Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
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Duplicate Posts -
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824 topics in this forum
- 25 replies
As we saw in the revolution reveal trailer Marlton was not featured(unless he was the zombie but this theory debunks that). So as we know Marlton was in the bunker at Nuketown and then he somehow got to Green Run(not nessisarily in that order). But from then on he doesn't seem to be present(so far). Okay lets get to the theory, which is based on two different quotes. Marlton says two quotes about being 'Banished' when he is in the nuketown bunker and some people say he says it in Green Run too but i'm not convinced. Now if he was 'banished' then that would make sense why he is not present in the trailer for die rise. If Marlton says these quotes in Green Run too that mean…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Die Rise -> Die RiZe Maybe it's about DRZ? A very stupid thought of mine, thinking that there will be a motorcycle lol. Link to the motorcycle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzuki_DR-Z_400S I'm not trolling or something but this will be so awesome if motorcycles are in zombies :mrgreen:
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
Hello all, So I have a theory. Now, Die Rise hasn't been 100% confirmed to be in China, but it most definitely is in a Asian country. The reason why I start with this is due to the fact that religion comes in to play so much more than ever before. We know about Tower of Babel (Babble). In certain religious circles, this is something of massive significance. Now we have moved to the far east. One thing that I have not noticed anyone mention yet is the Statue of Buddha which seems to be in a temple within a skyscraper. In the preview, I first noticed a calander in which I have a screenshot here: Now, I cant quite translate it or get a good look …
Last reply by blaked, -
- 3 replies
Hi there! (Basically just copy-pasting this now since I've been rewriting it couple of times now. AND YES; I know there's alot of people theories out there now, but hey, I feel confident about this!) So, to start things off I just want to say that I'm new to the actuall zombies community and this will be my first post. I normally just sit in the shadows and watch everyone elses process of the easter eggs and achievements. But after the trailer and the different breakdown videos of the new Die Rise map I felt obligated to make my own kind of effort, for all of us, to perhaps come a bit closer to the finish already. And I saw that there's a thread already about th…
Last reply by Miteiteyo, -
- 0 replies
Hello Ladies And Gentlemen Of CoDz, I Am Dylan aka Mr.Cr33p3rKill3r Here And I Decided To Make A Post About My Opinion,Theories,Ideas For The New Map "Die Rise" As Well As Perhaps A Idea Of The Zombies Map In Future DLC. Die Rise Opinions:What I Saw Some Things Many People Have Been Talking About Is The Power Switch,And How In The Trailer We See No Crafting Table Beside It,And Perhaps Die Rise Could Be A Survival Map. And I Highly Disagree, It Will Be TranZit. Why Do I Say This? The N4 Crew Are TranZit Mode Exclusive Characters. As Well As In Survival Mode Maps So Far Power Has Not Been Introduced. And From What We've Seen This Is Gonna Be A Big Map With Multiple B…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 24 replies
To me its abit of a hint, that PHD will be in Die Rise. We see in the 'trailer' the GreenRun characters hoping down elevator shafts, all on different floors. So to me it seems obvious that we will be given PHD, i think. Since it will help us survive the falls... Just my opinion, why it must be in it, otherwise its gunna be annoying, getting chased my zombies, plus taking fall damage
Last reply by Zom-B_Hunter115, -
- 19 replies
I just bought the season pass for revolution, and (idiotically) bought it on my second account... once i've downloaded the maps on my second account, will they be playable on my main one? All of the black ops 1 map packs i bought on my main i can play on my second one aswell but i was just wondering just incase it was restricted to one account. Will i be able to play the maps on any account i want on the same PS3 as the one i bought them on? Any help would be appreciated! :D
Last reply by Ourobos, -
- 21 replies
Die rise looks awesome, and tranzit characters there alright..... but there not the original four :cry: . I hope theres something about them in this, mentioned, heard.... idk i was playing old maps and its was just nostalgic with them... i hope these new characters only get this far into dlc and the last three with are former heros.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
This is not a leak, and everything I'm posting here is just another one of my theory's that I will likely go into great detail about the day before a new trailer is released but here it is: Die rise looks to be like tranzit mode, but instead of a bus and tourist attraction rural area, we have sky scrapers and buildings! And it looks to me that what we may see in the trailer is not all one building, BUT IT MAY VERY WELL BE just one building in the trailer, showing us different floors! But if it is separated I think it would go a bit like this: 1: Spawn: It obviously has quick revive, and IDK what else... And considering in the sneek peak we saw nothing of q…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
First of all... How the hell did the crew get to die rise, ITS IN CHINA!? In Tranzit the bus was going around picking up survivors. Why did they go to china? And if they went by plane they couldn't fly it because of the zombie apocalypse and all plane nav systems are most likely down soooo. yeah. Please leave thoughts and comments below!
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 0 replies
Firstly, i understand that this isn't the full zombie trailer, its merely a preview of the DLC. I just gave my thoughts on what we've seen so far. So with that being said, most, if not all, theories or ideas in my analysis are probably just that, theories and ideas. I am excited for Die Rise myself and hope it is not another let down because the zombie mode and storyline is something i absolutely love and have been a fan of since Nacht. Anyways hope everyone enjoys. Thank you for listening and taking your time to hear my thoughts.
