Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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824 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
Hello, ive been wondering how many perk locations there are in Die Rise. There are games where i cannot find speed Cola, and others i can. I believe there are 5 locations right? There are 6 perks so one has to be obtained by the boss rounds. Can anyone confirm this? i sometimes dont want to use quick revive but then i cannot find speed cola so then im forced to kill those crawlers for a free perk praying its speed Cola but of course sometimes i get whos who so then i have to go down 2 times in that game. I like going as far as i can without buying quick revive or whos who. Unless im missing a location. Thanks for the replies!
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
I found the Obelisk table location while I was playing today. On the roof, as you go up to the pylon and the dragon, the ramp that you go up it's underneath, next to the plank spawn location. It's in the corner underneath the ramp. Maybe you will want to experiment with it or something, I don't know. Also, you can't see where to build just like in Green Run. I can't take any pictures as I don't have a phone or anything. And yes, only the Green Run navcard got accepted Not sure about the Die Rise one yet. -Edit: Also, sorry if this is a re-post, but I was just too excited I had to post it, and I don;t think the other post had directions to where to build it.
Last reply by NoahJ456, -
- 7 replies
Ok so in der reise the moon had five little glowing lights right? That was griffen station! So ergo, there must be lights on the die rise moon! I can't seem to find them though... can somebody with high def please post a picture of this? That would be fantastic! :D
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 19 replies
Hey everyone, remember that image leaked a long time ago that has misty on a destroyed city and a helicopter on the background? This one: Theres even a thread here that says there is juggernog visible in the image, here is the link:http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21705&p=209118 Now, doesnt it look like the die rise poster buildings? the poster even has a helicopter! My point is, was die rise being developed even before the game release, or its just a GIANT coincidence?
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 12 replies
I was searching on the internet and I found something interesting that may have the many gamers that love zombies anxious for the upcoming maps. "The gamer says that you can go back to Der Riese to undertake an achievement in the map pack. This is called “Where it all started” and here you need to find a giant. Interestingly in Germany Der Riese is a giant. This tells you that the Easter Egg is going to take players into the old map." This is from an article that I read pointing to what might be a key element to the zombies community ------> http://www.examiner.com/article/new-bla ... s-revealed
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 13 replies
as the title suggests... does this mean we have buildables? or is the hand simply there to begin with (ala Verrukt)?
Last reply by 83457, -
- 10 replies
Barely 5 seconds of zombie footage, yeah it was insightful but I think we still need a zombies only trailer,Live action isn't what i wanted this close to the release they shoulda uploaded this up a few days after the Preview Trailer.Oh well, 7 days left... we need one Rez/Jimmy/Dan come on! On a side note; how freaking awesome was that elevator? Think we gotta grab Speed Cola in like a second before we miss it?
