Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
When do you think we will get a trailer. I VERY much doubt it will be the 13th. Simply due to that being a day before the Ghosts MP reveal. They just usually don't do that. One can argue the reason they made the date the 14th, is because a trailer will be on the 13th but idk. I am still holding out for this week. I went back and looked at trailers they released not on a Tuesday. The BO2 Zombies reveal was on Wednesday, and some Rezzurection stuff was on Thursday, and Friday. Like I said I am holding out hope for some teaser this week. What do you think? PS sorry for some possibly bad grammar.
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 3 replies
I have been thinking about something. There are many silhouettes without names, and faces without names. People have come up with many theories about these people, but there is one that I have not seen. What if they're all the same person. The silhouettes on the Nacht Der Untoten loading screen would be the first time that they showed up. This makes them the FIRST character introduced. Even before the Fab Four. A certain piece of evidence that they are the same person is the fact that they are connected with the Fab Four in Shi No Numa, and again with the portraits in Kino Der Toten. In fact, they're really all over the place. They'r…
- 10 replies
Hello everyone. Here I am again, with another crazy theory. This is copy pasted from my reply in another thread, but I feel this deserves it's own discussion. So here we go. Alright, so after the Big Red Button of Impending Doom is pressed, the Easter eggs for Black Ops 2 are officially, finally complete. Despite which side you're on, Richtofen says that Samantha still has his body. So what does this mean? The O4 are still alive. And not on the Moon. "But Tak, how did they get off the moon by themselves and NOT die?!" Well, they didn't get off by themselves. After Richtofen got bored and found some new toys to play with (N4/CIA/CDC) he teleported Dempsey, T…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
Well. I don't really know what to think of this. Anyone have any ideas? Photo cred goes to TheResort on /r/CODZombies
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 5 replies
Remember 2 or 3 weeks ago there was the "leaks" of the zombies DLC? Well i know that Bermuda was definitely a fan made idea, but was Facility 41? It would seem to make sense if it wasn't and honestly when i seen the Die Rise poster i immediately thought it looked like a warehouse or some abandoned industrial estate. Now i've heard people say it#s gonna be like Highrise from MW2, But unlikely cuz the building looks half collapsed like that building in MP, Aftermath. Maybe we'll can go ontop of it. A remake of Der Riese is unlikely. If they did it would be the last DLC pack and it would just be reskinned, no added parts Also i haven't seen any discussion about whe…
Last reply by Saleenseven, -
- 1 reply
There are 16 lyrical songs produced by Treyarch Sound for the Easter Eggs in the Zombies storyline. There are also four playable characters. That evenly divides the songs into four groups. While it might be... pareidolia... to mark this... I don't think it is. I found a few interesting connections when separating the songs into four distinct groups. The first group includes all of the music from Call of Duty: WAW Zombies, and one song from Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies. They are Edward's inner thoughts and conversations with the other four. Lullaby for a Deadman - Edward Richtofen's thoughts about himself, including parts of what he thinks about the oth…
- 3 replies
***I started this thread a long time ago when Buried first came out, and I even had this theory in mind longer. Since MOTD was release to be exact. But with CODZ going down, my summer job, and the fact that my laptop has been away for repair, I haven’t been able to finish it. I don’t want to leave this thread unfinished, but I really want to get my thoughts out there before Origins releases. The culmination of all my ideas/theories over this past COD Zombie year has led me to this opinion as to where we are heading next. MY theory is finished, but I need to continue working on the evidence. The release of Origins could potentially nullify many of the things …
Last reply by Chopperface, -
- 15 replies
I think Muse would be absolutely perfect for Zombies, their eerie and haunting music could fit so nicely.
