This is for discussion of the Turned mode
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36 topics in this forum
- 24 replies
In order to avoid the torrential downpour of new threads both complaining and complimenting Turned without offering any new information, I am putting this thread up. Any complaint/feedback thread made after this will be merged with this one. So CoDz, what do you think of Turned?
Last reply by NeedaLittleRevive, -
- 44 replies
Does anyone else agree that unless they buff the Zombies at round 1 then everything is going to be WAY too easy. I mean i don't think i would enjoy playing as a Zombie if when you get close you just keep getting 1 hit killed by an Olympia or getting 1 hit knifed. Maybe they'll buff the Zombies somehow? Give them more health, special powers (Like shirker or Napalm) or just make you be able to swipe as fast as you can press the RT or R1 button down. I hope it turns out like Gears of War 3's hoard mode honestly. What're your guys thoughts?
Last reply by Marlton, -
- 33 replies
Nobody beat me to it for once. Excellent. So, let's just set up a General Discussion thread so we're ready. Okay, not saying this bad or anything, but it does remind me a lot of Left 4 Dead. Just that the way it looks for the zombie's camera among the 4v4 style. Now, special zombies. Screamers? I might like to run around as a Screamer myself. That's all my thoughts for now.
Last reply by Delta, -
- 21 replies
Ok, so today after getting a few nice games on Die Rise (amazing map BTW) I finally managed to get my shotgun emblem at a 223 k/d ratio. Awesome right? Just so you know I've been working on these for easily 3 months. So then I get them and I go cray cray. Afterwards my friend invites me to a game and we decide to play turned. Never really played it since the DLC came out, and wanted to try it out (especially the achievements). After playing 5 games I notice something (other than the fact that I was no longer a shotgun rank) EVERY SINGLE DEATH, WHETHER IT BE FROM A GUN OR FROM A ZOMBIE SLASH = A DOWN ON THE LEADERBOARDS. So I went from my beautiful 223 k/d to a 180 in 5 ga…
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 18 replies
Ok. So I recently got over a total of 1000 downs. I came from 750 before the DLC came out. Why? I rarely went down on Die Rise. Maybe a total of 50 in the amount of games I've played, but I didn't get it... So I went and played Turned. I played it before to just get those achievements done, but now I was wondering if the kills actually stack up to your Career Stats. And they did! But then I played another game to see if they added downs aswel.. although you don't really die in that game. I don't really get the purpose of adding this because right now I'm sure as hell to never touch that trash mode again. So keep an eye out guys. If you're on a high rank and pro…
Last reply by Skazizzles, -
- 17 replies
In the black ops 2 campaign there were side missions that a player could optionally compleate.. In these side missions you were in control of an entire force of troops and advanced weaponry... You were also given a satilite mode in which you could veiw the whole map and see everything at once... What if for the final dlc this side mission physics was transferred to zombies? Think about it, take green run for example, bots or opposing team members could play as Misty, Marelton, Samule, and Russman, and constantly keep provoking and killing YOUR zombies... In solo you are given satilite mode permanently and can at any point zoom in and take control of a zombie, the av…
Last reply by creepertrent, -
- 17 replies
Well, my other Revolution achievement guide got removed, but there're still a good couple Turned Achievements! --- Polyarmory- In Diner Turned, get a kill with each primary weapon in a Public Match. Monkey See, Monkey Doom- In Diner Turned, retrieve a chained Cymbal Monkey in a Public Match. I See Live People- In Diner Turned, kill the human while its decoy is in play in a Public Match. --- Not much to discuss, but I WOULD like to bring up one idea, the achievement descriptions say "in DINER turned". This could mean more Turned maps in the future because Treyarch felt the need to specify the map. Anyways, just a thought!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 16 replies
Ok, lets be honest, other than a few good laughs this gamemode is complete and utter shit. Now, I don't like to cuss that much, but that is how bad this game mode is. But, I think it could be a very good gamemode if done right. What would you do to make Turned better?
Last reply by Onlyzombiestanding, -
- 12 replies
I have played about 4 gameswith around 20 downs each and my shotguns are still shining. There was a tweet by jimmy zielinsky saying grief and turned didn't count. I didn't believe him totally but from the past few games of turned, i haven't loss my shotties yet.
