Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
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824 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Since we're going to China, I thought about the concept art for Wonder Weapons from Shangri-la. Check these out if you haven't seen them. Since we are back in the Far East, I wonder if the Devs will jump on some of these concepts. I think the one that would be most interesting would be the multiple artifacts in the gun causing different effects. Also, for the heck of it, Pack a Punch concept.
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 16 replies
hello fellow zombieslayers seeing footage of die rise and the devs mentioning mc esher (not sure if its written like that)like puzzles with infinite stairways and such. i was thinking a new buildable equipment might be gravity boots or it may come as a perk like spiderman cola or something, allowing you to walk on wals or the roof. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPwQ4WCz4cU at 09:é( you clearly see a stairway and catwalk upside down while chairs seam to have fallen from what used to be the floor to the ceiling that leads me to thinking that maybe's there's an event during die rise wich flips?! the building periodically like the excavators would block yo…
Last reply by Baez le Piplup, -
- 11 replies
When watching the new DLC trailer you would obviously notice that Marlton was not in the video. Now what I think is that everyone has the dates all wrong and that they sent Marlton to Nuketown for some reason. He mentions something about being "banished" when knifing the bunker. IDK if this will help or not but just wanted to share my thoughts :D
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 15 replies
Remember guys. During the trailer, the devs said that it takes place in the far east. That is true. BUT who is to say that the nukes had not done something to shorten the distance? When the screen loads the in Green run it says northern Hemisphere. That can be ANYWHERE in the northren hemisphere. Now i know ive read some theories on TranZit being specifically in someplace but lets take that out for a sec and look at it as just the northern hemisphere. China (I believe) is in the Northern Hemisphere. Perhaps the nukes had shorten the distance? Imagine. 3 nukes launched onto earth? The blast radius could definately do much more that damage. Perhaps the bl…
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 8 replies
Hi!! I as watching the trailer when I noticed something HUGE that everyone has missed. In the MC. Escher room there is a statue. Near that statue, coming through the clouds, there are lights exactly like the ToB lights when you complete the easter egg. I will link you to a MrRoflWaffles video with the exact time that I saw them: at 6:57!
Last reply by NFSPLAYER, -
- 5 replies
Well, I first noticed this when NGTzombiesdid a breakdown of the trailer. SpiderBite mentioned one of the zombies looked like Marlton, and so I took a look at his character model. They're nearly identical. The only differences being the zombie does not have any facial hair and is lacking glasses. So, what do you think? Has he turned? He was not shown in the trailer, and that zombie looks to much like him for me to think anything else.
Last reply by livcyxingfoe, -
- 14 replies
So, as many of you probably already know, Treyarch have finally stopped beating about the bush and have released the trailer to the first DLC, entitled 'Revolution' (I'll put a link to the video at the bottom). It was the same as usual- Multiplayer maps looked "Meh" and zombies looked AMAZING. On the topic if zombies, the new map 'Die Rise' will see the new crew from Green Run return as they fight the undead in an abandoned apartment complex in the Far East (looks like China or somewhere in Asia). The map promises something new to zombies- a sense of height as players must traverse the dangerous and breaking-apart complex whilst simultaneously fighting off Richtofen's und…
Last reply by TheKingOfToast, -
- 17 replies
IT'S THE REAL TOWER OF BABEL! Just look at the shape of the building as it is depicted below.
Last reply by RichieHF, -
- 17 replies
Hello, and welcome to my theory on what I believe Die Rise will be like as a map, what game mode it will be, and a little about the storyline. Now, if you haven't seen the Revolution DLC Map Pack Preview, uploaded on Call of Duty's YouTube channel, here is the link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ruv2xMLuaoA This video shows us a lot about the upcoming DLC, but what I am going to focus on is the information we get about Die Rise. The location Reza Elghazi, the producer of the zombie team states that Die Rise takes place in the far east. Information that Amazon UK has released states that the map takes place in China. The location could be veri…
Last reply by Simply Epic, -
- 30 replies
they didnt mention one and we didnt see one used in the trailer after releasing black ops 2 without a wonder weapon already surely there will be one with the dlc.
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 59 replies
Now, I hate assuming, but let's assume that the map takes place in Shanghai. A quick Google search brings up this image(and many others): See that large tower on the left? That is the Oriental Pearl Tower, which was the tallest structure in China from 1994-2007 at 468 m (1,535 feet) high. What kind of tower is it? It is a radio/tv tower. Perhaps the new side mission in Die Rise is to re-activate this tower and communicate with our fellows on the Moon? EDIT: Also liked to point out this: Look how "far east" Shanghai is. EDIT 2: Also, here's another thing that's worth a mention. Take a look at one of the towers from the …
Last reply by Wesker1924, -
- 10 replies
Anyone else not see him in the trailer?
