Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
CoDz Code of Conduct
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Duplicate Posts -
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824 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Now we all know that Richtofen is in his head giving him instructions on how to complete the tower of babble but what if in the dlc he here's different voices. Maybe he can here the original characters like takeo or Dempsey or even Nikolai giving Samuel instructions on how to send them back to earth. Possibly maybe he could even hear Samantha. Who knows? What do you guys think? Also in the future maybe the 4 original characters and the new current characters meet up and join forces to take on the incoming zombie apocalypse.
Last reply by That Guy You Know, -
- 18 replies
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but, is it possible that Nuketown and Die Rise are occurring at the same instance (occurring before Green Run) and that's why we don't see Marlton in the trailer for Die Rise? Comment with your thoughts. Theory from: iTz princdj3 and PatrolinMexican - Sanchez
- 12 replies
ok so i have heard about treyarch saying that they dont put something just because thay want thaey have to do something with the story. ok, it seems that i am the only one that have ever noted that die rise have clear skies... :?: clear? after the earth getting destroyed? i only want to know why is it blue, i have thought that it has something to do with the easter egg like the obelisk doing that or the strange UFOS on sky maybe they are clearing it.
Last reply by game78, -
- 20 replies
Don't know if this was already posted, just saw it on FB http://www.callofduty.com/blackops2/dlc/dlc1-revolution DIE RISE FAR EAST Overcome a zombie infestation inside a series of collapsed skyscrapers towering over the remains of an obliterated Chinese city. In this new and original Zombies map, players will wield powerful, upgradable Wonder Weaponry as well as combine new buildable devices to fight a relentless army of the undead throughout Escher-esque sceneries over a deep and perilous chasm.
Last reply by dubjam, -
- 3 replies
Now you see how people are saying some of the zombies on the poster have white eyes and its half black and white? Well what if its like Acsension and its black and white until you turn on the power but this time there's a twist. While the power is off their eyes are blind. What do you guys think about this idea?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
Something new i noticed in the Revolution trailer. I have no idea what to say for this, i mean treyarch doesen't put anything there by a mistake :P
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 15 replies
There Are Many Posters Of A Horse Rally In The Bus Depot ... Plus Outside Of The Bus Depot, There's A Stable And A Quote Of Horses Running? Its sAID this Has Something To Do With Die Rise? Maybe? Tell Me Your Thoughts(:
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
- 3 replies
The Reason China Is The DLC Is From Moon. When The Rockets Hit, It Broke The Earth Apart. T.E.D.D. Names Places Around The World If You Listen To His Quotes Carefully.. Maybe China Got Moved Somewhere Near Green Run And The Characters Traveled There. :P
Last reply by zombo187, -
- 15 replies
Now the speculation of Marlton being "Turned" is becoming increasingly high at the moment. Now forgive me for potentially being late to the party, but CarbonFibah's new Twitter Pic is that zombie. Now Dan might just be hyping us up (or purposely fucking with us to make theory posts like these) but if it's important enough to be his PP, it's gotta be relevant somehow. Treyarchs twitter pic Pre-BO2 was David Mason and he definitely mattered in the Single Player so with the upcoming trailer in less than a week just thought i'd put it out there!
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 18 replies
Ok so when I look at this site over the last week or so, 90% of the treads I see have some kind of theory on why marelton isnt in the trailer... But think about it... Why would trayarch give us this new crew, that we barely know the story of, be able to play as marelton once, in an Easter egg that involves stuhlinger more then marelton, and then just kill him off.... Not to be seen again.. It doesn't make any sense... I'm almost 90% positive that marelton was just not in the trailer... Due to lack of people... He didn't die and become a zombie, (unless theres a new perk of that type), he didnt die at green run... Hes still there... It just doesn't make sense oth…
Last reply by TFG Dubz, -
- 16 replies
Buildables provided a lot in tranzit green run, and I hope to see them again in die rise... Some people think that the exact same buildables are returning... I think that's an awful idea... No origionality to it... So I thought up some buildables to put here.. Some are from my die rise prediction thread from a few weeks ago... The headlamp- Not my idea, this is from someone else... But basicly it's a flashlight (maybe battery's) and a Helmit, and what it will do is supply light to people in the fog, which can keep the denizens away! Pros- Keeps those DAMN denizens off our heads.. Cons- takes up your equipment space, doesn't last long... Map cons- t…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 15 replies
Alright I know you all are just as hyped about the new "Die Rise map as I am, If not more, which is impossible... But I'm here to discuss MY ideas on the (probable) Easter egg. I and a few others beleive that die rise will host the return of our favorite cast: The origional 4 (O4), however they WILL NOT be returning as playable characters... :cry: We know that the last known location of the O4 was "Moon" AKA 935's griffen bace, and got there through the teleporter at area 51. MY idea is that while on moon, the 4 become stranded in griffen station and have run flat out of zombies... They're only hope now is that a connection with another MTD can be establ…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 6 replies
Sorry if this has been posted about before but I found a website that explains some of the DLC achievements. The only problem is that I'm unsure of the validity of it. I don't believe this falls under leaked info either. http://www.examiner.com/article/black-o ... y-revealed Note that it says possibly revealed so that's why I'm unsure. Also there is usually more than three. Perhaps these are just a few. I'm feeling like the clearing all of the fog cheevo is the EE for the map. Perhaps Green Run does get an update as well as I've been speculating along wih many others. Maybe it removes the fog from there too. And if the one achievement is right perhaps a w…
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 8 replies