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 12 replies
So, coming with the DLC, as many of you guys know, is Turned. Its 1 person, vs 3 zombie playable charicters, and you basically need to survive, and rescue all the the chained moneky bombs, as a side quest. Well, it seems this game mode is only going to be a Diner only map, and Diner will not be getting opened up for survival mode or grief, so my question is, do you think playing the same map and the same gamemode over again, will be fun? I think it will die very quickly, Diner would be a very good survival map if they opened it up but it doesn't seem like it is actually going to be opened up, and in my opinion, it will be fun for a bit, but after a coup…
Last reply by geetgeet3, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
First off, I'd like to say that I did enjoy Turned. There was just something gratifying about it. With that said, there was so much wasted potential here. What Failed? Reloading Speed Maps and the spawn locations Power-Ups Weapon loadout/cycle Points were used as score and nothing else Lag (not the modes problem, in any PvP environment, lag is your worse enemy) I feel that I've listed the main core problems, but if I've forgotten any or you feel like I should add more, let me know and I'll update this. Anyway, I feel like most, if not all, these problems can be tweaked and given the true potential Turned deserves. Improvement The Double P (or PP) System As y…
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 11 replies
I've seen a lot of people hate and look down upon turned... It's not that bad a mode... It's not the game, it's the map! 1: The map is pathetically small and confined, finding players is too easy and easy to rush the living... 2: There needs to be a way to eliminate the gun game of the map, or at least do this: You hold two weapons at a time: Kill one zombie changes the weapon you're not holding, however the weapon still continues to drop in quality until you have a starter pistol as your secondary... 3: Players and zombies are too easy to kill... It seams whenever I play, I can swipe all I want at the human but he will always be able to shoot me, and …
Last reply by BlazeyTheWolf115, -
- 9 replies
Here is some new info on turned. Apparently it is only on Diner, and u get a new gun for each kill like gun game. Also, zombies are faster and one hit kill the human. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/25/ ... -breakdown
Last reply by 83457, -
- 8 replies
I know this seems a little silly, but I would rage quit if someone were to make me a crawler. They just jump around you and you can only walk with your hands. Seriously though, from the look of the video, it seems the damage is kind of extreme for the guns. I'm thinking they might just do away with making crawlers. It would be far too easy for trolls to ...well, troll. If they do allow crawlers to be made, how will the rounds work? If they save a crawler, will everyone just be spectating until the next round, or will it be similar to NML in the sense that it goes by time and not rounds. If it goes by time, this means the zombies will be constant and a need for …
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 8 replies
After a good amount of time playing non-stop Turned, I found something out. I'm pretty good at this. So, I want to help you all out with some strategies that have been helping me out. Playing Zombie 1. Always rush the human! Don't give them a chance to take a breather. In fact, let some of your "teammates" ahead of you. 9 times out of 10 they will be killed, giving you a good opportunity to lunge at the human player while they cycle their gun. 2. When attacking, use both LT and RT. This makes a sort of lunge attack when near the human, making them much more easier to kill. 3. Don't move in a straight line. Always approach the human in a snake sh…
Last reply by Caddyman, -
- 7 replies
In Turned, what is a human decoy and a chained symbol monkey? Are these powerups you can get?
Last reply by yourmapper, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys & gals! Just been searching around (as you do) and I found a website called Polygon, not heard of them before but apparently they're pretty big: http://www.polygon.com/2013/1/25/391443 ... on-preview They have a lot of information about the 'Revolution' Map Pack, I'll post other information in other sections but here lets look at what they said about Turned: Some information we may have known about already but one that I certainly didn't know about is the '"Reverse Gun Game" Mode', they also mention single weapon modes. So with this in mind do you think there will be other custom game modes we can choose in Turned?
Last reply by 83457, -
- 6 replies
With the release of Vengeance, we can now get a new Turned map as well. How do you all feel about this? What do you want to see in it? Are you as excited as I am? Probably not.
Last reply by BriggzyJ97, -
- 6 replies
Would you guys think that the zombies could crouch, jump and whatnot. I think you could if you were using BRAAAINNS..... in previous games but I think they probably modified it because it might look a bit silly. Also... Dive-to-prone as zombie, anyone?
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
So today I was playing Turned out of boredom. I noticed something as a human. The eyes of the zombies were the wrong color. Likely a mistake by Treyarch, or a glitch, but then when someone was killed as a human, his eye color changed when he became a zombie. I know it's a little late, but there were no topics about this, so I figured I'd just put it out there. Sorry for terrible quality, taken with iPod, with glare from a lamp to my right. I won't use CoDTV because it won't upload anything for me. I would have used freecam, but I wanted to display names. I'm going to put only one image here, because they are nearly 2000 pixels wach and will cut off. Rest will be l…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 5 replies
If everytime a zombie kills a human player he respawns as that human player... When does it end? My guess is there are waves if a player gets to 30 waves he wins, if he doesen't another player who kills him tries.. That would be pretty cool.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
Just an idea that I believe would up the value of Turned. Turned doesn't seem the same (obviously) as normal Zombies. As in, the speed they run, zombies one hitting, no perks. I suggest that a system involving perks that is similar to the Sharpshooter mode. Turned's default weapon loadout is listed as "Reverse Gun Game", so why can't another Party Mode be involved. In Sharpshooter, you gain perks by getting killstreaks, or kills without dying. And they last till you die. I think that idea can work, except that it's based off your current score. The perks would work on Humans & Zombies. So you don't just lose it as soon as you die. You would keep it…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 5 replies
I decided to play a quick game of turned today. About halfway through, there were two human players somehow. Is this supposed to happen on occasion, or is it a glitch? My gamertag is minator177. I have a saved clip of it if you want to take a look.
Last reply by minator177, -
- 5 replies
Black Ops 2 Turned Polyarmory Achievement (Insta Kill Guide) To complete the achievement Polyarmory on Turned you need to get a kill with all primary weapons Listed below. This video will show you the easiest way to do it. Get Insta Kill Makes It all so much easier. This Video Is By Motting MeerKat Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXyfm0foHcA 1 Kill Wth All Of The Below Executioner M1216 M27 Chicom CQB KAP-40 M1911
Last reply by Infected115, -
- 4 replies
could there be a connection at all? stu clearly used to eat human flesh n whatnot he has all the symptoms could there be a cure that relates to the story? (as far as I know the vr11 was just a temp thing)
Last reply by Infected115,
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