Research & Development
For those who wish to talk and discuss, or speculate, their ideas for upcoming Zombies maps.
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516 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Looks pretty legit jan 29th new map pack REVOLUTION Do you guys think it will be a tranzit style map or just a big style map? Im just excited for new maps and new content I know this is in the other forums just wanted to put it on here. And get your guys thoughts on if it will be tranzit style or not
Last reply by game78, -
- 18 replies
@Naitrax brought this to my attention, where before I didn't even know it existed. Pre-downloading DLC. This would mean downloading DLC 2-3 days in advance to drop time, but still not being able to play it until launch. This method is mainly in place for those whom HATE downloading things for their slow internet, this way they would be given plenty of time (2-3 days is plenty of time for even the slowest internet) to download, so when it launched we can all quickly stick it in and play immediately.
Last reply by lead_psychopath, -
- 11 replies
So there's been hints of a "Paris" map all the way back since "Der Riese" and the notice board pics cuz there's pictures of Ascension and i think "Five" But don't quote me. I've heard from MrDalekJD that they scheduled "Paris" for BO1 but in the last three weeks before Rezurrection's release they changed it to Moon, giving the fact there was a month gap between Annihilation and Rezurrection that would make sense. Also, the Map selection on Zombies is a FULL globe, so there's definitely gonna be maos in other countries, and giving all the previous things i've mentioned, there's an ample opportunity that Paris will be one. Also, what other connections to other wo…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 12 replies
Hello everyone!!! A few minutes ago 'Treyarch Studios' sent out a vine video on their twitter page, here it is: Twitter Status: ... 9406828548 Direct Video Link (I couldn't seem to play the vine video on the website so here is the direct video link): ... ONNPtfSWIB Vine Link: So, what do you all think? Is this a hint of what's to come... or what was before? :shock:
Last reply by WhosOnFirst, -
- 7 replies
Im a music guy, or at least portray myself as such, and I think a colab of a few artists would make a KILLER song! Lizzy Hale Maria Brink Amy Lee Lead singer for Flyleaf David Driaman M shadows (already done, but still) Ivan Moody Rob Halford Jamey Jasta John Mayer (interesting mellow part in the middle either before a huge solo or before a strong part of the song) Slash Santana Zakk Wylde Lead Guitarist for Dragonforce This would be an intense song. It'd have ups, downs, and mixes no one has quite heard of. Of course this would be a rather large song, lasting a while in gameplay, but after its all said and done, it'd make one killer…
Last reply by Hannibal, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Ok so, in BO2 one of the most gripping things about it's changes to zombies is the change of the dying crawler. In waw or bo1 the crawler could be kept alive indefinantly, even on large maps like moon. I'll admit, it would have been very painful to wait for a crawler to cross the map in tranzit, but as for buried, MOTD, and origins… Why not keep the crawler alive? In die-rise it would be caught on an elevator or stuck on a random floor so it also makes sense, but these 3 maps are different. SO do we want to see the return of the "shoot to kill" crawler, or do we want to have to keep a "full zombie" alive?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hello....and welcome Back.....Today I would like to talk about a key component to Zombies which was first introduced to the Game on Verrukt. This Key element is the Power switch. The Power has remained relatively the same since verrukt until Shangri-la. In shangri-la there were 2 switches and instead of just powering up the map it showed us a unique way the power was provided. By taking energy from Water. Although the result was the same we still got to see something new. Then in Tranzit we had a new quest to turn on the Power. We had to build the Power switch. This is a simple task that takes a minute or so to complete if you know where the parts are. You c…
Last reply by ThePrawnier, -
- 18 replies
So, with all the building and theorizing, ripping, tearing and critiquing (respectfully, of course) that we do out here, I would like to hear y'all's input on what some of the worst, most far fetched theories y'all have ever heard proposed, for this thread, specifically in regards to the World at War/BO re-release maps, whether on here, YouTube, or elsewhere. Under Supported/Under Researched/Unfounded/Far Fetched: a.) Based on, or related to events in another game, narrative, or other media or literature that is not directly referred to, clearly implied (by virtue of relationship), or was not confirmed in a later map. b.) Directly, though not deliberately, contradicti…
Last reply by DrVonstool, -
- 3 replies
