Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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3. SPAMMING [SPAM]: Spamming is defined as many things, and all of them aren’t allowed. As a CoDz user, you should hold yourself to a high standard and use common sense when posting.
Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
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Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
824 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Basically, I've been watching the intro (perhaps too much) and I came up with the idea that one step in the EE has something to do with the guns from the intro, and the perk Who's Who. In the intro, you can see Russman with dual pistols (Mustang and Sally), Marlton with the DSR and Misty and Samuel have guns I can't really remember the names of. When they all die, they respawn, which leads me to believe that they all had Who's Who. Whether Samuel has to die first so that the game doesn't end I don't know, but it's just a theory! Perhaps downing yourselves with these guns as the specific characters would be a place to start and going from there? Link to…
Last reply by Danniey1, -
- 10 replies
So when you buy the SVU off the wall Edward tells you to find and destroy errant energy fields that Maxis is using. This got me thinking because Edward specifically said ERRANT energy fields. I didn't know what errant ment so I looked up the deffinition. This gave me a few deffinitions, but the one that stood out the most said, "deviating from the regular or proper course." I then looked up energy which said, "an adequate or abundant amount or power." I came up with the conclusion that errant enegy is a source of power that has deviated from its regular or proper course. I then typed in errant energy to see what energy sources can deviate from the proper course. I didn't …
Last reply by Zelkova, -
- 16 replies
I'm not kidding I've been searching in die rise theatre mode for ages and in the mouth's if the dragons are the ball/eggs on moon this could link moon with die rise maybe linking how that got to moon through teleportation, everyone try to do something with this ball, shoot it or activate it whatever ON EASY MODE, CUSTOM IT IS NOT THERE
Last reply by AFX31, -
- 1 reply
So doing some research on Die Rise and 22 Provinces (The location of Die Rise) I found the following So basically it's saying that SARS was a virus going around in china, but later a russian scientist found out it must have been man made. And later in the article the whole conspiracy theory suggests it was a bio weapon made by the US. You are probably wondering what this has to with Die Rise, well the majority of the outbreak took place in 22 Provinces, which is where Dir Rise is located according to the loading screen. As for the link to Green Run the article says Remember way back before zombies came out everyone was men…
Last reply by MonopolyMan, -
- 5 replies
Hello , I want to share with you this thing that I noticed , If you go to the PDW room and see the picture in front the escalator you will see the Chinese Flag and the city of Shanghai !! I post Pictures and my video (Is in spanish sorry xD) P.S: Sorry for my bad english , and I see this post "http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=28248" but he dont talk about this so I make this new post Pictures: Video: Hope that helps
Last reply by Nemesis_96, -
- 7 replies
Okay, i've already posted once today, but I also felt this was important and I haven't seen another post about this, so here I go. At the spawn there are two statues of the lion things, like on the gold symbols on the floor and the ones in Mirage. Now it's Resting it's hand on something, but there's nothing there... Hmmm... In Mirage, they are resting on the balls, same with the Golden symbols I think. So if we could find out how to get these balls, we could maybe place them at these lion-like statues it will do something... Makes sense, two seemingly missing slots, two balls, huh?
Last reply by Darkrai273, -
- 4 replies
So most people know about the orb in the dragon's mouth by now. I just spent a game working on getting the SVU upgraded to shoot the orb and see what would happen. I can't confirm nor deny anything happening to be easter egg related. Once I shot it I could have sworn I heard a real quick chime and the orb changed color. The changing color part could have been just the bullet impact mark but I'm unsure. :?
Last reply by Xieon, -
- 3 replies
Okay, so I was thinking, two Navcards, the Navcard doesn't work on the map that you pick it up on, which probably means that they will work on the map after you pick them up, which ost of us theorised. But, what does it do? Nothing happened when I put my Green Run card in, hmmm... I have two theories: 1. This will keep happening up until the final map, the Navcard will allow you to start the easter egg on the side that you choose on Green run, so if I completed Maxis' side on Green Run then when I put the Navcard in on Die Rise and it will allow you to continue Maxis' side. This is the same with Richtofen. 2. Another theory is this will keep happening up until the …
Last reply by Jeager1999, -
- 12 replies
So this seems like... a trap? Makes me think of the flogger but not quite. My theory: Since we know it's a high rise, but there are parts that are upside down, i'm thinking theres a part of the building that is tilted, say 45 degrees. That area has a rather sizeable lift (think 10 person lift or 15) that you can walk through and activate which sends any zombies passing through upwards at speed out of the building into the nothingness (Maybe the area is broken off, think team rocket blasting off again) Anyone got some (most likely) cooler ideas?
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 2 replies
Hello people of the internet! My name is Scoldon and before we jump in the post i have to warn you: Firstly, many of you could not like this post because I will be covering alot of things that I have read from other posts, but understand that everything that I read I remember. So I'm sorry if anything from your posts are here. This post will cover information from WAW, Blops1 and Blops2. Info from WAW: 1.Edward Richtofen Info from Blops1: 1.Edward Richtofen 2.The M.P.D Info from Blops2 1.Samuel J. Stuhlinger 2. "The Flesh" Edward Richtofen: We know alot of him, but the only thing that I will be saying is that he suffers from schizophrenia wic…
Last reply by Scoldon, -
- 59 replies
So it seems pretty obvious that Treyarch wouldn't just drop their most recent and biggest addition to zombies, tranZit. And so a lot of people are suggesting that our new mode of transportation will be a helicopter. Let's think about that. In green run we had a bus. A ground unit with boarded windows so that the zombies couldn't get in. How could this be pulled off with a helicopter? Furthermore, say you missed the bus. Oh well, looks like your walking right? How can you possibly walk from one rooftop to another? And finally, doesn't that mean that the majority of our locations will be rooftops? How boring is that... I've tried explaining this, but I can't come up wi…
Last reply by slappamedoo, -
- 8 replies
Once again for CharlieIntel: This is going to get buried seeing as Yourmapper just came all over the forums.
