feel like posting all of mine on here in a list. I did post mine on my YouTube channel, in a video, so if you're interested, here it is: Anyways, I was wondering if there was anything specifically that you guys would like to see in Zombies in 2015. Leave your ideas below. --------------------------------------------------- - Zombies and more
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
- 16 replies
perhaps you should be able to choose a special class and the box spits out weapons to match the class, and they have a special skill for each class (not like extinction though)
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
- 16 replies
A lot of people have stated that they would actually prefer that the storyline be hashed and that future maps should contain no story whats-so-ever. I understand why people would say this: BO2 zombies was horrible. It was downright unforgivable…. But I really don't think removing the story is a good idea. WE LOVE the story, it's fantastic. Why drop it? That would mean the end of easter eggs, the end of richtofen quotes… It'd be madness… ' SO: I've created this thread to help find ways to fix the storyline: Some main things that must be dealt with: - The different endings: we either need to pick one and go with it, or find a way to satisfy b…
Last reply by CRU_NINJA_575, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
4/30 Update: Leonard Reiffel In the BO3 "Only the Cursed Survive" poster, there is a cityscape at the bottom which has been revealed to be Chicago (thanks to @PINNAZ ) It got me to researching Chicago, and it's notable citizens whom could possibly relate to the zombies storyline. There was an individual by the name of Leonard Reiffel, and the man has collaborated with members of Operation Paperclip. Specifically (borrowing from wiki), "Reiffel collaborated with German scientists recruited in America as part of Operation Paperclip, working on an early prototype for a railgun." At the University of Chicago's Institute for Nuclear Studies, Reiffel helped construct a C…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 15 replies
I didn't get the season pass... I was one of many who was screwed over by buying the Hardened Edition and getting Nuketown 1 MONTH Early for a whopping TWENTY DOLLARS!!! haha my ahole is still pooping money-shaped poops.. like staacks haha Thanks Trey, maybe try offering a bit more.. because the gamestops I went to couldn't give me any info on the Black Ops 2 Hardened Edition.. So I figured you guys were gonna pull a clasic Black Ops 1 move and give the public every map from the previous game? nah. The public got shafted. And I guess I'm speaking on their behalf.. I'm a little outraged, the more I think about it.. I could've saved the 20+ bucks and put it towards the seas…
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 15 replies
I was wondering what ideas that people have, if you could add a new perk machine to the game what would it be called, what would it do and how much would it cost ? :D
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 15 replies
For the last few hours I've been scouring the forums here looking for what I want to talk about, I've had no luck finding anything about this. In Tranzit Green Run, playing as Stuhlinger (everyone knows Richtofen only speaks to Stu) but it seems to me that no one is actually listening to Edward. Once the power is turned on, Richtofen goes into his speech about helping him to stop Maxis from completing his plan to destroy us all, and in this speech Richtofen says that Maxis has built a "Dam" that he's trying to power in a certain manner to execute his plan, out of all the stuff I found on these forums no one seems to have noticed this, and if you take this idea and ap…
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 15 replies
So as we know the current engine Call of Duty franchise has been hauling is based on idTech 3 game engine that first saw action in 1999 (14 years ago) on Quake 3. We are now entering a new generation of console hardware and PC hardware is even a lot more powerful than the consoles. The engine is limited and is a bottleneck to what can be done graphically and physically within the engine on the future Call of Duty games. Now Call of Duty has also entered a three year development cycle from the hectic two year cycle it was before. Giving the developers more time to make their games. Treyarch is by far the largest studio out of the Call of Duty developers and it would on…
Last reply by Matuzz,
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