Mass-energy equivalence, secret tests, crash landing perks. Survive in the iconic Nuketown, where the past and the future come together.
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37 topics in this forum
- 23 replies
So what is your highest round on Nuketown Zombies? Mine is 43. I am planning on going for 50 soon. :twisted:
Last reply by BreZnnn, -
Hey guys im new to the forums but for a few days now me and a friend have been fooling around with the easter egg theories on nuketown zombies. First off i would like to say that all the population countdown thing on the nuketown sign does is control the big clock that hangs above the crater that has the numbers 3,2,1 and 0 on it. Every 33 kills, the clocks hand moves from 3-2 or 2-1 or 1-0 or 0-3 depending where it is already. The fact that the nuketown population countdown has 99 on it every 100 kills is not related to the perks dropping from the sky as in solo before i had all 4 perks in round 9. So why would the population countdown go to 99 then if it had no meaning?…
Last reply by Pizzaboy5799, -
- 1 follower
- 42 replies
Nuketown and Moon occur at the same time. This fact is undeniable, given that we've literally been told by 3arc themselves: The problem that we've always had is trying to figure out chronologically when Moon/Nuketown takes place. Is it 1960-something, going with the Black Ops era? Is it 2025, going with the Black Ops 2 era? Or is it both, simply because Element 115 can displace objects in time and space? Well, I'm here to give my opinions and supporting facts on why Nuketown and Moon occur in the 1960's - and why the Nuketown loading screen itself happens beyond the year 2025. Events of Nuketown & Moon as they tr…
Last reply by GodOfWarrio, -
- 27 replies
So. Nuketown Zombies. Great map. But.....I bet some of you are sitting there getting curious as to when this map actually takes place. Well, fear not, fellow zombie gamers! I have legit facts and evidence regarding when this map takes place. I know this has been covered before, but certain things have not been gone over. These are important facts! Let's first start off with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963. This limited all Nuclear Testing to below the ground. As we can Clearly see, Nuketown Zombie's Nuke was positioned on a Tower. This is what we refer to as a "Above Ground" Or "Atmospheric" Explosion. These were, as I have said, banned in 1963. There were no more 'nu…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 26 replies
I looked through the posts and didnt see anyone talking about a possible easter egg on nuketown zombies. Is there one apart from the song because I noticed a few things in my last game. 1)I blew up the generator (outside the map, front of the truck) by shooting it 2) Richtofen speaks several times but there was a good one at the start of round 25 and he said something about "the power" and "the gate". is this important? I just rendered a video so when that pops up on youtube I will post the link. 3) Jimmy posted tweets about zeros (I think this refered to cheaters with zero kills at round 64) but it could also mean something about the scoreboard or clock in…
Last reply by HomicidalMonkey, -
- 25 replies
is it just me or does nuketown ombies seem very mu7ch to be the neglected zombies map,it seems tranzit die rise and the other suervival maps are more focused on.Anyone hav an idea why this might be?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 17 replies
I always thought it was a bubble nuketown time that happens on that map the soul transfer between Richtofen and samantha and also when "die" in the Bunker marlton and missiles fall to the ground on that map
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
- 15 replies
So basically Nuketown always thought a little, well incomplete to me, like Trinity Ave. it looks like it should have been playable and they could have done more with the map such as they could have made it bigger and have 8 perks (PhD, Stamin-up, Deadshot, Mulekick, Jug, Double Tap, Quick Revive, Speed Cola and Pap, but Jug would have to come before 20) I really felt that the perks were half-assed in BO2, except Origins where you can get all 9 but they nerfed PhD. So what are your opinions on this?
