Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Salutations reader! As I would hope, many of you have managed to discover and view The Giant's introduction scene, identifying the presence of twice as many Richtofens as we were prepared for. However, one must note the ease with which the Origins crew converses with this altogether strange and different Richtofen, of the warnings of impending doom they thrust upon him. They've obviously gained some form of knowledge as to the results of his nefarious experimentation, yet from who? None of the Origins crew was ever in possession of the information they so readily give in the intro during the course of the Origins map, suggesting that a 5th man, an unknown party, has suppl…
- 0 replies
Ok so as we can see from the new Giant map The NO4 are going back before O4 Richtofen took control of the MPD. This takes place before Shi No Numa around the same time as the initial betrayal. So Maxis and samantha are killed or at least richtofen thinks this is what happens Ludvig Maxis states at the end of origins "The Paradox must be resolved" Maxis then enters the Light and the Paradox Is resolved resulting in us going What I believe is that Time started off as stable before WWII and the Zombies. This is a timeline where everything is Normal and the events that took place with group 935 are not as extraordinary as the one depicted in the storyline. However somewhe…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 1 reply
Today I will be presenting a few key story elements of old maps that we know nothing about or could possibly not be the way we think they are. These things might show us a small glimpse at where our story is going. The Unknown Man...The Phantom Who was he? Who is he? Who will he be? Number 2 Weasel and Nikolai. Why does weasel hear the name Nikolai. What is the importance? More in Shadows of Evil? The Time Bomb What was it's Original Purpose? Why does it exist? Did it succeed in it's purpose? The MPD Who Built it? Why was it used? Can we use it again? The Death of Doctor Maxis If Maxis did not shoot himself then who did? Or better question....Who Will…
Last reply by Elirox1337, -
- 2 replies
As you may know, perks are a constant ever-updating facet of the Zombies experience, handy beverages that enhance the abilities of a player via numerous, perhaps magical effects within these seemingly rather mundane soft drinks. However, their creation, nor the explanation of how they achieve these effects has as of yet, not been explained in entirety within the storyline. Not one for merely slapping on the lazy story writing excuse of "it's magic", I'd love to entertain an explanation tied down with real life science, along with the sci-fi genre's pseudo-science, however misguided or a self-delusion it may be. So keeping such in mind, despite the depth of detail and res…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 0 replies
The Cylce Theory This is my first REAL theory. No jokes. Ok so here is what I believe the timeline of our story takes place Nachtà Verrukt à Shi No Numa à Der Riese à Kino Der Toten à Shangri-la à Ascension/Five à Call of the Deadà Moon/Nuketown à The point of no return After Kino I think they were accidentally teleported to Sangri-la. Hence the reason as to why their clothes are normal in Shang and not ripped. After this They take a seperate mode of transportation to ascension. The flying monkeys that can be seen in the sky. This is how they get to Ascension. After Ascension the Gerch device sends them to The future which is why we end up in COTD…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 5 replies
So, For BO3, I've decided to condense most of my ideas into one post I'll make weekly. I'll have a topic of the week, but it will always be about BO3 info. Week 1: June-5th : This week's topic: Movement A lot of speculation has come up about the movement system. Vonderharr has stated that every MP map will be designed to accommodate both the new movement system, and regular run-and-gun gameplay. No map can't be accessed completely by normal jumps. It's also HOPEFULLY a given that zombies will be given a movement system that DOESN'T have ANY type of boost. This leads me to believe that MOVEMENT WISE, we won't be seeing much of the thrust-jumps. Infact, I don't …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 9 replies
This thread is here to discuss the perks that can, should, and may not return for BO3. Now, in black ops 2 we've had just about every perk return from black ops one and WAW. So it's safe to say they'll all return at one point. In black ops 2 however, 5 new perk machines were introduced, here's the general reception of these perks: Tombstone- Was a nice idea for a perk, especially on a map the size of tranzit, however, only being a Co-op perk and how it could be exploited to get all perks is an issue. I don't think this perk will be returning, however, it is more likely then Who's Who. Who's Who- Commonly referred to as the worst perk ever. 2000 is way over-priced …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
Fracture [story Concept] A long time ago there was a group composed of many scientists who’s intentions were to improve the human condition. Group 935. After world war 2 ended this secret organization became defunct and their very presence was forgotten as their story was buried within history. However….history should not be forgotten….or it could repeat itself…. The year is 1985. After world war II America Sparked massive scientific breakthroughs and technological advances never before deemed possible. Over the course of 40 years Humanity has Evolved into far more superior beings. Medical science now allows human beings to alter their own genetic makeup at will. Yo…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
