Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
824 topics in this forum
- 25 replies
I remember the DLC description said that there will be new upgradeable wonderweapons and yet, we cannot upgrade the sliquifier. could there be another wonder weapon?
Last reply by Gintama, -
- 4 replies
Twice now I've had it were someone dropped the little white compressor box for the trample steam downstairs near the Sliquifier build table and the compressor just disappeared. It never respawned it was just gone. It has only happened with the compressor box. Is there a way to avoid this other than not picking up the compressor box if you are building the Sliquifier when you have it?
Last reply by jokrAzrael, -
- 38 replies
Hi. I am kinda not able to use the Sliquifier. I mean it kills the 24 zombies, but that's it. What I want is kill 50 with one shot. I can't find vids on youtube, does someone have something uploaded?
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 22 replies
Anyone havr any clue about the noise after the end game song? The loud footsteps then the sound of a gate opening/closing. I wonder. It has to have some sort of significance. First post on here by the way!
Last reply by Prazia, -
- 17 replies
I started playing yesterday and this map is awesome. The only thing I find frustrating is the elevators. I died on my 2nd map attempt with jug trying to run in circles with the zombie in the elevator. I went red, tried to kill it quick, but too late. Fail. So I make like literally 15 crawlers, hop in the elevator and they all die and new round starts. Wow, what the hell? Next, I run away with the one running zombie and quickly hop in the elevator before he can get in. Now the motherf*cker respawns in the elevator with me. Okay at this point I'm ready to kill Treyarch. What am I suppose to do effectively to get around the map? I really really enjoy Die Rise but that quickl…
Last reply by CrazyTrain0917, -
- 12 replies
Has anyone tried putting a elevator key in the bottom slot and the top slot of a elevator to see if it will let you call them instantly to where you are at instead of waiting for them ? I've just tried this I think the keys are one use only or you have to put a key in every slot of a floor the elevator stops on maybe even simultaneously playing co op I just put one in the top and bottom of jug it didn't do anything but call it to my floor
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 10 replies
Not sure if anyone has noticed this yet but I haven't seen a post on it yet so I thought I'd make one. At the end of the game when you die, the camera slowly shows a shot of the dragon, nothing special happens at the end of all maps. The thing that stands out is usually there's a song or something at the end but not this time. This time you can hear something that sounds like a giant walking or stomping, it's very loud, you then hear chains and a gate being closed. Now here is the weird part, I've only ever heard it as Samuel. Usually I'm the host when I play with my friends and usually I'm Samuel, but when I ask them do they hear that noise they say they don't hear…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Think back. WAAAY back. Remember Tranzit and Die Rise? They existed. We all kept hearing about the theory revolving around the flesh and the radio messages on the tv sets in the sweat shops. The flesh were a group of cannibalistic human beings who ate the flesh of zombies in a manner that can only be described as a ritual. Stu is an ex-member of the group, but thats not the main point of this... Richtofen's voice echoed through the minds of any person who ate the flesh. Now for once grief mode is story relevant, it said somewhere (please someone comment below where, but i KNOW it was said) that the two factions of grief were fighting because one half listened to maxis, …
Last reply by ThunderGlove142, -
- 5 replies
What's up, doods. I've found something very interesting about the new perk Who's Who. Last night I was playing for a high round on my own (Got to round 60 and ranked 200 in the world, woot) And got my first down with all 6 perks on round 30. I got mad for a second because I thought I was gonna get screwed over by the respawning and get another down for free. But luckily I was able to avoid the zombies and I decided to just run away because the was no way I could revive myself with no monkeys or anything on me. I jumped all the way down, went toward the power room and all the sudden I get back in my old body with both Quick Revive and Who's Who gone. That's when …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 17 replies