Last reply by Nasdaq401, -
- 0 replies
Hello Ladies And Gentlemen Of CoDz, I Am Dylan aka Mr.Cr33p3rKill3r Here And I Decided To Make A Post About My Opinion,Theories,Ideas For The New Map "Die Rise" As Well As Perhaps A Idea Of The Zombies Map In Future DLC. Die Rise Opinions:What I Saw Some Things Many People Have Been Talking About Is The Power Switch,And How In The Trailer We See No Crafting Table Beside It,And Perhaps Die Rise Could Be A Survival Map. And I Highly Disagree, It Will Be TranZit. Why Do I Say This? The N4 Crew Are TranZit Mode Exclusive Characters. As Well As In Survival Mode Maps So Far Power Has Not Been Introduced. And From What We've Seen This Is Gonna Be A Big Map With Multiple B…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 2 replies
Treyarchs new patch = fail Why? It doesn't address the issues that have been around since the map pack released such as the death barrier located in the elevator shaft while heading to the an-94, also the slide leading to the mystery box occasionally chooses to fail and drop you of before you reach the other side, the who's who re spawn glitch that spawns you out of the map, the off/on mattresses that rarely even work to protect you from fall damage, monkey bombs that don't work(which has been an issue since WaW) and finally the glitch when entering who's who mode having the zombies crowd your dead body making it impossible to revive yourself. Treyarch did do one go…
Last reply by CaptainZombies, -
- 10 replies
Hey I just wanted to bring my new theory here to the forums just to get the zombies community thinking. In Die Rise, above the elevator in the spawn room, there is some sort of chinese brail. Decoded, the chinese brail means the following: "From the shadow of the moon." Now to my theory. As of right now, the original characters are on Moon.(so we think) "From the Shadow of the Moon" is actually a book based in the 1960's. That is around the time of our original characters. The book is about a couple of astronauts returning from the moon and telling their story. See the connection? I think the original characters (still on moon) will return in future DLC. Remember, Treyarc…
Last reply by Megaton A, -
- 0 replies
So ive been playing for a good hour now and idecided i would do an honest opinion review (just for a moment) FREAKIN AWESOME! however, i do need help and i decided this forum is the best place to start a thread on map layout! So far i have found a few places (too many deaths=not a lot of location found ) -the start room lobby -elevator shaft takes you to the the sowing and cages area (where the sliguidator can be created (on a side note: WTF Treyarch another buildable?! but at least it has ammo!) -THe escher room (the big one with the buddha statues or whatever) -power room -roof That is mostly it......THAT I REMEMBER! (i reeally hope …
Last reply by AlphaOmega, -
- 2 replies
Im sure everyones seen the huge panda sign right? And everyone knows theres 2 ways to do the easter egg right? Well i was in theater exploring while my character was down via wos who perk and the sign was glowing slightly. This i thought could be nothing until i zoomed in with the papd svu. Sure enough theres circular recess in both eyes that happen to be the exact same size as the balls in the dragpons mouth. Just wanted to know if anyones thought about flinging the balls at the sign?
Last reply by Caddyman, -
- 14 replies
I just noticed something floating above the buildings, its not a cloud, proof to that is because its not moving with clouds. It has a weird shape thought, doesen't look like anything that will help with any easter eggs, but as treyarch said, they don't put anything by a mistake. This might have something to do with the alien piramide on moon, you might be able to stop and kill Richtofen, or Sam with Richtofens soul and save the world. It can be an alien ufo that you can acces throught some portals... I don't have anymore guesses about this, but its pretty weird, and i never saw anything like it in any zombies map. I was wondering do you guys have any guesses on this? He…
Last reply by Wilbizzle, -
- 6 replies
Just wondering if anyone else uses this strategy to get the PDW-57 on the 2nd round. At spawn, line up two zombies, duck and shoot the first one six times in the stomach, then knifekill. Then hit the 2nd zombie in line with another 3 bullets in the stomach, then also knifekill. Finish the rest of round one with using same method, and right when round changes, open door and drop down onto roof of Quick Revive elevator. Hop up to PDW-57 level and get a few more kills (if needed) to buy gun off the wall. After that, I shoot twice in the stomach and knifekill. On round 3 you can shoot them 3 times in the stomach with the PDW and then knifekill, but it gets a …
Last reply by 83457, -
- 13 replies
Is it in the box? Is it in Tranzit too? I rarely hit the box in dr and haven't played much Tranzit so I wasn't sure. Thanks.
Last reply by sans lumiere, -
- 6 replies
I am doing this because of NGT zombies video on it. I think it is just that all the perks are on that same chaft or are there multiple elevator shafts. This is just a place where you can discuss you'r theories.
