Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
anything new about the new zombie map ??? :twisted: i am just obsessed with zombies
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 12 replies
For map pack 3 I think were gonna go back to The Moon/Area 51 but I think they are going to expand both areas make griffen station bigger and maybe a tunnel to another station or maybe you can actually travel across the moon to the dark side of the moon which was a big conspricy when we the U.S first landed in the moon and also expand area 51 more and I believe for a fact the O4 and Phd will be back for the last 2 mappacks I think they keep the N4 in tranzit and DieRise then they did the actors for mp2 as suspected so the only way they top mp2 is by bringing our O4 back to do thier sides of the easter egg
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
- 12 replies
Whaddup guys, So a few days before CoDz went down, there were quite a few interesting (and pretty revealing) tweets from David Vonderhaar, the lead game designer for BO2, and Jimmy Zielinski, a lead designer for Zombies, about upcoming DLC. (Ermahgerd those last names.) They weren't those typical cryptic ones they usually give out, either. They were straight up giving out info about it. Here's the main ones that should be looked at: 1. Jimmy and his Brother (maybe.) First off, I really don't know if this guy is really Jimmy's brother or if it's just a joke or something, but that's unimportant. Jimmy's reply made me do a double take. Austin asked if we…
Last reply by jerry533482, -
- 12 replies
Hello everyone!!! A few minutes ago 'Treyarch Studios' sent out a vine video on their twitter page, here it is: Twitter Status: ... 9406828548 Direct Video Link (I couldn't seem to play the vine video on the website so here is the direct video link): ... ONNPtfSWIB Vine Link: So, what do you all think? Is this a hint of what's to come... or what was before? :shock:
Last reply by WhosOnFirst, -
- 12 replies
So while zombies is out of season, I decided to give Ghosts a try. I wasn't too impressed with the campaign and multiplayer didn't interest me. Extinction however, is a different story. I played it a few times and wasn't very good but as I kept going and going I started to absolutely love it. It has that zombies survival feel with a mix of interesting challenges and objectives that keeps the game from getting boring and repetitive. Playing all of this Extinction made me think an awful lot about zombies and how what Extinction is doing right could easily work in zombies. So I'd like to break down a few things I think zombies could learn from Extinction. AI: The first …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Ok so, in BO2 one of the most gripping things about it's changes to zombies is the change of the dying crawler. In waw or bo1 the crawler could be kept alive indefinantly, even on large maps like moon. I'll admit, it would have been very painful to wait for a crawler to cross the map in tranzit, but as for buried, MOTD, and origins… Why not keep the crawler alive? In die-rise it would be caught on an elevator or stuck on a random floor so it also makes sense, but these 3 maps are different. SO do we want to see the return of the "shoot to kill" crawler, or do we want to have to keep a "full zombie" alive?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 12 replies
Well now we know the theme of Black Ops III is twisted and dark future with super soldier enhanced with robotics and other advanced tech. It is quite safe to say zombies will follow such a direction with guns, abilities ect. Sure they could do all the guns, assets, etc. specifically for zombies and make it take place in another era but I highly doubt it. So in World at War the oraginzation in power of zombies was Group 935 working for Nazis. There were also Americans working with this mysterious element 115 in WW2 but we didn't know much about them at the time. Then came Black Ops. We saw the downfall of Group 935 and Cold War and how Majestic 12 took bigger steps in th…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 11 replies
I have speculation that a new zombie map could be berlin wall. There is some zombie looking stuff around and it would be a great map. You would be able use the turrents and iniatilly the open spaces would be blocked off but for purchase. The vantage points would amazing for sniping or just killing. The team could go there looking for refuge , only to find more zombies. however there is very little info to support this. But i think it would make a very interesting map. sry for it being so long hope you read it. this is all straight out of my mind and nowhere else!