What about the lighthouse? Why would 3arc put a picture of a lighthouse if there wouldnt be a map for it? I mean why not put a map in England bcuz England was involved in ww2 and they could have found German technolgy leading to their own zombie creations. And also i still don't understand why ascension was the next map bcuz they never showed any easter eggs leading towards to a rocket place except for the teleporter room with the rocket. And speaking of that room has anyone made an in depth thread of that room bcuz there is tv in the room that show a house like the one in villa. And think about villa as the lighthousemap becuase there is a sort beach part outside the m…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 6 replies
ok so i had an idea for a realy awesome zombie map. current name for it is dead rain. ok just to give you an idea of this map, remember that mission in BO2 campaign (dont remember the name) where you have to hide from the helicopter like drones in that fluded streets? well its a lot like that. random asortment of ideads. the streets of this level is fluded. if you stand still you will be drifted down stream. its raing very hard somtimes making it hard to see. lightning hits the water look out! it can weaken and stun you & the zombies! perk machines float down stream! bye them quick or they will float down stream & you will ha…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 9 replies
So I was looking at the challenges within the game(i.e Zombie Hunter and the like) and noticed a sort of running theme between the three different sets. For instance, all of the achievables within the "Zombie Hunter" tier of challenges have calling cards which seem to reference the Shadows of Evil noir style. The other two tiers(one of them is "Gum Gobbler" and the other is "Survivalist" if I remember right) have general themes. The one I found interesting was the second tier, Survivalist. There seems to be somewhat of a Dia de Los Muertos theme ongoing, or the "Day of the Dead" for the non familiar. This ties in with something that Dempsey says in one…
- 4 replies
So, we know about the file in the game called "zombie_cairo" since there were one called "zombie_cosmodrome" and Ascension came out the way it is we cannot forget about that. It actually makes sense since Richtofen for an example is connected with the Illuminati and their symbol may have something to do with Egypt. Let's pretend there was an Illuminati base in there, what if it got destroyed or abandoned during the +20 years they time traveled. So, Richtofen could be going to the base's ruins to look for something. The other theory is Area 51. Since the coordinates in SNN pointed it. It was also pointed that the "americans had more 115 on nevada base." Wel…
Last reply by HalfSwiss, -
- 17 replies
chance to get a pack-a-punched weapon out of box
Last reply by Ryan Nowell, -
- 7 replies
The tentacles of the Apothicans aren't really 'tentacles'. It's more that they're pieces of the being floating in and out of dimensions and that our mind can only comprehend them as tentacles. Carl Sagan's 'Flatland' describes this phenomenon fairly well. In it he explains how a third dimension is not only inconceivable but impossible to perceive by the two-dimensional senses of the inhabitants of the flat land. When a 3D being enters the 2D realm, any 2D, which he calls Flatlander, can perceive only one layer of the 3D being, changing as it enters the 2D realm further. Here are videos of certain 3D fruits (starfruit, garlic, banana), going through a 2D layer …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 7 replies
So first off, I have to explain WHY the MDT is capable of time travel. Why it exceeded it's intended use, and why Edward 'didn't expect it'. Let's explain it this way. We all know the first three dimensions. Length, Height, and Depth. Those are spacial dimensions. Then we have time as the fourth dimension. They weave together and form Space-Time. The single WORST aspect of LITERALLY every time travel movie and book is such a glaring hole that it amazes me that no one has picked up on it, or at least explored it. Zombies is no exception. Time travel in media SOLELY focuses on travel through time. It ignores the spacial dimensions completely. It ignores the PRI…
Last reply by Samantha's Teddy CXV, -
Time Loop Helix Complex
by Guest- 14 replies
I have been thinking really hard about time travel and the like and how what has happened in the Giant fits into zombies. So I believe I have came up with a solution to a lot of the big questions that have arose from the Giant and even before then. Anyways the first thing I want to get out of the way is that I am really against the alternate universes idea. Not because I don't like the idea, I am writing a story about it and I love the idea. Of course it could fit into the story, I am not denying that fact but I think it offers a more complicated explanation to all of this and that this theory will give another take on that, making it so you don't really need any alternat…
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 7 replies
So in the recent "Letters From the Field" from Treyarch's Facebook page, aside from other "sources", there has been mention that there is the possibility of a giant metal man in Northern France, where the next map is supposedly taking place. Recently I've been looking into stuff that was hidden in Der Riese, and I discovered something that read "Die Glocke is mobile." This implies at the time of writing the note, Die Glocke isn't currently at Der Riese, so there's a possibility the teleporters weren't actually Die Glocke, but was instead this giant machine. This is just a quick theory I threw together at one in the morning, so it likely has many holes. What ar…