Last reply by Zombie_Slayer_115, -
- 13 replies
I previously posted this in the General Discussion, and asked for a Nuketown Forum, here is my repost: In regards to the Nuketown EE: I have been reading a few posts, and decided to try some theories out. Let me start by saying that I had no intentions of trying to EE Hunt while playing this particular game, but we decided to try it after a while of killing. Started to hunt after Round 25. As some of us know, after 25 we hear (what I assume to believe) the final transmission from Richtofen. and then something drastic happens. The eyes of the Zombies turn BLUE. Rounds 1-24, the eyes are orange (orange is the opposite on the color spectrum as blue, Samanth…
Last reply by unlawfully inacurate, -
- 12 replies
Hey there. I'm thinking a lot about trains in Nuketown. There are those 2 behind the houses. If you go crazy, can make 4 out of those 2. I've also found a circle in the center by running around the Stone and Sign there. Now I'm wondering, have you got any other circles? Cause it feels a bit weird. I got like 5-10 circles on Farm or Town, and Nuketown with about the same or even bigger size has only 3. Hmm. What about specific routes in the center? I just think, there are too many narrow spots around. What about the houses? Anyone tried some drop down thing? I do think, that circles including the inside of any house is not working due to narrow spots again.
Last reply by ETEl2NAL407, -
- 12 replies
Wanted to elaborate more on a theory about Nuketown. Went into it briefly in another post but wanted to expand on it more then I had. One of the main topics BO2 added to the story line was Broken Arrow. It seems like the main story line on Die Rise, since it’s mentioned the most there, but it was also part of Buried. It’s the only real backstory we got to the N4. I can’t say for sure what Broken Arrow is, but I do have a theory of where it is and part of what it might have been researching. This theory is based on two assumptions. The first being that we never have a global outbreak till after the Moon rockets hit. And the other is that the TV messages on Tranzit an…
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
- 11 replies
Hey, I keep Dying between the round 5 and 10 because of the various zombies speed. Usually jug falls on round 10+ because i'm unlucky as hell and I can't reach this round. When I watch videos of other peoples it seems pretty easy for them, but me, I can't dodge zombies, they keep tap/double tap me. Anyone has tips or training to survive without jug and dodge the zombies ? Thx
Last reply by MixMasterNut, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Has someone pointed this similarity out already? If you don't see what I'm getting out, note the bubble thingies coming out of both the... guy, and the excavator, they look identical. Also note the craters in the background of the excavation, it suggests that it's happening on the moon... yeah... but we don't know much about the actual location of the Nuketown loading screen comic book. Something else I'd like to note is the hue of the background in both panels, which features a very light blue with distinctive brighter patches around it. We can really only ASSUME that it is Nuketown since the comic is shown on that map. @Tac did point out that the line…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 10 replies
There's this little power box thing right outside the map over the fence near the front of the red truck that seems to "blow up" when u throw a frag (haven't tried other explosives) at it. Anyone know anything about this? I mean maybe its connected to some EE in Tranzit? After all marltons here, the bus sounds its horn here and is near Green Run on the map.
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
- 9 replies
In Nuketown, we have perks mysteriously falling from the sky. To keep this short, could the cause of this possibly be the the moon has been destroyed and the perks from the map are falling down? It's a stretch, bet hey, it's Treyarch! Let me know what you guys think.