Last reply by DeckchairsFTW, -
- 11 replies
So there's been hints of a "Paris" map all the way back since "Der Riese" and the notice board pics cuz there's pictures of Ascension and i think "Five" But don't quote me. I've heard from MrDalekJD that they scheduled "Paris" for BO1 but in the last three weeks before Rezurrection's release they changed it to Moon, giving the fact there was a month gap between Annihilation and Rezurrection that would make sense. Also, the Map selection on Zombies is a FULL globe, so there's definitely gonna be maos in other countries, and giving all the previous things i've mentioned, there's an ample opportunity that Paris will be one. Also, what other connections to other wo…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 11 replies
I received the following image in an anonymous email: Could this be what Treyarch was hinting towards in the new MP Message of the Day? Looks like we've got some exciting times ahead of us...
Last reply by Kane Marston, -
- 11 replies
So does anyone think the new die rise map will be a tranzit type of map? As much as I would approve I kinda have my doubts. For one, I don't think activision would miss the oppurtunity to advertise revolution as 4 multi player maps plus "multiple" zombie maps. I think it would lean more so towards how nuketown is, another location to zoom in on and one survival/ possible grief mode. Thoughts?
Last reply by Undead, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, I don't mean to have this come around as a rage thread for me, but can someone please give me some serious reasons why Atlantis would be an upcoming zombie map? Everytime I see a post on how Atlantis is coming, I think it's ridiculous for a few reasons. 1) What hints have we been receiving to show why it would be a new map? 2) If our tower trend continues, what kind of a tower would be at the bottom of the ocean? 3) With all the water in Green Run becoming lava, what will have become of the ocean? I just hope to gather enough evidence/get rid of fake evidence to get a serious idea on if there's a real possibility of it being a map.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, just a theory on what I hope will be included in the next DLC or future maps. Okay, I am a firm believer in buying perks. They are quite useful and save your butt in many situations. I would like to see a buildable perk machine. Imagine if you had to choose between PhD Flopper and Jugg (or any other perk thats up to 3arc)? Now this would be only one perk machine but two possible outcomes. Parts: Base. Found by the table. Same for both machines. Power Supply: Maybe a wire? Found in a room with a hole in the ceiling. Jump to pick up. Same for both machines. Actual Machine. Now there is no location for this because I do not know which perks would be wh…
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 11 replies
Disclaimer: I am by no means qualified to write any of this. It is mearly a lot of reading & basically copy & paste. I have just provided some basic information in which you can learn more from by your own means. Warning:This is a long one… A very big thanks to MixMasterNut & AlphaSnake for posting some awesome topics on this subject which have given me so many ideas such as this & things to research. Cheers! This might not be the next map & I may be completely off here, but I’m confident we are going to Vietnam at some point. This post is going to have many different parts to it, varying in many different locations & even…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 11 replies
ZOMBIE FEILD is like Green Run (or something close), there's a bus that takes you to different places in Tranzit mode. There are five small maps that the bus can take you to, also separate maps for other modes: -Forest -White House -Mall -Volcano -Tunguska These small maps are connected by the Tranzit road. So that means Zombie Feild would have to be somewhere in North East of America. The Easter egg would be complicated because I haven't thought of the other maps in terms of traps or designs. But all this is Tranzit. Survival again has separate maps to play. Every map has a box, a perk, and a Pack-a-Punch. However, you can only find this perk on Forest, …
Last reply by Illuminatti115, -
- 11 replies
Hi y'all! I was playing Der Riese and remembered how fun it was to not know there was a full easter egg and think the discovering never ends. That's what I want to see in the next DLC. Ditch the full easter egg thing for one map pack and give us something like Der Riese. Update more easter eggs and hide them in places where we will never find them for years. That would be a dream map. Anyone else agree?
