Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
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Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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824 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
So we all know that Die Rise is located in China, but we don't exactly know where. I propose that Die Rise is not even located on the ground of China, but in the air. Yes, I am suggesting that Die Rise is a floating city, not on water, but in the air. In this post I will give my reasoning and background. In-Game Analysis First let's look at a few pictures. There are pictures I found on a simple Google search, but going into a match and looking at the sky gives a shocking reality that while it is daytime out, the stars, moon, and asteroids can be seen cleary in the sky. And these things do not seem to be what I look up to in the nigh…
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 10 replies
realized that almost every map has a background. A 115-mine, a Group 935 station or a place where experiments has gone wrong. Most of the time it’s the last one. There is, however, one map which has no clear background: Die Rise. There is very little talked about this map, only few Easter eggs has been found and there are almost no theories about the place it takes place in. Just a collapsed skyscraper, huh? Maybe, but maybe there's more. This topic is not a real theory, but more a source that gives you brain food of where Die Rise takes place and what happened here. First of all, on the loading screen we see three words: Great Leap Forward, Province 22 and Die …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 24 replies
Permanent Juggernog Or Juggernog Pro there is a nice easy way to get Permanent Juggernog or Juggernog pro so i made a quick guide on how to do it ? It helps a whole lot This is not a glitch so does anyone know how to do the others ? Link: http://youtu.be/eRlTzrCG9oE
Last reply by MrCaffiene82, -
- 30 replies
they didnt mention one and we didnt see one used in the trailer after releasing black ops 2 without a wonder weapon already surely there will be one with the dlc.
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 25 replies
As we saw in the revolution reveal trailer Marlton was not featured(unless he was the zombie but this theory debunks that). So as we know Marlton was in the bunker at Nuketown and then he somehow got to Green Run(not nessisarily in that order). But from then on he doesn't seem to be present(so far). Okay lets get to the theory, which is based on two different quotes. Marlton says two quotes about being 'Banished' when he is in the nuketown bunker and some people say he says it in Green Run too but i'm not convinced. Now if he was 'banished' then that would make sense why he is not present in the trailer for die rise. If Marlton says these quotes in Green Run too that mean…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 45 replies
Thanks to FatedTitan, i'm 99% sure we'll get a trailer for Die Rise only. It was great going back watching the old ones for BO1 as it's kinda misleading watching break down vids before the maps are out. So if we look at Moon, CoTD and Shanri la they all showed who the characters were, the wonder weapon and the map feature (Waterfalls, Spring loaded jumps and zero gravity) Now the CoD website has confirmed that there will be a wonder weapon in Die Rise so expect a 5 second snippet of the weapon in action. As well as the 3rd person "Bad Ass" Standoff positioning in a very badly placed hold off area (making us think it's gonna be the place to be, kinda like the power area on…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 33 replies
After listening to constant complaints online and asking some questions. It almost seems like everyone going down has the an-94 in hand when it glitches. Now, if you notice, the an-94 is on the wall below this area. Maybe the gun wall icon glitches your speed so that it throws you so hard into the wall that you die, get stuck, bounce up in the air. If you have who's who, you can't even revive yourself because you are glitched on the slide. This and the 'zombies just die for no reason' glitch are breaking DR. I guess nobody would ever die in bo2 if not for the glitches... So, later in the day, when you die to this glitch, pay attention to what you had…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
So I joined a lobby with 3 others and was looking for a good game, I was disappointed. So we are in spawn room and 2 players are insistent on killing zombies in the spawn room for a couple of rounds. One player is saying over his MIC, I'm not reviviving any of you if you go down, you are all are shit at this game. So he then goes and opens the door to the escalator, I presume he proceeds down to the buildable table for the trample steam but not 100% certain. Anyway, we still have starting pistol on round 3, I'm working my way over to power switch and all I see is a wee yellow down sign pop on the screen. Then all of a sudden, I hear "you are all shite, I'm doing e…
Last reply by jessemt97, -
- 8 replies
All "leaks" aside, this happened and I'd like to talk about it. This is why: MC Escher is not like other artists - rather then being based on simple aesthetics, his style is much more mathematical, and seemingly organic in that nature. He is known well in the artistic & mainstream communities, but not well enough to warrant name dropping him for a Call of Duty zombie map IMO. Why couldn't they have just said - "turning downtown into a dilapidated and dangerous *labyrinth, *experience, *adventure, etc." You get the point. There are tons of other ways of saying, so why be so specific? Putting logic first, the most likely explanation is that the map is twi…
Last reply by MF_MaxiMillion, -
- 14 replies
So, as many of you probably already know, Treyarch have finally stopped beating about the bush and have released the trailer to the first DLC, entitled 'Revolution' (I'll put a link to the video at the bottom). It was the same as usual- Multiplayer maps looked "Meh" and zombies looked AMAZING. On the topic if zombies, the new map 'Die Rise' will see the new crew from Green Run return as they fight the undead in an abandoned apartment complex in the Far East (looks like China or somewhere in Asia). The map promises something new to zombies- a sense of height as players must traverse the dangerous and breaking-apart complex whilst simultaneously fighting off Richtofen's und…
Last reply by TheKingOfToast, -
- 23 replies
Die Rise I also got a chance to play through some of the new Zombies level, Die Rise. You start in what appears to be a hotel lobby, with a large desk, some stairs, an elevator…and a whole lot of sky where the wall should be. This is a skyscraper, and something apocalyptic happened here, because there are chunks of the building missing and destruction outside. “The environment is so different that it creates new gameplay,” explains producer Reza Elghazi. “It’s not just escaping zombies — you have to worry about your environment, and just dying by falling.” Zombies design director Jimmy Zielinski echoed that sentiment. “This brings a lot of verticality and risk to your m…
Last reply by MNM1995, -
- 15 replies
This is my first attempt at a theory...or whatever you wanna call it. But yeah, we all know how the zombies screamed 'Sam!' in BO1? In almost every map? So naturally, every finger pointed to Samantha Maxis, that she was in charge of the zombies, and would you know it, we were right! Now fast forward to BO2. Although I haven't personally heard any zombies say 'Sam!', I've been told that they have. So if any of you guys has heard anything like that or similar, I'd appreciate it if you dropped a comment. Now, here's the thing that gets me - Stuhlinger's full name is: SAMuel J Stuhlinger. I don't know, I don't really have that much more background o…
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 33 replies
Simple thread as I am just wondering how my fellow slayers are doing here. I searched for something similar but didn't find one. What's your current high round records on Die Rise? Mine are... Solo 39 4 Player 29
Last reply by Circus Cyaneus, -
- 17 replies
IT'S THE REAL TOWER OF BABEL! Just look at the shape of the building as it is depicted below.
