Die Rise
High above ground, the terrifying combination of dizzying heights and the relentless undead may be your downfall.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
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Duplicate Posts -
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Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
824 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Alrighty! So some of you are either watching the preview for the all new DLC Revolution or are picking up your jaw off the ground after the sight of the new ZOMBIES! The new map takes place in China (as Amazon had detailed) and is full of pit traps and some very interesting mechanics. I will let someone else dissect the video and put up some details but i wanted to point out some interesting stuff. If you watch it closely something interesting is that there are meteors falling from the sky. Now, if some of you were aware, JZ was struck by a meteor on new years eve. Well. now we know what it was. Yep. It was a meteor! Now, no doubt we are gonna get so…
Last reply by AlphaOmega, -
- 37 replies
1. Die Rise / Great Leap Forward Loading Screen ============================== Mystery Man Who is this Mystery Man who features 4 times on the BO1 version of the Nacht Der Untoten loading screen? (Note - Mystery Man also on upper level next to the Transmitting Tower) ============================== Previous Map - Nuketown ============================== Previous Map - Green Run Loading Screen ============================== Next Map Hint I'm not a 100% sold on this but thought I'd include it. ============================== …
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 6 replies
Sorry if this has been posted about before but I found a website that explains some of the DLC achievements. The only problem is that I'm unsure of the validity of it. I don't believe this falls under leaked info either. http://www.examiner.com/article/black-o ... y-revealed Note that it says possibly revealed so that's why I'm unsure. Also there is usually more than three. Perhaps these are just a few. I'm feeling like the clearing all of the fog cheevo is the EE for the map. Perhaps Green Run does get an update as well as I've been speculating along wih many others. Maybe it removes the fog from there too. And if the one achievement is right perhaps a w…
Last reply by ballbearing32, -
- 5 replies
So Already i have found that die rise has not been able to really keep me interested as far as things around the map go after the easter egg, like how in tranzit, it had alot more idk what you would call it i guess "mystery" to it as after the EE we had the glowing orbs at the box and the beams and the Orbs on the tower that you can get to glow, now this could be due to the fact that (iam Expecting ) That Tranzit will have alot more added to it when the Final DLC Drops like a secondary easter egg. In comparison, Die Rise, it doesn't have that much more after the EE there isn't a lot more as nothing (expect the Antenna) changes really it seems they could have added alot mo…
Last reply by Nasdaq401, -
- 3 replies
Confirmed by Marlton's quotes about the bus. If you play as Stu just listen to the noises. All parts to the navcard table are near the Dragon
Last reply by EvilPotato, -
- 1 reply
While skimming through the Black Ops 2 soundfiles, I found one for the Die Rise intro that is a little different. Spoiler https://soundcloud.com/rissole-770292162/load_movie Definitely seems like an early cut. I believe this is Craig Houston's voice (he does the perk jingles and is one of the lead writers). Also some subtle differences with the lines, but it looks like they were going to use the round start sound at the very end originally. But yeah, I've never heard of this before, so I think everyone needs to hear it. It's just too funny haha.
Last reply by Smok3y, -
- 14 replies
So, as many of you probably already know, Treyarch have finally stopped beating about the bush and have released the trailer to the first DLC, entitled 'Revolution' (I'll put a link to the video at the bottom). It was the same as usual- Multiplayer maps looked "Meh" and zombies looked AMAZING. On the topic if zombies, the new map 'Die Rise' will see the new crew from Green Run return as they fight the undead in an abandoned apartment complex in the Far East (looks like China or somewhere in Asia). The map promises something new to zombies- a sense of height as players must traverse the dangerous and breaking-apart complex whilst simultaneously fighting off Richtofen's und…
Last reply by TheKingOfToast, -
- 142 replies
Revolution Trailer Ruv2xMLuaoA Die Rise Zombies are about to be taken to new heights, as the undead threat goes vertical in Die Rise. Moving along a series of collapsed skyscrapers, players must watch their step when fighting through the maze-like terrain. With brand new buildables and Wonder Weaponry though, players will be well-armed for this Zombies experience. So here we have the city in which the map takes place, with meteors crashing down, but there also is something in the sky. It could be a ufo or just a lighting glitch, I don't know. The Zombies eye's are blue, just to point out for people who though they where white.…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
Hey did anyone hear the background music in die rise, it's pretty creepy, just start a game and remove sfx and voice, and listen to the bg, preferably with headphones to hear it better
Last reply by bobane, -
- 12 replies
I know lot of us were thinking there is a bank and/or fridge in die rise as well, I'm gonna start to nade different areas in hopes of finding the bank. I hope there is one. Anyone have any info confirming there is one or not? Or possibly know the location if so? Thank you.