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 11 replies
When I first saw the announcement for the Pack-a-Punch camo, I was ecstatic. It looked to be the camo from WaW, which is by far my favourite. However, when I bought the camo today and used it, I noticed something odd about it. For starters, it has gold highlights in it. WaW's camo did not have these. Also, the designs seem random, like the PaP camos for the maps in BOII, and not somewhat symmetrical like WaW's. So, while this camo bears a resemblance to World at War's PaP camo, it does not quite fit the bill. Thus, this got me thinking. Could this "camo" be DLC 4's possible Pack-a-Punch camo? As in, this was just a taste of things to come?
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 11 replies
- 4.2k views ... chine-gun/ UFO Downed In 1917–By The Red Baron! UFO Killer Manfred von Richthofen Image Credit: C.J. von Duerthen via Wikimedia Commons Yes, you read that correctly, but even I find it hard to accept. It is so out there I doubt Hollywood would even buy it. As the saying goes, though, truth is stranger than fiction, as this UFO story convincingly illustrates. This is a tale of how a routine dawn patrol led to The Red Baron’s strangest kill–a UFO–in a storied career ended by a single bullet, whose origin is hotly disputed. It is March 13, 1917, and Rittmeister (Cavalry Captain) Manfred von Richthofen, com…
Last reply by NikolaisVodka, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
So there's this guy on twitter that claims to have worked on cod but quit and also claims to know about bo3 and how zombies is going to have TDM and ffa wat yall think?
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 11 replies
i know there's another topic on perk ideas, but i wanted to give it a try. what perks do people have in mind for the next CODZ game?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 11 replies
We all had to remember the picture of a zombie and the Eiffel Tower that can be found on Der Riese. Hopefully I'm not wrong, but I believe that Moon was supposed to be Paris before they actually changed it to Moon since the code name refers to Paris, yes? I don't think any of he BO2 maps take place in Paris either (could be wrong on that). Is there any chance we'd see them in Paris now? That's like the map I'm certainly waiting for to happen, even if Moon did in fact come in its place. I know there has be something story wise that'll lead to Paris or at least somewhere in France.
- 11 replies
Ok this is kind of tongue in cheek, but if Treyarch is still releasing DLC for Black Ops 2, then it's more within the realm of possibility that they could release DLC 5, right?
Last reply by Kyle8957, -
- 11 replies
Here's a mental idea. Hold me. What if Marlton, Misty, Stulinger and Russman, are [unknowingly] sleeper-agents? Their minds modified, such and such. Maybe this goes deeper. In the comic-book which was just released, it showed us a Zombie capable of controlling other zombies - at least that is what it looked like - and dodging Misty's bullet, which is a technique used in the past More on that below,] Maybe it's even capable of cognitive thought? There's evidence in Gorod Krovi that tells us that the Marlton and company were at some point 'property' of a specific group. May it be government, Broken Arrow, or whoever. This idea isn't new …
Last reply by Abel!, -
- 10 replies
I have wanted "Moonbies" for some time now, and now with the release of Ascension, I am hoping they follow it up with some type of moon map. Now I am not literally saying "on the moon", but maybe some type of "anti-gravity" area would be amazing. A good setting could be a "115 Refining/Storage Facility" or even a German moon base. It would be cool to see the monkeys return. Maybe we can find out their origins. (They did fall from the sky after all...) Were they tested on with 115? (More than likely) Again, this is what I would like to see, and may be probable after Ascension... Imo.
Last reply by NukaColaClear, -
- 10 replies
Okay, so there's a bunch of things that point to a new zombies map on firing range/area51. Please add my PSN: trapper14. I think i have a strategie that can get us to round 45 or higher! Anyway, on with the facts: -on firing range, outside the map on the side with the white portables there is a sign that says Gateway to hell, Dewcon nla co., you are now entering Quarantaine, liberated by mike curran 2nd bn 7th cav date 7 April 68. - gateway to hell seems like a zombie apocalypse kind of thing to say. -I didn't find anything on deacon co or nla. - Quarataine is the word quarantine in French and German and that seems like a good nam…
Last reply by anubis366,
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