Last reply by RedDeadRiot, -
- 4 replies
So I just watched the music video or trailer for Zombie Chronicles. I noticed that there is a GobbleGum machine in it. Which leads me to believe that the did more than just remaster the maps. I do not know how I feel about this. It just wont have the same feeling of accomplishment getting to higher rounds using the GobbleGum machine. But it could also come in handy and be very useful on Origins, and Moon, which both take ages and ages to get set up on. But this also leads me to start believing some of the theories and speculations of new and different easter eggs in the maps. I mean I am sure that they will keep all of the main easter eggs, and most of the small ones, but…
- 4 replies
I have been toying around with this theory for a while now. I just posted it on the Codz reddit, but I feel it also belongs on Codz. I believe this quote from the Zombie Chronicles timeline gives an interesting hint towards the true nature of Monty and the Shadowman. “In the beginning, there was only the Aether and the Keepers. Among them were two beings who would later be known by many names. One would be known as Doctor Monty and the other as the Shadowman” The second line appears to indicate Monty and the Shadowman were former keepers; the “among them” meaning “among the keepers”. However, if the second sentence only refers to the keepers, …
Last reply by Mattzs, -
- 12 replies
anything new about the new zombie map ??? :twisted: i am just obsessed with zombies
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 24 replies
I think a map in the dark catacombs would be sweet. Easter egg song from hollywood undead. And the 4 main characters go in and try to find lost secrets left by explores or scientist. With death ending tunnels, flashlights needed, screams and moments that make you jump and I don't think power would really work but instead have a power recharge for some guns and flash lights. Zombies could put the gate way to hell in it and other sweet things. i would like to see Tank and the rest of 935 scream in fear of what lays ahead. What are your thoughts? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
I hope the next 2 map packs are epic and I hope the last dlc is all zombies with 5 new maps and I also would love it if they drop single zombie maps like they did with the micro downloads for mp I wouldn't even mind buying every map from waw and Bo if they were micro dlc I want to see this wholemap filled up because we're goingtohaveto wait until November 2014 for black ops 3 that's a little over a year from Bo2 final mappack :-( that's going to be a long wait so I'mpraying they fill this whole globe with maps what do you guys think they are goingto do
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
I just had a quick suggestion for the Zombie storyline. BE warned, this is a conglomeration of a couple of posts I made on the official COD forums, they are old. Sorry for any confusion! I really hope this is the section that Treyarch reads for suggestions I was wondering if thet could add a new playable character to the zombie storyline. The whole Nazi Occultist aspect of the story has a whole “Indiana Jones” feel to it and I was wondering if you could add an archeologist/historian character to the story. BUT, this is not simply for fan boy purposes, I have legitimates reasons: 1. It’s a perfect homage- The entire zombie storyline revolves around Nazi Occu…
Last reply by Mattzs, -
- 8 replies
What are your guys ideas on Blops2 DLC 2, and Also as a side note The season pass is their gonna be bonuses or extras to people who have it?
Last reply by XxJason LivesxX, -
- 16 replies
So I was thinking the other day as cool as it would be to have ALL available maps into one central game, I certainly do not feel like purchasing the same old maps for like the 5th time now.... So, what if instead, they introduced the classic maps (WaW to Blops), Blops 2 style? Obviously it would mainly be just for fun, but I think it would be pretty cool if they did a Tranzit style mash up for a WaW and Blops "map pack". Have the "Main" mode where you can relive all of the zombies maps in one go by having the ability to teleport between sections of each of the maps, or, play it the way you remember it and play each map individually on Survival. Hell, spice things up and s…
Last reply by ArronMalins, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
* Plays Paraphony, Shangri La’s beautiful loading screen song, on the background* Guten abend liebe leute! I’m sure everyone has had a little basic history on school, but I am asking you: Where did it began? We are taught about the old empires of the Romans, Greeks, Persians and Chinese. We learned about the first human settlements in Mesopotamia, and perhaps a little bit about the ancient hunters, the early homo sapiens, as well. But we must agree that there is still alot we do not know about that time period, still hidden in the mysterious fog of history. Or are there things we do not want to know? Were we the first sentient organisms on this globe? Or has Earth be…
Last reply by anonymous, -
Die Rise *Notes* Findings
by Guest- 6 replies
Die Rise *Notes* Findings This is a continuation on a post I started back in 2013 during the first few months of Die Rise. What started out as just an ordinary sign on the wall became an unnerving mystery that I couldn't let slip by. What Sign? The "No Smoking Sign" just as you drop down from the spawn area. Since this map released I've been looking high and low for something close to it but it wasn't until BO3 released and we seen the Apothicon symbols.. First I'll point out that the Chinese characters do not mean No Smoking however I have been able to translate to the following: …
- 1 follower
- 17 replies
If you didn't know, in Shi No Numa their is a radio that can be activated. It has a small segment of audio from Call of the Dead, when the O4 are trapped and you can hear Takeo being sick. I never see anyone question it though. So why is it in Shi No Numa? It completely confuses me every time I think of it because I cannot see any links between the maps besides this radio. It has to mean something too, like the audio should be from say 2010 yet its in the 40s. So how is it possible?