After getting DIE RISE, I think I'm going to wait a bit and just learn the map for a week or two before trying to continue the EE. Anyone else thinking the same? Gonna try to rank up a bit and get a good feel for the map before jumping into EE before knowing anything. I also want to see if which side I chose for Green Run will have an impact or not. I still have Richtofen's side done most recently.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
What's going on my fellow Zombie Conspirators? I have a very possible theory to the new map Die Rise, be sure to tell me what you think. Again, I'm new to the CoDZ community appologize for reposts. First off, I've I responded to someone else's post in a previous Thread, I'll link that for you now. Evidence strongly points in the direction of this being a new TranZit map. It just makes sense. For Example, Green Run is the complete TranZit map, it is broken down into multiple "Survival" maps. With that said, whenever you are playing Survival, you play as CDC or CIA. You never play as the characters from TranZit. So, Die Rise is going to be the new TranZit map and …
Last reply by Blitz, -
- 6 replies
Whut? finer details? Yes ladies and gents! I wanted to discuss some of the small things that you enjoy about zombies that you wish to see fixed or implemented! THIS IS NOT A THREAD FOR PERK, WEAPONS, ETC. I am here to discuss the littler things. Personally I wanna see: -New emblems. Each map should get its own special emblem. Perhaps instead of crossed bones we get.....chinese letters? I dunno but it would be fun seeing new emblems for each map. That way the hardcore players can really get their stats shown through the medals they have earned. -Some refreshing quotes that help us learn more about our characters -Some interesting references t…
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys! I gathered information and I think I know what the Easter egg for Die Rise is going to be! I explain it all in this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKwZSAi ... ata_player
Last reply by brett307, -
- 19 replies
Hey everyone, remember that image leaked a long time ago that has misty on a destroyed city and a helicopter on the background? This one: Theres even a thread here that says there is juggernog visible in the image, here is the link:http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21705&p=209118 Now, doesnt it look like the die rise poster buildings? the poster even has a helicopter! My point is, was die rise being developed even before the game release, or its just a GIANT coincidence?
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 11 replies
I did not see any postings about this after a quick search so i decided to go ahead and make it. I was searching on the internet for any Die Rise info, and i found someone that posted on the activision forums a picture of the call of duty website which shows click to watch Die Rise trailer. Here's a link. http://i48.tinypic.com/vwpovp.png
Last reply by sans lumiere, -
- 11 replies
Hi all, I, like most of you, am very excited about the new zombie map but am plagued with the uncertainty of it being a tranzit map or not. Because they announced this map has new "buildables" I assume it will be accessible in tranzit mode (either teleport from green run or a standalone tranzit map). Well I was looking through the DLC preview video for clues and I found this: http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/7568/proofoftranzit.png This is a power switch with the same components used in green run. (notably the zombie arm that is hovering well away from the switch, as to indicate it is a part) My only worry is that there is no visible work bench in …
Last reply by Blitz, -
- 8 replies
I've finally brought myself the season pass today after debating whether to for weeks, I finally got the money out the bank and went to Game brought a voucher and downloaded it before I could change my own mind! So now I'm officially excited for Die Rise as I know I'm getting it here is a thread of thoughts! Firstly TranZit was a game mode in the COD zombies mode to feature jumping/climbing zombies (Der Riese also featured zombies jumping down from platforms). We have a vertical layout in Die Rise SO what if the zombies can jump between shafts and cause havoc! This would mean no camping on the end of shafts and would bring strategy too, should I jump or sho…
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 18 replies
Jeitzee's thread in TranZit section got me thinking. What if as DLC comes out, you compldte the EE and it teleports you to the next map. So you start in Green Run, complete the ToB and teleports you to Die Rise. You complete that EE and when the next DLC comes out you teleport to that map. By the time all the maps come out, you can start at Green Run and play through all five TranZit mode maps in one big "campaign" narrative.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 20 replies
Yo Whats Good Zombies Fam, Here are my thoughts and Ideas on Tranzit:Die Rise Umm as of right now, i seen the Trailer 2 and i thought is was pretty good offering a lot in a DLC pack (For Call of Duty that is.....) i mean its no BF3 but for Cod it what it is, The Zombies Game mode to me is hashed in, i think fans complained about this one i mean i cant judge what i havent played so i mean i might be fun who knows, my view on it ahh its like Grief its their good idea.....but they could have done more or do something cooler, now on the meat and potatoes of the post Die Rise, Die Mutha Effin Rise it..............looks ight different cool and its in china lol, how they got …
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 14 replies
I just noticed something floating above the buildings, its not a cloud, proof to that is because its not moving with clouds. It has a weird shape thought, doesen't look like anything that will help with any easter eggs, but as treyarch said, they don't put anything by a mistake. This might have something to do with the alien piramide on moon, you might be able to stop and kill Richtofen, or Sam with Richtofens soul and save the world. It can be an alien ufo that you can acces throught some portals... I don't have anymore guesses about this, but its pretty weird, and i never saw anything like it in any zombies map. I was wondering do you guys have any guesses on this? He…
Last reply by Wilbizzle, -
- 45 replies
Thanks to FatedTitan, i'm 99% sure we'll get a trailer for Die Rise only. It was great going back watching the old ones for BO1 as it's kinda misleading watching break down vids before the maps are out. So if we look at Moon, CoTD and Shanri la they all showed who the characters were, the wonder weapon and the map feature (Waterfalls, Spring loaded jumps and zero gravity) Now the CoD website has confirmed that there will be a wonder weapon in Die Rise so expect a 5 second snippet of the weapon in action. As well as the 3rd person "Bad Ass" Standoff positioning in a very badly placed hold off area (making us think it's gonna be the place to be, kinda like the power area on…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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