What "Eddy's Turn" could actually be
by Guest- 3 replies
Ever since the DICE Summit I have been convinced that we are getting remastered zombie maps that may have a little extra content in them. By that I mean they may be changed and may have say different weapons. Also they could tell more story that couldn't be told. I have a theory, a very strange one about a map that I think is being hinted at to us. We keep getting bits of information such as Richtofen being erased in the Origins pictures or a new version of an old loading screen. I think this is alluding to the plot in Black Ops 3 and it will be a little different to what we have had before. Also, this kind of rectifies the Origins ending, at least to me, so I hope it doe…
- 12 replies
Well now we know the theme of Black Ops III is twisted and dark future with super soldier enhanced with robotics and other advanced tech. It is quite safe to say zombies will follow such a direction with guns, abilities ect. Sure they could do all the guns, assets, etc. specifically for zombies and make it take place in another era but I highly doubt it. So in World at War the oraginzation in power of zombies was Group 935 working for Nazis. There were also Americans working with this mysterious element 115 in WW2 but we didn't know much about them at the time. Then came Black Ops. We saw the downfall of Group 935 and Cold War and how Majestic 12 took bigger steps in th…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 27 replies
After the DICE Summit came out I made a post about where I think we are going next in zombies. (Here's the post: ) But after the reveal of Black Ops 3 and with further evidence of the storyline floating around, I think I have came up with even more ideas for what the future holds such as locations, plot elements and even possibly characters. The Beginning Origins is said to be the beginning of the story. I know people say that doesn't make sense but through all advertising points and all story in the map, it is the start. I personally do think that there is more to be explained with it. But I think that briding the gap between Origins and say Richtofen experimenting …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 8 replies
Well chaps, BO3 and a BO combo pack may have been leaked on amazon. The combo pack currently contains BO1 and First Strike and BO2 by the sounds of it but while its there for PS3 and 360, its not for next gen consoles, it also mentions a release of may 1st - could be when we first get info. Let me know what you guys think.
Last reply by Slade, -
- 0 replies
For details, please visit page 5 of the Pinned Concept thread: Attn TREYARCH - Advancement of Zombies, Bringing New Excitement to Old Mode. I created this thread before realizing one was already dedicated to this subject matter. Mods, please feel free to delete this thread at your convenience.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
The Ludvig Maxis Technique
by Guest- 1 reply
A famous novel written in 1962 written by William Heinemann known as 'A Clockwork Orange' is a story set in a near dystopian future where society is full of extreme youth violence. The protagonist, Alex who is a teenager is reformed in the novel and talks about his experiences. One method of reforming him was known as the Ludovico technique. The Ludovico technique is a form of aversion therapy. The therapy involves making the patient watch violent images for long periods of time, while being forced to have their eyes open via a specula. Also, they were given drugs to induce nausea, paralysis and fear. Eventually, the patients would experience severe nausea when causin…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 8 replies
its pretty certain that the next iteration of zombies will have a ranking system of some kind, but shouldnt our ranks reflect what type of player we are? maybe through emblems? heres my general idea. - a medic emblem for players that revive often or even buy quick revive in mp consistently. syringe maybe? - a general team player emblem, this would be for players who buy tons of doors, build things or complete EEs. -high rounder emblems 40+=shotguns, 50+= dual rayguns, 60+=theb wonder weapon from that specific map. -emblems for headshots/accuracy. crosshairs or what not. -strategist embems, there would be 2 types, camper or runner - emblem for players that stay in…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 13 replies
Many times we have wondered why there are never Zombie Children in Zombie Games. How come adult zombies is all we ever face. A common explanation is that having zombie children, especially as enemies that we can kill is bad publicity because it shows violence against children. However....what if there was a Darker and more Sinister reason as to why there are no Kid Zombies running around Well....Did you know that when an african Lion eats a Child it leaves no Bones Behind? The child Simply vanishes which is why children in africa are often taught to stay away from the jungles and the tall grasses. because often They vanish without a trace. Now Imagine what would h…
- 15 replies
I think Muse would be absolutely perfect for Zombies, their eerie and haunting music could fit so nicely.