Last reply by Hannibal, -
- 2 replies
I made a video on perks of die rise and the perk selection that you might need to go high rounds. I address all the perks and told my feelings on which ones are better than others. Quick revive: Is needed unless going for a high kd to rank up, if you go down with quick revive you will pop back up and may die pretty soon which will result in cutting your possible kd in half. Jug: obviously necessary Speed Cola: Speed cola is good if you are running an lmg or just like to reload faster on the sliquifier and other guns. Double tap: This is a perk that many people think is the bees knees when it actually is pretty useless on die rise. It may be good…
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 31 replies
Hi, I did some game today. I noticed, that explosions seemed to kinda do lower damage to myself then usual. In addition, there were several critical situations, that should have at least given me a red screen. For example, I shot twice with my mustang, then got a hit a bit later. Normally, this leads to a red screen, but didn't. Well, to check what is going on, I just shot 3 times onto my feet with my M&S, getting no red screen. So, either it was Perma Jug or some kind of Perma PHD. I didn't wanna do further testing, cause the game was going good, and I didn't wanna mess with it. After a later down (Down Type: Had WW and QR, didn't revive myself within 45s, …
Last reply by ZaquiriDaquiri, -
- 1 reply
Can anyone explain the perma- perks for each level and how to get them?!?
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 11 replies
I was playing solo Die Rise, and I was knifing at round one. I died (yes, at round one) and right when I died, I saw a green flash and Stuhlinger said "what does this mean?". NOW I AM 3 HITS TO KILL INSTEAD OF 2!!! Any ideas on how I got this?!?!?!? Once I find out, I'll update this post! UPDATE So it's rumored that Perma-Jug (or Persista-Jug;) ) is lost by surviving to round 15 or dying by fall damage. Can anyone confirm? It's still largely unknown how it's gained. Keep it up with ideas guys!
Last reply by Xieon, -
- 24 replies
Permanent Juggernog Or Juggernog Pro there is a nice easy way to get Permanent Juggernog or Juggernog pro so i made a quick guide on how to do it ? It helps a whole lot This is not a glitch so does anyone know how to do the others ? Link: http://youtu.be/eRlTzrCG9oE
Last reply by MrCaffiene82, -
- 17 replies
Ok, I was playing with my cousin, some good ol' Custom Games Die Rise, and I got a green flash while shooting my PDW at zombies. (it wasn't the head, but the body) and since then, my gun was shooting twice as fast (w/o DOuble Tap) and seemed to be killing faster on higher rounds (again, w/o Double Tap) I have no way to post proof because I can't post videos, but, you'll have to take my word for it I guess. Or if you don't, that's fine. But, could someone else share this experience with me?
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 1 reply
Sooo, last night and this morning I was able to get persistent juggernog without a problem. Buttt, now tonight I can't seem to get it to work no matter what I try (And I'm doing the EXACT same stuff that worked for me before)... I know they already patched the four person Spliquifier glitch... Any chance they changed the requirements for getting Persistent Jugg too? And If so, does anyone else know what to? Or what the hell I'm doing wrong. lol... Anyone else having this problem?
Last reply by Megaton A, -
- 5 replies
So i was just playing around with the intention of getting a gun upgraded and sticking it in the fridge for later on tonight. I pulled out some cash and went straight to the mystery box before buying anything else. I shot and killed 1 zombie along the way with the handgun. When i got to the box, i paid for a random and it gave me a type 25. When i pulled it out, i got the green persistent-perk flash. Never seen this before.. also never tried getting my first gun as a random. Any ideas? Playing around to see if i can find anything different with it now. I'll upload a video a bit later if this becomes a mystery.
Last reply by JRZSlayer21, -
- 14 replies
Solo, round 4, handgun and bowie. Just making points and walking around solo. Went up to the ledge from the roof and was fixing windows. Knifed a bunch of zombies and was repairing the window on and off. Knifed a guy and got a carpenter, knifed a few more, repairing the window, got hit in the back/side while repairing. Persistant perk gained. Wasn't barric-aid, the end of the video shows that. At the end of the video i got something else, i think it was ammo, but i don't think that's relevant. Ideas? Died a round or so later, so i didn't get a chance to tinker about and find out anything, really. No time to try and repro, work at 7am is a whore. Vid…
Last reply by nockscitney,
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