Hey guys, let me start off by saying I have been a long time browser of the forums and this is my first time contributing. Anyway, to the matter at hand, a while ago, me and a friend of mine (ArmouredHoneyBadger on these forums) were discussing how Die Rise would link to TranZit, and judging from the behind the scenes trailer, we can see a completely different apocalyptic scenario. By this I am thinking about the meteorites coming down, the first thing I thought when I saw that was, "where have I seen that before?" and then it came to me, the meteorites rain hellfire on nuketown zombies... Which is set at the same time as Moon is, but of course then you could ar…
Last reply by VersuZ, -
- 31 replies
Hi, I did some game today. I noticed, that explosions seemed to kinda do lower damage to myself then usual. In addition, there were several critical situations, that should have at least given me a red screen. For example, I shot twice with my mustang, then got a hit a bit later. Normally, this leads to a red screen, but didn't. Well, to check what is going on, I just shot 3 times onto my feet with my M&S, getting no red screen. So, either it was Perma Jug or some kind of Perma PHD. I didn't wanna do further testing, cause the game was going good, and I didn't wanna mess with it. After a later down (Down Type: Had WW and QR, didn't revive myself within 45s, …
Last reply by ZaquiriDaquiri, -
- 63 replies
I just got done playing a game of Die Rise and during a boss round I was waiting for some of the jumping jacks to come my way. Impatiently I started swinging my galvaknuckles in the air and it made me wonder is it truly 100% accuracy that rewards the free perks? If I'm swinging my knuckles around in the air, waiting for jumping jacks (while another teammate is fighting a few, so they are already spawned and out), how can it be 100%? I'm swinging and missing. It shouldn't be any different than shooting and missing imo. Yeah I guess im trying to be that annoying guy to poke holes... giggity.
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
- 17 replies
Hello, and welcome to my theory on what I believe Die Rise will be like as a map, what game mode it will be, and a little about the storyline. Now, if you haven't seen the Revolution DLC Map Pack Preview, uploaded on Call of Duty's YouTube channel, here is the link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruv2xMLuaoA This video shows us a lot about the upcoming DLC, but what I am going to focus on is the information we get about Die Rise. The location Reza Elghazi, the producer of the zombie team states that Die Rise takes place in the far east. Information that Amazon UK has released states that the map takes place in China. The location could be veri…
Last reply by Simply Epic, -
Sliquifier 1 2
by yourmapper- 42 replies
What kind of a weapon is it? Why is the achievement a picture of a zombie sliding? Do you lay down some goo like in Portal 2 and they slide out the windows?
Last reply by yourmapper, -
- 18 replies
Hi all, Another step-by-step solo strategy - this one for Die Rise, as it's the map I'm currently trying to beat... have managed a high-30s so far but am aiming for 50+... but have now managed to die on three seperate occasions by jumping directly into a horde of Zombies [for some mad reason]. Will post update once a decent run is completed... Round 1 Your first objective is to reach 1,500 points before ending Round 1. Allow the first five Zombies to breach, and as they enter the spawn room, shoot each 8 times in the legs and then stab to kill. This yields 210 points per Zombie and should use-up your entire M1911 Pistol ammunition. Be extremely careful not to …
Last reply by PHD Flopper, -
- 33 replies
This is a radio quote from Die Rise. This is from the leader of a cult, supposedly attempting to form a new world order. Their answer? Eat the zombies' flesh. However, I don't think this is a recent broadcast. It can't be. This is a message, somehow saved, from when society started falling apart. Naturally, Samuel is a conspiracy theorist. He doesn't trust the government, and I get the feeling he would prefer to listen to groups who like this that would form their own government, but more importantly, survive. In a time where society is collapsing, who are you going to listen to in order to survive? A government that is falling apart, or the cult that claim…
- 32 replies
I dunno about you guys but right now i am thinking: "Treyarch...where the hell is my trailer?" Me and my buddies have a long standing record of watching the trailer and dissecting. We built up excitement from it and it was really fun too. But now i feel that Treyarch is going to pass this trailer up. I dont know why but i really think they arent gonna do one. Many credible resources have told me that trailers are COMMONLY released on teusday, wednesday, or thursday. it is nearly 12 here and still no sign of a trailer. I truly am disappointed. I would have thought they would look out for us zombies fans more but i guess not. That aside i really wa…
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 40 replies
_RDcgwlGGAs Me, Telixion, Strwrsbob and Prestigeiskey We worked alongside some of the best zombie players on the planet for this, good work everyone.