Last reply by A11 L1V3S L0ST, -
- 0 replies
This was just released yesterday in the patch. The secret bank is literally in the room next to the secret weapon fridge in the showers. You might have to crouch to use it. Hope you enjoyed the videos today! UOpTl1ajFZQ
Last reply by MysteryBoxHD, -
- 4 replies
Die Rise Building the "sliquifier" without buying any doors Building the "sliquifier" with no cost, we know this guide is a bit late but there are still see people paying for all the debris and doors to build the sliquifier What a lot of people may not know is you can build it on lvl 1 without spending 750 1000 credits for the doors or debris. But You will need the power on but you can use the service lift for that. Its Quite hard to explain but very easy to do have a look at this quick guide below and you will save yourself some money Guide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX2_SrZlHzY
Last reply by Blakwulf, -
- 1 reply
Alright, its about time I through out my old "challenge" book! Challenge 1!: Four players Similar to the tranzit challenge of "one for all" this challenge is much similar... "Tower defense"- Ok, so once the power is on, two players will head to the half-building and two will stay on the dragon building... The rules here are two people have to survive around one set if elevators and the others with the other elevators... Whoever survives longest wins... The only exemption is juggernog, pack a punch, and trample steams... The people in the dragon building can use the perks that spawn there: Mule kick, double tap, and juggernog when they want as well …
Last reply by Ourobos, -
- 1 reply
:lol: Ok this might sound little funny but we all know how are characters are trapped in a time loop by watching the intro cut scene but what was Richtofens reason for this maybe he wanted to kill them to get the energy needed for the main Easter egg or to take their souls I believe Rictofen was preparing them for their brutal death in buried to know what it feels like to die post a reply to this please :mrgreen:
Last reply by misterxcrowley, -
- 2 replies
hey looking for some guys to help me do the die rise easter egg trying to get it done before mob of the dead if anyone could help out i would reall appreciate it i play on xbox 360 and the gamertag is spidernos619 :D
Last reply by spidernos, -
- 1 reply
not sure if this is the right spot, but if you want to do high maintenance today send a message to gt: The BS Zombie I will be on all day and if i do get off i will delete this post.
Last reply by NikolaisVodka, -
Right guys my last thread got deleted because I advertised my youtube channel in order to show the video (WHICH I WONT BE DOING IN THIS THREAD) Basically we've got to the last stage of the easter egg, its taken us around 10 hours to get here. Its very hard.... But yeh I'll keep you guys informed of how we're doing and when we're done I will post a walkthrough :)
Last reply by BEYOND, -
- 2 replies
Die Rise Great Leap Forward High Maintenance Step 1: Get sniper (SVU) Step 2: Turn on the power Step 3: Stand on 4 golden symbols on elevators simultaneously -First one in power on the left -Second one down ramp from roof -Third and fourth ones in flinger room Step 4: Jump on symbols in proper order (locations) -M14 room -room under SVU next to elevator -drop off next to Richtofen dragon -room above Ak74u Step 5: Snipe balls out of dragons' mouths (Richtofen's and Maxis's) RICHTOFEN Step 1: Shoot Sliquifier a bunch of times at balls under lions' feet until they spin Step…
Last reply by Joeyohh9292, -
- 5 replies
You Must Have/Need: -Knowledge on Easter Egg (Richtofen Side) -Mic -Patience -Team work -Know your way around the map -SKILL This will be on PS3, if you think your up for it add me on PS3: Packeoow
Last reply by Packeoow, -
- 7 replies
What if the Die Rise "Easter Egg" is not on Die Rise at all? Why do I say so? Because I got the Nav Card from Die Rise, and am now playing on Tranzit with said Nav Card. I'm thinking using the Die Rise nav card on the Tranzit Nav Card table? Anyone with the table who wants to invite me it's xieon1. Update: A player can only hold 1 nav card. I went back to tranzit and had to switch out the Die Rise card for the Tranzit one on the ground. Regardless I'm attempting to build said table. I'm thinking the nav cards have to activate new parts of Tranzit. Because the bus driver asks for them
Last reply by xImJakeyy, -
- 2 replies
It sounds pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxGg2VHSuMs
Last reply by MildefEE, -
- 16 replies
I'm not kidding I've been searching in die rise theatre mode for ages and in the mouth's if the dragons are the ball/eggs on moon this could link moon with die rise maybe linking how that got to moon through teleportation, everyone try to do something with this ball, shoot it or activate it whatever ON EASY MODE, CUSTOM IT IS NOT THERE
Last reply by AFX31, -
- 0 replies
I'm just going to jump straight into this: The NAVcard table can be created again just like on TranZit, and also like TranZit it is placed under/near a tower. If you notice just above the table on Die Rise, a communications tower seems to be right above it, on the level that you have to use the crashed walkway next to the dragon to access. This could mean that the new map has a 'powerr up the tower' easter egg, similar to TranZit. I hope not, but we'll find out soon i'm sure!
Last reply by MNM1995, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys! I gathered information and I think I know what the Easter egg for Die Rise is going to be! I explain it all in this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKwZSAi ... ata_player
Last reply by brett307, -
- 9 replies
Rict. Pros: Doesnt require mystery box. Cons: Sliquifier. It could take 1 or 2 max ammos to get the balls to spin. Launching Zombies, Making sure all the zombies manage to get on the tramples. and making sure the trample is aimed correctly, if not you could spend round after round re-positioning the trample because you aimed it wrong or zombies breaking it. Maxix. Pros: all you have to do is survive 2 rounds in budda room, simple. Simply launch the two balls back and forth. can be done with just 1 crawler. Cons: Mystery box. It can take forever to get ballistic knife as russman, making sure that player gets all the points. THats hard to manage b…
Last reply by TheBSZombie,
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