Welcome to the Forums, hope you Iike it here. I would suggest doing an introduction of yourself, just to get acquainted with some of the other active members here.
I know that specific quote Jessica has, can also be heard when buying a wall weapon for the first time, buying the Bowie Knife, as well as receiving your first PaP or Double PaP weapon (not sure which one).
It may just be a quote for spending points for the first time. Until we have a better understanding of the "Apothicon" & "Keeper" Languages, we may not know the answer.
I wouldn't focus on the Paper Bags too much, if you think they may lead to something, I would suggest having the "Apothicon Servant" built, but not actually having triggered the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote.
Actually I would suggest anything you look for have the "Apothicon Servant" built, but don't actually have the "Upgrade_Ready" Quote Trigger. There must be something were missing in between building it and triggering the Quote.