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
- 37 replies
I have this feeling its in Japan. After all Japanese had huge part on the story but were then forgotten after Shi No Numa. Its pretty obvious that Die Rise name is tweak from High Rise. You can see the high-rise buildings on the back and if you look closely they have those vertical light billboards on side of the buildings that are very common in Asia. Another thing we can see is soldier zombies and they could very possibly be Japanese troops. Then there is that red "blood stripe" effects in the side of the image. Reminds you of anything? Japanese imperial army. EDIT: Thanks to liam for the high res image you can now clearly see the bill…
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 14 replies
I just noticed something floating above the buildings, its not a cloud, proof to that is because its not moving with clouds. It has a weird shape thought, doesen't look like anything that will help with any easter eggs, but as treyarch said, they don't put anything by a mistake. This might have something to do with the alien piramide on moon, you might be able to stop and kill Richtofen, or Sam with Richtofens soul and save the world. It can be an alien ufo that you can acces throught some portals... I don't have anymore guesses about this, but its pretty weird, and i never saw anything like it in any zombies map. I was wondering do you guys have any guesses on this? He…
Last reply by Wilbizzle, -
- 31 replies
Hey everyone. So, in Solo, you can buy up to three Quick Revives, right? Well I was wondering - does anyone know if you can get Quick Revives from the jumper zombie rounds, after the Quick Revive machine is gone? If you could, that would help a bit to lengthen the game. Does anyone know? Edit: I was thinking some more, and I guess that if you get Quick revive from the jumper Zombies, it won't count as if you bought it, so you could get more that way too, before you even bought your Quick Revive the first time?
Last reply by Ragdo11706, -
- 22 replies
Wow, Die Rise is one hell of a map but I have come to present this post because I was recently playing Die Rise with a couple of my friends and I was playing as the character Stuhlinger. Now as I progressed through the round I stared to hear moaning, I thought it was a zombie until I realized It kept happening. As the rounds passed it sounded like the moans became more recent and painful to the victim. I derped out and forgot to ask my friends if they heard it as well. I'm not to sure what this possibly could be but I think I have a reasonable theory. Possibly, just possibly this moaning is Richtofen, I believe that Richtofen can no longer handle the power of the Ether an…
Last reply by Joeyohh9292, -
- 11 replies
So I haven't done a whole lot of exploration but can a downed body activate the elevator symbols? Because maybe two people could who's who on two of the elevators, and use the dopplegangers to stand on the others. Just a quick Idea I had.
Last reply by joshs1982, -
- 18 replies
Look at the Ray gun. A beautiful weapon. Look more closely. See the blue thingy (Pic: I am led to assume that it is Liquid 115 that is in there. Look at the Jumping Jacks. Ugly, horrible b*tches. Look closely at their hands.(Pic: Now I am guessing that these "things" were made by puting dead bodies into pods filled with liquid 115. In result, they adapted to a submerged habitat. After the missiles exploded, they broke free. The same with Who's Who. It's clean, liquid 115 mixed with other prunes and chemicals, so it gives you a "second life", a bit like the zombies are reanimated.
Last reply by click-clack-jack, -
- 23 replies
Black Ops 2 Zombies Die Rise Navigation Table Guide This Video guide will show you how to build the Die Rise Navigation Table. We made this because we had seen so many people had not built it.And it needs to be built to do the high maintenance achievement. Link: http://youtu.be/-NNq287I0Ho
Last reply by MrCaffiene82,
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