Last reply by SiikzhotxKAGx, -
- 26 replies
(I´m spanish so sorry if I made mistakes, I don´t write English very well ^^U) If you look this photos, you can see that the room... Changes!! Now it´s upside down!! Like Mc Escher´s "Relativity" What do you think about it? :)
Last reply by yourmapper, -
- 39 replies
Look at that! They show all of the other characters but leave Russman almost completely out! There must be something that they're hiding from us! Now, in all seriousness, we all know that Russman is not that important in Green Run. Maybe in the grander scheme, but not right now. But he didn't even show up in trailer for a picture of his face. What am I trying to say? Just because Marlton didn't appear in a map pack trailer that isn't even the official zombie trailer, it doesn't mean he's disappeared or anything. He just didn't show up. Can we please hold off on the missing Marlton threads until official trails release at least? Tha…
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 3 replies
K so I want to talk about time frame. I believe Die Rise is before Green Run. Way before. The reason why I think this is because and the end the end of the EE of Green Run on Maxis's side. He said the Trichotumous(idk how to spell that right) system is now complete. If it's already completed then what about the other 2 towers? I think the dlc is gonna explain what happened before. Like how they met Marlton, what happened with the old crew , or even how Misty got a crush on Marlton.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 14 replies
It just doesn't add up. We are fighting the entire story line in Germany or America, and now all of the sudden we are going into another continent? It's also the same people from Green Run? How does that work out? How could they possibly get there? I honestly don't have any theories on this right now, but I want to look into this. What do you guys think?
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
- 84 replies
In the trailer for Die Riese the buildings looked modern. Were we wrong about the timeline was Moon actually set in the future perhaps?
Last reply by A11 L1V3S L0ST, -
- 1 reply
If anyone has seen the trailer for the revolution map pack you may have noticed Marlton was no here to be seen. In the beginning of the part for Die Riese if you can pause it fast enough you will see a zombie who looks ALOT like Marlton same white shirt rolled up sleeves but the zombie was wearing a tie and Marlton had more hair and a beard but it is a zombie. Also the picture that Marlton keeps in his shirt pocket can be seen underneath the zombies tie. Has Marlton turned or is Treyarch doing what they did before were they only showed three characters in the trailer for one of the maps in Black Ops 1?
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 0 replies
Tell me what you guys think about this theory. You start off facing the civilian zombies untill the power is turned on. When the power is turned on, it activates the military zombies along with the helicopter. The helicopter then acts as a transport simillar to acsensions landers going from roof to roof on buildings. Another theory for the helicopter is it could act as a safe place like in Kino Der Toten with a Pack o punch in it? You would activate a series of things to allow a portal to open to take you up to the pack o punch. There you would have a couple seconds of relief before placeing you down on a rooftop.
Last reply by Audio, -
- 6 replies
Hi first time posting, I have been lurking since the days of Der Riese and love the theories you come up with, so I thought I'd add my 2 cents. I was playing through the Black Ops 2 campaign when a thought struck me, is Ununpentium a rare-earth metal? In the world of Codz it does seem to be. For one thing it is stable in that universe and doesn't collapse after 100 milliseconds. So maybe the reason they go to China is because, having a monopoly on rare-earth metals, has vast amounts of 115 and this has led them to China. Richtofen was clearly harvesting the element from the zombies in the Green Run Easter so maybe he directed them to China so he can collect more of it? It…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 15 replies
As many of you can tell from the trailer, High Rise takes place in skyscrapers, in what seems to be a modern looking city. I've seen talk here that the map is actually set in the future: today's time as opposed to the 1960s, the time frame we currently believe Green Run is in. I'm here to tell you why that's wrong. But first, let's talk location. Location wise, we know the map is in the far east, China to be precise. This can be told for a few reasons, namely the architecture seen in the trailer and a few decorations. In the trailer, we see a few Chinese paper lanterns, plus we see the the room with the statue in it. I think that so far, we're all agreeing at China s…
Last reply by brett307, -
- 8 replies
Die rise comes out in less then 3 weeks, so it's a bit late to change anything about the game or introduce ideas to trayarch, but I still want to see you guy's ideas about what will be in DIE RISE! That includes buildables, wonder weapons, PAP ideas, perks, game mechanics, easter egg steps and new zombies! Once Die Rise is avaible Im making an Easter egg log btW so everyone here can keep up with the known info as far as I can... Worry about that later though, let's just see your ideas! I personally think that from each seperate tower there will be different ways to get on to other towers, such as the helicopter, the ground, or my personal fav…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 13 replies
as the title suggests... does this mean we have buildables? or is the hand simply there to begin with (ala Verrukt)?
Last reply by 83457, -
- 3 replies
So, the main thing that is new for Black ops2 Zombies is TranZit mode where you have a longer, harder to use way around the map or a quicker yet small way to go.So I was thinking when I say trailer that there are the elevator shafts and the dark 'maze-like' corridors, Remind you of anything? What im saying is that the elevator shafts would be the short dangerous way and the corridors the longer way if you don't want to take that risk. What do you think about it.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
So like FlamminWerfer im gonna assume this map is in Shanghai. I'll link his post cuz personally it think it's the best post on the Die Rise section yet: viewtopic.php?f=139&t=27305 Now, shanghai. The coast of China. Interesting. A quick search of Famous skyscrapers in Shanghai and you get Buildings like: Pearl TV/Radio Tower Bank Of China Shanghai Securities Exchange Jing Jiang Tower. Now let's assume the Nukes have somehow caused all four of these buildings to magically move beside eachother. First of the Radio tower, i won't go into that just look at Flammin's post. The Bank of China.. Considering he had 97k points at round one there…
Last reply by LegitimateRage, -
- 8 replies
I am probably being a idiot, but I don't recongnise Russmans gun in the die rise trailer, it's seen at 2:26 in the trailer. Can someone please tell me what gun this is?
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx,
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