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
The Man, The Myth, The Legend "Tank" Dempsey was an American Marine serving in the Pacific Front of World War II, as well as an operative for the OSS through their efforts to steal Group 935's secrets in the developing technological front of the war. Little is known about his life before the war, and he would prefer to keep it that way. In terms of his family, he would only admit to having a 5 year-old daughter, a daughter he may never see again. Dempsey prefers the world see him as a muscled, masculine "Tank" of a man: A lover of a good fight and of a good woman. He is the embodiment of American male exceptionalism of the 20th Century. …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 2 replies
Der Wonderfizz It's a mysterious perk machine able to pull a perk into existence, presumably from another world, even worlds outside the current map you're on. And, YOU my good sir or madam, are Dr. Monty's LATEST scientist on hire. Your job? Create your own perk machines for all to enjoy. Essentially, this is a thread for any perk ideas you may want to implement, create, or discuss, similar to the "WONDERful Wonder Weapon Discussion Thread" (which you shouldn't confuse with this thread) Perk Suggestions: Please fill out the fallowing file for every perk you wish to purpose to the…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
I think for a future zombie map they should have J.F.K., Macnamara, Dempsey and Takeo as the characters. Then perhaps for the map after that have Richtofen, Nikolai, Nixon and Castro. It could easily be explained in the story because their MDT's could have glitched when the characters on Five and the main characters on another map used them at the same time.
Last reply by harrdstyle, -
- 5 replies
I noticed it looks a bit off. I drew lines connecting ends to end of the text and pictures. They are even paralleled correctly Its the best i could do but, still even without the green lines it just looks way off. I also took the line below induction and it doesn't line up with the lines in the map. Pro. made posters would not have mistakes like this
Last reply by Verrückt, -
- 3 replies
Though known about since Ascension, Richtofen's diary is an item that has taken up somewhat of an importance in the story as of late. Explicitly mentioned for the first time in years by The Timeline, we learn that it was the purpose for journeying to the Rising Sun Facility, in game being represented as the infamous Laughing Book (Keep this in mind), specifically that after reading it, Richtofen began to "form his plan". The issue is, Richtofen starts at Der Riese, awakening his test subjects; they then travel to Manchuria, only to return to Breslau with only the diary in hand - so what makes it so important? After teleporting from Der Riese, the diary is drop…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 11 replies
We all had to remember the picture of a zombie and the Eiffel Tower that can be found on Der Riese. Hopefully I'm not wrong, but I believe that Moon was supposed to be Paris before they actually changed it to Moon since the code name refers to Paris, yes? I don't think any of he BO2 maps take place in Paris either (could be wrong on that). Is there any chance we'd see them in Paris now? That's like the map I'm certainly waiting for to happen, even if Moon did in fact come in its place. I know there has be something story wise that'll lead to Paris or at least somewhere in France.
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