Last reply by RichieHF, -
- 19 replies
Hey everyone, remember that image leaked a long time ago that has misty on a destroyed city and a helicopter on the background? This one: Theres even a thread here that says there is juggernog visible in the image, here is the link:http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21705&p=209118 Now, doesnt it look like the die rise poster buildings? the poster even has a helicopter! My point is, was die rise being developed even before the game release, or its just a GIANT coincidence?
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 40 replies
Am I the only one who became more attached to the T4 due to the cut scene at the beginning? As I watched it and I saw Stully consider suicide and Russman sacrifice himself, I just became a little more attached to the characters. Still enjoy the O4 better, but the T4 aren't as bad. Also, I'm calling it now. Last map pack features an 8 player map featuring all the characters together. Another thing I want to call now. With the cheesy mode names we're getting this year and with the leaked "Dead High" map, which honestly sounds kind of dumb, I'm saying that the last zombie map ever will be called Dead End and at the end of the Easter Egg, a teleporter will be…
Last reply by MF_MaxiMillion, -
- 15 replies
New Bank Found In Die Rise The two shower stalls that are across from the first sliquifier part. Right one is withdraw. Left is deposit. Try it yourself. There is also a fridge storage in the room right before it. Enjoy When you jump across from the key hallway, there is a fridge to the right. In the very next room is the bank. Video Guide http://youtu.be/FQ2enLiZChE
Last reply by MrCaffiene82, -
- 15 replies
Black Ops 2 Zombies Die Rise Zombies TV Transmissions This video will show you Die Rise TV Transmissions I did this with ETEINAL407 Does anyone have any theorys or ideas of what they mean ? If You Do Please Leave A Comment Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2fAECyUs9A
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
- 13 replies
Hey basically I've found a mahjong tile on the front desk of the starting are. Now what makes me believe that this is important is the fact the face pattern changes from game to game and some games it's not even there which makes me think that it will have some sort of role. Thoughts???
Last reply by ohhSteeZy, -
- 19 replies
I just bought the season pass for revolution, and (idiotically) bought it on my second account... once i've downloaded the maps on my second account, will they be playable on my main one? All of the black ops 1 map packs i bought on my main i can play on my second one aswell but i was just wondering just incase it was restricted to one account. Will i be able to play the maps on any account i want on the same PS3 as the one i bought them on? Any help would be appreciated! :D
Last reply by Ourobos, -
REALY DIE RISE, REALY?! Anyway basically the textures were glitched out. I was playing with mah buddy and boom textures glitch at the begining of the game! Sadly I didn't see the zombies but the textures were realy messed up! Has anyone seen this?
Last reply by Scoldon, -
- 28 replies
Hey guys, I finally want to share you my thoughts about the future of black ops II zombies, after having kept them to myself for a very long time. I'll begin by telling you what I discovered during my first playthrough of tranzit. I found out that Samuel was eating the zombies, which many of you did, but I also discovered that the next zombie map would take place in China. This has been proven correct. I was also thinking that Russman would die in the forseeable future, which has also happened in Die Rise. Well, while watching the loading screen animated comic on solo (Die Rise), I also thought of something: Maxis has a reason to want the things that hap…
- 12 replies
Its been located the Fridge from Town were you store your gun is now on Die Rise. How Cool Is That, And its in a good location. here is a short video guide you can use to find it. Guide http://youtu.be/CHwxZCzAa-k I have tested adding and removing a gun and it works.My gun from Tranzit was still in there What will we test next adding the sliquifier and see if its in Tranzit
Last reply by 83457, -
- 35 replies
Well, I'm sure we've all had the question, what time Die Rise gets released, SO, here ya guys go! EST: 5 a.m. CST: 4 a.m. MST: 3 a.m. PST: 2 a.m. Of course, there's always that agonizing hour that we all have to put up with downloading it (up to 3 hours *cough Ascension*), but I'm sure our fellas at Treyarch made it worth while! Here's to another great DLC thanks to our men and women at Treyarch!
Last reply by DafT][zOmB 22, -
- 14 replies
Hey guys, Connor here! Here is my latest little idea that suggests that TranZit (what we all made a massive deal out of) was just a stepping stone or inconvenience in the zombies story line. My proof? Here is the Die Rise loading screen, we can already see the silhouette of the man in the right hand side but I'm interested in the left hand side instead. Instead of having another page similar to the previous maps we have a TranZit post card instead which looks like it's falling out as if it's out of place You'll have to excuse my dreadful photoshop skills (I hate using the laptop touchpad) but here is the same image with the post card outlined. …
Last reply by Rankinnn,
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