Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
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Duplicate Posts -
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824 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEaGpgVy71s Unusual since the map isn't even out yet!
Last reply by Nasdaq401, -
- 3 replies
What's up, doods. A lot of you guys have been wondering what the NavCard is for, right? And pretty much what I expected is that you need to buy the DLC in order to actually do something with it. Cheap Treyarch is cheap. But what do we do with it? Alright so I don't know the answer to that last question. But I do know this new Easter Egg that comes with playing on the new map Die Rise. Apparently there will be a certain point where you use the NavCard and swap it out for something different. And the most interesting part is that we can take this (thing) back to Green Run, TranZit. Here are some screenshot of TranZit on Green Run, after playing Die Rise: …
Last reply by NoahJ456, -
- 35 replies
Well, I'm sure we've all had the question, what time Die Rise gets released, SO, here ya guys go! EST: 5 a.m. CST: 4 a.m. MST: 3 a.m. PST: 2 a.m. Of course, there's always that agonizing hour that we all have to put up with downloading it (up to 3 hours *cough Ascension*), but I'm sure our fellas at Treyarch made it worth while! Here's to another great DLC thanks to our men and women at Treyarch!
Last reply by DafT][zOmB 22, -
- 13 replies
Ok so we've all heard of the soposed dragon in die rise coming out Tomarrow! but what is this soposed dragon? Some say it's a helecopter, some think it might be a massive denizen...(where is your god now? "At the snack bar Moses, calm down...") What if it is just a real dragon? My little sis loves dinosaurs and dragons, and constantly watches some documenterys about them, and it seems that the primary location of anchient dragons is in anchient Asia! If the earth has been destroyed enough, it could be possible that 115 has sunk deep enough into the earth to reach the skeletons of a dragon, and revive it as a zombie! Wooooooh! If this is real what's nex…
Last reply by Naitrax, -
- 2 replies
It says fling 10 zombies? It sounds like it is some kind of buildable with a similar use like the zombie shield? Maybe a slingshot for a hallway! So u can block an entrance with it and you can manually operate it? Or with a turbine? would be cool
Last reply by Gaycandybacon, -
- 2 replies
I'd just like to point this out quickly. I'm going to be putting this a simply as possible. Look at the achievement picture for the achievement "high-maintenance." one half of one building appears to be sandwiched sideways between it and another building. https://twitter.com/MrJon92/status/2959 ... to/1/large Perhaps this (or a variant where the broken-off part is completely upside-down, and wedged between 2 skyscrapers) will be the exact way the map is laid out in the game. This explains how some areas could be upside down while others are the correct way in different areas of the same building . Just thought I'd point this out, to help y'all wrap y…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Alright the acheivements were leaked today, and we are ONCE AGAIN given an incredibly cryptic message about building something for "Them", now, who are "they"? Maxis and richtofen? The voices? The origional 4? Oh the possibilitys go ON! Here's my theory! So we know the sky scraper is crumbling so... What does that give us? Things are falling, my guess is we have to do something with the rubble of our own building(s) to build or uncover a new bit for where the nav card machine may reappear, or just where the Easter egg bit it.... Either way it's just going to be DEVIOUSLY epic! :twisted: To your thoughts! AWWWWAAAAYYYY! ...... Ive been watching too much superma…
Last reply by HellHoundFury, -
- 19 replies
Die Rise is just around the Corner. Ever Since December I’ve came up with a lot of theories, I just want to explain them best I can before Die Rise (Maybe the name of the map is “Great Leap Forward”) comes out. I’m pretty sure most of what I talk about could be plausible. And I’ve got an Index… 001: Transmissions = Back Story. 002: Two Side’s to Achievement/Trophy. The Battle is far from Over. 003: Two different Sides. Same exact Goal 004: Activating the Tower/s Power 005: More than One Nav Card? (Confirmed) 006: The Save Feature, DUH! 007: Green Run…. To Be Continued. 008: The End Game…,well story that is. And here we.....Go. 001: Tr…
Last reply by Jeager1999, -
- 14 replies
I was just browsing my Facebook when I came across a post from (the actual) Kevin Sherwood. He tagged Nova, saying "Ashes! Ashes!" which sounds like a possible song lyric to me. Also, for those who don't know, Clark S. Nova is the man who sung "Carrion."
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 3 replies
I was looking through the new achievements and the image on this one got me interested... The image showes a locked up elevator, does this mean we can't use elevators until the power is on...
Last reply by A11 L1V3S L0ST, -
- 12 replies
So this seems like... a trap? Makes me think of the flogger but not quite. My theory: Since we know it's a high rise, but there are parts that are upside down, i'm thinking theres a part of the building that is tilted, say 45 degrees. That area has a rather sizeable lift (think 10 person lift or 15) that you can walk through and activate which sends any zombies passing through upwards at speed out of the building into the nothingness (Maybe the area is broken off, think team rocket blasting off again) Anyone got some (most likely) cooler ideas?
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 8 replies
Once again for CharlieIntel: This is going to get buried seeing as Yourmapper just came all over the forums.
Last reply by mr dandyballs, -
- 9 replies
How can you revive yourself? Discuss!
Last reply by TBGxRyan, -
Sliquifier 1 2
by yourmapper- 42 replies
What kind of a weapon is it? Why is the achievement a picture of a zombie sliding? Do you lay down some goo like in Portal 2 and they slide out the windows?
