Thats some real interesting stuff you got there. Given the fact the blue liquid is Element 115 (as Richtofen states that the robots run on 115), this is additional evidence that E115 is the physical manifestation (crystalline, liquid or gaseous) of ethereal energy. To quote something from another thread:
"We consider Element 115 as a physical substance, in reality it is a highly concentrated crystalline variant of ethereal energy, these electromagnetic fields in all matter. (...)The Aether, Vril, 115, the Welteis and ethereal energy, it might all be the same thing, or similar; merely in different concentrations and/or substances. This energy is omnipresent and forged the Multiverse, and it wasn't until the Elder Gods started to seed this 'space-time' in our perceivable, physical universe, that rocks and crystals of E115 were a thing."
In Buried and Die Rise we learn that ethereal energy is omnipresent in all matter. At the same time, we learn that 115 shouldnt exist in our physical universe. While this seems to contradict each other, 115 is meant with ethereal energy in a physical state of matter, which shouldnt exist. Ethereal energy originally exists only as energy, but these Conversion Generators seem to transform it into liquid, perceivable, 115.
Cool to hear about that difference between the four classic elements and the fifth, Aether, I have never linked this with Origins before. We have the staff of Wind (air), Lightning, Fire and Ice (Water).