Perhaps I've just been spoiled by Der Eisendrache, but I feel that Zetsubou No Shima was a REALLY lack-luster map.
I mean it's defiantly a gameplay-orientated map. I'd play this map over and over, that's not in question, but
after the Origins Robot, Groph, the Bows, the MPD, Blowing up the freaking moon, and the rest of that fun map... It just feels a little underwhelming to escape a boat, swim to an island, plant some plants, get some weapons, then kill takeo.... I felt that unlike SOE and Der Eisendrache, the story didn't progress until the end of the map came around. We had a lot of potential for the story to further it's self with Gersh, Yuri, the dragons, takeo as a tree, and whomever was in the bunker... But It didn't... It was just... Oh yeah tak's in the basement, go kill him...
Maybe it's just me but I felt the easter egg of this map was more lacking then any other easter egg we've ever had.
That being said, the map has brought a lot of new things to the table,and is still a good map, just... I feel the easter egg was VERY lacking.