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I would like to report 2 strategies for Nuketown zombies. These strategies are carried out by spawn control of zombies. 1. I recommend this for solo play. At first, a player stays at backyard with a shelter. When zombies spawn, the player starts to slowly go to another backyard. When the player arrives at another backyard, he kills all zombies there. Then the player slowly go to the backyard with a shelter. This strategy is very safety. And this can be used until about R40. The film of this strategy is bUynWk6B1xg 2. I recommend this for coop play. At first, 2 players stay at backyard with a shelter. When zombies spawn, a player stay …
Last reply by TheAgalon, -
- 8 replies
Alright, so I mainly believe that, Nuketown was in the 1960s due to evidence (Cold War, original MP map containing Spetznaz vs. Americas, etc.), but what if the 115 that was revealed after the atomic blast actually displaced Nuketown on the timeline, sending it to present day? It would explain TranZit's Bus Driver, the Die Rise ads that say "since 1996" or "since 1997" (can't remember which one it is), and Nacht which appears in TranZit (but we already know that it's because of the displacement). I still believe that it's in the 1960's along with Moon and then TranZit, "bridging the gap" between the two games, but I just wanted to get this theory out there. I haven't …
- 7 replies
I love this map! Nuketown zombies is so fun and really easy to do a "rapetrain" My highest round is 36, if you wanna play add me on xbox - jordansk8 I've done videos on this map too:
Last reply by Jacob Vickers, -
- 7 replies
Hello people of the fourms! Are you like me? Find Nuketwon just a bit to bland? Look what I have to say about it and forward to the Developers if you like it! Let's get into the content: Doors: You should be able to open up the bunker area in the back of green house. Down there would be Wunderfizz which is their automatically at the start of e game. This door would cost 3000 points to open. There would also be an MP40 on the wall for 1400 points. The Shed behind green would be a good area also. Perhaps it could be opened for 2500 points. Inside would be the KSG for 1750 points. The Sickle would also be inside for 4500 points. Perks: I think that the perks that s…
Last reply by z0mbiegod, -
- 6 replies
NASA photos Does this look like the loading screen? I think so....leave ur thoughts As requested as some of us may not be familiar with the nuke town zombies loading screen.... Besides the obvious that both devices really look the same, you have the clamps at the bottom, the basic shape of both objects, as well as they seem to both be made by someone who knows their rocket stuff (Nasa?) however the apollo mission to the moon....still a secret. speculation is both machines look very very eerily similar as well as the dates for the apollo mission to the moon happened within 10 years of supposed nuke town map as we have all spe…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 5 replies
nuketown is bus route B! i'm not saying this for no-clippers, i'm saying it for treyarch. nuketown is in nevada, and green run is in washington, yeah, it's 2,107 miles away, but we don't care! go on google maps and type in Hanford site, washington! AKA NUKETOWN! tranzit is to the right of audrey, past helen. you can hear the bus horn in nuketown, clarifying that it's close, because the 115 sound waves can only travel so far (excluding the demonic announcers)! this all happens in 2025! I AM RIGHT!!! ROUTE B IS REAL!!! (next time make bus route C be the white house) i'm a crazy richtofen and i do it for the believers! moon, nuketown, and tranzit happen at the same time! ted…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 5 replies
Seriously, are we every gonna figure out what the hell is going on the comic screen or at least who is doing the excavating, or how they managed to build a giant floating spaceship thing to drill 115 from the Sedan Crater? Sure, it could be the U.S. but how exactly do we know WHEN they're doing this? It's in Origins, shown as a concept essentially, so if it's dating back to 1918 then how many times has it been used?
Last reply by The_Giant_935, -
- 4 replies
So in the map nuketown you fight for your life after a weapon testing explosion. At the end however rockets from "moon" come down and blow it up. While this is all great in der eisendrache we blow up the moon before this can happen. So nuketown is still there and if Marlton is truly in the bunker than what will change, nuketown is still there and 115 weapons would still be tested there so what will that change and for better or worse? Tell me what you think.
Last reply by The_Giant_935, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Sorry, @DecendintoDarkness I've said there was an upcoming OoFM, but unfortunately I felt like I had no Mystery this time. It's rather a summarizing explanation of what happened at the Nuketown Facility. I self felt a bit confusing how everyhting chronologically happens there, so I decided to create this post. For myself and the community. Grand thank you for @PINNAZ's Zombies Library and @RadZakpak's updated Timeline! So.... the Nevada National Security Site is an United States Department of Energy reservation located in Nevada. It was established on in 1951 for the testing of nuclear devices, covering approximately 3,500 km2 of desert and mountainous terrain…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
I was just wondering if anyone knows how to activate the songs on nuketown. I know if you press the 3 teddy bears it plays some weird (not so good song)_ But iv'e heard other ppl say that there is 3 songs. One is if you cut off all the manicans heads, Does anyone know if this is really true. And if there is 3 then how do you activate the 3rd one? By the way I'm looking for a good player to do a 2 player leaderboard round. Hit me up on PSN
Last reply by SuPeRmAn8860,
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