Last reply by Simply Epic, -
- 5 replies
Well we finally got the trailer for Revolution and man does it look awesome. Even cooler is the new game-mode, as it was not mentioned before, except for in the coding. This is not what I am here to talk about though. I am more interested in how the new crew got here... They were in Hanford, WA. USA during Green Run, leading me to believe that they had to take a boat of some sort. Either direction they traveled would require them to take a boat or a plane. I believe a boat would be a little more reasonable, as none of the characters reference being pilots. They don't reference being captains either, but I feel it would be a little easier. The other option is te…
Last reply by deathb4di2h0nor, -
- 18 replies
So Dan Seamans a Zombie developer just tweeted out moments after the DLC trailer. He Tweeted: Die RiZe Link: https://twitter.com/carbonfibah/status/ ... 6517761025 So i know this might just be a hype tweet but think about it, what possible mode of transportation have we seen in any posters... hm.. A Mother fuckin' helicopter!! Cuz think about it, the map will be multiple levels which would mean a aerial vehicle would be needed to get up/down the map. I can't see it being available at the first floor or whatever level we start at but maybe if you open a door or two maybe Tedd will be welcoming us onto a Cobra or Hipache. Would be sick! Also i think…
Last reply by CrazyTrain0917, -
- 4 replies
Alrighty! So some of you are either watching the preview for the all new DLC Revolution or are picking up your jaw off the ground after the sight of the new ZOMBIES! The new map takes place in China (as Amazon had detailed) and is full of pit traps and some very interesting mechanics. I will let someone else dissect the video and put up some details but i wanted to point out some interesting stuff. If you watch it closely something interesting is that there are meteors falling from the sky. Now, if some of you were aware, JZ was struck by a meteor on new years eve. Well. now we know what it was. Yep. It was a meteor! Now, no doubt we are gonna get so…
Last reply by AlphaOmega, -
- 62 replies
Ruv2xMLuaoA!!!!!!!!! Die rise looks good imo, characters are the same as TranZit. Turned looks like an interesting game mode. 4 Multiplayer maps- Hydro Grind Mirage Downhill Zombie map Die Rise, Zombie game-mode 'Turned' and the peacekeeper SMG! Multiplayer Maps: Downhill - is set in the ski country of the French Alps, where players fight their way down the slopes and through a ski lodge, while avoiding the moving hazards of the mountain’s gondola system. Hydro - floodwaters in “Hydro” as they contend for dominance of this hydroelectric dam facility in Pakistan, filled with treacherous spillways. Mirage - pits players in competitio…
Last reply by Dahniska, -
- 8 replies
All "leaks" aside, this happened and I'd like to talk about it. This is why: MC Escher is not like other artists - rather then being based on simple aesthetics, his style is much more mathematical, and seemingly organic in that nature. He is known well in the artistic & mainstream communities, but not well enough to warrant name dropping him for a Call of Duty zombie map IMO. Why couldn't they have just said - "turning downtown into a dilapidated and dangerous *labyrinth, *experience, *adventure, etc." You get the point. There are tons of other ways of saying, so why be so specific? Putting logic first, the most likely explanation is that the map is twi…
Last reply by MF_MaxiMillion, -
- 16 replies
He makes a reference saying 'I wouldnt trade this for all the tea in china, if there is even a china anymore'. Just stating this since in the background of the die rise in the gamestop poster there is asian writing on the wrecked buildings.
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 67 replies
amazon uk has leaked the details! http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/feature.html ... B009WK9JEC
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 1 reply
Where is everybody seeing this helicopter in the Die Rise map picture? I looked over the whole thing and I'm not seeing it.
Last reply by JMDogg, -
- 41 replies
It just doesn't make any since... Why would trayarch create such epic names such as shangri la, moon, der reise, tranzit, and nact der untoten that simply make your tounge cringe from how awesome it sounds.... And then make a simple "die rise" which isn't even a German phrase... The way to say "the rise" in German is: "der Anstieg"... The only thing that would make any sense to me that the map is half German and half English, is that the map will be in Berlin along the Berlin wall, with two seperate halfs... An American and a german... As it was with veruct... Either that or this whole die rise thing is a fake.. If it does turn out to be th…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 40 replies
Hey Guys My Name Is Dylan aka Mr.Cr33p3rKill3r Here Today And I Want To Speak About The Leaked Images of Black Ops 2 DLC 1 "Revolution" And But Mostly Zombie Map Die Rise. But I'll Speak Of The Entire Map Pack In General. Revolution:The Map Pack As Many People Are Calling This Fake, I Would Like To Bring Up A Few Points. Gamestop Get's Their Poster's For Game DLC's A Month Before The DLC Is Released,Which Is Why They Are Able To Have This Poster. And My Second Point Is Before You All Say This Is Fake, Think Back To Call of Duty 7 aka Black Ops. Every Single Map Pack Except For First Strike I Believe These Poster Images Were Linked. And They Were Also Linked Before …
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r, -
- 37 replies
I have this feeling its in Japan. After all Japanese had huge part on the story but were then forgotten after Shi No Numa. Its pretty obvious that Die Rise name is tweak from High Rise. You can see the high-rise buildings on the back and if you look closely they have those vertical light billboards on side of the buildings that are very common in Asia. Another thing we can see is soldier zombies and they could very possibly be Japanese troops. Then there is that red "blood stripe" effects in the side of the image. Reminds you of anything? Japanese imperial army. EDIT: Thanks to liam for the high res image you can now clearly see the bill…
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 142 replies
Revolution Trailer Ruv2xMLuaoA Die Rise Zombies are about to be taken to new heights, as the undead threat goes vertical in Die Rise. Moving along a series of collapsed skyscrapers, players must watch their step when fighting through the maze-like terrain. With brand new buildables and Wonder Weaponry though, players will be well-armed for this Zombies experience. So here we have the city in which the map takes place, with meteors crashing down, but there also is something in the sky. It could be a ufo or just a lighting glitch, I don't know. The Zombies eye's are blue, just to point out for people who though they where white.…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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