Last reply by RedDeadRiot, -
- 0 replies
Ever since the DICE Summit, there has been evidence of maps being remade. Not like in Rezzurection, but actual map remakes. There is such evidence as the Fly Trap advertisement from Moon being moved, the image of a gun that we have not seen in either a new location or possibly an old one and finally a lot of other pictures that seem to show new things in old locations. Here is evidence for at least multiple maps being recreated: Evidence from the DICE Summit: Restoration of 935: New gun: New version of the Der Riese loading screen: A (seemingly) changed map layout of Call of the Dead: Shangri La's loading screens. One is much lik…
- 2 replies
This is how you release a stand-alone zombie game base on alternate game modes of previous games. New story content. Add more old content, animations, weapons. Update graphics. Support loyalty. Add characters. Let you pick who you want to play as. Customize weapons, loadout, difficulty. Remaster everything. I'm going to buy this to tide me over. I never played it because I didn't want the standard sniper gameplay. But this I can get into.
Last reply by Lenne, -
Buried: Easter Egg Theory
by Guest- 7 replies
The theory I have created today regards the Buried easter egg. I will try to explain what the Wisp is, if the characters die and if we can tell who resumes control in the end. Okay, the first two important things I want to say about this theory are this: 1.) I believe that when Samantha or Richtofen are in the Aether, they only have control over a certain number of zombies. Even though they can change the eye colour, zombies will just try to eat people like regular zombies unless they are being controlled to just kill like we see in game. 2.) While Aether gives much power to those in control of the undead, it does not give them the power to control all zombies or mak…
- 15 replies
I discovered this and don't think anyone else has before, and it seems pretty important as a clue. The black blob in the catalog from the DICE talk background is a Flesh Eating Venus Fly Trap. The text says "FLESH EATING. Plants that will eat you? ? Larger ? and beautiful. 5454 Plants $1.50" And the number of it in the catalog, #5454, is the same number that is written on the torn out order form from the Moon loading screen. The Flesh Eating venus fly trap is one of the items ordered. They ordered 2 of them, item #5454, for $1.50 each! But they tore it off, as if they changed their mind about that item? Then it's put back in place on th…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
Where I think we are going next
by Guest- 1 follower
- 22 replies
After the DICE presentation and some little bits of insights into the story, I have kind of compiled information that I think links together and will make up the next story arc. So here are my thoughts. First of all, I think that we will be continuing on with the story around Origins, but I think that the map we will get with the game, or at least one map will take place before this blueprint as there is another page seemingly before it, what that entails I do not know but I do think I know what this blue print links to. So we have a date, 1915 which is funny to me considering that this blueprint was meant to be made 100 years ago this year, those dates' connections ju…
- 1 follower
- 149 replies
Hey there. I made this post to throw some of my ideas on how to take the classic Nazi Zombies game mode and bring it to the next level while maintaining it's core gameplay that so many have come to enjoy. The main purpose of this is that while there has always been some new equipment and perks and enemey types added. The zombie mode gets to a repetitve stall around rounds 20+. That is when the players have most of their things and now they only focus on their ammo reserve and doing same loops as long as they can. Games can take very long and at some point your guns are useless and only way to play is to make points to use traps over and over again. So here are som…
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 1 follower
- 463 replies
^ From Nightmare Voyager. Things seen in the backgrounds of the video, compied from throughout this thread by various users (see thread for details) and modified/merged/added to slightly by me. These are more or less facts, not speculation as to what they mean. Richtofen crossed out with fab 4 on two separate pictures from the Origins time period, one from Twitter account photos, one from B&W face profiles Inspirations for zombies showed walking dead and 28 days later. The storyline has direct connections. The Die Rise TV mentions Atlanta and the zombies being a virus. Brain and heart sketches under the pictures in a book The monkey skull the looks like t…
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 43 replies
Before we get started, YES. I do know that there are other games dedicated to zombies only. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What if Treyarch/Infinity Ward/Sledgehammer made a CoD game specifically dedicated to zombies? Think about it: there would be more memory to put in more maps, weapons, and other features. Yes, there would still be multiplayer, but multiplayer survival or grief. Instead of having 3 base maps, there could be 7 or 8 maps. Even a "Zombies Campaign", where it shows all the maps and easter eggs to finish the storyline. Even better, like in WaW, you could build yo…
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