Last reply by yourmapper, -
- 0 replies
In Die Rise, be the architect of their instruction. So this is our Easter Egg achievement and it seems Maxis and Richtofen wants us to modify the Skyscraper to become another tower in their plans. So again two separate ways to do Easter Egg.
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 69 replies
Now, considering there's been interviews from IGN etc detailing the map AND the achievments have been released before, I'm posting them, but if any Mods want this to be removed, just say and I'll delete. Anyway: https://twitter.com/MrJon92/status/2959 ... to/1/large High Maintenance: Be the architect of their instruction (The EE) Vertigoner: Fling 10 zombies in one game Mad Without Power: Make it to round 10 with no power on Shafted: Use all Perks and Pack A Punch in one game Slippery When Undead: Kill 5 zombies with a single "Squiffler" shot (The WW?) Facing The Dragon: Face the dragon Head-On before Round 2 So the EE will be standard, won't…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 21 replies
In the past I've gotten each release whenever was convenient for me in the first week or so. With the season pass, and today and tomorrow off from work, I'm curious when it's usually made available. 12AM PST?
Last reply by DafT][zOmB 22, -
- 9 replies
So here's a long shot & a last theory on what on next 'Side Quest' may involve. I believe we are creating a Transmitter which was so very close to becoming a reality many years ago. But at the last moment was never completed. I think this is Stage 2 of Nikola Tesla's 'Wardenclyffe Tower'. We will not go up, but rather go down. We need to give our overall device an 'Earth'. We will construct something underground in Die Rise. The Skyscrapper is the tower. The following is why I think the 'Side Quest' will go underground. (I tried to make this as short as possible, but it's not) - Exerts Wardenclyffe Tower http://en.wik…
Last reply by AlphaOmega, -
- 4 replies
First of all, I want to get something out of the way that keeps bugging me. To all you people that say that die rise is going to suck, you are judging the map based on the IDEAS it is based on. What you dont understand is that any, and I mean ANY idea can be made into a MASTERPIECE in the right hands. And I sure as hell think that this map is in good hand. With that out of the way , i will list things that arc is probably going to do RIGHT, that will make this map good. 1. Verticality I think that the verticality in die rise is going to be a fresh breath of air, and its gonna be fun( jumping on top of a zombie knifing him) 2.Its a claustrophobic map I dont k…
Last reply by Wilbizzle, -
- 17 replies
Hey guys, let me start off by saying I have been a long time browser of the forums and this is my first time contributing. Anyway, to the matter at hand, a while ago, me and a friend of mine (ArmouredHoneyBadger on these forums) were discussing how Die Rise would link to TranZit, and judging from the behind the scenes trailer, we can see a completely different apocalyptic scenario. By this I am thinking about the meteorites coming down, the first thing I thought when I saw that was, "where have I seen that before?" and then it came to me, the meteorites rain hellfire on nuketown zombies... Which is set at the same time as Moon is, but of course then you could ar…
Last reply by VersuZ, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone! I haven't seen this posted anywhere so here is some info. I've already posted in the Turned section about some new information from this website http://www.polygon.com/2013/1/25/391443 ... on-preview Personally I haven't heard of them before but apparently they're quite big, with that being said it looks like they got a chance to see the revolution map pack first hand. Here's what they got: So it looks like a race to the bottom of the building where all the good stuff is! There are different pathways too, you can jump down or take the elevators or even escalators! (I have to read it a few times until I noticed the different words- ele…
Last reply by bbobs2, -
- 3 replies
From their twitter: @charlieINTEL: 'Die Rise' is a complex multi-story building. Lots of dark rooms. No fog, lava, or "bus" that I saw. Just 1 big map. Very unique Zombie map! There is ONE tower, or "pylon." It is NOT a TranZit map. There are quite a few elevators. When asked if they used the Wonder Weapon, or about the Easter Egg, they replied with "Classified" and told one twitter user to follow Jimmy and Rez on twitter.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 17 replies
'twas the eve of the eve before Die Rise and all through the Internet ditch, People will be let down and others will bitch Because their precious die rise will not be what they thought And they'll spend their days holding that thought Until the day the next map comes their way They'll find a new reason to be pessimistic And never realize how their so, so simplistic What's up, enjoy my little intro (who knew I was a poet). I just want to list the most probable things people will constantly whine about after the release of Revolution on the 29th. As much as I hope I won't, ill most likely end up bitching too. So here are the top five things people are…
Last reply by Rickety Cricket, -
- 6 replies
In tranzit we had to build a nav card reader under the pylon for some reason... And to this day we don't know what it does... We used to think it was involved in the Easter egg on richtofen's side... But as it appears, you don't even need it to do it! Why is it here? Why does it exist? And the most important question: What will it do? It's not soposed to be an easy to obtain object like jugg or the bank... Some people say it can be used to travel from green run to die rise.. I doubt that... Some people say It can be used to transfer points or weapons... I think there will be a bank and fridge in die rise that covers the same features without a middleman, …
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 4 replies
From CharlieIntel, We might get some footage before release. We don't know if he will upload tonight, tomorrow, or after release...but just in case. We recorded tons of video of the Peacekeeper on the new maps plus Zombie Die Rise footage! It'll be on the site soon! http://twitpic.com/byurhp 12:42 AM - 28 Jan 13
Last reply by minator177,
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