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  1. My Asylum Threads, the medals, donations, hell my UOTM Cyan Robe.. Its been almost 5 years. No explanation and truly I did not expect to feel this gut wrench as I logged back in. I am excited don't mistake that. I hope someone will make it right and redeem what name I had. I missed you all very much and I know I never was able to express that. So many great memories and I hope more to come. I know other people find themselves here just as I did to rest from whatever they maybe going through in their lives. To get away for a bit. Its a hell of tough world out here.. Thank you for allowing me a place by the fire again to rest a bit. UOTM "User of The Month" would nominated by someone, then voted those nominated would be voted on by the community. Things like this cultivated a friendly competition. It gave us a chance to be apart of something bigger. A Thread or Theory could only be add to The Asylum by an Admin. Usually if a Theory is added its only because it either became a fact or it was just that damn interesting. I am unaware of how its now... UOTM wasn't always the most active, but they did put some thought into a post. You could tell they sat down, researched, then created and theorized. At times I believed I learned more from Zombies than I did my history class... We all would be tested by the facts vs unknown respectfully. On rare occasion you would witness a Theory led to another and it was almost as if our community manifested certain things. We began to see our debates bring new life in game. To be among other great minds debating lore, deciphering messages, creating guides, creating new ways to play this game with our own events....etc. To be among other great minds to name a few: @MixMasterNut, @GRILL, @anonymous, @Electric Jesus, @Mysteryo, @Lenne, @Hells Warrrior, @Tac, @Spider @InfestLithium - before becoming an admin I remember having to take the Reigns of The Zombie Olympics, while you were on Vacation. The implementation of Liquid Divinium as a website currency was a clutch move. I still have The Call of Duty Zombies TCG cards and the instructions on how to play my man! I don't think anyone will every be able to get these cards. They are one of a Kind. @PINNAZ worked so hard and gave us one of the greatest Audio Archives. Sorry we could never get a decent match! @RichKiller This guy has been credited for solving a lot of the Ciphers. @MrRoflWaffles as a staff member.. who now is a go to for no nonsense guides and his incredible love for Call of Duty Zombies. Youtube: MrRoflWaffles There’s something poetic about the idea of lost recognition. Debating lore, deciphering messages, creating guides, creating new ways to play this game with our own events.. All the posts I created confirmed that maybe I truly did think I did something special here. Coming back to a place where you left a mark but feeling like a ghost.. I was apart of something bigger, only time will tell. A new dawn awaits and I look forward to a bright future.
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