Last reply by killerussian, -
- 6 replies
Hi, it's the boring guy here. We are still a good year away from the next zombies game, and at this point we can only speculate and suggest. Everyday we have people suggesting map locations or weapon ideas, to better market the next game. The boring guy thinks Treyarch should pay more attention to the gameplay to be successful, and less on the atmosphere. Here are the details. Give us options My two least favorite games, COTD and Buried, offer little variety when it comes to gameplay. Every game on COTD has the same basic set up and same basic strategy, and the same could be said for Buried. Both maps offer little room for the players to try different th…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
So this is odd. On the new CoD Advanced Warfare Xbox One bundle, there are zombies style hashes (round markers). I really hope there is not zombies in Sledgehammer's game at this point. I hope it's just some sort of weird hommage. But maybe it's something similar like cyborg zombies or terminator robots, though I'm not sure why they'd have little chalk marks for rounds in a future setting. We'll see I guess. There must be a reason it's there.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 17 replies
This seems to be a big thing now appearing in Ghost's and AW's multiplayer, and what I want to know is, does everyone want it to continue over into zombies? Rules: -The appearance of the player does not actually effect the player's gameplay (Other then rumors) -The custom character is only available in non-story modes. For example: We would still see russman, stu, marelton and misty in buried, but borough would consist of our own creations. -Some customs are earn-able others are purchasable. Because as far as I see it, no one has yet to oppose to this idea, and with the way IFW and SH have gone about doing things, I don't see why zombies would be differe…
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 15 replies
Everybody loved the original four no doubt but someday we will have to move away from them. Before then we need to tell Treyarch what we want next so they don't ruin the next set of characters. People did not like the New Crew (Though I did) Maybe because they were not well written and maybe because people weren't ready to let go of the others. For now I want you to imagine a clean slate. No story restrictions, no mention of old characters. These are the first in a generation, it is your choice what they will be like and how they will work in a new story. One of the key things I saw when surveying old characters is lack of emotion or reactions. Its a zombie apocalyps…
- 24 replies
FEAR TEDDY makes absolutely no sense. FEAR RUSS makes absolutely no sense. FEAR RUVE is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. There is NO map pack 5. There were never any plans and there won't ever be any plans for a "Dark Side of the Moon" map. The TranZit 4 characters are dead. They are in Buried, forever. The Original 4 characters WILL be returning in the next map. Albert Arlington did NOT create the Zombies and Mob of the Dead has no relation to the main Zombies storyline. Questions? Your "theories" are terrible.
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 16 replies
For me, I don't feel like posting all of mine on here in a list. I did post mine on my YouTube channel, in a video, so if you're interested, here it is: Anyways, I was wondering if there was anything specifically that you guys would like to see in Zombies in 2015. Leave your ideas below. --------------------------------------------------- - Zombies and more
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
- 16 replies
Will there be one? Or will origins be the end? I do not believe so, mainly because the way that a twitter post was worded "This is the most intricate zombies map to date" The part where it says to date is what leaves me to believe this is not the end. Besides, we do not know what happens to N4. But with the way the LFTF were worded, this could be the end. Changing the course of history will alter the zombies in the present. Or maybe eradicate the whole story all together. What are your thoughts? what do you think or want to happen? RR Out
Last reply by RiftRunner001, -
- 7 replies
Whilst playing tranzit I have noticed these catalogues in the bus station where you find the stand for the turbine. Each one are named Air travel, Let's sail, Birdier weekly and cross word. Like the posters in kino I think they would resemble as clues to upcoming zombie maps. If this is so I think cross word would resemble Die Rise as it is like a maze and they would relate in some way. When DLC#2 comes out we could see a pattern if these may relate as treyarch must have put these in for a reason. What do you think? Could this be true? Could this help us figure out any future DLC?
Last reply by vLEWISx,
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