Last reply by mr dandyballs, -
- 4 replies
Ok so quick question. Ive been doing some recon on solo and lookin into both easter eggs maxis is my focus now though Heres what my theory was. In green run we get maxis easter egg by NOT turning on the power. Heres the conundrum. The tv that speaks to you above sliqifier workbench, it works after the powers on right? Well the woman the says the GERMAN MAN no longer speaks to her. I put two and two together and thought well. Maxis could only talk when power was OFF so i went all the way back after getting the sniper rifle to see if she then tells us what maxis has said. Follow so far? Power on = tv lady saying german man isnt talking any more so if i do p…
Last reply by Sylent, -
- 0 replies
So I noticed that you land on this if you jump perfectly. Then remembered there is another one of these on top of an elevator. Or maybe it's just an outline. I'll get a clip later. Either way I'm thinking it involves syncing them together by standing on them at the same time. It may not be the first step, but depending what this means in Chinese I'm guessing this is A STEP. It's very bizzare they would make an object and have it match an outline on ONE elevator only.M8h_cMv3mMI
Last reply by Xieon, -
- 4 replies
I know that MMX has already posted a thread similar to this one. But I just listened closely to the Die Rise intro. First, the low-pitched voice says: Accept your fate! Begin anew! But Samuel doesn't understand it, so Richtofen says the same thing. My question is: Is Richtofen really capable to control his voice? For what? What's the difference if he talks "normal", like when you get a power-up, than if the talks like that? I know that it happened the same with Samantha. But the power-up voice wasn't her original voice. So, is the person in the pyramid capable to control his voice. Or... There is another being that's possesing that per…
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
- 8 replies
In the room with the chinese bar/restaurant downstairs from the SVU, there is a hole that seems like the perfect spot to aim a sniper through and hit something important. Might have something to do with the EE. Oh, and another little thought I've been playing around with: I think the aether is specifically for souls within the MPD. Richtofen of course is inside, so that would explain him. But Maxis... Remember how in moon, zombies killed near the MPD had their.souls absorbed into the tubes attached? Well, Maxis was killed right in front of the MPD...
Last reply by Kod1ak, -
- 4 replies
Has anyone tried to sliquify the radio tower by the dragons? I was thinking this would help Edward eliminate Maxis' ability to talk to the crew. I would test this myself, but I don't have the map pack yet.
Last reply by Joeyohh9292, -
- 6 replies
I was wondering if there are more than 2, besides the Sliquifier and the flinger. has anyone found any others? I have been throwing nades tryin to find any hidden areas but to no avail. Anyone have any luck yet?
Last reply by Joeyohh9292, -
- 17 replies
Okay so we all know that there are those ball looking things inside the dragons mouths right? well I think i know where they should go...In the spawning area there are two "tribal dragon statues" next to the door leading to the m14. The have their claws shaped as if they were leaning on something, yeah that's right the balls! To further prove this theory, have a look on the multiplayer map mirage and look at the dragon statues. Their claws are leaning on balls! The question is though...how do we get them there?...and what are those Nuketown zombies emblems on the floor?... P.s. Sorry for the lack of pics Edit* Those tribal dragon statues are actuall…
Last reply by jamFMc, -
- 22 replies
Anyone havr any clue about the noise after the end game song? The loud footsteps then the sound of a gate opening/closing. I wonder. It has to have some sort of significance. First post on here by the way!
Last reply by Prazia, -
I believe they will have something to do with the Easter Egg. I don't know why, but they are too different to just be there. If you are confused in what I'm talking about, I am referring to the new bosses. They look like crawlers, but they jump like frogs.
Last reply by Hannibal, -
Sliquifier 1 2
by yourmapper- 42 replies
What kind of a weapon is it? Why is the achievement a picture of a zombie sliding? Do you lay down some goo like in Portal 2 and they slide out the windows?
Last reply by yourmapper, -
- 7 replies
when people was talkin about the new wonder weapon in die rise, i assumed they was tlkin about getin it from the box, wich doesent seem to be the case, as it luks like we have to build it, the same way we had to build the jet gun :/ hopefuly isent as long to build as the jet gun was kinda a pain the ass, & tbh this gun luks beter then the jet gun, for simple fact it runs of ammo instead of a gage fingy, so does this mean wen we get a max ammo, it also applys to that? also this we obviously take up ur buildable place, & with the return of mule kick u cud potentialy have 4 good guns xD seriously cant wait to play this! heres the vid of the new "wonder weapo…
Last reply by yourmapper, -
- 3 replies
as you will know by now there are many upside down parts of the structures so looking on floors and ceilings is important. i went into theatre for a scout around and found out that the buildings are not connected to he ground (floating in air). first i thought this might be because of the mist, they didnt need to make a ground layer (saving game data) but underneath the large open red room where you jump over to power the building doesnt have a bottom but a second roof with a massive antenna. http://s155.beta.photobucket.com/user/s ... sort=3&o=0 sorry for posting here mods, but there are no post in great leap forward yet (viewforum.php?f=147), so i dont know i…
Last reply by Vengefulxdjinn, -
- 10 replies
Well, Using the logic that wunder weapons need to have 115 in them, is the Sliquifier one?
Last reply by Tasty Applesauce,
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